Monday, April 7, 2008

Honda Ridgeline Aftermarket

Today my birthday girl and I am glad not be in labor. The think and feel every day that has passed through it, each size of clothing, shoe and shoe that has changed, every word you said, each new feat, and I see it evolve in my mind from its first image newborn baby today. From the day they knew I was pregnant.

And yet I think to myself and I find those days so long ago that I am still always the same. As if my not fit all the time that if you fit in it as if the seven years are measured differently in my accounting.

But if I think a little more inside, over the years I have fitted several lives, and Lenin that I have lived: at this time I spent living in two different cities for three different houses for two important men, by a idle state of professional dedicated to my offspring, a family business and later by a larger with greater ambitions and an open future ahead. For many trips, and lots of laughs, and many appointments, many companies either Reid, ratitos many conversations with many people or alone on my couch hall. Many people, as always, many more and some magnificent a couple of them missed. For some crises that have been making lots of noise, but at the end of lace for my life, leaving me more details I did not know, the best of my loved ones, and a lot more knowledge about themselves that have helped me to know you better , know a little more than they can and wants and not everyone. Be aware of who can and want, lots and lots of unexpected. I've gone from pedestrian to driver. At some point an observer tied and restless and agitated my chili natural active. I met the most important person in my life, my affection more continuous, the only person I've been wanting to now how patient, constant and unconditional. I have enjoyed and still enjoy it. And I and I keep learning. My daughter, the torpedo loving, cheeky and good. I do not look much

back and I noticed that different. Sometimes associate new flavors to old pictures and memories and put it into words. I just look forward to provide the nest egg, maybe next holidays in dreams possible trips to enjoy twice, the dream and then lived in completely different destination safely and running, without getting the least amount they obtained does not seem at all as planned: two enjoy instead of one. I look at what we have to eat soon and buy foreseeing.

No sé donde estaré mañana, puedo intuirlo medianamente, ni idea de pasado mañana. Imposible imaginar que será de mi dentro de otros siete años. Pero deseo que mi vida sea tan excitante como lo ha sido hasta ahora. Deseo que me queden por delante muchos más años como estos. Voy a soplar mi vela.

Pensándome en detalle, sé que no soy la misma geográficamente hablando, y también hay notables diferencias físicas. Felicidades y gracias, Gade. No sé si soy más fuerte ni mejor, pero sí que tengo muchas más ganas.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Write A Poem For 18 Birthday


Como no me había ido, no voy a decir que he vuelto. Tampoco voy a decir que no tenía nada que contar, because as you imagine all that in my case, it is never true. What I did not have the energy needed to sit down at computer to write and write and write, I've spent a somewhat diminished temporadilla ... So I've been breaded with tropocientos libretillas notebooks and living in my head bed and ears of the poor Inti ready to bleed and have reached several times. And with my friends and sister, who also have oozing little (they are far more years of training).

But this morning Sunday best to do nothing, which is to prolong my Saturday to do more of the same, I found an issue he camouflaged planted worthy of debate and posed Andreílla Unhinged Monica: BORROW panties, lo and behold what question, and even more the risk that you go and leave them.

I must confess, Andreílla Monica suspect that as well, yes I am one of those that pay. In fact, I once took a curious event which it relates.

I had gone to the family home to bask Inti Galician holding a banquet for the birth of the child only child of the clan, and only awaited Matriarch Mother's grandson and nephew of the rest. Inti's family home is a Gynoecium as my own, only much larger. At that I was sitting at the table the four sisters of Inti, the Mother Matriarch of the same (hereinafter abbreviated and MM), a friend of the MM, a daughter of the friend of the MM, Mari, our personal assistant of all households Inti circle, which is a multi-purpose women's homes as we have medallions, sausage supplies us natives of killing Leon home and gives us to have conversations that never end (when she and I hooked directly dusk and dawn thread several times). And the Ninth Element at the table that was me. In case you have not noticed, there was not a single ass man, chairs for miles around.

In this relaxed, intimate and all were female, with Mari, who I suspect that is hyperactive, and out of all doors (some even at a time) fetching and carrying, placing and removing it from several sides and making them replenish. And one of the things we put on the table right from the bowl with soup and pork loin dish with oil, and between the incoming and the first, were a cute fuchsia microbragas with the question floating in the glider which air "now you are good and all, let's see who are they?". Because the panties in question had days like turning a book bookcroser from table to table and bed to bed, from room to room throughout the Inti ecosystem without anyone being held accountable for them nor sly wink one eye. In this way all visitors of newborn offspring, relatives or neighbor member satin, gas installer boilers and even reviewing the plumber to come to pore plugging a pipeline leak shower, all without exception had been given away with the presence of panties, some even several times in different locations.

There were no excluded by discarding. Neither GM nor his friend because privacy is very intimate and within that area going around (which I tell you that I've seen several times). But they soon settled as a matter of responsibility sizes and relaxed took a box of chocolates, they sat in their seats, well disposed to the good little bit of enforcement. I must say that here Mari quickly dismissed that possibility, too lightly in my opinion, because if there is something that allows absolute freedom of sizes including micromínimas is lingerie, and if you watch the stunning Brazilian ass ( also known as "Buyang) microtangas invisible. I still think I should have thrown a little more of that thread, but anyway: I did not direct the investigation ...

Sister One said No way, she was a midwife and recent and would like to use these prenditas, but could not remember the last time I had worn something other than the panty shaper and functional by holding that only by looking at it stretched their points. And the rest of us a bit overwhelmed in our intimate anatomy and no doubt it one bit. The daughter of the friend is mad because she did years ago who never went by that house, and ate a chocolate. And I stayed five suspects. Mari was beyond question, his arms akimbo and his eyes Inquisitor. Only four. Two sister said she did not look at her, she's lose, lose in other places, and all nodded. Stayed three. The heman Three and Four sister told me no, me either, and it was plausible that both have clear, because they are the two usual residents of the house and took the most time watching her pants derived from place to place with no one to complain. So after a short while of beating the partridge, and suddenly and without warning, silent and turned all their faces and their views to me, who stood outside in a strange house given to the exquisite delight of caldo gallego. I could feel the sixteen eyes (which are many) stuck on myself, I raised my view of the plate with my spoon suspended in the air, not knowing who look or if left open or closed mouth, remember if he had concentrated on already swallowed or could escurrírseme the stock at the corners. Mari

broke the tension and silence, and waving her index finger against me, he snapped defiantly, "since it is already clear, are you." I swallowed, just because I was dripping a little broth, and i didn't get to say "hey that is not what it seems that I have my own house" no credible, because the truth is that I had no good argument I excluded from guilt because they all know of my utter lack of scruples to give everything I have without exception (which is generic, without more, and to my knowledge this has never been bad).

The Auto Mari Judge concluded that the facts had were the following: one day a sister D H, with high probability that the two had gone out to my house so many times, ready for a fresh (or not) cuchipandi. In the heat of beer would have been the thing rolling and moving the time of the morning, Sister H (probably the two, but also ruled the three) would have been too lazy to return back to his mother's home. Driven by the lethargy and torpor of the effects of ethyl (if not prevented) have concluded that it was best to stay overnight at my house, not being that even the first time. That morning, after waking up and stretching, and probably after taking a Resalim driven by bodily discomfort to carrying excess, have decided to take a shower. That cleans and is nice and cool as a toilet after that, there would be felt like putting on your clothes the day before, more than likely apestante to snuff and the odd spot of liquor, like herself, had itself Mari have seen temples and temples of times, (if you you had to remove the Coca Cola of clothing you will take the cup with another firm, "he added.) H's sister (whatever it was) would have clean clothes borrowed from my own closet filled with them. That given my few qualms about the kinds of intimate (and I did not get the capital for detecting if said with second or first) and my facility to lend all, I would have given up panties (as she knew more than enough as it was not the first time it happened, and argued with a stop unnecessarily aggressive for my taste, the sister Two Culot has a white colored circles that while theirs before me now belonged to me), and that after exposure of the evidence could only conclude that those unclaimed panties were mine, period.

also was used against me that is worse that I fell to my lingerie and has a well-stocked collection of really cute outfits and sexy as all of them and it seems impossible that at such pants I could accurately recognize what is mine and what not. Not occurred to him that I could watch them all as children, which may be thousands like San Luis, but unique and different for each mother. No, I do not think. Nothing

served for anything, not that I alleged that my panties all have a thousand laces and ribbons and printed and Sedita and lycra were those with a solid color like that. Not that I care so my pants do not usually lose easily and basking in the event that I accept that this can happen (which hears many strange things are possible) I do know perfectly which is the member who attends low, and until I cried bitterly, and after restoring, I focus enough energy on trying to recover itself, because so far I've always got to remember where I lose.

Well, if you want rice catalina. Mari panties I stood next to the dish and I went home with one's own use and other non metiditas put in my bag, which to date I still do not know what ass had sheltered. I for that to continue a little research and really do justice to the good, the one day I brought up that the Inti and I were having dinner lounging on the couch and stood in front of his eyes asking if they were hers ( for what not to discard anything or anyone with that intimacy that is very intimate and quiet and private ...), but looked at me "that I know of no" and went on chewing. I returned to save them without insisting more on the subject, knowing that he will not even lie about it and because I had suspected that they were too thin for him, wondering whether it would be within the Peper also possible they were right with his theory conspiracy ...

Since then I have a drawer in my bedroom for visitors, which is that where I'm keeping the stuff they use for loved ones haunt me for more than twenty-four hours and with some backsliding, shirts and underwear that leaves the Inti, their socks, black as coals when they come to my house and they are converted into pristine white after going through my laundry with bleach, pajamas and a multi-use blister cotton panties, printed and functional with Puntillita and yoke and are Nuevitas and brand for all friend who is sleeping in my house without requiring me to return them. And now rest here, waiting for a new exciting life, right next to the mysterious fuchsia panties.

PS: Dedicated to Monica and Andreílla, guilty after months of re-publish a post (Ha! laugh at the high motivation to write about Philip Roth at the hotel in Braga, say Prague).