Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Use Guitar Hero Dongle Drums

Nation without my book

Starting Wednesday
coming out on the newsstands a series of collections on Julio Bocca with the newspaper The Nation, a book + DVD for 29.90 pesos.

I have to clarify something: a year ago, my publisher contacted me because original draft included my book, which was to be published in 12 booklets sold with the DVD (for the same price, readers would have the DVD and also the most comprehensive existing biography Bocca). Half of those rights would be for me, and half for Bocca.

But in December last year, people in the Maipo (ie, Julio Bocca) refused to include in the collection other publishing material that was not them.

So the booklets are coming, but not my book.

also need to know that since I published my book, regained 5% of the money I spent on it.

is clear that with this job I was not destined to get rich ...

Here, note that the nation dedicated to Bocca in last Sunday's Magazine. The last attachment is a video interview I did.