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Print addthis_pub = 'alongidv'; addthis_options = 'favorites, email, digg, delicious, myspace, facebook, google, live, more'; addthis_logo = ' / usaweb / images / DOSthumbnail.jpg '; addthis_brand =' U.S. EMBASSY MONTEVIDEO '; ESPAÑOL Freedom of information is the foundation of free and open societies Obama Administration amends a law enacted 43 years ago By Jim Fisher-Thompson, Published June 12, 2009 Washington - academics, journalists and ordinary citizens seeking access to information held by the U.S. government believe that the Freedom of Information Act, enacted 43 years ago, is one of the bastions of democracy . The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), enacted in 1966 and refined over the years, allows individuals and organizations (including organizations and non-US citizens) applying for access to unpublished documents held by agencies of the executive branch, without having to explain the reason for your request. When the FOIA was enacted for the first time, was considered revolutionary. Only Finland and Sweden had similar legislation. Since then, 80 countries have enacted similar laws, said Tom Blanton, director of the National Security Archive, a leading U.S. research institute that collects and publishes information gathered through FOIA. President Lyndon Johnson not enthusiastic when he signed the law requiring the executive make available to the public many documents on request. Many officials felt that the transparency required by the FOIA would prevent them from transmitting sensitive information in documents, thus impairing the function of government. Since its inception, the FOIA has become a popular reference tool for journalists, academics, businessmen, lawyers, consumers and environmental groups. Has contributed to the opening of the workings of government.
under FOIA, the fields of information are exempt from disclosure, personal information, certain business secrets related to national defense and foreign relations, and secrets trade and business. The law does not apply to the other two branches of the U.S. government, namely the judiciary (federal courts) and the legislature (Congress), or states. States have laws similar to the FOIA covering state government information.
In 1996, FOIA entered the digital age when Congress amended the law to provide public access to electronic information. Federal agencies provide information online about how to request documents.
January 21 on his second day in office, President Obama directed the Department of Justice to further enhance information more accessible to the public. The Attorney General Eric Holder, whose department oversees the management and processing of FOIA requests from federal agencies, published a series of guidelines on 19 March in compliance with the orders of Obama. Calling the policy Obama as "a radical change in the way the government sees transparency," Holder added that the FOIA "reflects our nation's fundamental commitment to open government" and that the new guidelines "are intended underscore that commitment and make sure that is put into practice. " The new guidelines, which apply to all agencies of power executive, including the requirement that, when responding to a request for information, agencies should ask: "What I can disclose?". The agency should not withhold information just because it is technically allowed to do so. The guidelines also call for: - Releasing records in part if they can not fully disclosed. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OVERSEAS
Other countries have experienced first hand the impact of increased transparency of government through laws like the FOIA.
Recently, the Freedom of Information Act in the United Kingdom, passed in 2000 but only implemented recently, allowed Heather Brooke, an American freelance journalist, exposing a government scandal. The journalist, who lives and works in the UK used his experience as an investigative reporter in America to make requests via the FOIA regarding expenses claimed by MPs.
Brooke's request sparked a lively debate in the House of Commons, to determine if the governing Labour Party could get an exemption from the statements of expenditure, according to the new law.
A major British newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, had access to some of the information and published a series of articles identifying 80 members of Parliament as alleged abusers of government expense accounts. The findings led to the resignation of House Speaker of Commons.
China is also experiencing greater government transparency, after recently promulgated its Regulations on the Disclosure of Government Information. The law, a year ago, has resulted in more openness, being an example is the Finance ministry's decision to publish online the government's 2009 budget on 20 March. In the past year has been reported to the Chinese public as much information environment.
Like its U.S. counterpart, the China FOIA also requires government agencies to submit a public annual report on actions taken to disseminate information to the public.
For more information, English on the steps that follow federal agencies to arrange
FOIA requests, see the website of the Department of Justice.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

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Teresa Repetto Bocca (1916-2010)

I just learned of the death, a few days ago, July's grandmother, Teresa Repetto of Bocca. The dancer and his mother Nancy, Teresa's daughter, threw her ashes into the sea from the pier of Mar de Ajo. "It was very strange, but emotional," Bocca said. "When you see the ashes falling suddenly I realized that in reality we are nothing."

From left to right: Nancy Lojo, Julio Bocca, Teresa Repetto and Nancy Bocca, during the party after Bocca's last performance at the Met with ABT, the 2006
(Photo: Angeline Montoya)

(...) Teresa Josefa Repetto was born in Olivos, in the province of Buenos Aires on December 4, 1916. His parents, Juan Bautista Nuncia Repetto and Rosa Marchetti had been Italy during World War . Nuncia Rosa came from a wealthy family, but when their mother died, the money began to move from one relative to another "and vanished. "My mom did not have much study, but was very intelligent. He learned to read and write itself," says Teresa. In Italy, before her marriage, Pink Lady Nuncia company was a young woman who studied singing in Milan.
Teresa and her five siblings were born in Argentina. His early years were marked by poverty. The Munro family lived in one of the many villas that lined out in the country. Repetto Juan Bautista was in charge of the exploitation of fruit. "Every day," says her daughter Teresa, 'people came to beg. Then my dad was going downtown once a week, to carry goods with a cart and horse to the cafe at the Mill. In confectionery, we delivered in a bag all the things that were unnecessary. The Good, separated for the poor and that, for animals that were bred in the fifth. Then people went and my mom gave all his bundle of food and mate. "Teresa worked since childhood to work with home economics. It started as a seamstress, tailoring wedding dresses, and continued in that office until after retirement, when he followed sewing ballet costumes.
That young man just 19 years, always well groomed and dressed, was Nando who fell in 1935. After two years of dating, Teresa Nando and decided to marry. Nando moved Munro and a year later, in 1938, the same year that the first Atanor chemical factory opened its doors, had to Nancy, his only daughter.
Julio Bocca, life in dance , ed. Aguilar, p. 28

Over seven years in the making of my book on Julio Bocca, I was lucky enough to get close on numerous occasions to his grandmother, in particular Quattrocascine, the hamlet the birth of her husband Nando, the grandfather of July, when he was given honorary citizenship. I was also invited to the birthday 85, Teresa, in December 2001, with the whole family Bocca.

My book before its publication, had many chapters had to be cut so that an encyclopedia is not endless. One chapter was the story of the ceremony, which was very summarized in the published version.

I decided to copy it here in its entirety, in honor of Teresa.

Nancy Teresa and her daughter walk slowly, arm in arm. They have put their jewelry and perfume. Teresa wearing a brown skirt. Nancy covered with a poncho-pant set blue jacket. Not wearing socks in the cold, always have warm feet. Have been painted and walk the streets of Alessandria. July and the rest of the company are about to reach the Teatro Comunale, a concrete behemoth that dominates a tree lined avenue. Night falls and the cold becomes severe, even if we are in April. The two women think the ceremony the next day. It is not the first one I attended, and probably not the last. But it has a special character for the whole family: a Julito going to give honorary citizenship of Bosco Marengo, the hometown of his grandfather Nando. In fact, Fernando Bocca was born, as her three sisters and three brothers, Quattrocascine, one of the five villages that make up Bosco Marengo in Piedmont. His wife, Teresa, and daughter, Nancy, have come especially from Buenos Aires for Saturday's ceremony. Tonight, will attend the function in July and his company, Ballet Argentino. It is seven and still have time: they are not very quickly in the theater. They stop at a bar. Thus, their jewelry, perfume and everything, enter the first bolichitos encountered. A dark, noisy, smoky and smells, blankly women and men who have drunk too much. Without hesitating even a second, Teresa and Nancy were sitting in the only free table, still covered by ashes, bread crumbs, sticky spots. Nancy asked for a tea. Teresa, a cappuccino. Sit without touching the back, right two, almost solemn. Teresa mutters: " I think we're a little out of place ." Nancy replied: " is to think we are in another class because we are so arregladitas, they do not know is that we are like them, humble origin." When you pay with the same elegance and the same dignity and find their way to the exit. Slowly, they go to the theater. The hall is still empty. Some girls in red uniforms prepare the programs. Teresa and Nancy want to stay in the stalls before show, " July not to bother, because you do not like us to walk around before functions." Also take them to the stage. They feel a little misplaced, perhaps more than in the bar. They know they have to be there, believe that July is not going to like it. July leaves his dressing room, still in his jeans and embroidered diver. Nervous. We have said that all the people of Quattrocascine, including mayor, will attend the function. Torments him think of the morning ceremony, meeting with relatives of his beloved grandfather died so long ago now. More than twenty years: an eternity. Julito, however, remembers him as if he were still alive.
The two women eventually return to the hall and sit in front of a round marble table, looking at people beginning to enter. After ten minutes, a group of five people entering the hall. Obviously are not just spectators. Teresa gets up: "Here come ," says Nancy. By embracing Teresa, one of the women, Rosa, has tears in his eyes. Nando remembers his uncle, who knew when it was so small. The presentations are in Italian: Rosa and Laurence are the daughters of Domenico, Nando's older brother. They are also their respective husbands, and her daughter Lorenza, Laura. All gather around the round table. Rosa and Lorenza brought photographs of their families, as well as Nando regularly sent from faraway Argentina, where he decided to settle 70 years ago: one of him and his young wife Teresa in civil marriage, one of Teresa, Nando and his daughter Nancy, when was still a child, on a beach in Rio de la Plata , a third of Nancy in her First Communion dress made by Teresa ... One photograph shows an elegant couple: he, with an impeccable suit, handsome, and she, with a style typical of the thirties, with hat and fur coat. The two smile at the camera, cheek to cheek. Gradually, all the people of Quattrocascine meets in the lobby of the theater. They are all excited, as if they reunite with the same Nando.
At first Teresa was eager to come. Said to be tired to make such a trip at 84 years. July had told him what I thought. That would be a nice ceremony. Every so often, he called to his home in Munro, in the province of Buenos Aires, to know what would, to ask you out, to tell you how important it would be his presence. Until the last moment, the grandmother leaned toward no. " Finally, I relented to pressure from the family of Quattrocascine " [1] , accurate. On Wednesday April 4, 2001, Teresa and Nancy began a long journey to the heart of the Italian Piedmont, a plane took them from Buenos Aires to Madrid and then to Milan, where they arrived the next night. There, without even taking a break, attended the function of his grandson and son, Julio, who danced in the Ballet Teatro Argentino Piccollo in the middle of a tour of one month by France and Italy. On Friday morning, all went by bus to Alessandria.
The arrival in the city of ninety thousand inhabitants, capital of the province, repeated a rehearsed routine and repeated over dozens of other tours: take the bags off the bus, wait for the tour manager , man-orchestra tour, divide the room, unpack, and for July and the cast and crew, review the theater. Teresa and Nancy, meanwhile, could finally take a little time to rest before preparing for the role and, above all, to meet with family Quattrocascine Bocca.
Sitting around the table in the hall of the Teatro Comunale, Teresa, Nancy, and their distant relatives speak of Nando. Marchesin Laura, the daughter of Lorenza, remember what I always told the village elders: that the Nando uncle, like his father before him, was an excellent dancer. A tradition family that his grandson would take up their summit in July.
Finally, the red-clad ushers announced that the feature is about to begin. Slowly, the group gets up and goes to the huge room with concrete, some Soviet-style forms and perspectives. The seats are all occupied, there is not a single seat. Quattrocascine, at that time, is a ghost town, virtually all of its inhabitants have gone to Alessandria to watch dancing Nando's grandson. The lights dim and the stage are two silhouettes against the light. Start the Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber. Gently, the silhouettes are linked and unlinked. As the intensity of light increases, appear the faces of the dancers. Lino Patalano appears on the back of the room. Question, anxious, half aloud: " applauded" the public when he saw Julio? "Everyone seems very nervous. The show ends with the crowd on its feet, cheering the famous Argentine dancer. Behind the scenes, the crowd massed in front of his dressing room. Contrary to his habit of running away as soon as the show is over, July greets everyone with a lot of patience: the Bocca Quattrocascine, the mayor of Bosco Marengo, Carlo Demicheli, but also a classmate of the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires, Andrea Man, who now lives in Italy. Finally, Julio and his usual entourage, the ironically named "VIP group" - are going to eat at a restaurant near the theater. Nancy and Teresa, who comes with an enormous bouquet of roses, accompany them.

The next day is for Julio and his family, the truly exciting time. Being honored in the hometown of his grandfather is in the life of a dancer, a unique event. This time, there is a working compromise which will congratulate you on your career. This time, his blood is speaking. The depths of his being. And preparing for the event and for a party. Her clothing shows that this ceremony will not because you must, but because he wants " From the time he dressed well, is because I wanted " [2] . An impeccable black suit, blue shirt: understated elegance breaks with his usual informality. Although you can not avoid getting their boots captive cowboy.
Shortly after noon on Saturday, April 7, a splendid black car is parked in front of the hotel in Alessandria. It is up in July, Teresa and Nancy, who never leaves his poncho to combat cold, but insists on wearing open sandals. They are treated like princes. In fact, two police cars escorted the procession from Alessandria and Bosco Marengo and then to Quattrocascine, halting traffic in the streets and roads adjacent to let the convoy. Ago are still in a van, Lino Patalano, marketing manager, Gustavo Benavidez, the assistant director of Ballet Argentino, Andrea Candela, her boyfriend and enlightening Miguel Cuartas, the tour manager, Ruben D'Audia, dancer Cecilia Figaredo and the costume designer, Osvaldo Pettinari.
First stop: the municipality of Bosco Marengo. The official ceremony of honorary citizenship must start at fifteen hours. The main room of the municipality, on the first floor is packed. July sitting in the front row, surrounded by his grandmother and mother. It was not until the Argentine consul in Milan, which fails. Julio is still. Talk to your colleagues, with his grandmother, with the mayor. You can tell different. Throughout his career he has received dozens of awards, has been granted honorary citizenship of other cities. But this time, everything is a little different for him. It feels different. Is different note. But it is still far from imagining what the people of Quattrocascine has prepared.
Finally, the consul arrived and the ceremony can begin. The mayor, Carlo Demicheli, Bosco Marengo recalls that already has an illustrious citizen: Pius V, born in that town in 1504, Pope of the Church Catholic between 1566 and 1572 and beatified hundred years after his death. July is not a pope, but Demicheli is proud that the grandfather of a star of his stature was born precisely in the municipality of Bosco Marengo. "Birth registration Nando was made by a scribe also called Bocca ," says Demicheli to emphasize that here, Bocca are majority. Lino funny the first time it is recalled that he, in July and visited his grandmother Teresa Quattrocascine, thirteen years ago, asking the family to the first neighbor Bocca found. "Bocca I am," replied the man. "Look how lucky was surprised Lino, just the first thing we see is named . "Actually, the funny thing would have been not meet a Bocca.
After his speech, Carlo Demicheli then delivers the marriage of Nando and Teresa's grandmother in July, and the birth of Nancy Nando. July has a slight smile.'s like a little away. Strange. Excited. Julio is excited and it shows. At the exact moment that the mayor gives him the diploma of honorary citizenship, the bells of the village church, in perfect coordination, touch flight. Dozens of neighbors look out onto their balconies to see what it is. A camera of the broadcaster RAI immortalizes the moment. July smiles to photographers exhibiting the painting with the declaration of honorary citizenship. In the back of the room, Cecilia Figaredo and Andrea Candela crying uncontrollably, " as if we marry the baby " [3] . Julio did not cry, but has a strange presence in his throat when he thinks of Nando, who dreamed all his life with his grandson became principal dancer of the Teatro Colon. Here, at this time, Julio feel that the circle started by Nando closes perfectly. You feel part of a fantasy, a love of art Italian workers and their descendants imagined for a path full of glory. The road in July, exactly, has traveled far, to return to their beginnings to the sheet that includes the birth of his grandfather in the village of Quattrocascine, 18 September 1907.

Courtship, always escorted by police back to the road and heads to Quattrocascine. For Teresa and July, were already there in 1988, this is a reunion. But Nancy had never been to the birthplace of his father, and his heart a little when squeezed through the window, they teach the number 4 Calle Milano: here, in that white house with red tiles, a few meters of the church, was born Fernando Bocca, ninety-five years ago. The town itself consists of a main artery road-Milano-and some cross streets. A few homes and businesses. In 1920, 388 people lived in Quattrocascine, whose name comes from the four houses that were the convent of Bosco: the Pollastre , the Cà Bianca, the Masina and the Forchino. Another version, however, ensures that the origin of the name lies in the cassate or Cascine, land houses were built there. The first recorded house dates back to 1600. In the last century, with the economic crisis of the thirties through, it was pouring Bosco Marengo, in 1901, had about five thousand inhabitants. One hundred years later this figure had halved. Today, the small town of Quattrocascine, built around its church and protected by its high bell tower 32 meters is surrounded by cultivated fields even though the land is dry and arid.
The black car is parked in front of the church. July solemnly out of the vehicle and a woman with an umbrella attached to the door to protect from drizzle. At the same time, the bells again, sounding flight, while Julio enters the church where the priest awaits. Later Dancer friends speak ironically of the day as her marriage: the civil to the municipality, before the religious ceremony in church! The priest makes visiting the temple. The altar and the balustrade, steps are precious marble. The baptismal font, the same as the grandfather of July, as all children in the village was named, comes from the convent of Cà Bianca: pink marble, copper pot and a silver cup. This same church witnessed a singular event: the birth of the legend of the beautiful Giuditta, a descendant of Bocca. In his historical novel Frascheta della Giuditta, Pier Luigi Bruzzone tells the story of a brave woman and participated in daring ambushes in the mountains of the region in the Napoleonic era in the early nineteenth century, and fought alongside men against foreign occupation. His nom de guerre, Giuditta, came a day when a French soldier tried to steal the crown of the statue of the Virgin of the church. A nun wanted to prevent the sacrilege, but the soldier fought back and knocked her down. Just then a woman came from people who, on seeing the lifeless body of the nun, she thought she was dead, threw himself on the soldier, snatched his sword and hit him so wild that seriously wounded. The woman left the church in state of shock, with the bloody sword in his hand. Neighbors immediately associated this image to a fresh church Cà Bianca representing the biblical Judith returning to his village with the head of Holofernes in one hand and his sword in another. That was how the woman took the name of Giuditta and began his life of adventure and war. Almost always male clothing, Giuditta fought alongside the Russian general Suvarof and married an officer of his entourage, with whom she had a son. He moved to Russia, which returned to the widowed. The house he was born Giuditta is located opposite the church. After belonging to the family Bocca, changed hands. Today, the garden remains a bust for heroin.

along the church and the priest listens to the explanations carefully. With his hands folded on his belly, in a respectful position, like a president visiting a foreign country. Finally, the procession leaves the church and heads for the building Society of Mutual Aid, behind the temple. Founded in 1833, Società di Mutuo Soccorso of Quattrocascine was located opposite the church square. Their goal: to provide assistance to its members in case of illness or accident, in exchange for small annual or monthly fees. Also guarantee the population access to primary education and attended by the youngest child of his asylum, and organizes the annual ball for the Feast . In 1929, however, the fascist regime abolished the status of the Company and cast members of the Board, and had to wait 18 years to be reborn as such.
entry to the room the Società Mutuo Soccorso, which was part of his grandfather, his grandfather and several uncles, is under a thunder of applause, there is meeting almost all the people who were waiting patiently the arrival of the dancer. The number of people is such, in the small rectangular room that the passage is difficult to open up to the stage, decorated with a huge bouquet of flowers and three banners: one of Society, another of the Comune di Bosco Marengo, and a third of Argentina. Four wicker chairs, a microphone.
Nancy and Teresa, bright, walk slowly through the crowd that applauded, reaching the stage where the seats are installed next July. Secretary of the Mutual Relief Society begins a discourse on Nando's so exciting that all eyes are bright. Nancy is falling tears down her cheek. The Julius, who claims in his autobiography never mourn in public, keep your head down, looking down, close your fists, squeezes fingers. The memories are crammed into his head: the white house of Mar de Ajo, the pier where he was fishing with Nando, burly man who played the role of grandfather and father at the same time, the first stunt with him, his voice thick with which claimed: "Julito be dancer." And that day, that bloody day in January that the death took forever.
Cecilia Figaredo, Andrea Candela, and other friends of July, installed on the side of the room, see Julio marvel in that state of emotion. They themselves have a lump in my throat. Cecilia again, crying inconsolably. " Those who know him know he was very moved " [4] confirms Cecilia. When it's in July to speak into the microphone, merely express, in a perfect Italian, but his voice breaking, his surprise, his excitement and appreciation. Gave him a family tree and a magnificent Bocca photo album that chronicles the youth of her grandfather. July can not believe what he sees. He had not expected to feel much emotion. The delivery of birth certificates and marriage of Nando in Bosco Marengo, was the first surprise. There, with the album in his hands, realizes the zeal with which all the people prepared the ceremony. The gifts that the president the Mutual Aid Society gives are much more valuable than any medal he received in his life. The surprises, however, have not yet finished. Amid the ceremony takes the stand a very old man, who claims to have been a friend of Nando, Giuseppe "Pepe" Melato. Despite being 14 years younger than him, Nando remembers playing with marbles. Pepe's grandmother is about Teresa and hugs. The photographers' flashes crackle in the room. Everyone applauds. Watch the scene softened in July. Finally, Mayor of Bosco Marengo, which has also displaced Quattrocascine invites those present at the entertainment prepared in the adjoining room. There, the show is surprising on three long tables along the walls, accumulate tons of food. All the people have cooked to honor July: sandwiches, cheeses, hams, pies, sweet pies, regional specialties, wine, soda, until a cake with the picture, with sugar and chocolate, one of the dancers company, inspired by a photograph of the show's program on Wednesday. The food is so abundant that it seems to be enough to feed all the people for a week. "The most July was thrilled to realize that was the common people that moved to organize the event. It was something that was born from below, with love, pride and respect. It was like saying this artist is ours, his blood is here, is a son of the people " [5] .
is located in the back of the room. Everyone wants to bring him, talk to him tell his story, his own testimony of the first thirty years of the life of his grandfather. It is chaos, but Julio is left there, answer all the questions, pose for all cameras, until firm Autograph-hate thing, "does not reject to anyone, seems to feel as among his people. No signs or impatience or boredom. Come little, are overweight, but always smiles and looks at all.

So, surrounded by almost everyone in the village of his grandfather, Julio Bocca symbolically closed the first stage of his life, at 35 years of age. A story that began in the early twentieth century, in a village in Piedmont, in the humble home of a blacksmith and followed, unexpectedly, a journey of glory and international fame, eighty years later.
Julio Bocca's story began here in the province de Alessandria, de donde surgen su abuelo y su abuela maternos. De su padre, aquel que no figura en su partida de nacimiento y que nunca quiso reconocerlo, se sabe poco o nada. Julio, en todo caso, lo quiere borrar de su genealogía. Su nombre es Julio Bocca. Con ese apellido se destacó como promesa de la danza al ganar la medalla de oro del Quinto Concurso Internacional de Ballet de Moscú, en 1985. Con ese apellido figuró en los programas de las compañías que lo contrataron. Y fue para homenajear al que le dio ese apellido que regresó a Quattrocascine, con todos los honores de un rey. Julio Bocca. Punto y aparte.

[1] Teresa Repetto Bocca: Interview with author
[2] Cecilia Figaredo: Interview with author
[3 ] Cecilia Figaredo: Interview with author
[4] Cecilia Figaredo: Interview with author
[5] Cecilia Figaredo : Interview with author

© Angeline Montoya