Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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Rome Prize awarded Julio Bocca, director of the Sodre Ballet of Montevideo

Julio Bocca, based in Montevideo for a year and a half, is the new director of ballet Sodre, told AFP the president of the Official Service Broadcasting, Broadcasting and Entertainment, Fernando Butazzoni.

"It's a very strong signal as to the excellence that is intended," said Butazzoni, who took office last March 2, after the inauguration of President José Mujica.

Mujica gave himself the designation "an unexpected and enthusiastic support," he added Butazzoni.

In fact, "was a gold brooch" that the president received this Tuesday Bocca in his office in the Executive Tower to celebrate the designation.

Bocca, 43, said after the meeting that Mujica "conveys peace, tranquility and security, the three qualities needed to advance this new challenge."

Retired since 2007 after a public spectacle with more than 300,000 front of the Obelisk of Buenos Aires, Bocca "had already expressed interest in collaborating" and was designated with "enthusiasm," said Butazzoni.

"And this advice Sodre gives importance to develop their bodies estables, entre ellos en ballet, que estaba muy relegado", agregó.

Bocca, que ensaya y da clases de danza en Montevideo, anunció que se propone una "reorganización" en el método de enseñanza, así como extender la cultura del ballet al interior del país.

"Es un cambio que se tiene que dar. Traigo la experiencia de incorporar al ballet a las provincias argentinas, cuando no existía la cultura en el interior" en su país, señaló.

Bocca comenzará trabajar "en abril o mayo", y "para 2010 tendremos un presupuesto especial para el montaje de alguna producción, aunque aún we do not know, "said Butazzoni.

also said it expects" international choreographers come to Montevideo and the participation of some dancers, like (Uruguay) Maria Riccetto, one of the most important figures in American Ballet ".

At a press conference, Bocca said his interest is the" standardization of education in ballet, inviting foreign artists to present new works and replace others, as well as signing agreements with South American dance schools for promote educational exchange.

(Agence France Presse)