Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Milena Velba - Girdle

Diary of a Dragon, has crossed the 200,000 visits. Pedro Almodovar and Leo

These days, my blog has exceeded the 200,000 hits. Being a personal and not tied to other cultural news is quite an achievement. There are other blogs that are very busy, why hang on news of classical writers and artists, as well as notes on current political and literary interest. But my blog is a personal weblog. In

Dragon Journal, upload my latest poems, stories, excerpts from novels. But when I want, I do not politically correct interviews, writers recognized. I also do, features about concerts and events they attend in Madrid.

Most visits I have are of English, and Europeans (mainly Germans and French, according to my accountant). Then follow the readers I have in the United States and Latin America.
Although very busy lately with work. I try to have updated this blog.

With a book of poetry, readers can have are a minority, even in the novel, but are a best seller, the people who can buy a book, not much. More so if you care to make a creative writing, without concessions to the market and trends.
why the Internet is a valuable tool for the dissemination of the work of a writer or a freelance artist.

thank all readers who have joined me in solitude of their computers and clothed me with your love and affection.

A hug to everyone.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Shelter En Streaming Gay

Programming and National Ballet auditions

This is the 2011 schedule Sodre National Ballet, directed by Julio Bocca:

addition, the National Sodre Ballet announces its next international hearing for the period between 1 February 2012 to December 31, 2012. The audition period will November 5, 2011, 9:00 am to 18:00 pm. test consist of a complete class (bar / center), proceeding to request removal from the bar.

The registration will take place from May 1 to October 15, exclusively via mail by completing the form ( to download from here ), and in compliance with the following requirements:
1) Accredited training in classical ballet (use of pronged exclusive).
2) For the dancers are required a minimum height of 1.60 meters. and in the case of the dancers with a minimum height of 1.70 meters.
3) In both cases is fixed at 18 the minimum age (age on or before February 1, 2012) and maximum 27 years to audition.
4) physical state (health card or medical certificate day).
5) Certificate of Secondary Complete
For further information and inquiries contact from the May 1 ballet.nacional.uruguay @ gmail.com

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Quotes For Facebook Picnik

Sodre Julio Bocca, Mexico

comes to Mexico Julio Bocca exbailarín

By Rosario Manzano

View original note here.

MEXICO CITY, April 12 (adopted) .- The first exbailarín of American Ballet Theater and now head of the leading ballet company of Uruguay, Julio Bocca came this afternoon to Mexico to participate in the reality " Moving Opera Prima ", which is projected every Sunday on Channel 22.
was a June 26, 1985 that a 18 year old stood up to the Bolshoi Theater ovation. It was the young prodigy Julio Bocca, who swept all possible gold medals in the International Ballet Competition in Moscow, one of the most prestigious dance in the world.
According to his biographer tells Angeline Montoya, the applause was given for more than fifteen minutes even more puzzled and somewhat overwhelmed a young Bocca did not have complete clarity of what was happening.
Every time he returned to his seat on stage, greeting the public demanded more of the artist. Among those applauding him was Vassielev Maia Plisetskaya and Vladimir.
"His stage presence, his huge jumping ability and turn predicted that the Argentine would dance to a higher level of sublimity and perfection that was only the flamboyant and charismatic about Nureyev and Nijinsky's revolutionary and pioneering. "
invited to give a master class which will see its fate is at 20 selected from 22 reality, Bocca will give his own interpretation of a class art from the knowledge acquired during your stay as a student at the Colon Theatre and later as a professional dancer at the ABT in New York. Bocca
will also give tips on how the dancers perform during the gala to be held at the Forum Theatre Arts. And have an interview Consuelo private Sáizar, president of Conaculta, private office has in the Palacio de Bellas Artes, Bocca appeared on numerous occasions where one of them crashed into one of the curtains.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Meps Testing Accuracy

Zelada. Presentation

In my Brother's birthday, Jotace photographer, I was lucky to meet Pedro Almodóvar. For me, Peter is a genius. Meeting on the Great, was sensational. He spoke of the admiration he professed, and I gave him my poetry book The Way of the Dragon.
Despite being a recognized character is a simple and kind man. Somehow the poet Raul Campos, told me that the photo that we took Jotace, Peter and you write this post is a hug between the old and the new move from Madrid.