Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Decorating Ideas For Tops Of Cabinets

OneShoots I

Within days the novel''Dream Lover''bequeath to an end. I have not yet adapted the novel follows (I'm deciding between two novels) so I decided to make a contest of OneShoots. Then leave the contest. The first two references just the Sunday , and on Monday published the first winner of the first reference and the following Tuesday.

The competition consists of the following:
I will give a word that is the basis to start writing the story (example: Rain. The story has to deal with the rain, has to be some scene where the reference) . All contestants will have several days to write their OneShoot, but outside of that period, the account will not be valid to enter.
I will give two references, and then publish the winning stories on different days but a row. You can participate in both references if desired.
If you have any doubt, I'm on Twitter, Formspring and Metroflog (the first two you can find the links in the links section).


-The story must be written without spelling . If the winner has faults, try to correct when you publish. "It is prohibited to deliver
stories omitting''s''and making''z''or''c''and so forth.
"When you send the story, as the subject of e-mail should refer to what you wrote. Example> Contest: Cloudy.
"In the e-mail should be as follows: Name (the names are volunteers) web site (twitter, blog, metroflog, photo ...) and the attached document. It is best that you keep formats Microsoft Word or Open Office (the latter is the one I use).
-Stories must be written with a character of Jonas. Ie: Nick, Kevin or Joe. Can display three characters, two or one. And it does not contain the name''Jonas''can invent any other.
"The OneShoot must be submitted with the Times New Roman font size 10. If you use another font you have on your computer may not be read on other computers.
-length must be at least more than half a page. No maximum, but you must remember that it is a OneShoot, do not do long stories.

And this is all there is to know to participate in the contest, e-mail accounts to send is:

The first two references I will leave in Twitter, find me there if you have any questions about the contest.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

How To Play Bionicle, Quest For Makuta?

Change of dates! LiveChat

LiveChat I said that would be the 13th of July, but personal issues as change of day.
Just tell me what day you prefer. Is 12 or 14?
I leave the choice of fans, most will be the day of the chat.

Incidentally, I'll be uploading more tutorials in Photoshop. :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oil Capacity Mini Cooper


MetroFlog July my first birthday and I would like to share with all readers. I have often thought of closing the flog, but readers always have asked me to stay, so soys very important. Thanks to you I have met amazing people that helped me and always has been reading the novel.

why I decided to celebrate our first year together, make a LiveChat where you answer all questions you may have & well all know better. Many times I've been thinking about getting one, but I never decided. So I think that this date would be pretty special.

I do not know if that day will have football games, so there would be much people in the LiveChat.
Ah, I also would like people to see the chat are the readers. Because it is the anniversary of MetroFlog, so the chat is made for the readers.

"Thank you for reading the novel. :)