Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Did The Jelly Bracletes Use To Mean?

Poetry Review in the magazine to read. Edition, January 2011.

Magazine Cover to read, number 161

thank Enrique Villagrasa, the lucid review has done, in my book Minimal Poetics in the latest issue of the magazine to read, page seventeen.
Today I bought the January 2011, at the kiosk Gran Via, and made me dream, see me in a magazine I was reading with fervor, thousands of miles away in the archive of Lima, the Cultural Center of Spain.
live in Madrid for 5 years and is the first time that I outlined in this important publication.
Step to reproduce the review:
Holy Spirit

Minimal Poetics
Declaration of Principles of a hermit
(Broken Glass). Leo Zelada
(Lima, Peru, 1970).

are poems that will touch the deepest guts and soul of the reader shivers.
The poet is clear that poetry is knowledge and his work
demiurge is a long journey in search of beauty, like a mystical act that exorcised the demons and desires
to sublimate through the word, crows night. Poetry
based on a process of self through images that make up
the sacred spirit of the poem.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Should You Wax Your Lip Before Of After Showering

2010: my literary year. Video

In short, it has been a good year. The most important was the publication of my poems Minimal Poetics in an excellent editorial, with an excellent catalog. Broken glass editions, published this year, classic poetry of the twentieth century, as Marinid Alda, WAS Merwin, Charles Simic, Ossip Mandelstam, William Wadsworth, Antonio Gamoneda, etc. Having had the honor of being the first Latin American author, English-speaking, to come out in this prestigious label.

With Broken Glass, signed Minimal copies of Poetics at the Madrid Book Fair, the stand of the library's Central, and we presented at the Museo Reina Sofía. In this collection have come out favorable reviews for English television 2 in the weekly Babelia, the daily El Pais, Madridpress, and various means of radio communication and writing. Between January and February 2011, are scheduled reviews in the newspapers ABC and El Mundo.

was also important to start with a varied selection of poetry, in the latest issue of Atlantic Magazine, perhaps the leading journal of poetry in Spain.

part in poetry recitals and presentations at the Association Writers and Artists of Spain, Fnac de Callao and Café Libertad 8. Just as I gave a lecture at the Faculty of Philology at the Complutense University on the anniversary of the poet Miguel Hernández. But in reality, there was a week that did not participate in poetry readings by different cultural institutions and literary pub Madrid.

In the now classic presentations of Hispanic New Poetry anthologies, consolidate two literary events, which had huge success in Madrid, such as, The Night of the Books and the White Night. Which took them out in the fashionable literary pub: the Blue Devils.

called also started the cycle, Madrid, New Literary Paris, with poets from five continents living in this city. Cycle that has left a beautiful virtual book, due out on 2011, the documentary film of the same name.

I interviewed in my section Aloud, the renowned English writer Carmen Posadas, Rosa Montero, Angela Vallvey, Eugenia Rico, Fernando Sanchez Drago, José Ángel Mañas, among others. News that has rebounded in major media, including English TV, newspaper El Mundo, The Bulletin of Latin American Writers in New York, The Journal Culturama, etc.

But out on the front page of daily Malasaña, I loved it. Why I feel part of this neighborhood, my neighborhood. And that was special to me. I see it as a more Madrid.

If all goes well, next year, I hope my novel edited out, we moved the film's actual poetry, put the lyrics for the CD of a rock band, among other projects.

We are in times of crisis and feel the punch. Yet, despite all the problems that are presented to one, I know I live my dream, to devote to writing. And most importantly, I have close friends who make me feel wrapped in this beautiful city called Madrid.

A hug and have fun at these parties.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Grey Walls In Kitchen

As I say one thing do the other

Topolanski Network to Lucia Frente front of the FA and other politicians to Remove the rags in the sun (which they do in parliament) the event was 2000 people, what has happened and people where this? This along with the Uruguay Artiguista Networks, proposing solutions and work in solidarity with the FA and the Socialist country that we promised, no this government does many things well, but if it supports the right thing 'running bad! Because it must be denounced foulbrood, enough political accommodations and corruption!!


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