Thursday, August 30, 2007

Restrained Elegance Blog


I've been invited to a wedding. In fact I have invited me, I have invited the Intimate and its attachment, which happens to me. To me at this point in my life, included as an attachment on either side, I am very lazy. I already want to be a garment, much more than bow. But this bodorrio to me by way pegadillo coupling of female companion, I would not miss for anything, because if a wedding is picturesque in itself, can not imagine a guild produced within the star, can be wild. Mating

The groom has worked until two days to box and train fighters, and also with fame and glitz. And for two days our work in this body of lighting that is mounted and dismounted and light and puts the event colorcillo cultural and employers. This means that the wedding is going to be three types of guests:

A) The bride's
B) Friends of the groom boxers
C) Friends of the groom stars

The event is held on a farm with three rooms for three simultaneous weddings, but in this case, the landowners have had the courtesy to let us caution the whole space to ourselves and we do not bother anyone. And this has been the most sensible, because I already imagined the drunk A Wedding A, passing pa'fuera elbows, with our wedding drunk B B, and starting the regular dialogue:

(Drunk A, his other): - "And you queg you looking at?"
(Drunk B, typical of us): - "what m'adicho Oops! My legion! "

's it, mounted the San Quentin, I know I would not have another option. Of truth in our world fame take fighters, but as for animals, I say, that the star guild full of people used to load and unload equipment and a half tons, break your neck or other anatomical parts against trusses and scenery, all in spliced \u200b\u200bgolf and archived maldurmiendo like sardines on buses for months, enduring and adapted to all los vicios de la farándula… en este gremio señores, se carda pero que muy bien la lana. Si en esta boda se vieran implicados civiles ajenos a ella podría resultar muy peligroso, vamos que soy yo parte y mitad de los casantes y ni reservaría habitación para la noche de boda, ni nada. Directamente pediría cita con el abogado en el cuartelillo para eso de las once.

A parte del añadido de emoción que supone un comedor con dos mesas enteras de invitados luceros sabiamente combinadas con otras dos mesas de invitados boxeadores, a parte de esto, debo confesar aquí y en público con un pelín de rubor, que yo voy encantada porque es que a mi y en el fondo las bodas me gustan mucho.

Ya sé which is not usual, they often do you get the invitation, you start to think about what you put in the gift, the date always falls on a weekend inappropriate in the audience including relatives firecrackers and the touching Paripe do, and all at once, as in Fuente Ovejuna, memories start to the deceased relatives of the host. However, I do not, I'm grateful and invited four times (four, no more, and two of them in my bag concept ex) who have invited me to weddings in my thirty-four years of life, I have held to clapping.

I know full well that each covers the gaps as you can and my love of weddings is my way of compensate for the lack of glamor that is prevalent in my life. I am delighted to work with jeans and sneakers and not have to be subject to the heel and the gray suit each of my days. But I am thrilled that you can also dress up a princess for a day, and of course I will not do to go to Carrefour.

I never envied the white girlfriend who will neither have I ever aspired to that office. To me what I really like is the guest of long shots. In reality, what is that someone would fill me call me from time to time to attend a film premiere mega accompanied arm and go (and everything else, it would be good) because I do not know, let's put that George Clooney, for example. I see myself there, shining down from the mega drive from the other world that I had yesterday, and stamping with panache and grace the red carpet while GC gives me a foothold in the palm of your hand open with just a bit bent and fingertips with back a tad skewed (Ouch! sigh). But, as I have not found exactly where you have to sign for the invite to this, I'm currently breaded with MEGAPARTY weddings.

I like all women my age with a certain anticipation of social life, I include in my wardrobe (in the case of mine is fine in the abyss) a few party dresses to go to any of the Jet soiree most proper and timely. In case the act requires a more pious and demure, like a funeral, I have a classic tuxedo female makings though, that I resolved a lot in the night, in winter, and black, in late . All pensadísimo. Too bad people around me get married so little (and I do not want that now begin to die, no, no), that 'Gen Santa what you're amortized cost.

So when I reached the fifth invitation in the making, I gave my heart a beat and I do not mind at all that was not in the form of bag or fanny pack, that I went to my palms were those I told you of before. Then I proceeded to dust off my outfits, but the fate or gods! What you are about farts, but farts!. It is thanks to the hormones prescribed, not proscribed by my doctor (this brutal difference of one letter to me by my friend Theresa discovered a brilliant philosopher of life, talented writer with a sense of humor hilarious. Baby, I create platform "QTPY" (to get published now)). Absolutely essential before dispersing said that thanks to these hormones, we have achieved what I had not ever gotten before, shoot me a chest and butt, yes, are splendid (I believe the latter if it were more turgid course passing through Brazil) but I do not fit in anywhere.

I have tried to be creative and have exchanged views with little things, in addition to creative is a dressmaker, but I told her "daughter, believe it or not, in this case costs much less put it out." So after weeks denying the evidence, yesterday I had to admit that I had to revert back my money and invested in mortgage and find a suitable outfit for my new size.

This seems irrelevant, but as you will see later. When you do not drive much idealized the idea of \u200b\u200bdriving, and is creating images in his head future moments where the protagonist is the same and your car. My sister She told me that ecstasy was visualized with electronic control of the car, pressing the button, making pip-pip and entering before the world observant to sit in the seat behind the wheel.

Well for me, the glorious moment imagined, was that in which I would go with my Luisi (although at the time imaginative, or even knew me or had a name) to pick up my mother (who has not ever driven and is without doing so) was to go wherever the two close together on a spree to any Factory in the face of Madrid. For those who do not know the Factory are malls where you sell everything Outlet, or what is the same off-season. All clothing firm but much cheaper than usual. In my dreams, the two we were alone, without men, without a father, just the girls. Because my father is a saint who not only does not complain if you happen Factory, but it is even able to find fun looking for the best socks in the store Punto Blanco, but I know that this is not common and The shop also runs out to him much sooner than we desire to keep looking and trying on clothes.

lie Well it seems, but since I've got the card a long year ago, still had not found the hole leave agenda for the two times face value in Luisi and shopping time. And yesterday, with the excuse rematísimo wedding and final sales, and collecting an exquisite piece of plum cake gage running my mother was the day.

Yesterday I took my Luisi and went to find my mother of my love to go both together at the Village of Las Rozas, that within the Outlet is much more, and even has stores Versace and Carolina Herrera ...

The goal in mind was to find something suitable that I could put the event without tarnish my particular style, it was spectacular to be possible at the same time discreet and appropriate and that made me feel comfortable as a second skin completely natural me. Were therefore excluded all prom outfits kind of American movie of the eighties, and sister or other close family of the bride (mind you her mother or me I put it!), I do not know why, but are never much liked. Come on, that the basic objective was to dress to the premiere with GC and not for a wedding in the company of I. Another equally basic objective was to spend as little as possible, much better if it reached three figures.

So the task was difficult. But we, inaccessible to despondency and well trained, we arrived at five and a half and started working our points of interest: any store which may have in a dress casual. At eight-thirty I had tried two outfits drinking, indecent tropocientos (god What laughter and Luccin Vitorio!, what euphemism to describe this vintage old!) and we were already crippled, with sore feet, it was time to decide, and the decision was to buy the cheapest which was also where " more so "it seemed to me (and you know how is something" more so "is not bad but not perfect). We went to the store of Jesus del Pozo.

But just to get my strength abandoned me and I grabbed the arm of the assistant (or threw me on his shoulders?) To clear my despairing soul chubby blisters and two seconds to mourn and told him that was what I really wanted: "Look, I just want to be dramatic without being tacky, and Ana Belén" (so I understand, I know it's the muse of J P and free clothes.) And I said, I had tried that dress (pointing), but was beginning to think that perhaps a spectacular skirt and I would couple it something ... There was my mother who lost strength and presence and almost no places to mourn, because is your style, but if my long hair grab me out of the store. But the shop, despite being about to close, I looked with tender eyes, chin firm and secure and began to show skirts and more spectacular each and very long skirts, full Cancano and fruits of frustration. I almost delirious and I had already returned the blood to the body and color to the face. Imbued with the frenzy that quasi Pretti Woman (I say quasi because it perceives a brutal difference: where it comes I do not see a hard and where it does not pay a wool I leave, you see that silly, and not to mention Richard Gere) . Anyway, this Despiporre, I no longer remember if it was she or was I who suggested trying a skirt as a dress, and said and done, skirt strapless breast height (the neck, not my chest, but also is very full and reliable) and chest scarf knotted under way with cute little bow empire style. Hey, spectacular skirt two sizes to mine for it to come at that height, I was like a foot-length dress that left little ahead poke the tip of my Converses fuchsia and back had a small tail that dragged slightly, just enough to impose dignity without one the were pressed. I ran around the store and no customers, collecting refajillos and imagining that my heels cracked glass Cinderella to pinpoint which of losing, and try to be fine: flip myself.

not thought about me. I paid the amount and doubled and redoubled until you get to put that much volume in a bag.

today before going to work I returned to delight seeing hanging in my closet and everything that I find are virtues: from the two larger sizes, which will drag on with my body and my various states, to the inability to meet the same outfit in the wedding dress. And finally and best: his slacks while still allowing me to wear purple stylized eating, without pressing, unmarked or a tripilla or inadequate volume, which is the goal I set out to accomplish tamibén at this wedding. That and the give me a million laughs with Cosita, which also comes into this event.

PS: Mommy, a kiss and thank you very much. Bells cake, as always.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Black Shoestring Licorice Denver

bodorrio Let's take two seconds to say

I know that there is a parallel world inhabited my own new cars are still shiny colors hang tags and have front license plates with four numbers and three letters behind. In this world, cars do not need key and open when you approach the door for work and magic of a sensor. Are initiated by pressing a button and have a front and rear cookies that whistle increasing frequency as you near an obstacle O. They also have a smart speed limit when the driver makes (either his master or chauffeur) is exceeded by stepping on the accelerator and gradually by himself with hardly noticeable to not offend anyone, reduce speed to good cruise, free of fines and horn. With them, out of the car, he senses alone whether or not never to return in a while and closes on the outside and inside, stood with his mirrors Autofold, standing at attention and awaiting further orders. With these launches windshield wipers when it rains and lights at dusk. No human or divine intervention. And I'm sure we spend enough time, these cars would learn to make a tea with pastries and even bring us breakfast in bed. Same as the vixen of Stephen in the near future.

But in the world in which I live, the cars are different (I say no worse) and veneer shines less and take the odd bun that gives them character and personality. In my world, cars are not new, and opened with a key and re-locked or locked from inside. When not cared enough attention and affection, our cars are getting sick and coughs and colds or they grab some oil decimillas leaving them crippled for several days and even they can lead to death.

In this world of mine and not the other, live in the Grisons, the Vernon and my Luisi. I like to drive them all, but especially the Grison, which is very BENONE. Although I must say that has left us with lots of character and not that it is proving to have much stamina. Turns out this Friday, after a sigh, his arms crossed us, we made half the finger and left us lying on the road to Boadilla del Monte. Well, not really left us stranded. Not me. Has left him lying exclusively to intimate and this is a delicacy that I am very grateful to Grison.

I know that cars are cars, and there are no friends, no confidants, or family. I know that attachment to a car is not practical, it is convenient to see them for what they are and use them for what they serve, which is to lead and bring the carrier (like a heel). I know them names is a stupid thing, but do you want?. Me to my car but not mine, I have much darling, and I give my to believe that they would're like plants: they like to hear when you speak. So far no member of the genus plant (including deep comas) has responded to its owner irrigator with the Discourse on Method, but hey, the father and my exsuegra Mundina communicated up to the elbows with plant properties, and these were made a beauty. Well, more or less to me something like this happens with cars, I have not gotten to talk to me, but I returned my attentions to treat me with love.

My Luisi, for example, take a little know, but then after, I never left circulation, nor a breakdown or anything. Even with these uncertainties that a car can not control such wounds their limbs. The only time my poor Luisi prodded, had the courtesy to do so in one of those rare occasions when I assign to use Topi, the kangaroo of my daughter. It was he who happens to deal with changing the tire, to repair the other ... and me nothing.

Topi is a giant piece of bread (in lyrical and literal) and provided with a heart, or huge, but also a man, practical and very sensitive to the same to the plate. For him the car is the car and go. Topi is one of the three tall towers, along with Stephen and myself, who have fallen in the 2006-2007 academic year, when the three, in order to amaze the whole neighborhood and our own environments, after years and years of purposes and failures, we managed to take out the driver's license and even lead. He does a Ford Fiesta uploaded tropocientos years, very old and very courageous that a friend gave him when he had decided it to be removed and taken to a well deserved rest scrapped. At an age when other cars pass by in order to rest and retreat, it has grown a new life full of Topi and his wife (well in proportion to size of his man.) When both are in the car one looks at them and think they are stuck in a rut and if you look straight not get to see the rear window. In addition to the car you have placed a child seat and a baby boy has not yet reached the two years, and that his honey-colored skin tone and poor milk, we have decided the neighborhood affectionately nicknamed "Hamilton" (and also, why deny it, for the not insignificant fact that his father was very touching noses much). But the car is responsive, and takes them and brings them even on vacation in the Levant, and the two girls from Calcutta, which, as I told you, has been moving. Topi is

practical man and as I said, not pamper your car or encourage, or talk to him urging him with phrases like "you can champion" (which is what I say to my people on the hill and to hasten .) Consequently, their unwillingness car: only in this holiday season has broken the lock of the trunk and has a puncture. The thing would not have been more had it not been for the overload on the vehicle if it had not been misled Topi combining as could the attention to the road and his troops, and if it had not circulated zoomed to 160 km / h, which frankly still do not know how could the stroller. The fact is that the puncture occurred, and did not realize Topi. Blew the roof and did not realize Topi. It broke the tire Topi various whips and did not notice. The lashes were loaded the yanta, a pilot, part of the bumper and a non-is-what, I can not transcribe it until yesterday had not heard of in my life. And Topi did not realize until he reached the neighborhood. I told her that that happens to bring to Hamilton in (I mean those who have seen the race in Turkey), but I was brought face "today there is no weather" and I wanted to insist.

And that's what I say. Sometimes more than a left hand with an affection that right with the tool. Knowing something that is intimate. Because here's another example: Vernon.

to me the Vernon never failed me or left me spin. It is true that once forgot to lock the rear door and I had all night with the lights on. And what did he do? then drain the battery. Still, as I knew I had done unintentionally, even though the car was locked from the inside in the passenger compartment with the central electronic lock for the back room at the front door, and I could not even get inside to open the hood and attach the clamps to the battery power again, and despite the failures of my attempts to get into the car in any manner, including the method of the hanger that my cousin knows Mariví. Despite all that, I got back from vacation climb to Vernon and even skipping scheduled date for the workshop or call the insurance. (I know that things that happen to me not often, but here is a most useful advice for people with colorful life: the battery can be powered from any little light of the car including the trunk: in terminal clip + + clip - in terminal -). However

intimate can not say the same. The intimate can get to talk much, quite long and well spread, but this man's verbal pampering (not to be confused with oral) is always negative fall with a resounding no good to go. So imagine what he had to listen to this poor car ay, ay! What stress my poor!. Now visualize what he suffered when he gave me to go to deepest Africa, the poor car sleepless all night thinking that the next day and for long months he was going to lead you, me, the aggressor in the Romanesque churches secluded ... endured as he could. Possibly so, and the accumulated stress, as the Inti relocated her ass in the driver's seat, the Vernon deflated and turned all pilotitos the dashboard. Starting with the oil that was all retorrado.

What did the Inti? "Thanked him for his service?, Would you buy a bauble for the mirror in or to the dashboard? (Like me, who in these last vacation I bought a puppy who shake their heads in the Seat Panda), no sir. Nothing. And Vernon, which is strongly felt began to defend himself as he could, leaving him without brakes a few times in the M forties. Resting three months at the workshop as he changed the ABS computer ... And revenge costing a fortune, but this has been personal.

And see, I've never had any of these glitches.

Now comes the Grison, and I limp, I bring, I bring, I move, walk and tell you all that I want to hear how well it works this car. And make no mistake, when I took him, the car he looks happy. But this car is not the Vernon, this has left us with a character that gives me my not going to take, but nothing well with Inti. When you put it last week up (and should be the fourth time he did) to go to work (his bike, the fuchsia was in the shop in what he called maintenance, but who knows how the offense will) and began Grison to grumble lighting a small light motor shaped more or less. Inti said the home without showing too much concern or deference to the illness of his utility and what is what has made this very resentful?. Leave him lying on a Friday afternoon on the road from Boadilla del Monte.

So I was walking at the time, preparing a garlic soups to weather the weekend with stomach toned and full, when the phone rang:

(Inti): - "Hi, how are you doing?"
(I): - "Oh, do not make me tell you ..." - (is that he says that deep and when I am in my most intimate privacy, I enjoy being a housewife and I did not want to argue giving the reason.)
(Inti): - "Ya, but you get bored?"
(I): - "I'm bored I almost never"
(Inti): - "Well, but do you have plans?" - (Start customers realize how good we are for any phone company.)
(I): - "Oops!" - Excited, imagining a plan is nothing more exciting start the weekend - "what do you propose?"
(Inti): - "if you're coming to get me to a workshop at the Virgen de Lluch Street, that left me lying Grison"
(I) : - "It's lame and I Luisi"
(Inti): - "No, take the Vernon Luisi not fit in as well, bite me pink feathers" - (we started offending ...) So

far we have run out of Grison and Vernon is back again picking up the baton attack, and showing that he will be uglier and older, but much more fair. (Personal note: Cosita, we have to postpone our plans. Indeed queen: how binge eating cooked chicken in every possible way, is that now I see one in the Carrefour and I do not tell you that I feel like, but you can imagine). Inti
now that if he leads quietly closed the door and when it does, I noticed, with much more smoothly than before. I'm sure that between now and nothing and no one will see when they started talking like a plant. more

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Send Congratulations Wording


I wanted to be a writer, but not the Internet, no, I of the Metro Award up. What happens is that life is very capricious, and mine also is committed to standing up to all kinds of challenges that distract me from the masterpiece. So while I was expected to speak today of the ethereal sense of life and the transcendence of being over the room (or any trifle of that sort, go), I feel compelled to dedicate this post, my dear friends and neighbors, the unique, the peerless Stephen, or rather, to speak of:


And no, not that I want to insult or to fuel their hobbies here horizontal. For nothing, that she has formal living and chaste married woman and mother full time. She's lions and gladiators from home, and that leaves little time to pursue other noble art. Let me explain.

Summer is ending and it will break my neighbors and friends of this but the Republic Independent neighborhood where I live. So the square on Monday and had the presence of more Blas Blas, who has returned from a Rave in Almeria that has lasted six weeks. And yesterday, average height oficinero morning my phone rang and I found nothing less than the voice of the legendary Stephen inquiring the other side:

(La Esteban): - "Hey Irma, if you know that dominate Internet any website where I can say as a tame fox

(I): - "But what has now become the Melendi2?. I do not know baby, if you start thinking currar at this point in your life, I think you could start thinking first of others options. Besides, I think that rather than tame, at best you get that make you money ...

(La Esteban): - "Do not jerk, which is that my father and I have taken a small, gray fox cute, but spends all day ... growling and attacking it, look, Melendi not return until seven under at three and I'll tell you. "

At three oficinero phone rings showing the number of mobile Esteban.

(La Esteban): - "If you jar or pot, I'm already in the bar"
(I): - "Clara, I'm recovering from the weekend"

and went down to the bar to open my office height bar stool in front of patatas bravas tray.

The question is as follows: the father of Melendi2 (also known as the father of the Esteban and El Indio) has a very liberal profession and a mind quite hippy. At tentaytantos years where you see him in getting the party bosses and cultural event, collect your hair in a long queue channels are sheathed in tight mesh layers and long tenth century and the medieval market to sell your art achiperris form of jewelry and more. Flea market on market and fair to fair as the puppeteer, the father and father Melendi2 La Esteban will coincide with his colleagues, with whom to share time will force locking Trusts and friends. So this year's planting his place next to an artisan who sells fur accessories made with tails and skins of foxes.

The Esteban who has a dog and two girls, one of her young age, and long time but no desire to stay indoors, it points to any bombing. As the pound and comes Melendi2 fair, she suggests:

(La Esteban): - "Baby, I'm thinking we could go with the girls to see your parents, after days of not receiving their granddaughters."

And of course, Melendi2 can not say no. There at the market's Stephen feels a queen, because she has everything a talent for sales position. And purchase. And human love for the creatures that do not fit in the body.

The Melendi2 as has been put some order into the zoo that is the house where they live and now have vacancies to fill places or exotic pet, but when it came to it, apart from La Esteban and his eldest daughter came to find: a German Shepherd, Schnauzer medium, a Russian blue (cat) and a stray cat. An iguana, several thousand fish and canaries. With the invaluable help of Topi, kangaroo bear my good-natured daughter and three body cabinet high by five wide, the cats find a better accommodation in a better life. Melendi2 via the aspect that is little but a piece out with a fierce Good God character, the German Shepherd fled to another home or gas station, never to return, but as well Melendi2 very fierce on the outside is also very small piece of bread inside, could not handle the pain of seeing her bf undone and apologetic and bought another German Shepherd better, but as he says The Esteban:

(La Esteban): - "Yes, yes, better, but monórquido" (which for those who do not know either do not have testicles, but has dropped only one egg per animal).

The Schnauzer medium, which was beautiful but unbearable caught a disease incompatible with children and was banished to the farm in-law of Stephen's parents Melendi2, where the father has his terrenillo for their expansions and long hollow since Luisi rid of sleeping there until I adopted her.

of the Iguana was in charge the whole family in chorus: all together was killed and she died alone. We do not know if old or stress when Lulu was born, the bug passed away. The fish will survive with low immediately replaced. The birds did, singing birds and layers are kept, and it's Stephen spoils with neatness, which even led them on vacation to the beach at Bolonia Cadiz in the pick family.

Of course, in the four years or so that takes the Melendi2 inhabiting the zoo the number of wild animals has been reduced from five to many small accessories, the dog and himself, and that for The Esteban is a lack of fat, bordering on tragedy.

So sticking with the neighboring strand in place in the Medieval Fair, The Stephen learned that when they sell skins, the farming and that's when she saw the light and came out to be the Noah within. He grabbed the father by band and started the conspiracy:

(La Esteban): - "Indian, I need your support because Melendi2 can give your wife something already long story, but I'm thinking that we could take home a fox saving him from certain death and a future hair bag again, hoping he would do to Lulu. First you get you with him on the farm while I softened the Melendi2, as you have the ground prepared you say it's incompatible with the house and my mother, and I swear I'll bring him home. The girls are already fond of the animal docile and screaming Melendi2 know much, but we know we both do not say no. "

The father of the Stephen is just tacky and exotic to her, see: his house, his terrenín, his playpen ... and all there running around, a red fox earth. Ipso facto saw him and started negotiations with his colleague. The return trip did all quiet in the midst of an environment that could be cut with a chainsaw, and a huge cage hens kept in a ball of gray hair (which turned out to be female) and growling like a dog Grim in Harry Potter.

now dare not out of the cage. The Stephen made an attempt and bit his hand, the mother has been the outcry, saying it has withstood all that until now has not been divorced, because it looks more horns da hunger, but as they put a fox happen at home if we leave. And Melendi2 bf has said to me nor I you look at me I have enough.

And in those we are trying to tame via the virtual pet, to have some grace and was becoming recognized his little hole in the home where the Melendi2 cohabiting.

Now that I can think of no better way to end this post with the words of The Esteban:

(La Esteban): - "Aunt who I was going to say, but I suddenly have entered a people want to go to my in-laws ... if in the end it has not gotten my mother, she'll get the bitch my mother. "

And with that we parted, I walk from my nap and my house and she's Carrefour to buy the necklace, belt and all the necessary kit in pink to make your pet a slut Barbie.

That's it.