Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Send Congratulations Wording


I wanted to be a writer, but not the Internet, no, I of the Metro Award up. What happens is that life is very capricious, and mine also is committed to standing up to all kinds of challenges that distract me from the masterpiece. So while I was expected to speak today of the ethereal sense of life and the transcendence of being over the room (or any trifle of that sort, go), I feel compelled to dedicate this post, my dear friends and neighbors, the unique, the peerless Stephen, or rather, to speak of:


And no, not that I want to insult or to fuel their hobbies here horizontal. For nothing, that she has formal living and chaste married woman and mother full time. She's lions and gladiators from home, and that leaves little time to pursue other noble art. Let me explain.

Summer is ending and it will break my neighbors and friends of this but the Republic Independent neighborhood where I live. So the square on Monday and had the presence of more Blas Blas, who has returned from a Rave in Almeria that has lasted six weeks. And yesterday, average height oficinero morning my phone rang and I found nothing less than the voice of the legendary Stephen inquiring the other side:

(La Esteban): - "Hey Irma, if you know that dominate Internet any website where I can say as a tame fox

(I): - "But what has now become the Melendi2?. I do not know baby, if you start thinking currar at this point in your life, I think you could start thinking first of others options. Besides, I think that rather than tame, at best you get that make you money ...

(La Esteban): - "Do not jerk, which is that my father and I have taken a small, gray fox cute, but spends all day ... growling and attacking it, look, Melendi not return until seven under at three and I'll tell you. "

At three oficinero phone rings showing the number of mobile Esteban.

(La Esteban): - "If you jar or pot, I'm already in the bar"
(I): - "Clara, I'm recovering from the weekend"

and went down to the bar to open my office height bar stool in front of patatas bravas tray.

The question is as follows: the father of Melendi2 (also known as the father of the Esteban and El Indio) has a very liberal profession and a mind quite hippy. At tentaytantos years where you see him in getting the party bosses and cultural event, collect your hair in a long queue channels are sheathed in tight mesh layers and long tenth century and the medieval market to sell your art achiperris form of jewelry and more. Flea market on market and fair to fair as the puppeteer, the father and father Melendi2 La Esteban will coincide with his colleagues, with whom to share time will force locking Trusts and friends. So this year's planting his place next to an artisan who sells fur accessories made with tails and skins of foxes.

The Esteban who has a dog and two girls, one of her young age, and long time but no desire to stay indoors, it points to any bombing. As the pound and comes Melendi2 fair, she suggests:

(La Esteban): - "Baby, I'm thinking we could go with the girls to see your parents, after days of not receiving their granddaughters."

And of course, Melendi2 can not say no. There at the market's Stephen feels a queen, because she has everything a talent for sales position. And purchase. And human love for the creatures that do not fit in the body.

The Melendi2 as has been put some order into the zoo that is the house where they live and now have vacancies to fill places or exotic pet, but when it came to it, apart from La Esteban and his eldest daughter came to find: a German Shepherd, Schnauzer medium, a Russian blue (cat) and a stray cat. An iguana, several thousand fish and canaries. With the invaluable help of Topi, kangaroo bear my good-natured daughter and three body cabinet high by five wide, the cats find a better accommodation in a better life. Melendi2 via the aspect that is little but a piece out with a fierce Good God character, the German Shepherd fled to another home or gas station, never to return, but as well Melendi2 very fierce on the outside is also very small piece of bread inside, could not handle the pain of seeing her bf undone and apologetic and bought another German Shepherd better, but as he says The Esteban:

(La Esteban): - "Yes, yes, better, but monórquido" (which for those who do not know either do not have testicles, but has dropped only one egg per animal).

The Schnauzer medium, which was beautiful but unbearable caught a disease incompatible with children and was banished to the farm in-law of Stephen's parents Melendi2, where the father has his terrenillo for their expansions and long hollow since Luisi rid of sleeping there until I adopted her.

of the Iguana was in charge the whole family in chorus: all together was killed and she died alone. We do not know if old or stress when Lulu was born, the bug passed away. The fish will survive with low immediately replaced. The birds did, singing birds and layers are kept, and it's Stephen spoils with neatness, which even led them on vacation to the beach at Bolonia Cadiz in the pick family.

Of course, in the four years or so that takes the Melendi2 inhabiting the zoo the number of wild animals has been reduced from five to many small accessories, the dog and himself, and that for The Esteban is a lack of fat, bordering on tragedy.

So sticking with the neighboring strand in place in the Medieval Fair, The Stephen learned that when they sell skins, the farming and that's when she saw the light and came out to be the Noah within. He grabbed the father by band and started the conspiracy:

(La Esteban): - "Indian, I need your support because Melendi2 can give your wife something already long story, but I'm thinking that we could take home a fox saving him from certain death and a future hair bag again, hoping he would do to Lulu. First you get you with him on the farm while I softened the Melendi2, as you have the ground prepared you say it's incompatible with the house and my mother, and I swear I'll bring him home. The girls are already fond of the animal docile and screaming Melendi2 know much, but we know we both do not say no. "

The father of the Stephen is just tacky and exotic to her, see: his house, his terrenín, his playpen ... and all there running around, a red fox earth. Ipso facto saw him and started negotiations with his colleague. The return trip did all quiet in the midst of an environment that could be cut with a chainsaw, and a huge cage hens kept in a ball of gray hair (which turned out to be female) and growling like a dog Grim in Harry Potter.

now dare not out of the cage. The Stephen made an attempt and bit his hand, the mother has been the outcry, saying it has withstood all that until now has not been divorced, because it looks more horns da hunger, but as they put a fox happen at home if we leave. And Melendi2 bf has said to me nor I you look at me I have enough.

And in those we are trying to tame via the virtual pet, to have some grace and was becoming recognized his little hole in the home where the Melendi2 cohabiting.

Now that I can think of no better way to end this post with the words of The Esteban:

(La Esteban): - "Aunt who I was going to say, but I suddenly have entered a people want to go to my in-laws ... if in the end it has not gotten my mother, she'll get the bitch my mother. "

And with that we parted, I walk from my nap and my house and she's Carrefour to buy the necklace, belt and all the necessary kit in pink to make your pet a slut Barbie.

That's it.


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