Monday, December 24, 2007

Is Pokemon Platinum On Vba The Same


We're in chapel, now is the night No, we've lost the lottery like every year, all meals eaten group all drinking drunk (I do without alcohol, which happens to be much more harmful than the con, because I will say that other liquids can be consumed without popping for twelve hours continuously, I'm still burping up the soiree two days ago), and we are already prepared everything we can, with all the prescriptive approaches done well prepared for the celebration of yore .

This year I celebrated the holidays in meditation and family (because New Year's Eve is something else) with my girl by my side as a new (last year it held my little girl to see father and me at the Irish) and I have been caught the eyes of their children's enthusiasm convinced the children to live differently. So naive, my preconceived ideas about peace and the illusion that fill the hearts of children, I have become one to enjoy from the new perspective these celebrations that my mid-thirties and caught me a tad trite and unbelieving. So I bought a Bus to dive into the city (which is impractical with a car at this time) and never miss a blip, not a cortilandia nor anything. And I must tell you that today I write from the bed, exhausted, trying to mend the date specified for my preparations and hormonal treatment have been about ready to kill me and leave me out of the game for the shrimp cocktail, the couch and marisquiño . First

say that, I think, I suspect, I sense that the world's children are much smarter than we think, and it is no longer to know all the Kings are the parents (would it be more accurate to say the mothers?) is that they care less than zero persons carrying out the distribution of gifts on the shoes, which want is the Noah's Ark Play Mobile on the agreed date, the time agreed upon in the place of delivery established. Point. Because, of course, how many times a year you fall and hit a child because it is, an average that ranges from four to tropocientos gifts all together and top each amount to sixty eurazos?. For one or none. How to get exquisite with the name of the dealer!. If you say that, in case, and this is all a sign of intelligence, my girl walks lately paying exquisite attention to all members of that venerable old men prolific generation of elderly, especially those who wear long beards, (reducing the population almost exclusively to the socially excluded, which abound in both frames malls mandatory these days, and the Inti not that time has become very old and also has recently stopped shaving, I do not know, you look and ultimately gives me a dead air Fernan Gomez, how capricious the subconscious!). And she looks, and looks at me and looks, and I wondered whether we would give them something, like a thousand euros, for it must go bereaved thinking that they can be good and wise men, and detached, because otherwise, like they do not leave the accounts. Also check out quisqui questioning all that is down the street, and this is not new, because she has always been the most sociable, what is new is that he has changed his standard greeting of "hello" to another "Happy Holidays "is making me wonder if Gallardón should not ask me the subsidy, because it seems a proper element of the Christmas season set by the council.

In order that these new eyes and will have made me see things from another perspective, and also introducing me to a world that until now had not paid the enough attention. For example I am able to establish a ranking of the worst jobs in the world at this time.

For example last Friday, and delivered twenty-first day parole to all offshoots of the world to enjoy his twenty days of vacation, my sister and I, we got up early to finalize the arrangements such that a child of six, nearly seven years, can not receive live. After leaving the school made a skewer to attend the soiree (something like the business lunch or colleagues, as an infant, concerted and cock), go borrow the English Court, perfumery section shall validate the efforts aimed at feminine elements oldest of our family troupe. There, after enduring hours of queuing, we began to sympathize with the girls smiling impeccably made up and sprayed us again and again with all the aromas of love and luxury with flashy firms left to air the entire world. Those who did not carry jars of essences, listening and showed patients and showed different versions with different shapes and little variations of the same liquid. And then watched him and then wrapped so delicately and deliberately, that a hundred times I came to remind the clerk Mr. Beam of the film Love Actually. When I finally put the sticker "Happy Holidays El Corte Inglés" what is that a (There was no one in this plant, what things) would have acquired had been transformed into a work of art, worthy of any thin film props. This is liquidated. And we went to Carrefour, I naively thought that it works so sacrificed the kind of English Court clerk. Carrefour

But if it was gruesome. We went there to settle the matter paternal only male member of my family (because my cat does not count, that is not blood.) I discovered this year shocked the good hams bring a kind of cover that seems racket, with its handles and all that you allowed to carry comfortably. Maybe this accessory is not new, but already I want my be much more informed about the exciting world of five jacks, lo and behold it is unfortunately not the case. Finally, in the Carrefour and suffer no more than necessary, we headed to nail it: a computer plant for agencies a backpack laptop. Remaining three, two and a discrete phosphorites blacks. Containing my impulses, we did this, more appropriate for a business meeting a respectable business manager, I do not know why the others. The object in question had no case, bag or labels, but we did not care, because the thing is chunga this year's theme, and even laptop bags were gone in the IC, were not to put too many snags. We went to the box, almost fell asleep while we waited to be touched. We touched. And they could not collect it because it had no bar code. The nicest cashier called the manager line of boxes, on their skates her very willingness to attempt to locate the "computer." She spoke over the intercom, and nothing, responded from all over but the department requested. Forty-five minutes after I had gone to ground, had located a phosphate, the same model with different color, the skater had deduced that the prices were different, the computer still does not appear, the tail the case of our friendly cashier organized to mount virtually walked the picket line and were about to locate a construction fence to throw on the conveyor belt. When the blood was within an ace of reaching the river, only then is when the computer appeared to confirm that yes, the color was more expensive discrete and disappeared with the excuse of looking for the product reference. Another fifteen minutes later, when I myself, now if that if I became the person most zen of the world, was on the verge of collapse with bloodshot eyes, reappeared computer, with genitals that I judged the size of the mythical horse Espartero because I did not escort or anything, pulled the old paper on the box and the same is pyrogen. The cashier went by the code reader, appeared the same price of phosphate backpack, and pulls, taps went my sister and me to the car because we were late to the supply of sprouts in my daughter's school. But this job if I felt crappy, crappy and not the English Court that suddenly looked like a spa. Ignorant

to notices of radar and speed limitations are placed back to village, mostly on roads surrounding the schools, which are smaller than in other streets, as if they knew that cars with children arrive always later than those which carry adults, riding the same menda like a Raikonen driving a road from an airport taxi, we not only on time if not a little before, when the doors were still closed and parents and grandparents (which proliferate much more at this time) looked like a vicious bull splintering the pole against the bullpen gate. The poor janitor watched from swallowing the glass door, by donning his cap, biting the beak of the crutch and collecting the full value of the world to come to the gate and open it. Finally, leaving it to the Virgin and All Saints, proceeded, completed the task and pulls, all picked up our heirs out cuajaditos of crafts, gifts and invisible friend morgueras plump for chocolate frosting. We

, original and all decided it was the first day of vacation, and since my daughter was in town for the holidays, and especially too, as it was the time it was, we were crippled and did not have iota of desire to work a little more, we went to Burger King (at McDonalds take to return, so unfortunate is my memory) and Case liquidábamos lunch box. ERROR, from here I say it, THE WORST MISTAKE IN THE WORLD.

turns out that the twenty-first day of vacation not only gives the infant children, no, to adolescents, and how to shut this playful Gallardón recreational Temple Square is the trafficking of adolescents, and put the entire city police control the non-exercise of the bottle, "For where was everyone? Huh? Where?. In the Burger King in Goya street from here and I demand that I return the bottle and the destruction of street furniture as a double favor to the citizens of a certain age of these Madriles. Indeed. I live in a neighborhood of that popular saying here all girls dress like Bratz, I think about and imagine all like that. But there is another model in the posh neighborhood, which is Charlotte Casiraghi (excuses, now I place no While hache and I have no desire to document for a little ditties like that). The Burger King was revosar of Charlotte and Andreas, all in a single file and calling one reason that I say, if they are in a group, do not you can order everything all at once?. No, because the issue of the weekly pay is not unified, and they must be ordered Big menu with everything, even a clock, and others who do not pass the Tenders and the glass of tap water but, after Tommy Hilfiger invest in is not or for extra potato. The picture was bleak, but to see who is the cute girl who brings six years of a hotbed of junk food when it has crossed the gates. I do not, I'm not that strong.
that now I'm able to say that the list of worst jobs in the world on Christmas eve are: 1 .- Assistant
counter of Burger King
2 .- Assistant Carrefour box
3 .- Assistant perfumery of English court.

Which leads me to think that one must always be wary of any work as set forth beginning in Assistant. That said, I will say that while I sympathize with them, even worse punishment seems to me to be a customer of each and every one of them, in strict reverse order and all on the same day.

Anyway, Happy Holidays to all and for the whole year, and from here, my best wishes to the world global. We we see around the corner.


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