Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Where Can I Buy A Nimrod Tent Canvas?


Have you seen those curtains Channel Four in which people have the minideseos?. I do, and as it so happens that wishes walked on, and also of all sizes, from maxi to mini, I take this forillo with all the nose to give vent to one that eats me by these dates.

Here it goes: Gentlemen

toy makers, administrators Marvel gentlemen, please, for charity, a bit of dignity when it comes to making money. Stop playing with the dreams of adults and beyond, when designing their tools to realize the illusions cruelly children, have account of their parents: You can not imagine, develop and put on the shelves of supermarkets cabezones plush dolls that simulate bad virile, stalwart, brave and always Agerre Spidermans, hair singing children's songs from "On the farm of Pepito , ia, ia, or ". It is degrading and insufferable, and personally I'm still reeling from the shock of the DISCOVERY, I am not yet able to look into the eyes of my Spider on my bedside table left without feeling embarrassed some itching. For pulling, you're told.

And the thing is not short, you already know my phobia of white space, here I add some mythical phrases from the movie a Good Woomer, (I enjoyed the other day while napping on my couch):

- "If ever we are guided by the opinions of others, what we own?". Helen Hunt perfidious stray bullet to the yeast and naive Scarlett Johanson.

- ".. And here's an example of the triumph of hope over experience" (luckily, I'd say). Cynical Lord and Pass-Year 1 to Year Lined Lord Cynic and 2, when the latter tells the first his intention to marry and wanted the splenic Helent Hunt, owner of just only two assets: a total shame and a reputation unforgivable. And I

Here's another question left has intrigued me to see if someone can enlighten the darkness of this question in which I am immersed:

- If everyone agrees to say that having sex leads to beneficial effects on the skin, you relax, soften and smooth, why do the women practitioners of religious orders (nuns), celibate they all have very thin skin and fine kaolin?. That

Merry Christmas to all, and pulls, to drink in moderation, that it is only responsible for yourself and victim of his own ridiculous, but a little consideration to the good people willing to drag these titled owners to their homes and do everything possible to get them out of deep coma, those who do not drink, even by prescription, by now we walk tad perplexed, not to mention exhausted to drive to the many thousands through the deserted streets of Madrid ( cachis me with the "today for you ...", the day to tomorrow is going to find out you all!).

PS: Have you seen? FINALLY I WAS SHORT!


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