Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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My list of best books of 2010

After the time of traditional literary lists, I share with you my list of best books of 2010.
The best books have been distributed among independent publishers with interesting goals of the big publishers.
My list is based mainly on the criterion of the books that bring something different and fresh to the literary tradition, and to discover authors whose work is little known. With the honorable exceptions of a few books, which look different, does it look from another angle to classical authors of the literature and thought.
This list makes no distinction in the language they were written the works mentioned. Although most are in English or bilingual editions.
This list, coupled to well known authors, with some young artists, whose work I find noteworthy.
And now, remembering Gracian: "The good, if brief, twice good." Go to the point with my list of best books of 2010. Novel

Prague cemetery, Umberto Eco (Lumen)
Invitation to a murder, Carmen Posadas (Metro)
A saga of Moscow, Vasili Aksiónov (The Other Side)
The White King, György Janos (RBA Editores )


The word of the dumb, Julio Ramón Ribeyro (Seix Barral)
Unusual land of Jhumpa Lahiri (Salamandra)
something around your neck, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Mondadori)
Carnival and Other Stories. Isak Dinesen (Nordic) Poetry

A fly in the ointment, Charles Simic (Broken Glass)
a single day. Poetry 1960-2008, Jesus Hilario Tundidor (Calambur)
Armchair mezzanine, Enrique Gracia Trinidad (Sial)
Poetry, Ossip Mandelstam (Broken Glass)
Corales, Emilio Porta (AEAE Editions) Youth Poetry

The sex, Laura Cancho (Vitruvius)
where almost dawn, Raul Campos (Cely)
Outages, Veronica Aranda (Rialp)

Essay, Autobiography, Correspondence, Unfinished

Summer JMCoetzee (Mondadori)
Correspondence January 1880-December 1884. Friedrich Nietzsche (Trotta)
The Third Reich, Roberto Bolaño (Anagram)
essence and beauty. Anthology. Maria Zambrano (Galaxia Gutenberg)


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