Friday, March 18, 2011

Free Digital Playgrounds Stream

words Veronica Aranda. About Leo Zelada reading the Gastronomic Library A Punto. Poetry kneading cycle. Reading the poem

Leo Zelada (Lima, 1970) has a poetry which includes the underground, fantasy literature and ancient literary traditions such as the Inca or the East, especially the classic Chinese poetry, who knows and has studied depth.

has published five books of poetry and a novel, Death of American life, the result of a five-year adventure through Latin America, backpack.

His latest book of poems, poetic Minimal. Declaration of principles of a hermit, is located in a classical art and traveling a road that leads to the purification of rhetoric naked and renunciation, which is embodied in poetry, "shadow that stretches into the distance squeezing the word." We are faced with the resignation of the hermit who practice the priesthood of poetry.

The poet takes refuge in the streets of Madrid, speaks from them, from the night, accompanying certain aura of badness. Share table, bohemian spirit with Bukowski, Rimbaud, Baudelaire or the Inca Garcilaso. Complaint, containment, violent world around us, but do not stop the way, almost always alone. The loneliness of the writer who comes to speak and think about it: Write

without rhetoric is what I want now

bare my sadness without useless masks (...)

Poetic Art

Veronica Aranda .- Degree in English Philology from the Universidad Complutense. He has received poetry awards Joaquín Benito de Lucas, Antonio Carvajal Young Poetry, José Agustín Goytisolo, Young Art of the Community of Madrid, Margarita Hierro and the second prize of Adonais 2009, among others. He has published books of poetry: Poet in India (Melibea, 2005), Tattoo (Hyperion, 2005), Alfama (José Hierro Poetry Center, 2009), Postal oblivion (The Gaviero, 2010) and outages (Rialp, 2010) . During the 2005-2006 academic year received a grant for the establishment of the Foundation Antonio Gala for young artists (Córdoba). He has translated into Castilian Yuyutsu Nepali poet RD Sharma, Poems of the Himalayas (Cosmopoética, Córdoba, 2010) and contemporary Portuguese poetry.


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