Sunday, March 20, 2011

Labia Stretching Supplies

Frente Amplio Statement before the UN bombing to kill civilians Libya

President Mujica: "Sorry attack is a serious setback in the international order, the remedy is worse than

of Frente Amplio Centennial Committee, the Sunday, March 20, 2011 at 8 : 37
Mujica: "The strike is unfortunate, to save lives in the bombings is an inexplicable contradiction"
Mujica President said last night that the bombing REPUBLIC involve "a setback in the current international order." Earlier, FA had rejected the military solution of the Security Council.

protests. There were demonstrations against the war in several countries, this, to the White House.

President of Uruguay José Mujica

Asked last night by the Republic, the President José Mujica described as "regrettable" the attack by NATO forces against Libya.
"This attack involves a reversal of the current international order," said the president, who had already spoken out against foreign armed intervention in Libya, in keeping with the tradition of Uruguay in international policy.
"the remedy is far worse than the disease. This business of saving lives to the bombings is an inexplicable contradiction," lamented Mujica. "All this is to mourn."

the afternoon, before the bombing began, the National Plenary of the Frente Amplio (FA) had issued a statement rejecting the Security Council resolution which authorized UN intervention in Libya
"The Frente Amplio, and historically it has done, claiming the uncompromising defense of the principles of self-determination of peoples and non-intervention in internal affairs," said the statement adopted by the left.
The Partido Obrero Revolucionario (POR) raised the need for the coalition was made before the bombing that was taking place in Libya at the time of development of the Whole.
While at first FA president, Jorge Brovetto, recalled that the Committee on International Relations (Carife) was bound to produce a report on the situation of the Arab countries, and proposed to continue in that area, BY insistence, other minority groups and shop stewards, led to the adoption of the text. In arguing in favor of the declaration, Raúl Campanella's by noting that the situation in Libya was similar to that of Iraq and Afghanistan and rejected the attitude of the United States and NATO.
The plenary then adjourned until he agreed the contents of the statement. In order to not go beyond the position of the Uruguayan foreign ministry, the statement claimed the FA's historical position regarding non-intervention, without consideration of the internal situation in Libya. The MPP postponed several times a statement from the coalition on Libya when the issue was raised in the political bureau of the FA. But yesterday was not raised major objections and the text was unanimously voted.
Meanwhile, Socialist Party representative in the Carife, Fernando López DAlesandro REPUBLIC told that "we are opposed to any use of violence and urge a peaceful solution to conflict."
The ruling reaffirmed the Socialist Party's position regarding your community "is against any foreign intervention against Qaddafi's dictatorship in defense of the Libyan people."
"We support the rebellion in Libya which claims democracy for the Libyan people," he said.
National Plenary of the Frente Amplio (FA) rejected yesterday the Security Council resolution from the UN, which authorized the intervention in Libya. "The Frente Amplio, and historically it has done, claiming the uncompromising defense of the principles of self-determination of peoples and non-intervention in internal affairs, "said the statement. adopted by the left.
Although at first memorial, the president of the FA, Jorge Brovetto recalled that the Committee on International Relations (Carife ), was bound to produce a report on the situation of the Arab countries, and proposed to continue in this area, the insistence of the POR, other minority groups and shop stewards, led to the adoption. In arguing in favor of the declaration Raul POR Campanella said the situation in Libya was similar to that of Iraq and Afghanistan and rejected the attitude of the United States and NATO.
The plenary then adjourned until he agreed the contents of the statement. In order to not go beyond the position of the Uruguayan foreign ministry, the statement claimed the FA's historical position regarding non-intervention, without consideration of the internal situation in Libya. The MPP postponed several times a ruling coalition on Libya when the issue was raised in the political bureau of the FA. But yesterday was not raised major objections and the text was unanimously voted.
The Socialist representative in the Carife, Fernando López REPUBLIC DAlesandro said: "We oppose any use of violence and urge a peaceful solution. "est leader reaffirmed that [an" against any foreign intervention against Qaddafi's dictatorship in defense of the Libyan people. "



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