Friday, October 26, 2007

Remigiusz Banaszczak Gliwice

BASURILLAS And I'm back (safely)

Centuries has not wrote or at least it seemed to me. This was due to a number of arrechuchos on drums I've been catching and have left me momentarily out of the game, the most serious has been a trancazo not wiggle that you had me so: no one bit menearme sofa with blanket or bed quilts. Come on a holiday recovering, which was far less than dying, but fucking heavy. So I've been away.

That and because I have super-duper hooked on the book "The Frozen Heart" by Almudena Grandes, which is a soap opera than nine hundred all pages cigarillo exercise of Historical Memory (now that is so hot), that here and I recommend. Until last night I finished I was not able to devote my leisure intellectual else to devour its pages and I must confess that I even cried and everything in a couple of tickets, but I would not rule out the influence of the hormone in this revolt my new stage of hyper sensitivity ... Now I just started another book, this time Punset, entitled "Journey to Love" and fear their influence me in my already cynical and rickety romance, if you're already slightly florida me with this matter, I do not visualize with arguments of a philosophical and scientific. In case I recommend you carefully aproximéis my next post in this my present I am unable to foresee ...

Anyway, as I am as I am lately, I do not let go even one, my doctor has me straight about blood to run a thorough ITV and map completito of my shortcomings and I are expiring parts inside. So this morning I woke up fifteen minutes later than usual (which does not seem much, but in horizontal and given a bed for a lot, as you all well know) and I have spared the usual active time I spend with lead my offspring to school, because today was concerned that its My grandfather and father.

So I enjoyed one of those unusual relajaditos awakenings and Lisita and smooth complexion (is that lately I wake up with the same face as Cassius Clay after his fight with George Foreman and I have to stress on the natural to take off eyelids and a glimpse of the world). I've had time to make my bed with care and dedication, to give my manicure repasillo another pelin despendolados repasillo to the eyebrows to clearly draw this important weapons of facial expression, to shower and shave in peace very well with super-duper meticulous care and other major weapons such body language (no longer Friday, hear, and I always placed great hopes these days). Dry myself after I applied the nutrient crema, I dressed a little quiet choosing the clothes I wore, I have a hair makeup kit complete with shade, kohl, mascara, brush and lipstick, and I could leave my house with more than enough time.

Because in my daily routine I get up, stretch the quilt nordika (well, with K), I make breakfast for my child, prepare your lunch, stretch your nordika (also with K), prepared his clothes, I shower, get dressed, I paint the hills and a bit of blush, I grab the bag and my girl, and pulls, making rally to school, that we always by the hair, and sometimes even later. But today was all like an advertisement for "today I feel Flex" or "Actimel" in the colored part in the already taken the "Actimel". I have uploaded in the Luisi, and I've come to the health center at zero point and relaxed.

At the reception desk for extractions, I have given my twenty-five pages to list all my doctor what I had to analyze, to take note and place on record my presence, and immediately gave me back my twenty-five pages accompanied by eight glass jars and lots of stickers. And to stand in line until my turn to touch me. That touched me, of course. Arriving at my table, my ATS specializes in removals has risen your entitled ass of his official seat and instead sat another ass like yours, yet untitled. My ATS specializes in removals has encouraged the ass without a title with a "pull, now you." And pulls itself between the two have caught my arm clear that even smelled like Dove firming cream, the two have put the rubber band on the arm and had to hold it slipped through my hydration and firmness, and between the two me have handled the search for the little vein (or artery, which I'm not sure what they use). That if the puncture has been a thing of the untitled solo ass. I've played but bone. Has repinchado, but pa'lla. And then has repinchado, but more over here, not yet in place. He has thrown a fight ("is that you move!"), Which I already have answered that I have not reached that zen degree need not even breathe, but I'm at it and I have the impression you'll get it soon, possibly for the next visit. And it has become a prick, and this time if the invaluable assistance that has been released titled ass rubber and has sought to find little vein or artery, without even needing to re-draw the needle.

At that point I was no longer half dizzy, but completely gaga and markedly skewed to one side. I have dried by filling out the eight boats, I have put a milkweed that was just stuck without heat and grace of the goo from my Dove firming cream device, and as a farewell, I have shouted in his ear a "NEXT!" which is what made me react and move my own ass (titled or untitled depends on what, because it is the case) out of the parlor.

after a scan I get out of the pint at full speed as the soul that takes the devil, and I even seen by the way, I come to get the jacket finished around the time I park my Luisi at the end of my journey back, and to date I have never seen the need to invest the few resting Minutillo recommended holding a thrush arm. But today, today I needed five minutes catatonic sprawled in a chair (which was almost two) and now that I write to a single hand because the other, right, I have unused at the end of my sore arm.

When I rode my lela Luisi was still (in fact I'm a bit so-so), and I started lining up the street being still unaware, so little that when I turned in a yield have not observed the presence a garbage truck that emptied containers, and I almost slammed into a wall while maneuvering in reverse, something I have not seen. If not for the diligent cleaning service workers who have put the word in the sky, I would have died hit by a garbage truck, which is so magnificently as any other death, but the absence of any glamorous, do not tell me no. At the height

office I only dreamed about with a coffee latte (decaf, if you do not go crazy) with four churros (instead of the usual three), my mind was developing both a beautiful ode to the churro in Madrid and the fate of live in a city that puts the churros in the bars before the streets themselves in the same street. At the height

first churro I met a friend who would also re-provisioning with cafetillo. This friend, whose name I can not mention for privacy of their offspring, mother of the girl child artist and artist is a speck of carrying out the premiere of a children's film sponsored among others by Disney. A legendary release that for more than a year her mother and her mother's friends, we predisfrutando mentally with party dresses dye removed and hung in our closets and / or dressing rooms (I was going to recycle mine that I used in the bodorrio) with sharp heels ready with his last and booked an appointment with elbows to the pelu of Dante to be the first beneficiaries before Dante inspiration to drop the hole, leaving only his bad temper.

Well, half a second churro, had the nerve to communicate, that this social event I, the final will run tomorrow in a multiplex on the outskirts of Madrid, with almost all children and adults and that the outfit recommended by the producers Disney and Buena Vista is a Halloween costume. That is, for once I am invited to a film premiere, not only do not go hand in hand with George Clooney, I'm going for my child, not only is at eleven o'clock at night, but it is at eleven o'clock, and not only not going to Zac Posen, but I'm Pumpkin. Well, if that. What I said to myself and what I said Dina, darling with what you want ... by Lenin, that commitment is making Disney muss my day!.

Anyway that aimed at the office, reassured by my snack, and especially aware of what I have left lela absorption of blood, have stoked a huge fat sparrow (was it a vulture?) trying to get airborne and has barely managed to rise above the turf that bordered on belly, and do not know why I thought of my cat Machin, perhaps as big, or what would have enjoyed the appetizer of such animal. And then when you turn on ordenón I stoned a bit more with the campaign of "SOE" Do not listen to your first ". It's amazing, as this game can have a team as mediocre for almost everything and as effective for the creative advertising does not end his final stamping Rajoy bullshit (and look how easily this man has resuperarse himself) and already have the 'SOE allegorical video advertising, I'm to believe that steal the scripts to the candidate the night before that even committed. Now I do not give them time to other things, if all energies are going to devise clever campaigns. Which by the way, has anyone seen them somewhere other than YouTube ...? I on TV not only on YouTube, in Being and in the Country (now itself, with accents and blue) which leads me to think that maybe You Tube PRYSA within the group.

Anyway, I'm back. Let's see if I have time soon to tell my experience with the Grison, their commitment to not start, push it to the bustle of a parking space with the invaluable help of my friend Vicky and Jesus Quintero (Fool on the Hill), and the face of movie the poor man from the crane when it prints that came a man to replace us because we had to return home to deal with the joy of our households tasks before returning to our work on Monday, then asked the Inti to us exactly what we did ... But this will be another post ...


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