Monday, October 1, 2007

Increased Road Noise On 2007 Hyundai Santa Fe


is not the first time I comment how arduous is the task of educating a child (imagine that will be just as complex in the case of men, but as my family is a harem, I know that experience and I will not venture an opinion. I've always said that if instead of a child, my offspring would have been a child, the macho would pee sitting until your boyfriend or girlfriend, will advise you on other possible options.)

My girl lying at least try to illustrate it possible, by way of how difficult, not very useful to draw on the resources of the type that comes Coco. " I explain the reality of the most raw and believable, and for example, say that if you do not eat dinner on time, Mom will transform the character and the Incredible Hulk, and compared to me, Coco looks like a Heidi sheep. On the other hand, my Crown has developed an interest and curiosity about the world as envisaged in the case of children, only if too steep, like Titanic on its stern, toward the dream without stepping more than inevitable part of the reality. Therefore, and ignoring the recommendations of their school, when I raise make some investment in digital television by choice leaned Documentary dismissing other options such as Disney Channel, because if anything brings realities of good education are the National Geographic and beyond. Thanks to that, my daughter is perfectly internalized that we like all other living beings, we are born, grow, We paired parimos, dwindled and eventually die and we eat like any other chicken nature. And since this process does not seem nothing tragic or abnormal, as I breathe and I was so quiet. Until this past weekend.

It turns out that my child, like all children do not suffer when they eat their vegetables but mosque that you shit if someone bump the goodies.

My grandmother, the matriarch of my family is visiting Madrid, my mother's height. She is a woman of character more than eighty years with an energy and health are formidable, and both two are so obvious that if tomorrow was coming to a savings bank to request a mortgage, I am sure that it is granted for a minimum period of thirty-five years (more years than I have wanted to give me, by the way). For good and prudence, regularly visit the family doctor to rule out social security and elimination possible future ailments even before they start to manifest. To date, the doctor always has been confirmed (thankfully), she is like a rose, but if for some reason the physician's response does not seem convincing enough, she gets the question, and comes to the capital for a second opinion from another specialist, this and other charges. And is that health comes first, and my grandmother a woman very well organized and proactive. She lives at home, a hundred-odd miles from ours and only since the visa grandfather left us and returned to the cycle of nature as you know ... Even though she is found very healthy and plump, and she is very capable, is starting to think that perhaps will not always be the case (something that others not imagine, really), so it has begun to reshuffle some possibilities for the future much more comfortable and relaxed but to live away from their families under any uncertainty on the age and the future.

The first choice that everyone suggested, placed in this position, was to hire service specialized domestic household, we seemed to us very appropriate because it has the immense advantage of not having to leave home. But she quite rightly and common sense, was dismissed even before anyone had finished stating the idea, warning that while she liked very much to live with his grandfather in him missing and just want to live alone and without who share an apartment with anyone like a student, what it is like sending in your home, and nobody comes and you send. Without much effort, we all get to view the difficulty of survival of the ecosystem may forzábamos and rule out the option at a time that we begin to exclude other options such as live reception at the home of any family descendants we are, because in addition to lying and what we have gone a little bit banners and stopped right in our homes. And because all these genes we have inherited independent of the grandmother, "every man for himself, and God where you want, but do not even think in mine." It is true that would burn Troy.

So she alone decided to explore the possibility for the future of staying in a residential area, also called the "Residence of the New and Modern." And more specifically, one that includes individual apartments, hairdresser, cinema and of course, medical care private (and thus would have the second opinion is good directly, without having to go through the cumbersome process of first ...). The residence in question is as requetebuena offering up re-releases of movies with flashy stars assistance (no exaggeration: the screening of the film "A Place in the World" went to none other than Federico Lupi offering to participate in a gathering post where he answers to all curiosities that arose between the concurrent, especially among females. And the great comic patriotic Jesus Caldera, also chose this unique framework for the national media present to his film star "Law Dependency "). The truth is we all thought it was a great solution because, what the heck, and that humans are determined to stay alive at all costs until age unthinkable, at least as well, comfortably, with dignity and all the better if in addition lujillo may be with some body and queen. And to make matters worse this residence is Justito Justito sticking with my daughter's school and therefore also a stone's throw in my own home Luisi. More egg is impossible.

So after making efforts to arrange a tour, this weekend, my parents, grandmother and samophlange went into the world of unparalleled luxury residence (about my samophlange was to take advantage of the rule of thumb that says that if the Pisuerga passing through Valladolid, then take advantage and pick up my child home from school that falls just pasting). My adult family

obviously took a pleasing impression and my grandmother he was very excited and animated with the idea. My family child was under the impression that everyone who lived there were old and that what he was painting the grandmother visa with them. The visa grandmother, tenderly, came to explain it is that she is also elderly, and that was a very good place to live the people of his age. And my daughter was accepted without further agree that issues like the eagle raptor eats the breeding striped tailed lemur it also has the right to food.

With this I come to show the superb and exquisite work of education for life that I'm doing with my girl. Now, what I realized this weekend is that I have to my daughter also started the area of \u200b\u200bvalues \u200b\u200band preferences. To develop developed sensitivity to the emotional area and not just as possessive. Let me explain.
My Soul, a resident of blog that has your stay here in an apartment right next called Lucera Stories "is a household gladiator with pluperfect Gladia Morning Star: a saint to whom all adore and who travels a lot as good star is, while staying alone in front of their children, consisting of a steady and well educated girl and a steady child, adolescent and nevertheless also well educated and, yes, as my daughter marcianillo tad in the passion for wildlife. All this makes it effective and coordinated manner to maintain a marriage and a happy family and very close. Total no.

Well, a couple of weeks ago my daughter and I went to visit his home to make time for girls, taking advantage of the stars were shining on the outskirts of Madrid, Murcia height (Hi Elly ...). The boy, who even as a teenager is a cielazo, gave my daughter a bunch of plastic animals have crowded the room and are reproducing out of control in places as unexpected as the inside of my slippers at home. And here comes the danger: he gave also a CD Rom with a computer game called ZOOTYCOM which is something like the Sims but as an animal.

Since then my life has never been the same, little things, and I tell you. To begin installation on the computer got the first by myself, without help or expert or inexperienced, and this gave me a real rush. But it is also true that since my screen has been set to 16 bits in the primary colors in the palette and size of icons for a whopping three squares resolution (because I do not tell me that they are pixel), and I have not changed in any way. Well, now I'm writing on a white laptop and steel fashion with the same resolution as Commodore of the eighties. And that if I produced my a downturn.

But even that important. What really is starting to play me nose, you do not get to play or three seconds even without the authorities of the game I close the zoo so very badly that I have care visitors and bugs. And that's something I do not understand. Let's see: I open the game, select a field, if tiny, smooth and cuajadito grass. Some facilities contract core (hamburger, drink machines, toilets, benches ...), hired a few guides, drivers and maintenance personnel paying very good salaries, reserve items for investment and development succulent, and I mess up facilities, with sorts of herbs of the savanna, its thorny acacias and baobabs. When I have all that done, bought a pair of giraffes and zebras, and pulls, to live there. There are not two seconds in his plot, and the bugs are already pissed, with smileys scarlet red-faced mosqueo grow them just above their heads, and start to grow little messages at the top of the screen saying "the Zebra 1 is not at all happy, Giraffe 1 is not at all happy, the Zebra 2 is not at all happy .... " However, the Inti, for example, come, put a close to a piece of artificial turf, a zebra plant and give a prize of not a few million to buy more animals. Well, no sir, I do not think that's good or not fair.

So last Friday I changed my strategy and I ventured to other animals, since the savanna herbivores I have a hobby. Heeding the pleas of my girl, planted a rocky valley, with its conifers and evergreens to live in wolves, which are some bugs God knows why my daughter loves. The problem came when trying to do it without wearing glasses on, because without that I orthopedics banding me with very little light. When the piece of land was done, I went to the animals and selected a male wolf. So far so good. Then I clicked on the icon of a female, and I went with the mouse to click on the wolf micro micro drawn in the window, and what happened?, Because I was wrong and that instead of buying the happy wolf, I went and I bought a mouflon. Well, I do not know if you have seen chapters of "Man and Earth" by Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, height wolf and sheep, but for which you missed that chapter, I will say that the sheep it becomes something like the exquisite Iranian caviar wolf. According to the mouflon got into the enclosure, the wolf grew a green and smiling emoticon super happy and ecstatic that I certainly had not seen in my computer so far and yet, the mouflon red came out a computer that occupied the whole, while a message appeared in large type in red and very big and flashing saying "mouflon 1 NO CONTENT IS NOTHING, mouflon 1 NO CONTENT IS NOTHING !...". Before he could move the cursor, the wolf pounced on the goat emitting fierce roars and ate a single boca'o. All before my little eyes hallucinating girl could only say "but mom!, which has eaten ...!" and then began to mourn. Because obviously, one thing is that the wolf and the animal it is, eat the sheep or animal that is of National Geographic, which after all are not yours, they are on TV and another wolf eat YOUR YOUR sheep. Piece of disgust!. Obvious and again, I closed the zoo ipso facto and it's game over.

Well, despite this, so far everything seemed normal, even the middle Faint of my child. But yesterday, up dinner, she ate soup and I did hook (yes, the famous quilt I started at the gala of the misses) while watching a Spiderman capitulillo the free channel Jetix. She chewing on noodles and sipping soup, she asked if I could teach to do that I was doing, and I, in the Sunday finished the day with galbana still hanging, I shook my job badly and I said, not that much better to show him the visa grandmother who first taught me when I was the same age as my child. My bud, coolly, while chewing noodles, and sipping broth, or remove loops of Spiderman, he said he did not seem a good idea, that the visa is old grandmother and is going to die soon, and he does not believe get time. There was silence in my house, and even the Spiderman almost fell off a ledge by printing. Just heard the click click of the mouse Inti, accepting donations and prizes for its zoo, because the truth is that he was the only one who was unfazed.

I swallowed, and a trickle of voice explained that this was not that good is the grandmother visa, and that I will see it as in the future we will bury them all. But my child was with his fixed idea and I said yes, it's worth, but almost better teach me.

in case, and a little heartbroken when my child was already in bed and as he gave his kiss goodnight, I mentioned how rich he had found the sheep to the wolf, to see if any of the such coldness and cruelty to children was awarded in general and day thing, not something applicable only to respect his family, but my joy is definitely fell into the well as soon as my child, I let out another "jo But Mom ...! "and held a pot. Having seen what I did not dare to comment that I can also die at any time, in case I say yes it's worth, but for Kings want another sheep again.

Anyway, I do not know that I believe that I have gone back hand.


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