Thursday, October 4, 2007

Were Is Outside Temp Unit Mondeo


the beginning of my inexperience as a driver I thought it was important that the car was clean, because that was what I had explained to me in driving school and I've always been a hard-working student. But then I stopped your car Inti Vernon guarrete was right, (he's one of those human specimens firmly believed that it shrinks a car wash), and I set out to packed inside and out, and special attention to him, and a way to protect my health: cleaning out to avoid the inevitable driving causes accidents Braille and cleaning inside to avoid the inevitable infection because of either virus fauna in there have felt as comfortable as in my fridge when I return from vacation. The car wash momentazo that I told you in another post and I still gives me nightmares. The collection time internal achiperris me up to date details of the private life of Inti the part of the peninsula on which he had not accompanied me. And instead of feeling good that you shit for executing the detail and good action, I felt rather gossipy and indiscreet course assuming tasks that were not my thing. Come on, almost as if he had read the newspaper.

But I thought that I was going to clean the car outside and learned the lesson knowing that they should re-do it again and point the car is his master and must be he who deals with cuddling.

Then came my own car, my Luisi, also filthy you die after having received for months Esteban ecosystem and its variety, and as my Luisi was not alien, it was mine, I turned to leave quietly shining with the pad, the pad and battery-powered mini vacuum cleaner. Without realizing I left the radio turned on and no volume whole weekend, therefore I exhausted TOO battery and the following Monday I had to take my daughter to school by taxi. So this second experience I learned that the inside will never, ever, never at all, clean a car inside, or own or others, and if you're not careful, even prop.

And I have not do it anymore.

Yesterday I made a professional visitilla (me in my profession) at a time very early on which gave me no time or stop by the office, so I let my offspring in school and Luisi pulled toward my client's home. It was raining profusely and radio warned of traffic jams and pools of water everywhere even mine, but nothing, I like driving, and I thought it was a challenge as any. In the second two did not see or cake because everything was blurred. I activated the stream of hot air for window, which in other cars (Vernon, Grison) I have no idea where he is, but mine and at this point, yes. But I still did not see or cake. I ran my hand through the windshield on the inside (obviously) to get a little window and hand rapier I was black then did not know where to put it. Gray sponge and sponge these fog continued even darker gray and the glass was the same in pig. Finally I had to drive with the windows down (the two) because neither the mud inside or outside the let me see the posters and do not know how, because I can not specify or what sign or did not see how, without knowing has ended up stuck in the middle of M30 (never far from my objective) of a mile per hour during a time clock that is what it took to walk a path that was to see was the room. Finally I decided I better get to my goal shed that Baracaldo for example (hey, it has to be a beautiful place, but it was not the day to go because I had other plans ...).
This morning was not motorized, and after leaving my child at school (the regular cast), I continued the special delivery to your home. And again did not see or cake, sometimes because of the sun, and others by the cold mist and the smear that my Luisi taken inside. But as I did this because I used more or less, unless it rains like it I do not care. But the Inti, the theory that the shrinking washing vehicles are not used to so much stress just lifted, and after deformation of the door handle of the uncontrolled pressure of his fingers, very seriously advised me that Lenin to wash it. But I tell you that neither of those going to. Because

a few days ago, the Inti also left Vernon (still sleeping here on my street with their eyes rather sad) as a replacement vehicle to a companion star that had its own car unwell and admitted to a workshop. The companion star and used it the very thing I thought when Inti gave me my first, that the prudent thing for his health was clean. But this fellow is seen to be much more expert than I, and decided to leave it far more aseptic professionals not knowing details of the life of the owner (God, what you've seen these people in so many cars, I do not imagine ...). So when a couple of days then put it back where it was parked in my neighborhood, the car shone so much that myself before passing it took me three days to see him.

Anyway, last Sunday, went down to the shop Rosi (a colmao in my neighborhood that is open daily and has everything, like a Chinese store, but managed by a woman in the country, mostly Vicálvaro) to find bread crumbs and pan without scratching for a family Cocidito to be held in a couple of hours in my house (the breadcrumbs is to fill, which leaves me very rich). And Rosie always has everything that this time is missing. Crisis did not: I looked in my pockets, I found the key to Vernon, and thought, "Well, look, I give it a vueltilla and I approached the gas station that always has everything." Distracted

minding my own business and I approached the car. Put the key in the lock. He chas, chas. I opened the door, put the first foot (and it was the right) inside the car and as Vernon is very broad, no mat on the floor of the driver because it is always moving and it rolled to the pedals, then hit a bestial patina Spaghetti me improvise a brutal and amazing that I almost pulled over the other passenger door. Fortunately it was closed and held me. But the coup that Lenin gave me.

And it turns out that professionals have an oily spray that serves to make the plastic surfaces shiny and new and smelling clean, and we see that these professionals were of the thorough and applied by all the plastic parts of Vernon without letting either one, that is like saying all unless the car upholstery. Total

I visitilla today I have a routine to the gynecologist and I am not able to separate the legs to put on the rack: Holy Virgin! the strain I have in the part where the legs meet the grace of my sudden watermark to enter the car. And I explain I see my gynecologist that my injury is not the result of idle boasting, but my guilt and hiperlimpio requeteculpa a car, because although I well know more than enough and I have it tattooed on my subconscious and to the remains, that cars should not ever clean the inside, there are plenty of ignorant people who have not yet discovered.

(ps!, Joseph B, this text is less than two pages).


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