Monday, April 26, 2010

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Oslo were sent to the documents proposing to Fidel Castro as Nobel Peace Prize 2010

Information International · Fidel Nobel Committee for Paz ¨
  • Committee "Fidel Nobel Peace Fidel Castro Ruz On Monday January 11 shipments were made by email to the Nobel Institute in Oslo, Norway, containing the international declaration for the prize is awarded to Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, the list of the 38 guarantors of such nomination by the rules of the Institute, including legislators, lawyers and law professors and social sciences. He also turned the list of 109 personalities in various areas (culture, science, social organizations, human rights, unions, universities, political parties, etc). Shipping
    also contained a letter in English and English to the Nobel Institute authorities explaining the meaning of the initiative, and the universal list of signatories in alphabetical order, about 6,000, and the list of the 64 countries where these firms came from. These countries covering five continents.
  • Cuba

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