Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Alan Harper Paid Per Episode

read my poem Jim Morrison, the Bukowski Club. Recording by Maxi King. He left the virtual anthology

thank Maxi King, videotape, my Bukowski poetry reading in a few weeks ago. Maxi is a writer, but also the artist who has recorded on video and photography, the best of English literature, in the second half of the twentieth century.

Maxi, has recorded major poets as Carlos Edmundo de Ory, Gonzalez, Victoriano Cremer, etc. And Maxi has been kind enough to upload my recording on You Tube. Something that according to other friends, is rare in him. Since many institutions will request their files. He rarely raises his work video, publicly. Therefore I am doubly grateful.

I hope you like my reading.

PS .- In You Tube, you can see this link for more correct:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Does Cocoa Butter Help Dark Spots

: "Madrid,La Nueva París Literaria". Pueden leer gratuitamente nuestro E-Book.

Presentation On 11 September, as part of the White Night, was held, the International Poetry Recital, entitled "Madrid, New Literary Paris. The event was coordinated by me, with the help of all These poets in this anthology. Poems were read in the original language of poets, in English, Bulgarian, Arabic, Italian, Quechua and English.

In the XXI century, migration is the great social phenomenon that crosses borders, creating new hybrid aesthetic accents and the most fascinating. Perhaps the era of avant-garde experimentation has come to an end, but was born the era of cultural civilization.

is also a fact that the rise of media culture has created ever unlimited channels of information, but paradoxically less communication than before. In this context the announcement of the end of the era of books and culture written, is that the poet rebels against the order of words and is replicated in his creative universe.

In a time now, poets from the five continents of the world have come to reside in Madrid. Thereby helping to turn this city into a new international literary capital. If before the rite of a young writer, was to go to Paris as a form of initiation into the letters, Madrid today is a new city where it stands, the new epicenter of global poetry.

On the other hand, this phenomenon coincides with that young English poets away from the peninsular poetic entertainment, both official and circuit noise of the blogosphere avant-garde poetry and lyrical performances soda, to take refuge in a voluntary self-exile and hear the language of true poetry.

Poetry therefore should not be considered a luxury item or superficiality, but an authentic manner and sense of dialogue. Poetry is a journey of self-knowledge and authentic communication.

These years have been undergoing intense poetic activity in Madrid. Especially in different cultural centers, bookstores and pubs in the suburbs of Madrid, and Lavapiés Malasaña. This proves that people have not renounced the pleasure of hearing the voice of the poet, her words, tears and sensations. So the doom of poetry to have been completely wrong. The poetry is more alive than ever.

This is only the first note on this move generations, born in exile and self-exile. Is not obvious, or associations in order to converge all its styles. Are independently poets have been learning and developing their individual texts, but are randomly interconnected. Poetry

ranging from micropoesía to neobaroc through multilingualism, pluriperspectiva of poetic, intense scream or migrant in the great metropolis. Poetics seeking a renewal of tradition. Poetry written with rigor, shivering, humor, but in turn, made with an air of freshness. A good selection of these new looks poetic, is the virtual provide in this book.

thank Charles Olsen, who has kindly offered to lay out this anthology, creating a true work of art. Viva

poetry without borders! Leo


PS. You can read the book for free by pressing this link:

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ever Got A Waiver For Eczema

How to buy the biography of Julio Bocca?

The most recent, comprehensive and objective biography of Julio Bocca appeared in Argentina in March 2007 . Was published by Aguilar under the title: Julio Bocca, life in dance.

The author, Angeline Montoya , ie I'm an independent French journalist. I lived in Argentina for 17 years.

How can buy the book today?

There are several possibilities:

In Argentina:
  • In bookstores: some are out of stock and must be ordered from the publisher, with which can take several days to get it. Still others will have on its shelves. It's a matter of asking. The more people request, more requests made to the publisher. Long as there are individuals in the editorial, no problem.
    now seems to be running the first edition. Hence two things can happen: either there is no demand and no longer publish a second edition. Those who did not buy before they can not get more. Either there is high demand, prompting the publisher to bring out a new edition.
  • Within weeks, the book will go on sale in supermarkets Carrefour and Jumbo an affordable price in bookstores. But again, when it runs out, no more.
From outside:
  • In Internet. It's the same in the libraries: if they take stock, be quick. But they have to ask the publisher and may take a while. Shipping works out well.
    can consult the list of online bookstores that sell in the right column of this blog , under the heading: "Where to Buy Online" or by looking here.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Is Imax The Same Thing As Omnimax?

Have you made rich with the book on Julio Bocca?

often ask me if I won a lot of money writing the biography of Julio Bocca. Moreover: I have alleged to have done for profit.


Nobody has asked me this book . It was from the beginning of a separate project because he wanted I maintain my neutrality and objectivity. Thus, is not the official biography of Julio Bocca , neither he nor his representative gave me a penny, not asked it either.

On the other hand, being my first book, having no advancement of any publisher. And while the editorial that I posted, Aguilar, supported me emotionally from the beginning, I did find I had to arrange for financing. But as I started the book in 2000, you can imagine that at that time in Argentina, and more so in subsequent years, it was impossible to find loans, grants or aid from any type.

Therefore, everything has been lung. I traveled to New York five times (one of whom took the opportunity to go to Florida to interview a person), once in Europe (Spain, Italy, Denmark, France), once in Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil and Russia. Of course I did not pay for all these journeys: collecting miles, I did not spend sooo silver. In most places, I was lucky to find friends I stayed with friends for free or charging a very modest pension.

Knowing that I gave up a steady job in order to have time to devote himself wholeheartedly to work and got paid just five years enough to survive with what is right, I leave the calculation of how much I spent for the completion of the book.

Now tell me, I published, and I did not pay anything for editing, distribution and advertising. From all this editorial was commissioned. Well, thank goodness ... The issue is: How much does a writer? Well
easy: wins 10% of each copy sold . The rest is divided between libraries and publishers. Does the author? Well, thank you, to have to buy copies of his own book if you want to give away: the book no longer belongs to all rights are of the publisher.

I will not give figures, only one: the books sold, regained 5% of what I invested . Net loss: a lot of money.

Eye, I'm not complaining. Make this extensive research, traveling to such countries, interviewing the likes of Vladimir Vassiliev, Alessandra Ferri, Marie-Claude Pietragalla and Flemming Flindt, go to Julio Bocca on tour for a month in Italy and France (another thing I refinanced alone), sharing breakfast, dinner, attending classes and rehearsals have been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life . And nobody takes it danced.

But I'm a little thing when I say that my intention was profit. Actually, I'd love to have won silver with it. But I knew that would not be the case, given the initial investment.

myself remember having distributed flyers to promote my book in front of the theaters in which Julio Bocca was presented. And remember a man throwing a flyer on the sidewalk muttering: "I do not know what to do to make money" ... I can not explain the frustration I felt when I heard that comment ...

Of course, when I see page of my book on Facebook (which Not the Julio Bocca page) has more than 6,600 fans , I think, hopefully the 6600 would have bought a copy!

Unfortunately, I think many of those who are fans of this page believe it is the Bocca, when it comes only modestly, to promote my book .

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Coverting A Usb Dongle To A Usb Flash Drive

¡Ha muerto el más grande poeta de España: Carlos Edmundo de Ory!

He died this morning, Carlos Edmundo of Ory, the greatest poet of Spain. A few years ago I discovered his poetry and I shivered. Since that time, all my fellow poets, I said the same, the only English poet, which could give him the title of "genius" was to Ory.

self-exiled in France, a monumental development, to try to renew the boring, stuffy and academic, English poetry of the postwar . And he did, to create original poetry, fresh and cutting edge .

not belonged to any literary shrine, was a rebel and iconoclast, until the end of his days. Perhaps because of this deep love of poetry and his reluctance to fall in the publishing market entertainment is that it has awarded the Cervantes , much-deserved, and recently the Reina Sofía , which lost the vote by one vote. So do not come now to tear their clothes, and literary widows appear for his sudden death. I appreciate you, but half, with envy, with suspicion, as if he were ashamed to say aloud, which was the greatest English poet Federico from García Lorca .

Still and all, the poetry of Carlos Edmundo of Ory, has and will always have a special place in the Parnassus of poetry.

But reality is that again, expect to die a great poet, to give full value to his work. With him gone, the last romantic poet of the peninsula. The last vanguard, the last great poet of the twentieth century in our language.

But I want to finish this small tribute, Carlos Edmundo of Ory, citing a response to an interview, which it is starkly ominous:

"Poetry is a voice from another world, a glow ... But the word is that the word of poetry is ... authentic. Those who are called poets are professionals. But the real poet is not professional ... lives only to be an instrument. I live light, although those things should not say them. Even dead I'm alive, and when in the cemetery will continue writing. " Keep writing

Carlos. Hope you are with the poets he so admired. Your loyal readers will never forget you.