Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ever Got A Waiver For Eczema

How to buy the biography of Julio Bocca?

The most recent, comprehensive and objective biography of Julio Bocca appeared in Argentina in March 2007 . Was published by Aguilar under the title: Julio Bocca, life in dance.

The author, Angeline Montoya , ie I'm an independent French journalist. I lived in Argentina for 17 years.

How can buy the book today?

There are several possibilities:

In Argentina:
  • In bookstores: some are out of stock and must be ordered from the publisher, with which can take several days to get it. Still others will have on its shelves. It's a matter of asking. The more people request, more requests made to the publisher. Long as there are individuals in the editorial, no problem.
    now seems to be running the first edition. Hence two things can happen: either there is no demand and no longer publish a second edition. Those who did not buy before they can not get more. Either there is high demand, prompting the publisher to bring out a new edition.
  • Within weeks, the book will go on sale in supermarkets Carrefour and Jumbo an affordable price in bookstores. But again, when it runs out, no more.
From outside:
  • In Internet. It's the same in the libraries: if they take stock, be quick. But they have to ask the publisher and may take a while. Shipping works out well.
    can consult the list of online bookstores that sell in the right column of this blog , under the heading: "Where to Buy Online" or by looking here.


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