Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Alan Harper Paid Per Episode

read my poem Jim Morrison, the Bukowski Club. Recording by Maxi King. He left the virtual anthology

thank Maxi King, videotape, my Bukowski poetry reading in a few weeks ago. Maxi is a writer, but also the artist who has recorded on video and photography, the best of English literature, in the second half of the twentieth century.

Maxi, has recorded major poets as Carlos Edmundo de Ory, Gonzalez, Victoriano Cremer, etc. And Maxi has been kind enough to upload my recording on You Tube. Something that according to other friends, is rare in him. Since many institutions will request their files. He rarely raises his work video, publicly. Therefore I am doubly grateful.

I hope you like my reading.

PS .- In You Tube, you can see this link for more correct:


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