Friday, November 12, 2010

Is Imax The Same Thing As Omnimax?

Have you made rich with the book on Julio Bocca?

often ask me if I won a lot of money writing the biography of Julio Bocca. Moreover: I have alleged to have done for profit.


Nobody has asked me this book . It was from the beginning of a separate project because he wanted I maintain my neutrality and objectivity. Thus, is not the official biography of Julio Bocca , neither he nor his representative gave me a penny, not asked it either.

On the other hand, being my first book, having no advancement of any publisher. And while the editorial that I posted, Aguilar, supported me emotionally from the beginning, I did find I had to arrange for financing. But as I started the book in 2000, you can imagine that at that time in Argentina, and more so in subsequent years, it was impossible to find loans, grants or aid from any type.

Therefore, everything has been lung. I traveled to New York five times (one of whom took the opportunity to go to Florida to interview a person), once in Europe (Spain, Italy, Denmark, France), once in Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil and Russia. Of course I did not pay for all these journeys: collecting miles, I did not spend sooo silver. In most places, I was lucky to find friends I stayed with friends for free or charging a very modest pension.

Knowing that I gave up a steady job in order to have time to devote himself wholeheartedly to work and got paid just five years enough to survive with what is right, I leave the calculation of how much I spent for the completion of the book.

Now tell me, I published, and I did not pay anything for editing, distribution and advertising. From all this editorial was commissioned. Well, thank goodness ... The issue is: How much does a writer? Well
easy: wins 10% of each copy sold . The rest is divided between libraries and publishers. Does the author? Well, thank you, to have to buy copies of his own book if you want to give away: the book no longer belongs to all rights are of the publisher.

I will not give figures, only one: the books sold, regained 5% of what I invested . Net loss: a lot of money.

Eye, I'm not complaining. Make this extensive research, traveling to such countries, interviewing the likes of Vladimir Vassiliev, Alessandra Ferri, Marie-Claude Pietragalla and Flemming Flindt, go to Julio Bocca on tour for a month in Italy and France (another thing I refinanced alone), sharing breakfast, dinner, attending classes and rehearsals have been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life . And nobody takes it danced.

But I'm a little thing when I say that my intention was profit. Actually, I'd love to have won silver with it. But I knew that would not be the case, given the initial investment.

myself remember having distributed flyers to promote my book in front of the theaters in which Julio Bocca was presented. And remember a man throwing a flyer on the sidewalk muttering: "I do not know what to do to make money" ... I can not explain the frustration I felt when I heard that comment ...

Of course, when I see page of my book on Facebook (which Not the Julio Bocca page) has more than 6,600 fans , I think, hopefully the 6600 would have bought a copy!

Unfortunately, I think many of those who are fans of this page believe it is the Bocca, when it comes only modestly, to promote my book .


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