Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Reset Panasonic Remote Sa Ht740


That in my neighborhood there are many animals is a fact. When more are are Friday afternoon in the square of our header bar, as well. Now that the fauna that joined us a couple of Friday, here in the square to the door of the bar, is at least to quit writing.

The thing started with the end of weekly cole our children, and they shared no desire to get home. So just getting them all, one by one, to our brand bedside table Mahou to make our gathering, leaving two meters above ground shoots beyond feral. The first to arrive on Friday it was me because my daughter's father is very timely in replacing my sprout, then came the cruel and final Carrefú Esteban, with his Pastor German, nice that you shit, but monórquido quite as you know everyone.

After two seconds, my daughter and did not look anywhere. I half sat up in my chair staring at the horizon for otearla better and is on the horizon was not. I have already started sweating. When I looked down I found relief because to me the same, at a nearby table Mahou bill identical to ours, was my sprout, giving bebensales talk about that until then had conducted an animatedly about their own affairs accompanied by a bunny angora of shop Carrefú animals, and lay on the floor at the foot of one of them. My agachadita child-height bug cage, dragging his expensive school uniform pinafore of putting perdidito, inquired everything and the good of Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente will ever know about these animals. I calm myself, seeing that he was calm down and, without any risk or discomfort to anyone in the conversation enzarcé me my own. And so began more lively: Esteban by asking the developments of his own bitch.

(I): - "Stephen, how goes the bitch your mother? Already a sociable? Or have you decided to return for a bag? "
(La Esteban): -" what will Auntie is made a bitch, has returned to bite me. "
(I): - "Well, leave it a few days with Rusty and you'll soon make them see reason."

(Item mandatory):

When the first Tai, Taigu, the dog's name monórquido of Esteban, inherited in turn (the same name) from another dog also monórquido Tai, took off never to return, espeluznado by Melendi2 bronze fuss, the Melendi2, a newcomer to the life of Stephen did not know where to go, and opened again a little hole in the heart and bed house and Stephen spent a pasture in a Schnauzer Mediano beautiful but hopelessly stupid (I I do not know where the dogs out Melendi2) that was unbearable in every way, and ultimately the same Melendi2 Esteban and, finally park in the estate of Brunete where those saints living saints who are the parents of one or suegrísimos or the other. Because in addition to unbearable, the animal did not come to fill the wish fulfillment of Stephen, which, as we know anyone who know a little bit, does not like dogs, if not German Shepherds, which among other things, they go and are dogs. As the Medium Schnauzer, named Rusty, came to the farm, grabbed a kind of ringworm, which caused him to lose almost all their hair and walk bleary-eyed to see nothing and go against all sticking morrazo low walls, so far from improving the healthy life of the field, the bug each day goes echadito more groggy and losing.

(continued after the bullet):

(La Esteban): - "The Rusty! In this no mention me! "

And here begins the adventure of Brunete Bullnauzers tuned. I do not know if you know it, but everything comes to height Brunete Melendi2 parental home, the tune and ends with at least a very, very different. So the expensive Schnauzer named Rusty over converted into a pooch pretty disgusting and unrecognizable. Which until then had been kept out was the Bull Dog's cuñadísimo carisísima of Stephen, that child's eyes on the above, with alternative hobbies that never came to give him the Luisi had for her, because Melendi2, which is not going to win the sky Esteban own, sold it to me me. Well, this dog survived with its special plant Bull Dog breed outside the tuning (and a miracle I think) through the close supervision of the brother. But in a moment of forgetfulness in which nobody knows where the owner walked evaporated, dispersed the bitch in heat and watch the always silly Rusty, was this piece of dog and bang! brushed it. With very bad luck for the family, the wonderful dog that was pregnant intact. From there the imagination of the audience was shot trying to imagine how we could be born a few bugs cross between a Bull Dog and a Schnauzer Mediano ringworm and hopelessly ill fool. In future this new race will be called Bullnauzer. Afectadísimo brother lacked the time to scream "No way, I'm going to charge me with the freaks!" And was seen and unseen to his beloved dog to the vet for the practice to a therapeutic abortillo. The treatment consisted of an injection, and pull the shit for home. As of this Friday, four days after the appointment, yet he was beside himself thrown to the picturesque descent frustrated. Thus further mixture of genes, was added an abortion cuajao not, what made this litter, as well as in worthy of Rusti, in murder. When Stephen started to discuss how difficult it was to know whether the abortion had taken place effective or not because mothers eat the expulsion ... the cruel and I were on the way to keep the nausea and do not take to be our own livers as mismito cuña'o bitch.

These, fortunately, it was our sexsymbol the neighborhood: the official tattoo artist and painter of the art on the walls of my house by the name Curro. Appeared safe passage further into the fauna of the district, with a carrier in the right hand and a cigarette in left and into the carrier, which George Clooney himself, rested a little piggy Vietnamese. The animal, pretending to sleep, and my daughter saw as almost went into trance and ecstasy all at once, he could not believe his luck, all together on the same day and in the same place: the Tai (which is not excited because even she knows she is fucking stupid), an angora bunny and Babe: Pig!. To be called Babe, I do not argue, but was not brave, and I tell you. Because with all the aplomb of her abundance, Curro prepared to take the animal to the carrier We would appreciate all your plant (and when I say her, still do not know who I mean.) The suckling pig, bothered His rest, began to scream as if the very day of St. Martin. In face of fuss and very little presence mood, Curro was reduced and put back into the cage never to make a gesture hardly look at him.

to all this the Stephen started talking about the food that was the zoo on Friday: A rabbit for rice, a pig for the oven, and shots: his dead iguana. I put my poker face, that's true, sometimes I do not hear anything, and I illustrated Cruela explaining that Stephen, fond of reptiles, hurt by the drama of having to part with it, had decided to keep to his side metidita alcohol. Specifically white residue Galician. I am amazed that almost for nothing, I asked if he had taken the precaution of drawn, otherwise the bug and the residue will be destroyed, and she faced "with whom you think you speak" I said :

(La Esteban): - "Of course, the gutted the Indian" - (his father).

And in that moment I wished fervently that Bull Dog puppy soon aborted his own and without the help of head of household.

Anyway, I still have a ratillo more, just to hear Cruella Luisito greet a sweet kid in our neighborhood that we have not seen since before the holidays, the way as follows:

(The Cruel): - "Luisito, if you're not dead!"

And see the boy pale, probably remembering his own sister, as sweet, and yes she died years earlier.

After that, I knew that I had lost nothing, and went home with my girl to dinner.


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