Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Reset Panasonic Remote Sa Ht740


That in my neighborhood there are many animals is a fact. When more are are Friday afternoon in the square of our header bar, as well. Now that the fauna that joined us a couple of Friday, here in the square to the door of the bar, is at least to quit writing.

The thing started with the end of weekly cole our children, and they shared no desire to get home. So just getting them all, one by one, to our brand bedside table Mahou to make our gathering, leaving two meters above ground shoots beyond feral. The first to arrive on Friday it was me because my daughter's father is very timely in replacing my sprout, then came the cruel and final Carrefú Esteban, with his Pastor German, nice that you shit, but monórquido quite as you know everyone.

After two seconds, my daughter and did not look anywhere. I half sat up in my chair staring at the horizon for otearla better and is on the horizon was not. I have already started sweating. When I looked down I found relief because to me the same, at a nearby table Mahou bill identical to ours, was my sprout, giving bebensales talk about that until then had conducted an animatedly about their own affairs accompanied by a bunny angora of shop Carrefú animals, and lay on the floor at the foot of one of them. My agachadita child-height bug cage, dragging his expensive school uniform pinafore of putting perdidito, inquired everything and the good of Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente will ever know about these animals. I calm myself, seeing that he was calm down and, without any risk or discomfort to anyone in the conversation enzarcé me my own. And so began more lively: Esteban by asking the developments of his own bitch.

(I): - "Stephen, how goes the bitch your mother? Already a sociable? Or have you decided to return for a bag? "
(La Esteban): -" what will Auntie is made a bitch, has returned to bite me. "
(I): - "Well, leave it a few days with Rusty and you'll soon make them see reason."

(Item mandatory):

When the first Tai, Taigu, the dog's name monórquido of Esteban, inherited in turn (the same name) from another dog also monórquido Tai, took off never to return, espeluznado by Melendi2 bronze fuss, the Melendi2, a newcomer to the life of Stephen did not know where to go, and opened again a little hole in the heart and bed house and Stephen spent a pasture in a Schnauzer Mediano beautiful but hopelessly stupid (I I do not know where the dogs out Melendi2) that was unbearable in every way, and ultimately the same Melendi2 Esteban and, finally park in the estate of Brunete where those saints living saints who are the parents of one or suegrísimos or the other. Because in addition to unbearable, the animal did not come to fill the wish fulfillment of Stephen, which, as we know anyone who know a little bit, does not like dogs, if not German Shepherds, which among other things, they go and are dogs. As the Medium Schnauzer, named Rusty, came to the farm, grabbed a kind of ringworm, which caused him to lose almost all their hair and walk bleary-eyed to see nothing and go against all sticking morrazo low walls, so far from improving the healthy life of the field, the bug each day goes echadito more groggy and losing.

(continued after the bullet):

(La Esteban): - "The Rusty! In this no mention me! "

And here begins the adventure of Brunete Bullnauzers tuned. I do not know if you know it, but everything comes to height Brunete Melendi2 parental home, the tune and ends with at least a very, very different. So the expensive Schnauzer named Rusty over converted into a pooch pretty disgusting and unrecognizable. Which until then had been kept out was the Bull Dog's cuñadísimo carisísima of Stephen, that child's eyes on the above, with alternative hobbies that never came to give him the Luisi had for her, because Melendi2, which is not going to win the sky Esteban own, sold it to me me. Well, this dog survived with its special plant Bull Dog breed outside the tuning (and a miracle I think) through the close supervision of the brother. But in a moment of forgetfulness in which nobody knows where the owner walked evaporated, dispersed the bitch in heat and watch the always silly Rusty, was this piece of dog and bang! brushed it. With very bad luck for the family, the wonderful dog that was pregnant intact. From there the imagination of the audience was shot trying to imagine how we could be born a few bugs cross between a Bull Dog and a Schnauzer Mediano ringworm and hopelessly ill fool. In future this new race will be called Bullnauzer. Afectadísimo brother lacked the time to scream "No way, I'm going to charge me with the freaks!" And was seen and unseen to his beloved dog to the vet for the practice to a therapeutic abortillo. The treatment consisted of an injection, and pull the shit for home. As of this Friday, four days after the appointment, yet he was beside himself thrown to the picturesque descent frustrated. Thus further mixture of genes, was added an abortion cuajao not, what made this litter, as well as in worthy of Rusti, in murder. When Stephen started to discuss how difficult it was to know whether the abortion had taken place effective or not because mothers eat the expulsion ... the cruel and I were on the way to keep the nausea and do not take to be our own livers as mismito cuña'o bitch.

These, fortunately, it was our sexsymbol the neighborhood: the official tattoo artist and painter of the art on the walls of my house by the name Curro. Appeared safe passage further into the fauna of the district, with a carrier in the right hand and a cigarette in left and into the carrier, which George Clooney himself, rested a little piggy Vietnamese. The animal, pretending to sleep, and my daughter saw as almost went into trance and ecstasy all at once, he could not believe his luck, all together on the same day and in the same place: the Tai (which is not excited because even she knows she is fucking stupid), an angora bunny and Babe: Pig!. To be called Babe, I do not argue, but was not brave, and I tell you. Because with all the aplomb of her abundance, Curro prepared to take the animal to the carrier We would appreciate all your plant (and when I say her, still do not know who I mean.) The suckling pig, bothered His rest, began to scream as if the very day of St. Martin. In face of fuss and very little presence mood, Curro was reduced and put back into the cage never to make a gesture hardly look at him.

to all this the Stephen started talking about the food that was the zoo on Friday: A rabbit for rice, a pig for the oven, and shots: his dead iguana. I put my poker face, that's true, sometimes I do not hear anything, and I illustrated Cruela explaining that Stephen, fond of reptiles, hurt by the drama of having to part with it, had decided to keep to his side metidita alcohol. Specifically white residue Galician. I am amazed that almost for nothing, I asked if he had taken the precaution of drawn, otherwise the bug and the residue will be destroyed, and she faced "with whom you think you speak" I said :

(La Esteban): - "Of course, the gutted the Indian" - (his father).

And in that moment I wished fervently that Bull Dog puppy soon aborted his own and without the help of head of household.

Anyway, I still have a ratillo more, just to hear Cruella Luisito greet a sweet kid in our neighborhood that we have not seen since before the holidays, the way as follows:

(The Cruel): - "Luisito, if you're not dead!"

And see the boy pale, probably remembering his own sister, as sweet, and yes she died years earlier.

After that, I knew that I had lost nothing, and went home with my girl to dinner.

What To Eat Lactic Acid Upset Stomach

Beloved all (as I do not add the bar because it is implicit and evil that although the SAR is still male):

Back to School passed me, and although based children survive Cola-Cao and Actimel, mothers like me, who had breakfast with Coca-Cola cigarettes in the car, succumb line as finished books. In my first grabbed me tired and you So that, then a Bajadilla defenses, and then taking advantage that I had taken a Friday off for a san want, go and attack me an infection and gastritis, I have had all my love and weekend flea market san prostrate between the bed, the couch and the color of my home toilet. So I'm here, recently remade and very close to get my old size, which must be very careful with the prayers that you check pa 'out because then they go and always serve with the crooked lines and looking down, as so came much more poetic and long-Truman Capote. I, on my last birthday, and wishes have not thought about, I thought and watched (and I have intention to continue to do so) to George Clooney, who look at it is difficult to misinterpret, and give me as I say give me you'll know a hack.

But I've come back to attack postero unavailable to discouragement and shouting like the wind Monica Naranjo SOBREVIVIRÉÉÉÉ, EE, É!.

As I prepare another post of vivid experiences, here are a form of entertainment Meme (this time it go and I agree):

- I have eyes, as in the photo, but open. Green I want you green, and wrinkles of expression.
- I wish, as I said before, nothing at all, which then goes god, and fuck you giving what you asked.
- I hate: too little, almost nothing.
- I listen to: Everything that makes noise. Leisure in the media, and also huge biased views and double-vee metaphors G Bush (eg, "Mandela is dead"). In my environment, lots of laughs and judicious advice, and pampering of my child. And many do not those who say between the lines. And many Charleta for anything that makes me feel good. And my head that spoke in low or high but not shut up ever.
- I fear I have: do not know How to be afraid?
- I'm not: often, my body and my mind are like a shadow Peter Pan, not necessarily go together.
- I cry, in private if I put this, but I usually stop soon be convincing. With real grief and frustration, can not remember.
- I lose my nerve, oh, I do not remember when was the last time or why. There must be important ...
- I need: from tó.
- I owe: a pasture to the bank, many genes of my mother, my fifty fifty basis with my mother and my father and the whole world.
- It makes me happy: almost everything, is that my anxiety ... I feel a lazy
- hurts: the head frequently. Moreover, it is like to mourn. There are attitudes that piss me off more than they hurt, but inside, much tranquility.
- I have a diary?: No, but this blog and leave a record of my days.
- Do I like cooking?: I love to eat, then cook. Sometimes I enjoy it sometimes not. I really enjoy sex more, for example, or travel concept.
- Do I put my watch a few minutes ahead?, Yes and even an hour if the clock is hung too high, do not follow the time zone now high and now other, by that which is ultimately a matter of re-mesecillos go on time.
- Any secret that will not tell anyone: Yes It seems unbelievable, but yes. And if I think a bit, certainly more than one, but is that not using them, I forgotten.
- I swim every day?: I shower and I wash my hair once a day minimum. My bathroom always include candles, music and nice wine and if it can be an intimate (like in the movies), and of course, I'm a sloth ...
- Do I want to marry?: With whom?
- Do I like storms?: Unless you're in the field in the middle of a desert with no trees or a golf course forever.
- Is the person more rare?: Do not know.
- Is the most annoying person?: I do not know, I have my doubts among G. Bush and a double vee many quanta. I guess the first because I thought the others later.
- Does the person best know me?: I do not know. It depends on what side.
- Is the most boring teacher?: Well, I do not remember ... I survived at all without hating.
- Does the phrase used in msn? Hello.
- My favorite band?: Music? many, but of course, then you are not favorites. I like the Clash, a song by B-Movie to mourn every time I hear it, the Who, Frank Sinatra (I grow a Big Band in the back and asks me to dance ... Fred Astaire).
- My greatest wish?: If I dare to small ... maybe could be happy forever, but then, sure I'll hit me a blow and I'm super super happy for lela and remains ...

- Sign: Pisces very Pisces.
- natural hair color: the photo
- hair color I have: the photo
- Favorite Number: (I've always wondered that serves this response), two, twenty and all who are the same number twice, 11, 22, 33, 44 ... and on a digital clock, four numbers, or two and two, but at 22:55 I love even more because it is symmetrical.
- Day favorite, which I'm happier and better me what happened.
- Favorite Month: the same, depends on spells and years.
- Favorite Season: I said. And Autumn, I always visualize very promising.
- Favorite sport: the only thing I can tolerate and play without getting tired: skate.
- Coffee or tea: Coca-Cola. And if any infusion acidilla ...
- Mountain or beach: both, and the city, and dirt trails, and the flat field and the garden (including Murcia) ...
- Barcelona or Madrid: same as me gives me the same, neither one nor the other, but we will not remove ...
- Sun or Snow: Oh, both.


- Cried: No
- Helped someone: I guess so
- Bought something: no
- Sick?: More? No, Lenin!
- Ido the movies?: No, but I saw three movies and a half
- out to dinner?: no, but I would not mind ...
- That I love you: No. The masters will not work, I am more than you want , and I feel more than that to say, except my family, we like us with a facility ...
- Written a letter?: Emails, and short.
- Lost a boyfriend: no, nor a Masseratti
- Talked to someone that I have not talked?: Define time
- Written in a journal?: A blog. If newspaper, jovencilla, sooooo many years ago.
- Had a serious talk: Yes, with bromillas and giggles, that courtesy does not remove so hot.
- Lost Someone: no, I hope.
- Hugging someone: yes, the kids we have this huge advantage
- Wrestled with a relative?: No. The threshold of anger in my family is very high, not easily reached.
- Fought with a friend: yes, no words, only inside.
- Dream Awake?: I can not make out too well sometimes waking reality.

COULD EVER ... ...

- Eat a worm?: If you are rich, of course. With mushrooms mushrooms and knowing a lot
- Kill someone: no idea, I have not felt the need
- Kissing a alguien del mismo sexo?: pues no sé, si es persona… ¡pues claro!
- ¿Sexo con alguien del mismo sexo?: idem. No tengo ese prejuicio en mente.
- ¿Lanzarte en paracaídas?: metafóricamente hablando, fijo, oníricamente hablando, seguro, ahora, de pie en la puerta del avión, con la mochila a la espalda, no sé yo que haría…
- ¿Cantar en un karaoke?: seguro
- ¿Ser vegetariano?: si me lo propongo… pero no entiendo la utilidad
- ¿Robar en una tienda?: no sé, yo soy más de “ es muy duro de pedir, pero más duro es de robar…”
- ¿Usar maquillaje en público?: Si, y también lavadita face out.

Well that's it. I do not think there are more questions as possible. Besitos.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pokemon Silver Soul Macrom


Hi all, here is a charity event at the same time fun. A great way to spend a fun ratillo coleguillas with the couple or the kids, while reassuring our consciences knowing that what goes on in the world does not slip at all.

Then you have all the data, to encourage hala!. I certainly intend to go.


Come for a few beers and find what you're looking for. We all books, discs, accessories, clothing, furniture, luggage ,....
If you want to collaborate with some of your stuff (those who are well but tired of seeing us at home), let us know that we are on them.
21 and September 22 (yes, this month), from 12pm. 21h. we organize this market to raise funds for the Association Meeting of People Affected by Marfan Syndrome (SIMA), will take place in October in Madrid.

This syndrome is considered a rare disease which affects 1 per 5,000-10,000 inhabitants. It is an inherited disease that affects principalment the cardiovascular system, eyes and musculoskeletal system esqulético. The meeting discussed aspects newest doctors, as well as the resources available to improve the quality of life of patients and their families.

Benefit: this can be that good work we all want to participate: close, direct, efficient ... but if you already have yours, this is as good an excuse as any to meet and have a few beers, we leave a tap!
also be non-stop music, courtesy of Dance & Party. Rake

Place (by the way, no problem for parking)

C / Villaescusa 30. Avenue intersects with GCIA. Noblejas 180. approx. Cinelux
has given us local!


contributions, collaborations and information groups, here we

Marfan Syndrome Affected Association (SIMA)
Tel: 692157606


Manuel Becerra (Subway Line 2): Bus 106, second stop on Calle Nicolás Salmerón.

From O'Donnell: Take M40 direction O'Donnell extension - through the tunnel - Ignore the first exit and take the second: Source Carrantona - After passing the traffic light, take left onto roundabout direction where find the Centro Comercial Las Rosas (Carrefour), passing under the bridge of the M40 - Before you reach the roundabout, take the turning left is controlled by a traffic light (Avenue Daroca) - After passing a petrol station left to right, take the first street on the right - After passing the traffic light, turn right (Calle Nicolás Salmerón) and take the third street turn left (Calle Rodrigo de Triana): You can park, reaching at the end of this street and turning left is the place where he holds the rake.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Reduce Redness Eczema

I'm so progressive and modern

September is so beautiful!. This time of year that smell away end of something, always smells of principle. The age of the good intentions of "this year fails, the field becoming ocher color of the sunsets at eight o'clock on a sunny day, alternating with another fresquillo unexpected blow in the face, re- wear the jersey turtleneck and eight, mushrooms with and without worms in the field and not in cans, vintage and chops because there is no risk of scorch the field, the deer season in the caps of Pardo ... And above all, of my return to my civilian life with a child, which is something I love.

Well September has come and again my girl marcianilla has become the estarlette of my life without detracting from other hobbies. This season also premiered in primary education stage (gen holy, do not even want to imagine the adventures in store for me this year with the team early attention, even the new brand guardian and psychologists already released several years earlier). And maturity is six Añaza be felt in this, in the disbursement in respect of equipment (I have about 465.83 Euros) and the long conversations in which her children will demonstrate their infinite interest in the world, and I my little practical sense it will end up causing trauma to exorbitant proportions.

Because I, like all modern mothers, attempt designed to educate from a script, designed and planned at the time for not caught me in panties. And my time was all the Predictor was stained pink in my bathroom, just like just like in the song of Sergio Dalma. I saw the "yes" on the swab and I started to spin the issue of how I marvel me to display an unlimited world where I could be who she wanted, which got no limits and think that creativity and tolerance ... a free world without prejudice where I felt no fear of being or behaving differently at all in exchange for a little more happiness.

But now looking back, I realize that have been and am a mother of the most ambiguous. To me, my daughter asks me if you can eat the shells of mussels and I answer yes, which of course you can, but it is very hard, which is pretty indigestible and sometimes keeps bugs on a small limestone formations . And of course, until my child has not bitten the shell and left half a tooth, do not know if the mussels are eaten alone as well as orange or black.

And this damage the tooth is quite venial compared with the mental cocoa I have the poor in this age group with sentisexuales issues of free love free love, with the theme of war and the military and religious concepts ( my ex in-laws, as pious they tried to teach the beautiful prayer of the Four Angels on a bed, and my daughter repeated it so freely adapted than just saying a few profanities that would have chirped in the soul to the Exorcist cure himself.) In short, be a red open-minded mother, a pacifist and an atheist is a complicated thing application.

My girl knows that her parents divorced and that very little of this event, Dad and Mom had a girlfriend and a million friends that well be able to sing louder. And in my case, I tell you that the data is quite accurate and I will put in some situations, let's leave it at tad compromised.

As I have said on other occasions, my house is not very big but it is very spacious. This is because I bought it and reform postdivorcio imbued with the spirit characteristic that caught me with a hammer in his hand while knocking down walls to put God to witness that never in my life or anyone realojaría another joke. The result of this stage is our lovely home on a nearly flat with the walls Justito to close the bathroom, my daughter's room, and my own (fortunately mostly the latter). What up my arrival was a convenient guest room remained turned into the office of the kitchen adjacent to the lounge. I cared so little that my sofa bed and yes it was not uncomfortable. The fact is that now when one of my very good friends including my sister, comes to my house and he sleeps, he does the only place where there is a place that, in principle, does not require further medical attention: my bed.

My daughter also own education that I give, you receive another very large and extended to other inspirational sites such as her school preppy or TV, questioned me on a trip, if two women could marry. And my face lit up I was thinking it would have so few opportunities to collaborate egg to the formation of his mind liberal and tolerant. So no lie or a hair, answered the truth: that course and that of course they do (because of time until return to Pepe government alcohol theory of apples and pears, be possible, you can).

And she resolved his doubt proceeded to the next question, asking if I thought my friend Olga to marry or not (and he said full of enthusiasm). Olga is a very good friend of mine to my little girl loves. She lives near my house and no responsibilities owed to anyone that the wait never fixed time at home, and like me, sleeping little. So it's not entirely uncommon for some evenings, after his release from work, pass by my house and we surrender to the divine art of talking without cervecilla good control over the clock marks the hours, and giving many and a tad, and decide it's almost better not to take the car and left to sleep in our house.

A little less excited about the possibility of the answer to the first question threw me to the explanation sheet honest: I was not going to marry Olga for two reasons, I do not want to get married and because I want it to Olga much, much, but not as a girlfriend, just like a friend. By the way, knowing that it was unnecessary and had no naaadaaaa to do with your question, I added that at home we have more beds than his little girl where she sleeps and mine where I sleep great, because when he sleeps Olgui home because it makes me more comfortable for everyone. And my girl understood perfectly.

so well understood that when my child began to coincide with the Inti in the morning in the bathroom, I no longer had to explain anything because she assumed from the outset that it was another friend of mine with whom I also had no intention of marrying, and I took refuge in the great good coy relieved not having to solve any other question. Confirmation of the clarity of his ideas had a day when I woke up unwell as to not even have me up and who was the Inti responsible for making the delivery of my offspring in school. My child, delighted with the news, climbed the stairs to the classrooms in pairs telling everyone who would like to hear children (and their parents a few exceptions, are not usually deaf) that "Today my mother is Malita and I've brought a friend from those left to sleep in his bed because it is the greatest " (same as the late Jura'o). As I imagine all on my own bed to sleep have been several friends when my child at home, but I tell you, men and only one and almost always acojonadillo and praying that my offspring would not wake up at night. It is a fact known by all men in their own bed outside are absolutely incompatible with the child but not the man himself outside. And if anything does get one, this is usually a very rare bird more than worthy of exposure. Talk about multiple men not because they are common place in reality and tend to only exist in some American films.

However, thanks to this education a little libertarian (and I see very libertine), my daughter has learned well not to make gender distinctions ... and until his tutor said I flushed the previous episode, I could not understand why the mothers of other children and I looked askance at parents with eyes curious.

I thought, finally, that these are things for children, how cute my daughter and I did not give more importance. But my child is a girl, and like all humanillos of age, loves anything that is out of business as usual because it smacks of birthdays and Christmas, and that someone is sleeping in our house for it is the coolest things that can happen in the world. Open-minded as she is, for a given time by asking everyone who passed by house if I wanted to stay overnight with us. And when I say everyone I mean everyone, including:

The president of the neighboring community when I was accompanied by a plumber cousin of a cousin, to change a radiator key pair. At that time my daughter was having dinner and delighted by the visit enseguidita hit him stranded. The president meanwhile trying to liquidate his conversation with my child and start it with me. The plumber Fontana, the president oversaw and my daughter chattered with his mouth full of dinner. The thing was going to pause and pointed to the eternal and I tried to get my child finished eating, the plumber of Fontana and the President no longer preside over and all took off to his house, except my daughter, I just had to go to bed . When I suggested politely that the president could return to the love of his home and his wife own, which I managed I alone with his cousin's cousin without the need of their services, my girl with a mouthful of Petit Suisse asked surprised if this guy was not going to be sleeping at home. I do not give the president the opportunity to open his mouth even said that this was not that this man had his home and really close and in fact was already going.

Then I saw itself as obliged to explain that while the entertainment is a great virtue, not all people who come home at late night do to sleep with me, some do it just to work, others only for dinner, others to chat for a while ... and it is normal that these chores finished everyone go home. But I sense they do not believe at all and in the end she did not need to square both accounts. My girl who I both adore and who adores me so much to me, it's getting old enough and picked up the habit of preparing a cafetillo with their cups of coffee every morning when I wake up toy. Lately when you open the door of my room in the morning today makes me question whether one or two cups, and if I always answer every day that is because I know that at Inti likes to take his coffee at the bar. MILITARY CONCEPT

And is that my child understands what the world says, but lacks the nuances that I do not usually explain why they are never as important, and because it will age and time IRLA polluting. Since this summer, for example. The first day of vacation he had to go to Faunia (which is something he likes even more than have guests sleeping at home), when I went to wake her with the magic words of " Cariiiiñoooo, today you will Fauuuuuniaaaaa " she rose from the bed like a spring ejected and we both found very funny its reaction spigot. Breakfast and remembering the grace she laughed and told me, " jo, I got up super fast, like a woman company." I put in my eyes widened and I almost spit out his coffee that I tasted in imagination that moment and turn their porcelain cup toy. As guessed by my reaction that I had not understood his message, she insisted: " yes, as a woman ahead of those of my company! . " I sighed and sipping my delicious coffee, I explained that although in this case could use the terms "company woman" was more poetic express using the word " soldier" or even "recruited " although the latter in ordinary times had been losing much of its force ...

and religious concepts

But my girl is back to school, where he is reunited with efficient teachers and their colleagues well informed that I will lend a hand in it to educate them to modern life. In fact one of the most collaborate is his best friend and also six years Moli Mola. A Moli Mola, like her, grow and reproduce her imaginary friends of animal species and therefore always, always play Pokemon. It turns out that we, as parents of children attending a tremendously imaginative extremely competitive schools, we tend to put a face of disgust every time we let go down the aisle any type marcianaza " mom care that you are stepping on Queen puppies "(Mostly because at home we only have the cat Machin always lying down and not move ever). As adult humans are much dumber than human children, these two specimens of ours have found that playing Pokemon is not only less controversial, but has many advantages because they can imagine that many of the rarest animals, with names unlikely to invent, and to us it brings us face up relief in the form of normality. In order to return home from school yesterday, I wondered how was your Pokémon of the day, and she recently returned even Holidays paternal grandparents' house, (very pious and believers in the law of God and in the Franco), I answered from a divine melange theological: " is a very strong and very bad to be called" The body of sin ".

But it's nothing compared to the time when we found that among many cohabiting living dead. To her this wisdom came when I asked about the location of the husband of my grandmother (the grandmother Visa). I told the truth, very ceremoniously, and well prepared for the moment: "Visa Grandpa is dead" . She said yes, it's worth, but WHERE was. I remembered the small hassle I had with that of those who die are go to heaven, and every time my parents went to a funeral I would imagine somewhere like a circus (hello Monica!) with a huge trampoline and the dead trying to jump higher and higher until it disappeared into the clouds . As I turned to the truth more certain to cigarillo National Geographic style, just as he had seen Annie Leivowitch explaining the absence of Susan Sontag their offspring:

(I) - "visa Grandpa died and we buried him on land within a special place to do this is called graveyard. "
(She): - " Why?" .
(I): (very patiently) - "Because on earth there are bugs and worms that little by little they decompose the dead bodies, which are very large and very hard, so that in very small, can serve as food for plants. In this way the plants can grow and become large and feed the rabbits and sheep, then we will feed us, and so when we die of old men and bury us, we return to land to grow grass and feed the bunnies ... and everyone is in equilibrium "- and hey, I was wider than long.

My daughter looked at me and nodded, she understood everything. And both understood that was days and days drawing cemeteries buried under grass and bunnies ate them. When he summed up his new knowledge to my father, was so brief that he just said she knew that we had buried Grandfather Visa to eat it. And then I also thought that whoever invented the milonga of the sky and knew what he was doing already, and that certainly was a mother of large family.

Now I got to understand that this is a secret not worth mentioning in any way in the presence of Grandma Visa, but I'm beginning to believe that you should consider very seriously converted into standard motherboard before doing more damage in its infancy, because otherwise as to grow a little, will have to squander all his pay in psychoanalysis.
And, when you least expect will be presented in our house god knows secret list of charges against me and the price have been the lawyers ...

Friday, September 7, 2007

Pokemon For Vba English


Well, first post in my new home. You see I am still trying out colors and stuff, because I see myself very naive with this decoration, I know, I know. But of course I say that I'm taking a long aftertaste a blogger, especially after the hardships with Terra. In short, the core and heart of the matter.

in my blog and my life are recurring characters that you all know: is the cruel, which is like the grain of Cindy Crawford, huge and impossible to hide but unexpectedly, attractive and mythical. Is the Inti, which more than a grain, is an allergy: sometimes multiplies, sometimes disappears, but always remains in the form of latent virus. Is Esteban, which because of its finesse and delicacy, I prefer not to position as grain. The Melendi2, which if directly positioned itself as a pimple on my new rear quasi Brazil, are my girl, my parents, Calcutta, things ... in short, all those good atmosphere adding me going myself and this blog. And then there's a discreet but constant star in the blog, and nothing more than discrete and constant my life: Carrefour de San Blas. Well, today I'll talk about it. My view

years are divided into fortnights alternative: a yes, I practice responsible mother, a no, I exercise as little as possible because I take my child to enjoy her holiday with her father in the company of his paternal grandparents, for behave as if the only responsibility I had in the world outside of my mortgage payment (that I have also tried to ignore it, but **%%@@###!!!! bank have my mobile number .) So when I have my child, my exercises minimizes unpleasant, and that first fall is to go to Carrefour. The first half I was no daughter, I fed the remains through the Inti barbecue cook every evening for a snack on a TV set serving all the warmth of the spotlight (the life of the star is picturesque) and I was swells bacon fried chorizo, blood sausage and lots and lots of salsa Romescu (beginning to think that my hormonación not going to have anything to do with my new curves.) So I had to go to Carrefour.

And leave my little girl a second time with grandparents, held an evening event in a village bullfight in Guadalajara called Brihuega to the Inti and CQPP (the Morning Star Cosita Soul) stars turned out in condition to put the lights. As the aroma emanating megaparty environment and also had free hotel because we went there and I Cosita. It turns out that Corrida was sponsored by a chicken processing company, the bugs came through the door of this body and out the other transformed into sanjacobos, nuggets, wings, delicious with herbs, mixed ... Like a good sponsor, the company planted in the door of his van Plaza cargadito refrigerated boxes filled with kits of its products and as good hosts, distributed them among the authorities under the courtesy of the house. It turns out that after the event and collecting star team, even over a couple of boxes above skirts, and that is breaded Inti made appropriate representations to derive from the refrigerated van to the car boot Grison. Well, thanks to this girl in the second half have survived without eating chicken thoroughly, and again thanks to that, I have not needed to go to Carrefour. However

my girl back again Sunday to his home, his mother and our life, and in this house, there is nothing at all, or shower gel, that the last few days I had to resort to collection collected from small boats hotels that have everything and I've made it waned. Yesterday, after several sessions of deep awareness and many other spiritual exercises (next time I join your Monica Vipassana), I got my Luisi and went to Carrefour, but the food, not to the little shops (a Pepe Jeans and did not enter) or the top floor of books records and furniture, no, I went to the hard part.

also agrees that one day this week we were at home having dinner to love TV and I Inti. Both ate a few bowls of pasta garnished with eggplant, some sorts of herbs, some raw and some Sethite huevillos boletus, I just poured over the recipe straight from a tin can Carrefour brand, Products section of our Earth (which is the posh section under the delicatessen selling price of poor Miss life, but famous and go up on TV). To my dish (main course of Inti height) slice a porcini mushroom too large for a single bite, and I found these mushrooms in tenants enjoyed life: worms. My a mushroom with worms never take away my appetite, because I think they just know a mushroom, as they are boiled, they are also healthier and disinfected. And what fool, I ate more junk frequent other times. So I, in the style of CSI, I took a plastic bag (in my case of freezing) and very carefully, went inside the can (I had to retrieve from the trash), a bit of mushrooms and three worms in sauce, I believed that I would have enough), put it in the fridge waiting for the appropriate day and went back to the sofa, love the TV and my plate to keep eating my pasta with eggplant, eggs, spices, mushrooms and also worms (because one thing is that he intended to claim Carrefour and quite another that he was willing to stay without dinner).

So yesterday morning as I knew that I would inevitably go to hyper-play, had the foresight to remove the can with the bodies of the forensic crime of my fridge and put it in my bag. At the end of my working day paid, and uploaded in my Luisi I set off to the Carrefour, landscape of my life.

I took the car and very organized, I went to the fish section at me with a number first of all, for my turn 803 instead of 862, which is something a lot mentally demoralized when it happens. Indeed, I got the 803 and did not look that bad because the viewer turn reported that the fish in the process of dispatch would go into the hands of the client 795. I got comfortable layering on the right in my car stopped by the speaker part pretty to 5 € / kilo and there that I waited. The three clerks attending the roost, no English, so I was mentally calculating the shit out of wages to be paid by Carrefour. Two of them were Latin American and watermarks with pieces made a dissecting an Hake until it turned into one long fillet devoid of thorns, and the other doing the same with a trout. They were seen working and diligent, dominating the trade and the bug at hand. In front of me, the third clerk, of African origin concliente inquired to my left in a tone of voice softly and with a very bad Castilian very difficult to understand what he wanted. The man with the face of little patience requested kilos of beautiful and peaceful it sparingly and proceeded to put his laminated paper on the side of the equation and add fat slices. One after another, one by one. What seems hopeless?. Well no, it was soothing. She, chubby, at first glance not very graceful beauty as the canon of Vogue, was soothing cadence with its gentle movements, with the delicacy with which held the pieces of fish, with his smile always soft and immutable in the face with the proximity to which brought the bag and loaded the concliente. Question again in a voice no longer short, if not now soft, and not bad in a Castilian, if not exotic, something that looked like a "Do you want anything else?" And the man, with eyes wide open and without close your mouth and vocalize for a half, looking straight parallel, said: "a hake." The other most welcome. By the time she held lovingly with both hands a piece merluzón, right in the guts, left hand, very sensitive, under the tail, same as if it were a person, other client parish was beginning to swirl around my car, a myself and my concliente pasma'o leaving half empty the rest of the fish.
The sexy girl proceeded with scissors, cutting upper and lower wings with de-scaling Descaling, separating the knife head, and with his own hands, and emptying the guts separating the eye sockets, leaving the head clean and pretty, perfect for a stock. Again with the knife in hand, cutting height marked tail and looked concliente without losing the sweet smile. This, swallowing noticeable and loud, said "yes" and nothing more. As she chopped, sliced \u200b\u200bfish, half of these desperate to move with the dead fish and again caressed by her delicate hands. After hake, anchovies came about, and a bass on his back, and a ration cock batter with flour, and slices of eel ... I thought we would leave to others without dinner. Meanwhile, the two partners had liquidated fishmongers (figuratively speaking, of course) six other clients (three each) and so we got to the point where the parallel half concliente walked away with the view lost nothing, frozen camera direction. The beautiful black, hit the button and went on to the number 803: m already i turn. I ordered a tuna belly (something that was on sale) that had to do anything, except putting it in a bag, and as I had in my hand, grabbed the car and I went off trying to overtake Alonso which Hamilton: desperate, because with that little thing of the sensuality of the fishmonger and the fierce passion of my fellow marine car and an hour I had stuck to ice fishing. If I might add, that while my legs were moving swift, also noticed some lazy no response after the recent experience almost paranormal. At the height

bath gel, I called the Inti:
(Inti): - "Walk walk?"
(I): - "Nel Carrefú"
(Inti): - A clean laugh apparently surprised (I suspect that this man know not finish) - "With the mushrooms?"
(I): - (Ono!, mushrooms! Since the morning that had gotten into the bag, no had come to remember them) - "Well, yes, but in my bag for now I'm only buying when it goes reclaim"
(Inti): - "Okay, so now I'm home" - (he soon returned to continue doing work from home using a computer program I needed, that he had, that if I have, and that one of those unfortunate coincidences, it lay in my bag right next to the can of mushrooms instead of being in my house right next to your ordenón or at any other point that he could go to find it without the use of car or bike).

(I): - "Well, sit back and go rest, I now mismito"
(Inti): - "where's the CD?"
(I): - "In my bag ... but I'm finishing and I p there"
(Inti): - "Damn, Irma ..."
(My Mobile and I duo): - " Tut, tut, tut ... "

A milk all took a bottle of gel Lactovit family size, other Johnsons Shampoo for children, four bottles of olive oil, Coca Cola Light four two-liter roll cling film 100m and went to the cashier's box. While she was paid, or what is the same as I finished signing for my card as "Marta Hari" (I have checked: the names do not contrast, and hear if one of these Euribor rises again and my bank can no longer pay my bills, I can argue very easily that I really call Irma, who did not know that such Marta buying in my name, and for that matter, I explain to my how can a stranger to me to pay with my card.) In order to pay as I finished, I asked where I should go quietly to complain about a product. Discreetly the cashier told me the customer service window. I went there.

The window was almost empty inside, only occupied by an employee of the species Chief, and curd with a lot of passers of the customers sort Esperanto. After talking (with bad manners, by true), his walkie and I hope that someone on the other hand, I looked at myself and chin with a movement made me know it was my time to express myself. Very politely and discreetly, I explained that I wanted to register my complaint about a product purchased at your facility. With the same, but with much less education than me, move your chin again to let me know which again should express. With my previous education itself, not yours nor before nor after, but no discretion and not on my part, I did know that one of the expensive cans sold in the same Carrefour, part of it to re-brand bitch Carrefour, and paid exorbitant price of "products of our land but of Gold", I had found the boletus mushrooms contained on the label and a lot of worms that were not included in either the composition or in the ingredients, and to serve as proof, here attached the tin, a mushroom and three worms. Said and done: I took the can from the bag and planted it on the counter with his face of shock and disgust of my clients coviandantes Esperanto. Swallowing him too and I imagine that bile and a lot of machine, I said it, to keep it and him to take issue. I played the 524 and went for the 498. So I kept my number (in case I is valid for another day), I kept my can and I went for home because I was a bit tired, truth, and because the Inti should take a good little while and rested and relaxed desperate to be with the disc and start to liquidate work.

As of now, the can sleep in the freezer of my fridge waiting for the Inti (each time you eat it very BENONE), my daughter and myself, wipe out what I brought yesterday and my purchase touch me again gather courage and strength to return to Carrefour.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Five Finger Death Punch Novit Enim

live the WEDDING! (YAJAAAA!)

Ay, ay, dear forum, which I have bailongos shoelaces!, Which resented stomach, digesting even the beginning of the wedding dinner! (Invested all day yesterday after digesting the couch and I guess I will have paid for Friday's cake). What a head-witted even by lack of sleep and the consumption of spirits ...! in order that what sorry state two days before the event!, but 'Gen Santa! How well we enjoyed!. Little thing: you live, long live the Men G and live the guild star!.

The wedding started at noon m edia, which was the time when Dante got his hands on my head to me and my hair I look like a lion rolling clouds of hairspray. He warned " do not touch it, now you are very exaggerated, but at six you will be dropped everything and look like Elle McPherson path of a Valentino soiree Ibiza (is so sophisticated!). A three-thirty after a slight cabezadilla on the couch, began operation glamor, ie shower, moisturizing, nail varnish retouching the fingertips of the feet and the long-awaited moment of clothing. He had it all perfectly coordinated and thought, the dress I added the waistband of my black tuxedo with a cute bow tied under the bosom and the American, masculine air, contrasting with the air full dress hyper romantic frustration of fruit (and all very, very appropriate for the cool nights we are spending this August), black sandals with heels, two thin strips and bracelet, a necklace of several turns of black silk accounts, jet pendientazos in tears like a crystal chandelier from the farm, and a truly vintage purse, French, bought by Ebay which can not be anything, but that is cute ... the rest of what would not fit in the American Inti has many pockets and ended up looking like the Sahara in a war reporter. I imbued in the operation makeup ... et voila! record time of one hour, I was really cute cute and ready to climb on any coach. Four and a half. From my vantage point of the bed, or sit, observe the operation of Inti garnish: navy chinos special wedding, her beige shirt with crossed lines, especially for wedding, black shoes with laces, special wedding, his jacket over dark blue pants, especially for wedding and tie in a pocket American, of course, also special wedding. This vintage version, which in your case is not really as it is not in Vitoria and Luccin, but it means recycling of other weddings of others, following the sacred maxim of his life, that of "less is more" ( especially in unnecessary investments, and he needs so little ...).

about to leave, the Inti had not yet found the black scarf with which includes getting her hair the same sophisticated (?) Santoni Spartacus look in the nineties with the right mix between what I knew tad tad tacky and pimp and we were in touch about the crisis. Succumb to it when I realized that my hair was not symmetrical, and that my right side kept intact its volume while the left kept intact as the cushion of my couch. Wet my hair, rolled up in the middle loop, detained him with a fork, bathed him and applied lacquer to churruscar dryer hair. I was lucky (because my hair and I combine unpredictably) and zero point seemed just out of the hands of Dante. The Inti while, Rome was stirring Santiago and things with mine until it was resigned to the inevitable and accepted that would have to go to the wedding with the hair in the wind Puma featuring the best of the eighties.

Nevertheless, and in a timely bullfighter, at five o'clock (it was the time agreed) were in the square bar with a jug of lemon clarita shared stress resting and waiting for the arrival of Cosita and Soul star, who passed to get us.

The road trip was fun enlivened by the Tomtom, between attempts to run the tie quality of Alma Lucero (CQPP). Inti, as I said, takes only as a supplement to American height hand pockets inside, but neither ever made a move to put it. Little thing I confirmed that the most difficult to resolve in a wedding is the hairstyle, and also had a tense moment when they mysteriously disappeared from his home every coleteros and pins to collected and bows. But it was really cute, dressed hyper sexy cleavage on the back to almost the edge of the rump and neck halter, suitable only for tipín splendid (and bought for three euros in White This shows that we are the panda of wit and strength to hang without losing glamor in the event.)

bells ringing just when we rebasábamos the cartelillo the name of the people, as sensed, was that it was not to announce our arrival but to warn stragglers from the entrance to the ceremony. The fact is that we landed the Cositas car at the time that the union stars are headed to the bar. As we have all received a fine education to match the very best of Camford, it seemed in poor taste to enter a show that had already begun, and bound by the imponderable chose to accompany inmates to the terrace of the tavern. Of course, without losing the acoustic signals heard who reported during the religious event: two bells, one pair of bells ... and we, ignorant of what sacrum, trying to compare it with the trumpets in the bullfight bull because if we know little, you can not imagine the masses and weddings: zero ranker. So we heard the first and imagined that the choppers came, the second and flags, the third and pulled to kill you. Paquito rang the bell-tone Chocolate pay, again lined up all the little way of leaving the church to see the bride and groom now married with the hope that president would have awarded the job with all the trophies toditos taurine (which I very intimately begged retain jobs and not your hand, as I would have thought the latter possibly in bad taste). The point is that we set out to long enough, but the church was at the end of a paved uphill, and that with heels, turned out to be hard. So again the imponderable: we fail again and for rice. Was reaching the top, and descend to base, just below where the cars. So the religious ceremony I can tell you I do anything, because the truth is that without love we lost him.

The next stage was to the couch. The couch took place on the lawn with a pool of Finance. And we, we nestled between drinks table, desk Iberian, hot canapé plate and output trays, and seeing that the location was unbeatable, I dug my heels in the grass I moved and no longer with my lowered by six inches, but relaxed as if he flops. I thought the couch was a trifle of care for the guests, which is called an appetizer, but it goes cha!, Marched there kilos of tortillas potatoes, fried quail eggs, bread in small caps and volovans of all kinds of pickles gildas of meatballs, the sausage, various tempura vegetables, samosas Hindu, Chinese rolls and even a whole pata negra ham ... and I do not know say no!. Night fell, giving the tooth and when I wanted to sit at the table, clothing hiperamplio already started to limit myself.

The dinner I must say I was a little bland. But this must be attributed to two factors: Factor A

: The guests were so fed canapés, which was all we could with a nap.
Factor B: The only music that calms fierce skylight is running their female companions in concept wedding bag with pleading eyes drop and forth between "flat god do not embarrass me" and the "we'll talk at home . Except in the case of my privacy, which has no shame and know more than enough that I did not (and very little that we care, all told, the other passing embarrassment.)

So the "living whatever" only began to appear and very, very shy at the height several bottles of white wine and red a few already. The Inti at weddings is original, not silent, and never shouts "Long live the couple" because he does not believe in that. For example in my friend Ra, shouting "Athleti" very well received, because the boyfriend now husband, was of Bilbao and never learned that the Inti encouraged to Madrid. In this chosen something more neutral, the ever versatile "YAJAAAA" used to tó from cattle whip up ask for another round. It was very welcomed, and I must say that although almost leaves us deaf to our table, mostly Cosita and me that we were one on each side, it is also true that some colorcillo put to that dinner.

And finally the disco. The disco party was amazing. At this point I could not with my heels, but it is a proactive, left them in the trunk of Cositamóvi, changing them for my basketball converse pistachios, I was going very well with the Nazarene's my style. I did an updo for her train caught with the sash and exposing the layers of my Fru Fru, and pulls on the track to wear out the soles. First third: tacky groups, Type Julio Iglesias, Seville, pasodobles ... Second third: part temazos the year, when Shakira Torture and everything. Finished this the stars with girlfriend, who were more bland than a bush beans, they went to continue the party elsewhere and can be horizontal. I must emphasize the inadequate response to one of them snapped me when I, affable, inquired into the reason for such swift abandonment. Lucero X, from here I say it was not necessary to be so rude. Transcribe dialogue:

(I): - "Are you going? So prontito? "
(Star X): - " If some hope to do more things tonight, " - (arching eyebrows several times in very clear meaning of "you know what I mean).
(I): - "Well but the night is long and allows time for everything"
(Star X): - "Yes, but some are younger than others and endure much longer. You can stay " - (raising his eyebrows several times in very clear meaning of" you know what I mean).

No, I do not understand, I do not know what you mean, and I take a lot to know. Hala, was mentioned.

The stars without girlfriend went chop, chop, and took off together to a heavy disco Aluche. We decided to invest in bodorrio soiree. And as we were four started good. The third trimester: non-hardened blisters, abandoned shoes in the middle of the floor, and there we jump all the implementation of the great songs of Ska-P, Tow ... and damn if we enjoy, all we could to exaltation from friendship to boyfriend, and species of that type, until the bride, she said yes, it's worth, that she loved us, but from that moment we would like everyone in our house. Period.

Do not end because little way from the car, tune heard in another garden and is very cunning that the Treasury had lied we had another wedding! Y we went there. I am very polite, as my mother knows, and never lose my way with words, I went to the bride, explaining that we were good people, that first of all congratulations, and we did not think scrounge or anything like that, only asking permission to discreetly keep dancing. The couple, from Guadalajara, were charming and at the end of the night to change phone numbers to call when they returned from their honeymoon. Some cielazos. Thanks guys. I sincerely hope that you enjoy so much in New York.

and finished this wedding, and yes, we collected the Inti who had left sleeping in the grass without light side, lying which is long, but well hidden and discreet, amid the black and without snoring or anything. I got into the car, tied with the seat belt to ensure it was not going to the sides or the front and we returned to Madrid, loudly singing the selection of the best songs from Hombres G, because CQPP car, the Star of Alma, a car is like god prepared for any contingency event.

I said that even holy gene hurts all the effort, but centuries had not fared so well.

Acknowledgements: Cosita all, why specify. A CQPP, for taking us and bring us and for being so requetemajo, Paco, for putting such a man with his little shirt for inside and tie, dancing like a split and to share the intimate Cubata swiped the comatose. At Inti, for being a friend of the groom and exquisite spaghetti with tuna the day after your scallions, his quesito and tomato, which only had to add some mushrooms and my appetite. And everything else.

PD: Dante, give me the money. In no time I came across Elle MacPherson, I spent a crazy mind of having a single Baccarat tangles knot undone I finished today when snack. The result was similar to my look Atapuerca too fresh out of the shower, and I therefore do not pay.