Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Reduce Redness Eczema

I'm so progressive and modern

September is so beautiful!. This time of year that smell away end of something, always smells of principle. The age of the good intentions of "this year fails, the field becoming ocher color of the sunsets at eight o'clock on a sunny day, alternating with another fresquillo unexpected blow in the face, re- wear the jersey turtleneck and eight, mushrooms with and without worms in the field and not in cans, vintage and chops because there is no risk of scorch the field, the deer season in the caps of Pardo ... And above all, of my return to my civilian life with a child, which is something I love.

Well September has come and again my girl marcianilla has become the estarlette of my life without detracting from other hobbies. This season also premiered in primary education stage (gen holy, do not even want to imagine the adventures in store for me this year with the team early attention, even the new brand guardian and psychologists already released several years earlier). And maturity is six Añaza be felt in this, in the disbursement in respect of equipment (I have about 465.83 Euros) and the long conversations in which her children will demonstrate their infinite interest in the world, and I my little practical sense it will end up causing trauma to exorbitant proportions.

Because I, like all modern mothers, attempt designed to educate from a script, designed and planned at the time for not caught me in panties. And my time was all the Predictor was stained pink in my bathroom, just like just like in the song of Sergio Dalma. I saw the "yes" on the swab and I started to spin the issue of how I marvel me to display an unlimited world where I could be who she wanted, which got no limits and think that creativity and tolerance ... a free world without prejudice where I felt no fear of being or behaving differently at all in exchange for a little more happiness.

But now looking back, I realize that have been and am a mother of the most ambiguous. To me, my daughter asks me if you can eat the shells of mussels and I answer yes, which of course you can, but it is very hard, which is pretty indigestible and sometimes keeps bugs on a small limestone formations . And of course, until my child has not bitten the shell and left half a tooth, do not know if the mussels are eaten alone as well as orange or black.

And this damage the tooth is quite venial compared with the mental cocoa I have the poor in this age group with sentisexuales issues of free love free love, with the theme of war and the military and religious concepts ( my ex in-laws, as pious they tried to teach the beautiful prayer of the Four Angels on a bed, and my daughter repeated it so freely adapted than just saying a few profanities that would have chirped in the soul to the Exorcist cure himself.) In short, be a red open-minded mother, a pacifist and an atheist is a complicated thing application.

My girl knows that her parents divorced and that very little of this event, Dad and Mom had a girlfriend and a million friends that well be able to sing louder. And in my case, I tell you that the data is quite accurate and I will put in some situations, let's leave it at tad compromised.

As I have said on other occasions, my house is not very big but it is very spacious. This is because I bought it and reform postdivorcio imbued with the spirit characteristic that caught me with a hammer in his hand while knocking down walls to put God to witness that never in my life or anyone realojaría another joke. The result of this stage is our lovely home on a nearly flat with the walls Justito to close the bathroom, my daughter's room, and my own (fortunately mostly the latter). What up my arrival was a convenient guest room remained turned into the office of the kitchen adjacent to the lounge. I cared so little that my sofa bed and yes it was not uncomfortable. The fact is that now when one of my very good friends including my sister, comes to my house and he sleeps, he does the only place where there is a place that, in principle, does not require further medical attention: my bed.

My daughter also own education that I give, you receive another very large and extended to other inspirational sites such as her school preppy or TV, questioned me on a trip, if two women could marry. And my face lit up I was thinking it would have so few opportunities to collaborate egg to the formation of his mind liberal and tolerant. So no lie or a hair, answered the truth: that course and that of course they do (because of time until return to Pepe government alcohol theory of apples and pears, be possible, you can).

And she resolved his doubt proceeded to the next question, asking if I thought my friend Olga to marry or not (and he said full of enthusiasm). Olga is a very good friend of mine to my little girl loves. She lives near my house and no responsibilities owed to anyone that the wait never fixed time at home, and like me, sleeping little. So it's not entirely uncommon for some evenings, after his release from work, pass by my house and we surrender to the divine art of talking without cervecilla good control over the clock marks the hours, and giving many and a tad, and decide it's almost better not to take the car and left to sleep in our house.

A little less excited about the possibility of the answer to the first question threw me to the explanation sheet honest: I was not going to marry Olga for two reasons, I do not want to get married and because I want it to Olga much, much, but not as a girlfriend, just like a friend. By the way, knowing that it was unnecessary and had no naaadaaaa to do with your question, I added that at home we have more beds than his little girl where she sleeps and mine where I sleep great, because when he sleeps Olgui home because it makes me more comfortable for everyone. And my girl understood perfectly.

so well understood that when my child began to coincide with the Inti in the morning in the bathroom, I no longer had to explain anything because she assumed from the outset that it was another friend of mine with whom I also had no intention of marrying, and I took refuge in the great good coy relieved not having to solve any other question. Confirmation of the clarity of his ideas had a day when I woke up unwell as to not even have me up and who was the Inti responsible for making the delivery of my offspring in school. My child, delighted with the news, climbed the stairs to the classrooms in pairs telling everyone who would like to hear children (and their parents a few exceptions, are not usually deaf) that "Today my mother is Malita and I've brought a friend from those left to sleep in his bed because it is the greatest " (same as the late Jura'o). As I imagine all on my own bed to sleep have been several friends when my child at home, but I tell you, men and only one and almost always acojonadillo and praying that my offspring would not wake up at night. It is a fact known by all men in their own bed outside are absolutely incompatible with the child but not the man himself outside. And if anything does get one, this is usually a very rare bird more than worthy of exposure. Talk about multiple men not because they are common place in reality and tend to only exist in some American films.

However, thanks to this education a little libertarian (and I see very libertine), my daughter has learned well not to make gender distinctions ... and until his tutor said I flushed the previous episode, I could not understand why the mothers of other children and I looked askance at parents with eyes curious.

I thought, finally, that these are things for children, how cute my daughter and I did not give more importance. But my child is a girl, and like all humanillos of age, loves anything that is out of business as usual because it smacks of birthdays and Christmas, and that someone is sleeping in our house for it is the coolest things that can happen in the world. Open-minded as she is, for a given time by asking everyone who passed by house if I wanted to stay overnight with us. And when I say everyone I mean everyone, including:

The president of the neighboring community when I was accompanied by a plumber cousin of a cousin, to change a radiator key pair. At that time my daughter was having dinner and delighted by the visit enseguidita hit him stranded. The president meanwhile trying to liquidate his conversation with my child and start it with me. The plumber Fontana, the president oversaw and my daughter chattered with his mouth full of dinner. The thing was going to pause and pointed to the eternal and I tried to get my child finished eating, the plumber of Fontana and the President no longer preside over and all took off to his house, except my daughter, I just had to go to bed . When I suggested politely that the president could return to the love of his home and his wife own, which I managed I alone with his cousin's cousin without the need of their services, my girl with a mouthful of Petit Suisse asked surprised if this guy was not going to be sleeping at home. I do not give the president the opportunity to open his mouth even said that this was not that this man had his home and really close and in fact was already going.

Then I saw itself as obliged to explain that while the entertainment is a great virtue, not all people who come home at late night do to sleep with me, some do it just to work, others only for dinner, others to chat for a while ... and it is normal that these chores finished everyone go home. But I sense they do not believe at all and in the end she did not need to square both accounts. My girl who I both adore and who adores me so much to me, it's getting old enough and picked up the habit of preparing a cafetillo with their cups of coffee every morning when I wake up toy. Lately when you open the door of my room in the morning today makes me question whether one or two cups, and if I always answer every day that is because I know that at Inti likes to take his coffee at the bar. MILITARY CONCEPT

And is that my child understands what the world says, but lacks the nuances that I do not usually explain why they are never as important, and because it will age and time IRLA polluting. Since this summer, for example. The first day of vacation he had to go to Faunia (which is something he likes even more than have guests sleeping at home), when I went to wake her with the magic words of " Cariiiiñoooo, today you will Fauuuuuniaaaaa " she rose from the bed like a spring ejected and we both found very funny its reaction spigot. Breakfast and remembering the grace she laughed and told me, " jo, I got up super fast, like a woman company." I put in my eyes widened and I almost spit out his coffee that I tasted in imagination that moment and turn their porcelain cup toy. As guessed by my reaction that I had not understood his message, she insisted: " yes, as a woman ahead of those of my company! . " I sighed and sipping my delicious coffee, I explained that although in this case could use the terms "company woman" was more poetic express using the word " soldier" or even "recruited " although the latter in ordinary times had been losing much of its force ...

and religious concepts

But my girl is back to school, where he is reunited with efficient teachers and their colleagues well informed that I will lend a hand in it to educate them to modern life. In fact one of the most collaborate is his best friend and also six years Moli Mola. A Moli Mola, like her, grow and reproduce her imaginary friends of animal species and therefore always, always play Pokemon. It turns out that we, as parents of children attending a tremendously imaginative extremely competitive schools, we tend to put a face of disgust every time we let go down the aisle any type marcianaza " mom care that you are stepping on Queen puppies "(Mostly because at home we only have the cat Machin always lying down and not move ever). As adult humans are much dumber than human children, these two specimens of ours have found that playing Pokemon is not only less controversial, but has many advantages because they can imagine that many of the rarest animals, with names unlikely to invent, and to us it brings us face up relief in the form of normality. In order to return home from school yesterday, I wondered how was your Pokémon of the day, and she recently returned even Holidays paternal grandparents' house, (very pious and believers in the law of God and in the Franco), I answered from a divine melange theological: " is a very strong and very bad to be called" The body of sin ".

But it's nothing compared to the time when we found that among many cohabiting living dead. To her this wisdom came when I asked about the location of the husband of my grandmother (the grandmother Visa). I told the truth, very ceremoniously, and well prepared for the moment: "Visa Grandpa is dead" . She said yes, it's worth, but WHERE was. I remembered the small hassle I had with that of those who die are go to heaven, and every time my parents went to a funeral I would imagine somewhere like a circus (hello Monica!) with a huge trampoline and the dead trying to jump higher and higher until it disappeared into the clouds . As I turned to the truth more certain to cigarillo National Geographic style, just as he had seen Annie Leivowitch explaining the absence of Susan Sontag their offspring:

(I) - "visa Grandpa died and we buried him on land within a special place to do this is called graveyard. "
(She): - " Why?" .
(I): (very patiently) - "Because on earth there are bugs and worms that little by little they decompose the dead bodies, which are very large and very hard, so that in very small, can serve as food for plants. In this way the plants can grow and become large and feed the rabbits and sheep, then we will feed us, and so when we die of old men and bury us, we return to land to grow grass and feed the bunnies ... and everyone is in equilibrium "- and hey, I was wider than long.

My daughter looked at me and nodded, she understood everything. And both understood that was days and days drawing cemeteries buried under grass and bunnies ate them. When he summed up his new knowledge to my father, was so brief that he just said she knew that we had buried Grandfather Visa to eat it. And then I also thought that whoever invented the milonga of the sky and knew what he was doing already, and that certainly was a mother of large family.

Now I got to understand that this is a secret not worth mentioning in any way in the presence of Grandma Visa, but I'm beginning to believe that you should consider very seriously converted into standard motherboard before doing more damage in its infancy, because otherwise as to grow a little, will have to squander all his pay in psychoanalysis.
And, when you least expect will be presented in our house god knows secret list of charges against me and the price have been the lawyers ...


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