Friday, September 7, 2007

Pokemon For Vba English


Well, first post in my new home. You see I am still trying out colors and stuff, because I see myself very naive with this decoration, I know, I know. But of course I say that I'm taking a long aftertaste a blogger, especially after the hardships with Terra. In short, the core and heart of the matter.

in my blog and my life are recurring characters that you all know: is the cruel, which is like the grain of Cindy Crawford, huge and impossible to hide but unexpectedly, attractive and mythical. Is the Inti, which more than a grain, is an allergy: sometimes multiplies, sometimes disappears, but always remains in the form of latent virus. Is Esteban, which because of its finesse and delicacy, I prefer not to position as grain. The Melendi2, which if directly positioned itself as a pimple on my new rear quasi Brazil, are my girl, my parents, Calcutta, things ... in short, all those good atmosphere adding me going myself and this blog. And then there's a discreet but constant star in the blog, and nothing more than discrete and constant my life: Carrefour de San Blas. Well, today I'll talk about it. My view

years are divided into fortnights alternative: a yes, I practice responsible mother, a no, I exercise as little as possible because I take my child to enjoy her holiday with her father in the company of his paternal grandparents, for behave as if the only responsibility I had in the world outside of my mortgage payment (that I have also tried to ignore it, but **%%@@###!!!! bank have my mobile number .) So when I have my child, my exercises minimizes unpleasant, and that first fall is to go to Carrefour. The first half I was no daughter, I fed the remains through the Inti barbecue cook every evening for a snack on a TV set serving all the warmth of the spotlight (the life of the star is picturesque) and I was swells bacon fried chorizo, blood sausage and lots and lots of salsa Romescu (beginning to think that my hormonación not going to have anything to do with my new curves.) So I had to go to Carrefour.

And leave my little girl a second time with grandparents, held an evening event in a village bullfight in Guadalajara called Brihuega to the Inti and CQPP (the Morning Star Cosita Soul) stars turned out in condition to put the lights. As the aroma emanating megaparty environment and also had free hotel because we went there and I Cosita. It turns out that Corrida was sponsored by a chicken processing company, the bugs came through the door of this body and out the other transformed into sanjacobos, nuggets, wings, delicious with herbs, mixed ... Like a good sponsor, the company planted in the door of his van Plaza cargadito refrigerated boxes filled with kits of its products and as good hosts, distributed them among the authorities under the courtesy of the house. It turns out that after the event and collecting star team, even over a couple of boxes above skirts, and that is breaded Inti made appropriate representations to derive from the refrigerated van to the car boot Grison. Well, thanks to this girl in the second half have survived without eating chicken thoroughly, and again thanks to that, I have not needed to go to Carrefour. However

my girl back again Sunday to his home, his mother and our life, and in this house, there is nothing at all, or shower gel, that the last few days I had to resort to collection collected from small boats hotels that have everything and I've made it waned. Yesterday, after several sessions of deep awareness and many other spiritual exercises (next time I join your Monica Vipassana), I got my Luisi and went to Carrefour, but the food, not to the little shops (a Pepe Jeans and did not enter) or the top floor of books records and furniture, no, I went to the hard part.

also agrees that one day this week we were at home having dinner to love TV and I Inti. Both ate a few bowls of pasta garnished with eggplant, some sorts of herbs, some raw and some Sethite huevillos boletus, I just poured over the recipe straight from a tin can Carrefour brand, Products section of our Earth (which is the posh section under the delicatessen selling price of poor Miss life, but famous and go up on TV). To my dish (main course of Inti height) slice a porcini mushroom too large for a single bite, and I found these mushrooms in tenants enjoyed life: worms. My a mushroom with worms never take away my appetite, because I think they just know a mushroom, as they are boiled, they are also healthier and disinfected. And what fool, I ate more junk frequent other times. So I, in the style of CSI, I took a plastic bag (in my case of freezing) and very carefully, went inside the can (I had to retrieve from the trash), a bit of mushrooms and three worms in sauce, I believed that I would have enough), put it in the fridge waiting for the appropriate day and went back to the sofa, love the TV and my plate to keep eating my pasta with eggplant, eggs, spices, mushrooms and also worms (because one thing is that he intended to claim Carrefour and quite another that he was willing to stay without dinner).

So yesterday morning as I knew that I would inevitably go to hyper-play, had the foresight to remove the can with the bodies of the forensic crime of my fridge and put it in my bag. At the end of my working day paid, and uploaded in my Luisi I set off to the Carrefour, landscape of my life.

I took the car and very organized, I went to the fish section at me with a number first of all, for my turn 803 instead of 862, which is something a lot mentally demoralized when it happens. Indeed, I got the 803 and did not look that bad because the viewer turn reported that the fish in the process of dispatch would go into the hands of the client 795. I got comfortable layering on the right in my car stopped by the speaker part pretty to 5 € / kilo and there that I waited. The three clerks attending the roost, no English, so I was mentally calculating the shit out of wages to be paid by Carrefour. Two of them were Latin American and watermarks with pieces made a dissecting an Hake until it turned into one long fillet devoid of thorns, and the other doing the same with a trout. They were seen working and diligent, dominating the trade and the bug at hand. In front of me, the third clerk, of African origin concliente inquired to my left in a tone of voice softly and with a very bad Castilian very difficult to understand what he wanted. The man with the face of little patience requested kilos of beautiful and peaceful it sparingly and proceeded to put his laminated paper on the side of the equation and add fat slices. One after another, one by one. What seems hopeless?. Well no, it was soothing. She, chubby, at first glance not very graceful beauty as the canon of Vogue, was soothing cadence with its gentle movements, with the delicacy with which held the pieces of fish, with his smile always soft and immutable in the face with the proximity to which brought the bag and loaded the concliente. Question again in a voice no longer short, if not now soft, and not bad in a Castilian, if not exotic, something that looked like a "Do you want anything else?" And the man, with eyes wide open and without close your mouth and vocalize for a half, looking straight parallel, said: "a hake." The other most welcome. By the time she held lovingly with both hands a piece merluzón, right in the guts, left hand, very sensitive, under the tail, same as if it were a person, other client parish was beginning to swirl around my car, a myself and my concliente pasma'o leaving half empty the rest of the fish.
The sexy girl proceeded with scissors, cutting upper and lower wings with de-scaling Descaling, separating the knife head, and with his own hands, and emptying the guts separating the eye sockets, leaving the head clean and pretty, perfect for a stock. Again with the knife in hand, cutting height marked tail and looked concliente without losing the sweet smile. This, swallowing noticeable and loud, said "yes" and nothing more. As she chopped, sliced \u200b\u200bfish, half of these desperate to move with the dead fish and again caressed by her delicate hands. After hake, anchovies came about, and a bass on his back, and a ration cock batter with flour, and slices of eel ... I thought we would leave to others without dinner. Meanwhile, the two partners had liquidated fishmongers (figuratively speaking, of course) six other clients (three each) and so we got to the point where the parallel half concliente walked away with the view lost nothing, frozen camera direction. The beautiful black, hit the button and went on to the number 803: m already i turn. I ordered a tuna belly (something that was on sale) that had to do anything, except putting it in a bag, and as I had in my hand, grabbed the car and I went off trying to overtake Alonso which Hamilton: desperate, because with that little thing of the sensuality of the fishmonger and the fierce passion of my fellow marine car and an hour I had stuck to ice fishing. If I might add, that while my legs were moving swift, also noticed some lazy no response after the recent experience almost paranormal. At the height

bath gel, I called the Inti:
(Inti): - "Walk walk?"
(I): - "Nel Carrefú"
(Inti): - A clean laugh apparently surprised (I suspect that this man know not finish) - "With the mushrooms?"
(I): - (Ono!, mushrooms! Since the morning that had gotten into the bag, no had come to remember them) - "Well, yes, but in my bag for now I'm only buying when it goes reclaim"
(Inti): - "Okay, so now I'm home" - (he soon returned to continue doing work from home using a computer program I needed, that he had, that if I have, and that one of those unfortunate coincidences, it lay in my bag right next to the can of mushrooms instead of being in my house right next to your ordenón or at any other point that he could go to find it without the use of car or bike).

(I): - "Well, sit back and go rest, I now mismito"
(Inti): - "where's the CD?"
(I): - "In my bag ... but I'm finishing and I p there"
(Inti): - "Damn, Irma ..."
(My Mobile and I duo): - " Tut, tut, tut ... "

A milk all took a bottle of gel Lactovit family size, other Johnsons Shampoo for children, four bottles of olive oil, Coca Cola Light four two-liter roll cling film 100m and went to the cashier's box. While she was paid, or what is the same as I finished signing for my card as "Marta Hari" (I have checked: the names do not contrast, and hear if one of these Euribor rises again and my bank can no longer pay my bills, I can argue very easily that I really call Irma, who did not know that such Marta buying in my name, and for that matter, I explain to my how can a stranger to me to pay with my card.) In order to pay as I finished, I asked where I should go quietly to complain about a product. Discreetly the cashier told me the customer service window. I went there.

The window was almost empty inside, only occupied by an employee of the species Chief, and curd with a lot of passers of the customers sort Esperanto. After talking (with bad manners, by true), his walkie and I hope that someone on the other hand, I looked at myself and chin with a movement made me know it was my time to express myself. Very politely and discreetly, I explained that I wanted to register my complaint about a product purchased at your facility. With the same, but with much less education than me, move your chin again to let me know which again should express. With my previous education itself, not yours nor before nor after, but no discretion and not on my part, I did know that one of the expensive cans sold in the same Carrefour, part of it to re-brand bitch Carrefour, and paid exorbitant price of "products of our land but of Gold", I had found the boletus mushrooms contained on the label and a lot of worms that were not included in either the composition or in the ingredients, and to serve as proof, here attached the tin, a mushroom and three worms. Said and done: I took the can from the bag and planted it on the counter with his face of shock and disgust of my clients coviandantes Esperanto. Swallowing him too and I imagine that bile and a lot of machine, I said it, to keep it and him to take issue. I played the 524 and went for the 498. So I kept my number (in case I is valid for another day), I kept my can and I went for home because I was a bit tired, truth, and because the Inti should take a good little while and rested and relaxed desperate to be with the disc and start to liquidate work.

As of now, the can sleep in the freezer of my fridge waiting for the Inti (each time you eat it very BENONE), my daughter and myself, wipe out what I brought yesterday and my purchase touch me again gather courage and strength to return to Carrefour.


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