Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What To Eat Lactic Acid Upset Stomach

Beloved all (as I do not add the bar because it is implicit and evil that although the SAR is still male):

Back to School passed me, and although based children survive Cola-Cao and Actimel, mothers like me, who had breakfast with Coca-Cola cigarettes in the car, succumb line as finished books. In my first grabbed me tired and you So that, then a Bajadilla defenses, and then taking advantage that I had taken a Friday off for a san want, go and attack me an infection and gastritis, I have had all my love and weekend flea market san prostrate between the bed, the couch and the color of my home toilet. So I'm here, recently remade and very close to get my old size, which must be very careful with the prayers that you check pa 'out because then they go and always serve with the crooked lines and looking down, as so came much more poetic and long-Truman Capote. I, on my last birthday, and wishes have not thought about, I thought and watched (and I have intention to continue to do so) to George Clooney, who look at it is difficult to misinterpret, and give me as I say give me you'll know a hack.

But I've come back to attack postero unavailable to discouragement and shouting like the wind Monica Naranjo SOBREVIVIRÉÉÉÉ, EE, É!.

As I prepare another post of vivid experiences, here are a form of entertainment Meme (this time it go and I agree):

- I have eyes, as in the photo, but open. Green I want you green, and wrinkles of expression.
- I wish, as I said before, nothing at all, which then goes god, and fuck you giving what you asked.
- I hate: too little, almost nothing.
- I listen to: Everything that makes noise. Leisure in the media, and also huge biased views and double-vee metaphors G Bush (eg, "Mandela is dead"). In my environment, lots of laughs and judicious advice, and pampering of my child. And many do not those who say between the lines. And many Charleta for anything that makes me feel good. And my head that spoke in low or high but not shut up ever.
- I fear I have: do not know How to be afraid?
- I'm not: often, my body and my mind are like a shadow Peter Pan, not necessarily go together.
- I cry, in private if I put this, but I usually stop soon be convincing. With real grief and frustration, can not remember.
- I lose my nerve, oh, I do not remember when was the last time or why. There must be important ...
- I need: from tó.
- I owe: a pasture to the bank, many genes of my mother, my fifty fifty basis with my mother and my father and the whole world.
- It makes me happy: almost everything, is that my anxiety ... I feel a lazy
- hurts: the head frequently. Moreover, it is like to mourn. There are attitudes that piss me off more than they hurt, but inside, much tranquility.
- I have a diary?: No, but this blog and leave a record of my days.
- Do I like cooking?: I love to eat, then cook. Sometimes I enjoy it sometimes not. I really enjoy sex more, for example, or travel concept.
- Do I put my watch a few minutes ahead?, Yes and even an hour if the clock is hung too high, do not follow the time zone now high and now other, by that which is ultimately a matter of re-mesecillos go on time.
- Any secret that will not tell anyone: Yes It seems unbelievable, but yes. And if I think a bit, certainly more than one, but is that not using them, I forgotten.
- I swim every day?: I shower and I wash my hair once a day minimum. My bathroom always include candles, music and nice wine and if it can be an intimate (like in the movies), and of course, I'm a sloth ...
- Do I want to marry?: With whom?
- Do I like storms?: Unless you're in the field in the middle of a desert with no trees or a golf course forever.
- Is the person more rare?: Do not know.
- Is the most annoying person?: I do not know, I have my doubts among G. Bush and a double vee many quanta. I guess the first because I thought the others later.
- Does the person best know me?: I do not know. It depends on what side.
- Is the most boring teacher?: Well, I do not remember ... I survived at all without hating.
- Does the phrase used in msn? Hello.
- My favorite band?: Music? many, but of course, then you are not favorites. I like the Clash, a song by B-Movie to mourn every time I hear it, the Who, Frank Sinatra (I grow a Big Band in the back and asks me to dance ... Fred Astaire).
- My greatest wish?: If I dare to small ... maybe could be happy forever, but then, sure I'll hit me a blow and I'm super super happy for lela and remains ...

- Sign: Pisces very Pisces.
- natural hair color: the photo
- hair color I have: the photo
- Favorite Number: (I've always wondered that serves this response), two, twenty and all who are the same number twice, 11, 22, 33, 44 ... and on a digital clock, four numbers, or two and two, but at 22:55 I love even more because it is symmetrical.
- Day favorite, which I'm happier and better me what happened.
- Favorite Month: the same, depends on spells and years.
- Favorite Season: I said. And Autumn, I always visualize very promising.
- Favorite sport: the only thing I can tolerate and play without getting tired: skate.
- Coffee or tea: Coca-Cola. And if any infusion acidilla ...
- Mountain or beach: both, and the city, and dirt trails, and the flat field and the garden (including Murcia) ...
- Barcelona or Madrid: same as me gives me the same, neither one nor the other, but we will not remove ...
- Sun or Snow: Oh, both.


- Cried: No
- Helped someone: I guess so
- Bought something: no
- Sick?: More? No, Lenin!
- Ido the movies?: No, but I saw three movies and a half
- out to dinner?: no, but I would not mind ...
- That I love you: No. The masters will not work, I am more than you want , and I feel more than that to say, except my family, we like us with a facility ...
- Written a letter?: Emails, and short.
- Lost a boyfriend: no, nor a Masseratti
- Talked to someone that I have not talked?: Define time
- Written in a journal?: A blog. If newspaper, jovencilla, sooooo many years ago.
- Had a serious talk: Yes, with bromillas and giggles, that courtesy does not remove so hot.
- Lost Someone: no, I hope.
- Hugging someone: yes, the kids we have this huge advantage
- Wrestled with a relative?: No. The threshold of anger in my family is very high, not easily reached.
- Fought with a friend: yes, no words, only inside.
- Dream Awake?: I can not make out too well sometimes waking reality.

COULD EVER ... ...

- Eat a worm?: If you are rich, of course. With mushrooms mushrooms and knowing a lot
- Kill someone: no idea, I have not felt the need
- Kissing a alguien del mismo sexo?: pues no sé, si es persona… ¡pues claro!
- ¿Sexo con alguien del mismo sexo?: idem. No tengo ese prejuicio en mente.
- ¿Lanzarte en paracaídas?: metafóricamente hablando, fijo, oníricamente hablando, seguro, ahora, de pie en la puerta del avión, con la mochila a la espalda, no sé yo que haría…
- ¿Cantar en un karaoke?: seguro
- ¿Ser vegetariano?: si me lo propongo… pero no entiendo la utilidad
- ¿Robar en una tienda?: no sé, yo soy más de “ es muy duro de pedir, pero más duro es de robar…”
- ¿Usar maquillaje en público?: Si, y también lavadita face out.

Well that's it. I do not think there are more questions as possible. Besitos.


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