Saturday, October 9, 2010

Diazepam Gives Me A Headache

Mario Vargas Llosa no se merecía el Nobel...

now, but long before, when he wrote well. My relationship with Vargas Llosa is contradictory. Like the first part of his work. Novels as The City and the Dogs, Conversation in the Cathedral or The End of the World War, are reason enough, what he is given the Nobel, a couple of decades.

But the Nobel, it comes when you are creative slump. His later novels say, had been poor and disappointing. I could mention in this decay his narrative, the following books: The Notebook of Don Rigoberto, Who Killed Palomino Molero?, Paradise in the other corner.

Well, beyond my differences with Mario Vargas Llosa, who obtained the Nobel Prize for literature, is a tribute to a man passionately devoted to literature, and literature in English.

I have the pleasure, through his son Alvaro, having talked with Mario alone, three hours at his home in Barranco. He was cordial and friendly. I remember we talked about San Marcos, on the History of Mayta on my novel, among other things. I asked him to rectify his opinion on the University of San Marcos, in his ill-fated Book The Fish in the water, which stated that in the early 90s, was dominated by terrorist subversion. I pointed out otherwise rather Sendero Luminoso, had been defeated in student elections, he promised ground, but never did. From there, we've seen a couple of times in Madrid. But I do not like its reactionary ideology, I do not like his new works, I do not like their racist attitudes, I do not like what it has become. Today could be opportunistic and get on the bandwagon of those who applaud him. But not me.

Some bloggers and writers now, I polish the shoes with their praise, with the hope that they can help their poor literary careers. But beyond those that have bootlicking vocation.

Hopefully, this award makes him regain the verve that has lost to the novel.

The characters in the novels of Vargas Llosa fascinated me, in that mythical first time, are on the left, than it is now.


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