Thursday, October 14, 2010

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Search unleashes controversy by not participating in a general strike in Uruguay

Montevideo, Oct 7 (Reuters) (Image: Álvaro Twin) .- The Uruguayan president José Mujica faced today its first 24-hour general strike called by the country's main labor union to demand better wages and a bigger budget for education, health and housing, a protest was broad in some sectors and in which there were no incidents. EFE TV
\u0026lt;a href = " vid = 16f52a75-deb6-4fd3-bfc7-1448ffe1d693 & from = en-us & fg = dest " target = "_new" title = "Julio Bocca unleashes controversy by not participating in a general strike in Uruguay"> Video: Julio Bocca unleashes controversy by not participating in a general strike in Uruguay \u0026lt;/ a>


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