Saturday, October 23, 2010

How To Delete Saved Files On Spsphone

Madrid, La Nueva París Literaria

Leo Zelada (Peru), Zhivko Baltadzhieva (Bulgaria), Lawrence Schimel (NY-USA). Romero Federico
Galán photos

the 12th of October, was carried out, the International Poetry Recital, entitled "Madrid, New Literary Paris.

In a time now, poets of five continents world have come to reside in Madrid. Thereby helping to turn this city into a new international literary capital. A good selection of these bards, is the toast in this recital.

poems were read in the original language of poets, in English, Bulgarian, Arabic, Italian, Latin American and Castilian Quechua.

Participon: Leo Zelada (Peru), Lawrence Schimel (USA), Valerio Cruciani (Italy), Rodrigo Galarza (Argentina), Zhivko Baltadzhieva (Bulgaria), Mouhsen Najim (Iraq), Charles Olsen (New Zealand), Lilian Pallares ( Colombia) and me.

The event was coordinated by myself, and had the backing of Bolo, to be held in Caps and Images.

This is the first recital, of a cycle that will do for various cultural centers and pubs in Madrid.


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