Monday, October 25, 2010

Is Benzocaine Cream Safe

En Voz Alta. Entrevista de Leo Zelada a Carmen Posadas: “Escribir es intentar ser un Dios”.

Carmen Posadas is one of the foremost writers in English. But in turn is an intelligent woman, stylish, intriguing. Some might compare with Gertrude Stein, and Victoria Ocampo, but the difference is that Carmen is better writer than either. Or the dazzling beauty of Eunice Odio, with I believe, has much in common.

Premio Planeta de Novela, Culture Prize awarded by the Community of Madrid. It is in the novel of intrigue and mystery where you can understand the real dimension the contribution made by Posadas, a English literature as crossed by the plane realism.

After my interview with Angela Vallvey, Eugenia Rico, Rosa Montero, Fernando Sanchez Drago, Luis Antonio de Villena and Jose Angel Mañas. Retake the section Aloud, whose interviews are published simultaneously by the newspaper Madridpress, The Bulletin of Latin American writers in New York, and my blog, where we already crossed the 180,000 visits. I share it with you this interesting interview with Carmen Posadas, at the launch of his new novel entitled "Invitation to a Murder":

1 .- When Borges, recovered at the time, which was considered a sub-genre, like fantasy literature, began an alternative claim to the dominant realism in English literature, that has not stopped yet. However, the narrative of mystery and intrigue was like the ugly duckling of our tradition, until you came, Carmen. Tell me how it was born and developed in you the passion for this genre?

A: Thanks for the super compliment! My interest in the genre is old and born of course, as a reader. Since my father was reading Sherlock Holmes when we were kids, I have not ever hand the detective genre. It is also the ideal vehicle for a proposal that I find literary ideal: it allows two levels of reading, get someone who just wants to have a good time and find out who the murderer. But also of interest to the reader more complicated, more informed you are interested to social satire, the psychological portrait and a portrait of society in which we live.

2 .- I liked when you said at a conference in Madrid, you wrote to face your ghosts, one death "Tell me about it?

A: Traditionally is said to be two themes in literature and that all others are derived from them. One is love, the other death. Love is a big issue but had enough abuse, even hackneyed. That's why I was more attracted to the death. Not by a morbid or anything like that but it is the only certainty we have.

may one succeed in life or not, fall in love or not, whether happy or not, have children or not. But what is certain is that we are all going to die, so for me is the "big" issue. Most people try to hide, to forget about death. I think that's a mistake

3 .- To a writer, even in the XXI century, difficult to get out of the molds, which are supposed to be literature written by women. The example of Sylvia Plath is the most eloquent. But there is also the case of Eunice Odio, whose beauty and talent, led at the time, that Latin American poets, they felt threatened, and therefore provoke their incomprehension Do you think that at some moments in your life, do not you did not same thing happened?

A. At the beginning of my career I had to fight many prejudices. Oddly enough people believe that prejudice was suffered only if one has a disadvantage, but it is not. In my case, my looks, my social status, etc, to no one took me seriously. They thought it was a dilettante, a bored housewife. I must say that this fact I never cared too much. Rather, it was a spur. I felt very strongly that if I kept working hard and if I had the talent, sooner or later they would recognize me. It's been a long road (and not exactly a bed of roses) but I'm pretty stubborn so I think that at last! I've got

4 .- The canon speaks, that right is to create a deep and serious literature. However, there is a rich narrative tradition of lightness, in countries like England, of which drink your best literary influences. How does this tradition adapt to your work?

A: I think, to quote Evelyn Waugh, the best way of talking more serious things is to do it in jest. In "Invitation to a Murder" talking about terrible subjects: death, children stolen, failing adoptions, immigration, etc., Etc., But all this is wrapped in a light air, humorous, like a souffle, because as I said, this time Oscar Wilde, life is too serious to be taken seriously ...

5 .- Could there bizarre influence of certain novel structure of policing in your text? I say this in the sense of vertigo, with which the skeleton arms of some of your novels.

A: I love the vertigo. Life is a permanent vertigo and literature seeks to portray, so it is. I try to structure my novels is a dizzy but never chaotic. 'm Not interested in chaos. What's more, I think that writing is precisely in order to that chaos that is life. It things are incomprehensible, arbitrary, unpredictable. The mission of literature is trying to explain all this. Of course this is not done with literature moralizing or lecturing. This is a situation to limit the reader to see portrayed in it and say, "If this is so, it happened to me"

6 .- One thing I love about your female characters, is how take the pain and tragedy, it is with a strange mixture of absurdity, doom and gloom. Trapped in a labyrinth of passions which can not escape How is your relationship with your characters?

A: It's a strange relationship. The topic is that the characters are as children of one but not true. Between my daughters I do not differences, I like, I try to help the same. With my characters on the other hand I am very whimsical, something of a God very arbitrary. A few want more than the others, except one the others and condemn them. I have no qualms with them. It is ugly to say, but writing is trying to be a god. Some writers are good gods trying to create a better world than there. I'm not always good. Sometimes I think the world is merciless, but because life is merciless, the rest are novels pink. Now yes, many times but my characters at the last moment, I like to copy the guffaws of laughter destination but also those sometimes do to win the good at the end of the story.

7 .- I see you are fan of beauty, and I see poetry in your prose. What is beauty Carmen Posadas?

A: Phew! That difficult question. For starters, the beauty is an arbitrariness is an injustice. Why a person is beautiful and others not? Why a book is full of talent and a lack of it? We can say that there are two types of beauty. What one enjoy (nature, the sea, poetry, etc..) and another one suffering (physical beauty of someone who misuses it, one tries to catch writing and fails.) One gives you much happiness and luck is also everywhere. Enjoy it and forget the other ...

8 .- Can we say that beyond the clichés of the script and the description of high society you do in your books, your writing is a subtle critique of impunity?

A: Yes, I love that you've realized that. We all like to be unpunished, is an aspiration among children and inevitable. I really resent the people who think he thinks unpunished is not accountable to anyone for their actions ... Are great selfish. But that is also used literature to "punish" unpunished. If life does not, I do at least the literature (and sometimes that punishment may be greater than it seems)


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