Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Am 17 What Will Arginin Do

The day she shouted " ram Julio Bocca to break the general strike in Uruguay

Julio Bocca challenged Uruguayan workers who met a general strike against government Mujica and amid the protest made a ballet. Street response was blunt: "behaved like a ram (scab).

written by Latin American Abstract
The famed former ballet dancer led a protest among the general strike in Uruguay
MONTEVIDEO - The famed former dancer Julio Bocca, director of the National Ballet of Uruguay Sodre, conducted in Montevideo on Thursday night at a dance performance, marked by demonstrations and protests in the first 24-hour general strike against the leftist government of President José Mujica.
Two thousand spectators, including many senior officials and former government of José Mujica tupamaro packed the auditorium Adela Reta to witness the staging of the ballet gala consisting of the parts "Raymonda" "Our Waltz" and "Double eighth, under the direction of the Argentine master.
Around the room, behind a security fence guarded by 80 policemen, about 300 workers from different unions marched in protest to the show be realized in a day of closure, and alleged threats against officials PSB and Shows (Sodre).

"For the Sodre Ballet no 'bale' close Julio Bocca," read one banner displayed on the site, referring to the director who has threatened to resign if a measure of association again affect one of its functions.
Minister of Education and Culture, Ricardo Ehrlich, one of the spectators at the gala, described the situation as "particular and unusual" to raise "concerns and tensions in a time of general unemployment, we respect a lot in Uruguay, and also coincide with a ballet performance that generated a popular response very important."

However, Ehrlich said to AFP that the situation "does not threaten" the continuity of Bocca in office, because it is "fully committed" to the cause and that the existing differences "will be resolved a context of dialogue where they can be different views. "

On the other hand, members Confederation of Civil Servants of the State, the Association of Sodre and the only trade union PIT-CNT, listed the development of the function as a "provocative demonstration of the union movement."


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