Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Milena Velba - Girdle

Diary of a Dragon, has crossed the 200,000 visits. Pedro Almodovar and Leo

These days, my blog has exceeded the 200,000 hits. Being a personal and not tied to other cultural news is quite an achievement. There are other blogs that are very busy, why hang on news of classical writers and artists, as well as notes on current political and literary interest. But my blog is a personal weblog. In

Dragon Journal, upload my latest poems, stories, excerpts from novels. But when I want, I do not politically correct interviews, writers recognized. I also do, features about concerts and events they attend in Madrid.

Most visits I have are of English, and Europeans (mainly Germans and French, according to my accountant). Then follow the readers I have in the United States and Latin America.
Although very busy lately with work. I try to have updated this blog.

With a book of poetry, readers can have are a minority, even in the novel, but are a best seller, the people who can buy a book, not much. More so if you care to make a creative writing, without concessions to the market and trends.
why the Internet is a valuable tool for the dissemination of the work of a writer or a freelance artist.

thank all readers who have joined me in solitude of their computers and clothed me with your love and affection.

A hug to everyone.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Shelter En Streaming Gay

Programming and National Ballet auditions

This is the 2011 schedule Sodre National Ballet, directed by Julio Bocca:

addition, the National Sodre Ballet announces its next international hearing for the period between 1 February 2012 to December 31, 2012. The audition period will November 5, 2011, 9:00 am to 18:00 pm. test consist of a complete class (bar / center), proceeding to request removal from the bar.

The registration will take place from May 1 to October 15, exclusively via mail by completing the form ( to download from here ), and in compliance with the following requirements:
1) Accredited training in classical ballet (use of pronged exclusive).
2) For the dancers are required a minimum height of 1.60 meters. and in the case of the dancers with a minimum height of 1.70 meters.
3) In both cases is fixed at 18 the minimum age (age on or before February 1, 2012) and maximum 27 years to audition.
4) physical state (health card or medical certificate day).
5) Certificate of Secondary Complete
For further information and inquiries contact from the May 1 ballet.nacional.uruguay @ gmail.com

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Quotes For Facebook Picnik

Sodre Julio Bocca, Mexico

comes to Mexico Julio Bocca exbailarín

By Rosario Manzano

View original note here.

MEXICO CITY, April 12 (adopted) .- The first exbailarín of American Ballet Theater and now head of the leading ballet company of Uruguay, Julio Bocca came this afternoon to Mexico to participate in the reality " Moving Opera Prima ", which is projected every Sunday on Channel 22.
was a June 26, 1985 that a 18 year old stood up to the Bolshoi Theater ovation. It was the young prodigy Julio Bocca, who swept all possible gold medals in the International Ballet Competition in Moscow, one of the most prestigious dance in the world.
According to his biographer tells Angeline Montoya, the applause was given for more than fifteen minutes even more puzzled and somewhat overwhelmed a young Bocca did not have complete clarity of what was happening.
Every time he returned to his seat on stage, greeting the public demanded more of the artist. Among those applauding him was Vassielev Maia Plisetskaya and Vladimir.
"His stage presence, his huge jumping ability and turn predicted that the Argentine would dance to a higher level of sublimity and perfection that was only the flamboyant and charismatic about Nureyev and Nijinsky's revolutionary and pioneering. "
invited to give a master class which will see its fate is at 20 selected from 22 reality, Bocca will give his own interpretation of a class art from the knowledge acquired during your stay as a student at the Colon Theatre and later as a professional dancer at the ABT in New York. Bocca
will also give tips on how the dancers perform during the gala to be held at the Forum Theatre Arts. And have an interview Consuelo private Sáizar, president of Conaculta, private office has in the Palacio de Bellas Artes, Bocca appeared on numerous occasions where one of them crashed into one of the curtains.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Meps Testing Accuracy

Zelada. Presentation

In my Brother's birthday, Jotace photographer, I was lucky to meet Pedro Almodóvar. For me, Peter is a genius. Meeting on the Great, was sensational. He spoke of the admiration he professed, and I gave him my poetry book The Way of the Dragon.
Despite being a recognized character is a simple and kind man. Somehow the poet Raul Campos, told me that the photo that we took Jotace, Peter and you write this post is a hug between the old and the new move from Madrid.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dandruff Shampoo Make Yeast Rise Or Fall

How ugly is copied ...

unscrupulous ... And without a hint of professionalism.

Today I discovered a new website on a dancer, which warns: "The right of ownership of a scientific, literary or artistic work for its author understands the power to dispose of, publish, executives, to represent it and put it in public, alienate, to adapt, to authorize translation and reproduction in any form. Nobody has the right to publish, reproduce or incorporate into a computer system (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without prior permission from the authors "etc.. Etc. Etc. .

And what I see on that site?

A "story ballet", with a paragraph that begins:

"The ballet originated in France in the eighteenth century and developed in all its glory in Russia in the late nineteenth century, but its roots are in Italy. Queen Catherine de Medicis, mother of the last three kings of the Valois Dynasty, introduced the dance at the French court. Piedmont by the violinist bring Baldassarino di Belgioioso, which changed its name to Balthazar of Beaujoyeux to reach Paris. For the wedding of Marguerite of Lorraine, sister of his son Henry III, then king of France, Catherine de Medici Beaujoyeux asked to create a great show, which paid one million crowns. "

Strange, no, because in my blog, published in August 2007 a book excerpt was not included in the print edition (but which is protected because it records the full version of my book on the National Register of Copyrights), about the history of ballet, which reads: ;

"The classical ballet as we know it today originated in France in the eighteenth century and developed in all its splendor in Russia in the late nineteenth century, but its roots are in Italy. In fact, French word ballet comes from the Italian balletto lian. It was the Queen Catherine de Medicis, mother of the last three kings of the House of Valois, who introduced dance in the court of France. The sovereign, who had never renounced his Italian origins, he brought the violinist Baldassarino Piedmont di Belgioioso, which changed its name to Balthazar of Beaujoyeux to reach Paris. For the wedding of Marguerite of Lorraine, sister of his son Henry III, then king of France, Catherine de Medici Beaujoyeux asked to create a grand spectacle for which they paid one million crowns. "

Would you

course nothing in the site in question suggests that the author was "inspired" (if not copied word for word) in my text, nor does the link to my blog or mentions my book and gives absolutely no source.

The rest of the text is also widely "inspired" by other sites like it (though not cite his sources).

But: not going to copy the text of that person, because you know, " nobody has the right to publish, reproduce or incorporate into a computer system", bla bla bla. ..

Of course, I reserve the right to engage in "civil actions and criminal prosecution for committing offenses punishable under Art. 172 of the Argentine Penal Code and the provisions of Articles 1, 2, 71, 72 and consistent 11723 law ", as explained by the author of the blog that stole my text without even mentioning the source.

Edit: half a day after the publication of this entry, the author modified the text.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Labia Stretching Supplies

Frente Amplio Statement before the UN bombing to kill civilians Libya

President Mujica: "Sorry attack is a serious setback in the international order, the remedy is worse than

of Frente Amplio Centennial Committee, the Sunday, March 20, 2011 at 8 : 37
Mujica: "The strike is unfortunate, to save lives in the bombings is an inexplicable contradiction"
Mujica President said last night that the bombing REPUBLIC involve "a setback in the current international order." Earlier, FA had rejected the military solution of the Security Council.

protests. There were demonstrations against the war in several countries, this, to the White House.

President of Uruguay José Mujica

Asked last night by the Republic, the President José Mujica described as "regrettable" the attack by NATO forces against Libya.
"This attack involves a reversal of the current international order," said the president, who had already spoken out against foreign armed intervention in Libya, in keeping with the tradition of Uruguay in international policy.
"the remedy is far worse than the disease. This business of saving lives to the bombings is an inexplicable contradiction," lamented Mujica. "All this is to mourn."

the afternoon, before the bombing began, the National Plenary of the Frente Amplio (FA) had issued a statement rejecting the Security Council resolution which authorized UN intervention in Libya
"The Frente Amplio, and historically it has done, claiming the uncompromising defense of the principles of self-determination of peoples and non-intervention in internal affairs," said the statement adopted by the left.
The Partido Obrero Revolucionario (POR) raised the need for the coalition was made before the bombing that was taking place in Libya at the time of development of the Whole.
While at first FA president, Jorge Brovetto, recalled that the Committee on International Relations (Carife) was bound to produce a report on the situation of the Arab countries, and proposed to continue in that area, BY insistence, other minority groups and shop stewards, led to the adoption of the text. In arguing in favor of the declaration, Raúl Campanella's by noting that the situation in Libya was similar to that of Iraq and Afghanistan and rejected the attitude of the United States and NATO.
The plenary then adjourned until he agreed the contents of the statement. In order to not go beyond the position of the Uruguayan foreign ministry, the statement claimed the FA's historical position regarding non-intervention, without consideration of the internal situation in Libya. The MPP postponed several times a statement from the coalition on Libya when the issue was raised in the political bureau of the FA. But yesterday was not raised major objections and the text was unanimously voted.
Meanwhile, Socialist Party representative in the Carife, Fernando López DAlesandro REPUBLIC told that "we are opposed to any use of violence and urge a peaceful solution to conflict."
The ruling reaffirmed the Socialist Party's position regarding your community "is against any foreign intervention against Qaddafi's dictatorship in defense of the Libyan people."
"We support the rebellion in Libya which claims democracy for the Libyan people," he said.
National Plenary of the Frente Amplio (FA) rejected yesterday the Security Council resolution from the UN, which authorized the intervention in Libya. "The Frente Amplio, and historically it has done, claiming the uncompromising defense of the principles of self-determination of peoples and non-intervention in internal affairs, "said the statement. adopted by the left.
Although at first memorial, the president of the FA, Jorge Brovetto recalled that the Committee on International Relations (Carife ), was bound to produce a report on the situation of the Arab countries, and proposed to continue in this area, the insistence of the POR, other minority groups and shop stewards, led to the adoption. In arguing in favor of the declaration Raul POR Campanella said the situation in Libya was similar to that of Iraq and Afghanistan and rejected the attitude of the United States and NATO.
The plenary then adjourned until he agreed the contents of the statement. In order to not go beyond the position of the Uruguayan foreign ministry, the statement claimed the FA's historical position regarding non-intervention, without consideration of the internal situation in Libya. The MPP postponed several times a ruling coalition on Libya when the issue was raised in the political bureau of the FA. But yesterday was not raised major objections and the text was unanimously voted.
The Socialist representative in the Carife, Fernando López REPUBLIC DAlesandro said: "We oppose any use of violence and urge a peaceful solution. "est leader reaffirmed that [an" against any foreign intervention against Qaddafi's dictatorship in defense of the Libyan people. "


Friday, March 18, 2011

Free Digital Playgrounds Stream

words Veronica Aranda. About Leo Zelada reading the Gastronomic Library A Punto. Poetry kneading cycle. Reading the poem

Leo Zelada (Lima, 1970) has a poetry which includes the underground, fantasy literature and ancient literary traditions such as the Inca or the East, especially the classic Chinese poetry, who knows and has studied depth.

has published five books of poetry and a novel, Death of American life, the result of a five-year adventure through Latin America, backpack.

His latest book of poems, poetic Minimal. Declaration of principles of a hermit, is located in a classical art and traveling a road that leads to the purification of rhetoric naked and renunciation, which is embodied in poetry, "shadow that stretches into the distance squeezing the word." We are faced with the resignation of the hermit who practice the priesthood of poetry.

The poet takes refuge in the streets of Madrid, speaks from them, from the night, accompanying certain aura of badness. Share table, bohemian spirit with Bukowski, Rimbaud, Baudelaire or the Inca Garcilaso. Complaint, containment, violent world around us, but do not stop the way, almost always alone. The loneliness of the writer who comes to speak and think about it: Write

without rhetoric is what I want now

bare my sadness without useless masks (...)

Poetic Art

Veronica Aranda .- Degree in English Philology from the Universidad Complutense. He has received poetry awards Joaquín Benito de Lucas, Antonio Carvajal Young Poetry, José Agustín Goytisolo, Young Art of the Community of Madrid, Margarita Hierro and the second prize of Adonais 2009, among others. He has published books of poetry: Poet in India (Melibea, 2005), Tattoo (Hyperion, 2005), Alfama (José Hierro Poetry Center, 2009), Postal oblivion (The Gaviero, 2010) and outages (Rialp, 2010) . During the 2005-2006 academic year received a grant for the establishment of the Foundation Antonio Gala for young artists (Córdoba). He has translated into Castilian Yuyutsu Nepali poet RD Sharma, Poems of the Himalayas (Cosmopoética, Córdoba, 2010) and contemporary Portuguese poetry.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mini Inukshuk To Make

# comment-form

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How Do I Transfer Music From Vuze To Itunes

Machu Picchu in the Blue Devils

reading my poem Machu Picchu in the Blue Devils. Poetry recital was in solidarity on the occasion of the earthquake in Chile. Antonio, made the video for the Foundation Bastestania TV.
I leave in the sixth minute. I think it's one of the best interpretations I have made in Madrid, in this poem that I like.
Hope you like it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Masterlock Combination Look Up

My list of best books of 2010

After the time of traditional literary lists, I share with you my list of best books of 2010.
The best books have been distributed among independent publishers with interesting goals of the big publishers.
My list is based mainly on the criterion of the books that bring something different and fresh to the literary tradition, and to discover authors whose work is little known. With the honorable exceptions of a few books, which look different, does it look from another angle to classical authors of the literature and thought.
This list makes no distinction in the language they were written the works mentioned. Although most are in English or bilingual editions.
This list, coupled to well known authors, with some young artists, whose work I find noteworthy.
And now, remembering Gracian: "The good, if brief, twice good." Go to the point with my list of best books of 2010. Novel

Prague cemetery, Umberto Eco (Lumen)
Invitation to a murder, Carmen Posadas (Metro)
A saga of Moscow, Vasili Aksiónov (The Other Side)
The White King, György Janos (RBA Editores )


The word of the dumb, Julio Ramón Ribeyro (Seix Barral)
Unusual land of Jhumpa Lahiri (Salamandra)
something around your neck, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Mondadori)
Carnival and Other Stories. Isak Dinesen (Nordic) Poetry

A fly in the ointment, Charles Simic (Broken Glass)
a single day. Poetry 1960-2008, Jesus Hilario Tundidor (Calambur)
Armchair mezzanine, Enrique Gracia Trinidad (Sial)
Poetry, Ossip Mandelstam (Broken Glass)
Corales, Emilio Porta (AEAE Editions) Youth Poetry

The sex, Laura Cancho (Vitruvius)
where almost dawn, Raul Campos (Cely)
Outages, Veronica Aranda (Rialp)

Essay, Autobiography, Correspondence, Unfinished

Summer JMCoetzee (Mondadori)
Correspondence January 1880-December 1884. Friedrich Nietzsche (Trotta)
The Third Reich, Roberto Bolaño (Anagram)
essence and beauty. Anthology. Maria Zambrano (Galaxia Gutenberg)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dominant Women Dressed In Leather

Julio Bocca, life in dance, for sale in Uruguay

Paul Ferrando in the pedestrian Sarandí
Good news for and Uruguayans who want to buy the biography of Julio Bocca, director of the Ballet of SODRE: is for sale, at least in some libraries Montevideo.

I was talking recently with the head of the library Pablo Ferrando from pedestrian Sarandi, in the Old City: told me that they have left a single copy for sale sale, and if there is demand, make the request to the editorial .

That is, if you want to buy the book in a library instead of spending money on an item for purchase on the Internet, s nly have to go and ask and bring more copies.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Im Scared I Have A Brain Tumor

Zelazny Interview with Leo in the weekly Commonwealth of Miami. By Roberto Cazorla. Minimal

I want to thank the Cuban poet and journalist, Roberto Cazorla, in the interview in the weekly Commonwealth, a major print magazines Miami, Florida. Which also functions as a digital diary online. It's my first big interview in a media of the United States and is of Latin origin. There are 2 pages and 4 photos on the U.S. press is no small thing.

Step to reproduce part of the interview: Leo

Zelada, poet descendant of the Inca dynasty, feels Madrid

Born in Lima (Peru), on January 6, 1970. Five years ago, living in Madrid, where he created the editorial Lord Bayron, and has published most of his works. He graduated and philosophy at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Some critics consider him the last American poet maudit. He directed the permanent workshop of poetry and narrative "Carpe Diem" sponsored by the Peruvian National Cultural Institute. In 1993, he began to shoulder a backpack, and crossed the Andes, across the Amazon jungle of Darien, Caribbean and Chiapas, until he came to Los Angeles, United States, completed the course in 1998.
Whenever I meet someone of Peruvian nationality, the first thing that springs to mind is the name of the overwhelming Chabuca Granda. One of the huge Latin American artists, and I had the privilege of having me among your friends in Spain. I came to her as a journalist Efe Agency to interview. Thus was born a friendship that lasted until he left us forever. "Arroz con pollo The world's richest Cazorla does," he would tell friends in common. And I swelled up to take the grandeur of the planet. And Peru is the poet who has given me the opportunity to meet: Leo Zelada. Talk to a poet in the corner of a cafe, when the streets of Madrid in the snow, cold flaunts his cruelty, and yet you can see the picture in the Gran Via, I have to thank God. Besides being a poet, is the founder of the publishing Lord Bayron, who has published dozens of young writers of poetry in Spain today. "I'm interested in everything related to the editorial, but centralize the work of foreign poets residing in Madrid. In the past 5 years I have known several who have taken up residence here. This deal makes me consider the concept of Madrid as the new literary Paris. 4 years ago to provide continuous readings, which I consider a large international poetry scene, which coincides with a new poetic generation of Madrid who have a broader vision. Together we are creating books, including mine, Lord Byron. " What kind of promotion do you have? Because I tend to read several newspapers every day, especially pages cultural, and had not heard of this movement. "We have promotion, but not central story in the press. But where we said we are in the Sunday supplements. But we are a live group, as well as poetry, we have artists, musicians, sculptors ... And, most importantly, come in all countries. In our sessions are reading poets who have written extensively and young people has not published a book. We are interested in poetry beyond the academic circuit. "


Can it be considered a leader in this movement? "If it were, without realizing it, but I think I'm setting a trend as a foreigner. One thing I like is that Madrid is a city of foreigners, including people coming from the rest of the English geography. This makes it a mixture of town and city. "How do you feel here?" As if in the neighborhood of Lima where he was born. " And that you did not know the real Madrid ... that of 15 or 20 years. "Madrid is that for me is this. The other does not interest me, because it was most traditional. And as the literary atmosphere was very English. What interests me is that international capital is now a poetic, intellectual Madrid beyond Spain. " Do you think that American poetry has to do with the English? "The new generations of poetry, through the process of globalization or are different. For example, I do not think Peru, because I have traveled through most of America and now I'm living in Europe. The great phenomenon of the twenty-first century is immigration, which breaks the concept of nation. I mean, I was born in Lima, I repeat that I have lived in Latin America, which has robbed me a definite accent. Today I think Madrid, even more than Lima. In the 70's we called citizens of the world, but was rather a snobbish attitude, or position before the world. Actually all international capitals are the world, because they are formed by all kinds of people. "

"NO WE DO Ghetto"

Think your work and that of their peers is original? "The avant-gardes are finished, the phenomenon of hybridization, multiculturalism and migration that reconfigures a global identity, Babylonian, in the same cities, is what first can create globally a poetic proposal to spread. It's what interests me. " Well, you try to break the mold. "In the twentieth century European avant-garde, surrealism is French, Latin American modernism, the beatnik, American; then we have to break down national borders. That's what I call the attention of Madrid now, does not interest me because before, but I would have gone to another city like Paris or New York. But New York offers everything that you want and more. "Yes, but it is very Anglo. And I mean the literary movement. "I know the literary circles of Miami, and is not influenced by Anglo-Saxons. Instead, keep your personality in Latin America. "It is wrong because we have to do ghettos, but parallel to this movement, fall within the North American circuit, as did Tino Villanueva, Chicanos, who then wrote in English and has won major awards. What is valuable is that Latin American literature from the Anglo-Saxon and be the best, as in the case of the Dominican Junior Diaz won the Pulitzer, as the Cuban Oscar Hijuelos. We who are on the periphery, we should not be there, but take the center. " RECLAIMING THE LANGUAGE

Scared miss his phraseology American? "No. Here I am speaking in Latin, I do not speak Castilian, except a few words. I think the grammar has to be a living organ that reflects the language of the street. One of the problems of certain writers, especially poets, who do not reach the people is because they have removed their everyday language is the language of poetry very academic and language away on foot. Not that poetry does not get is that many poets have moved away. We listen to Góngora, Quevedo, the generation of 27 or Nicolas Guillen, Pablo Neruda and César Vallejo, and they are poets who have yet refined language popular. In the past 30 years we have fallen into a scholarship, staying in the refined language apart from the people. "Is it achieving its purpose?" I think in some way, in the younger segments are recovering and incorporating the popular language worship. That makes many people more akin to what is written. "There are some who call ordinary language to say that night is dark and the moon shines ... "When I refer to the popular language is not the wording. I am interested in the urban language of ordinary people, but that does not mean that the poet has to deal with literary devices, techniques because (in quotes), realistic language, is a fictional language created by the poet, and must otherwise be developed. The problem is that there are several styles of poetry. There is a tight as Mallarme, like other neo-baroque Lezama Lima, conceptual like Vallejo and simple as there is poetry of Neruda, as in "Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair", you can not be easier. JOSEPH


Within what style we can put your poetry? "I have many influences, for example of French poetry, the poets damned interest me, including Rimbaud, the Beats. I admire the English Miguel Hernández, Leopoldo María Panero and Carlos Edmundo de Ory. I'm fond of Japanese and Chinese poetry. Moreover, the American twentieth century. Vallejo, Octavio Paz, Borges, are poets that I have always present. " Tell me the names of two poets who do not like. "Becquer and Jose Angel Buesa. They are extremely cheesy. " PS

.- Photo Jotace. Read the full interview PDF version of the Free Weekly, on pages 36 and 37, clicking on this link:
