Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bio Sculpture Toronto

Julio Bocca believes that new dancers are more concerned about Facebook that Nureyev Ballet SODRE

Madrid, 30 sep (EFE) .- The dancer Julio Bocca decided in 2007, after 27-year career, she would only step on the stage to "salute at the end" but that does not mean your life not dance and does not understand why people start being "more concerned" to see who raises more photos to Facebook that "Nureyev know.
Bocca (Buenos Aires, 1967) arrived yesterday in Madrid where he now gives, in the Canal Companies, a master class and gives a lecture to return tomorrow to Uruguay, where he runs this year from its National Ballet, a "challenge" to whom he dedicated all his "passion and energy," says in an interview with Efe.

"The truth is that it has been a strong coincidence that I was from Montevideo, where he lives since 2007 - amid controversy over statements by my right not to make the strike there and landed here in the middle of another general strike, "acknowledges that by December will also responsible for the Ballet Argentino.

"Just say my personal opinion," says the headline that summed up the situation with a "Julio Bocca challenges the guild."

The truth is that he refused to cancel again a function by a strike, he had done on August 26, and warned that if the company could not act and perform "Giselle" was the day of arrest suitcase and turned, "so quiet" home.

But everything is back to their beds, the call has changed from day 6 to day 7 and the company has decided maintain all its functions, "and charging normally."

is poured into the "rebirth" of the Ballet of the PSB and Shows (SODRE), which celebrates its 75 years, and admits that "there are still plenty of things to do" but that the company is " very excited and dedicated. "

Since he took office effective June 1, Bocca has been able to mount eleven functions of "Giselle", which saw 22,000 people Montivedo, "an unprecedented success, and set up a tour of the interior of country for the first time in 50 years, "devastated."

Two hundred
functions in 100 cities a year on average and thousands of hours of testing and bar in his career have made it very clear to Bocca which means "the culture of effort."

"We have had to explain to the dancers on tour are not always given the same conditions because someone complained that he had been cold in the room and I would say, 'OK, you're SODRE dancer but for a your cold day nothing happens, think of the people who live like this all year. "

regrets that those who start in a profession that he loves "above all" not aware that "you have spend all day rehearsing, making classes, improving, because this is a short race where if you delay you're finished. "

is beginning to take her taste for teaching, and even accuse him of" hysterical " and "demanding" no eyebrow in ensuring that their students are "concentrated", attentive to your instructions every second.

"You have to pamper them to focus and it seems normal to discuss. It's all so individualistic ... Have much information but at the same time fully dispersed and are more concerned to see who raises more photos to Facebook that Nureyev know the story of 'Giselle' or 'Romeo and Juliet ".

However, precisely, his company walks to where he wants to go, and can boast that is beginning to mount next week" The Swan Lake, "which premieres in December.

The next year, after traveling to Cuba Festival will begin with "A Streetcar Named Desire," a "Corsair" complete and a tour in July in Italy and Spain on which is laughs, not to letting go.

Concha bellies.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mixed Drinks With Gin And Kahlua

Vídeos de la Jam Sesions Internacional de Poesía por La Noche en Blanco.

With Villo Argumanez, we have a video recording of the poetry reading of La Noche en Blanco. This first International Poetry Jam Sesions confirms to Madrid, as one of the literary capital of the world. We

a virtual book, with texts of the poets who participated in that magical night. And a blog. Is well written and graphic record of the birth of a new generation of poetry, with poets from five continents, the vast majority reside in Madrid.

In these first videos can listen to the following poets: Enrique Gracia Trinidad (Spain), James Womack (England), Izara Batres (Spain), Lawrence Schimel (USA), Sofia Rhei (Spain) Rodrigo Galarza (Argentina), Nuria Villaspre Ruiz (Spain), Giovanni Collazos (Peru), Barbara Ouka Leele (Spain), among others. As you will see all the videos I'm the moderator.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Does A Wireless Scanner Need A Port

free act Oct. 6

Uruguay National Ballet, directed by Argentinian Julio Bocca, will perform for free on Wednesday October 6 in Montevideo, at a time when you perform a 24-hour general strike of labor union PIT-CNT.

This will bridge the differences that existed between the parties and led to former Argentine dancer threatened to resign from coupe since March.

Bocca was upset on August 26 had to cancel a performance due to a measure of association and is now approaching another protest that disrupted his plans to meet the year's programming.

However, there were efforts in speaking to the president, José Mujica, who backed Bocca and said, if necessary, speak directly with the union, which also filiated dancers in the company.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pokemon Shiny Gold Vba For Mac

Leo Zelada: Reportaje en el Periódico Somos Malasaña. Madrid.

is the fourth time, I leave the cover in a newspaper of Spain. The latter, released in the newspaper we Malasaña:

Step to reproduce the text of the story, which I did for this newspaper in my neighborhood, Malasaña: Leo Zelada

"In Malasaña break rock and poetry." By Jose Naveiras


Malasaña Leo wanders always accompanied by a bunch of people (many of the female gender.) Serious gesture and in winter almost always embedded in a classic trench coat. He is a remover of consciousness, a lover of rock'n'roll, a philosopher, a poet.

Great talker, sometimes irascible genius and always figure. Leo Zelaya has become its own right, a character in the night de Malasaña y mucho más de los círculos literarios de Madrid. Es uno de los grandes organizadores de eventos poéticos de la noche madrileña y con especial incidencia en Malasaña. Punto de referencia, punto poético y punto personal.

Leo Zelada y Malasaña:

Malasaña es mi barrio. Desde que pise estas sus calles, sentí instantáneamente que estaba en casa. Dicen, que cuando uno tiene su bar conocido, es que esa ciudad, te empieza a pertenecer. En mi caso, mis bares favoritos están en esta zona.En Malasaña respiro rock y poesía. No hay una semana donde no este leyendo poemas, ya sea en el Bukowski Club, como ahora en Los Diablos Azules.Siempre recordaré Bookseller The double-armed bandit, where you could take a tea in the afternoon, while one was reading poets admira.Mis Malasaña memories are cherished, a performance by The White Night in the Plaza San Ildefonso. Bohemian marches by Angie and Mercury. My excursion into the Remember ... I am a stateless person and yet the passion of the night, I found under these accomplices faroles.Haciendo a variant of a famous American poet, I can say: America is my country, my city and Madrid Malasaña my neighborhood.

PS .- And on this link, you can read my poems, they select to complete the story:

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wireless Adapter Pokemon Mac

Julio Bocca, Uruguayan unions angry

Julio Bocca, the new director of Ballet Official Service Broadcasting, Broadcasting and Entertainment (SODRE) in Uruguay, Uruguayan railed against the union COFE it intends to strike in October that could affect the functions of ballet. Bocca even threatened to leave the direction of the company, whose members joined the strike, if the functions are affected.

tells DPA: First
a series of strikes planned by the union government officials, which also affect dancing bodies, Bocca has just warned that respects the guild and it is their right to strike, but noted that he also has the right to work if you want do so. Bocca

faced on 26 August, the first strike forced the cancellation of a performance by the ballet "Giselle." Then he said: "This is the first and last time. Another do not cancel. If I cancel again, is because the theater collapsed. If not, do function as ".

Today SODRE Vice President, Jorge Bruni, came out against these expressions of Argentina and recalled that the address of the decision maker and the Argentine artist can not speak on behalf of managers.
"The SODRE serves, not the service SODRE Julio Bocca" , said Bruni, who nevertheless expressed complimentary concepts into the work of professionals. Speaking to news portal "" said his arrival at the National Ballet was a "fundamental change" to the body.

Bocca relations, the union and SODRE will be tested again on 6 and 7 October, when the union of state employees make a new 24-hour strike which adhered Bocca's company.
is not the first time that Julio Bocca, who said several times to admire Mauricio Macri, show their opposition to the union movement. His relations with the Teatro Colón were always tense precisely inside the coliseum seizures Argentina.

can hear about a very interesting debate in the Uruguayan radio here.

Friday, September 17, 2010

My Friend Dick Is Out Of His Boxers

My book, available at the Library of Congress Bocca

My book on Julio Bocca, Life in Dance, is available in the catalog of the Library of Congress of Argentina .

I can ask there, filling out the form that can be loaded here.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

How To Cite A Television Clip

Entrevista de Antonia Bocero a Leo Zelada.

Federico Romero Galán
invite you to read the interview I made the poet and journalist Antonia Bocero on his blog called "Opinion"

spent playing the same:

Leo Zelada, in twelve questions

Question - Having been born in Peru, what human adventure led him to leave their land?
Answer - I do not feel part of the country called Peru. My country is the world. I do not believe in borders. However, I love the earth I was born, I'm steeped in it, I Cantolao salt on my skin. But I'm a nomad. The journey is my passport identity.

Q. - As someone who has traveled, what you learn from this experience to his poetry?
A. - I have an intuition confirmed. Life is an unpredictable adventure, a highway, whose stage varies every second.

Q. - When did you take the decision to settle in Madrid, and what encourages him to it?
R. - I was encouraged by the fact of seeking a cosmopolitan city to live. New York and Paris liked me, but I fell in love with Madrid just saw. It is a metropolis and a neighborhood at a time. It is a multicultural city is not, but intercultural mostly people here likes to integrate. Madrid is a city of immigrants from different parts of Spain and the world. Hence the spirit of camaraderie that permeates the streets. I had the vision to see that Madrid would be the new literary capital of the world.

Q. - What led him to consider in what poets mean by damned?
R. - When I was young, my dream was to be as Rimbaud, Baudelaire and Bukowski. So I took a life of excess. This, together with the radical poetry of my positions, caused the Latin American press I renamed it that way. I do not disown what I was. I am now closer to the mystical. More serene. I follow the path Dragon.

Q. - What you meant to translate a poet like Arthur Rimbaud?
R. - I rushed the audacity to translate some poems of Rimbaud, with the help of a friend of French poet. I did it because I did not like the versions of the poems that I liked him. Translate was contemplating an epiphany.

Q. - Do you think you left some influence?
R. - Maybe it was not to cease the search for my style. My voice of fire. So I had to destroy the tradition.

Q. - How is poetry today?
A. - There are very few poets who can be considered geniuses. I see many people or academic snob, which actually destroy the spirit vital poetry. However, I have the certainty that some colleagues poets, programs or manifestos, we will renew the XXI century poetry.

Q. - Do you think the poet writes for himself?
R. - This is one of the biggest lies. Anyone who writes, dreams at least someone, one reader, I can get to read.

Q. - What the poet away from mainstream audiences?
R. - The language stiff and boring. His language away from the ordinary citizen. Your failure to connect to the other. Most poets today are autistic.

Q. - What do you have in mind to consider how to achieve one of his poems?
R. - I do not think the poems round or achieved. I think that a poem will touch the guts and soul. Poetry is shivering.

Q. - Do you think that poetry, besides having a communicative purpose, must have some aesthetic intention?
A. - I think I always have to be renewed, which is the best tribute that can be made to the tradition. Write to be a pastiche of the classic does not make sense.

Q. - Are you preparing a forthcoming book?
R. - I'm writing a novel about Madrid now. I am ordering a book of short stories. Ibn researching Zaydun, Santok and Inka Garcilaso de la Vega. Translating Keats. And writing poetry, as always. I am dedicated to literature 24 hours day. I write until my dreams.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What's Not Good For The Unborn Baby?

Gran Jam Sesions Internacional de Poesía por La Noche en White. Minimal

As part of the White Night, was held last night Sesions The Great International Poetry Jam, is a large show with the best English poets, Latin Americans and Europeans living in Madrid, showing that Poetry has no borders. Poets of the 5 continents and 17 countries.

thank all the poets and word lovers who packed last night the Blue Devils, the literary pub Madrid fashion. 3 hours non-stop poetry. We start at 11 pm, and ended at 2 and 30 in the morning. They read their poems

: Sophia Rhei (Spain), Leo Zelada (Peru-Spain), Barbara Ouka Leele (Spain), Angel Petisme (Spain), Enrique Gracia Trinidad (Spain), Raquel Lanseros (Spain), Estelle Talavera (Spain-France), Laura Cancho (Spain), Veronica Aranda (Spain), Lawrence Schimel (USA) James Womack (England), Peter Wessel (Denmark), Charles Olsen (New Zealand), Valerio Cruciani (Italy), Najin Mouhsin (Iraq), Zhvika Baltadzhieva (Bulgaria), Valentina Trio (Italy), Rodrigo Galarza (Argentina) Lilian Pallares (Colombia), among others. The event was broadcast live for all the world, via the channel of poetry.

has been exhausting, but I'm happy for organizing this event. I am told that there was much people who stayed in the street and could not get why I fill the local.Me was delighted that many of the readings were found in their original language.

Madrid is the new literary capital of the world. Viva

poetry without borders!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Prison Tycoon Play Free


I'm reading all the comments you write, and seriously ... thanks for all the support. Some have asked me but I thought that this is the solution for many things. In the previous post did not explain very well why everything because I was all day yesterday deleting accounts, restoring information and all that. Everything came quickly,''I said yesterday today I stop with this.'' I've been with MetroFlog long time, like 3 or 4 years, and only 1 in SoHotNovel. Would not call it popular, but many girls have discovered through my metroflog novels, I've done adaptations of books, you found your favorite novels ... and that's great
But time passes, y. .. sometimes people change. It has been my case, I still love everything I've done in this metroFLOG, but I was heavy. Every day some photo editing, uploading novel, stop at one point, answer, and all that. It was great to meet so many people do not know how to thank all the support you have given me in those moments when people accuse me of things ... but this has come to an end.
I mean, probably one day go in and metroflog and you see a new picture of SoHotNovel, telling how it goes around and telling news. I'll probably wait a month to re-upload a picture and just happen to read comments, reply and keep in touch with people, but not promising anything.
For those you want to know where I will be: / OceansParty just tell me you were reading for reply and follow you, I do not want to follow everyone. / OceansParty start all over again, going up daily editions or so try. Polyvore
, Tumblr and Formspring.
In Tumblr ANYONE THAT I FOLLOW ME, ie reverse. Formspring
And, please do not make many spelling mistakes to ask (;

Thank you for everything and I hope that this post has clarified many things.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Rogers & Sons Silverware

Final Goodbye? Contest

several months ago that I have not been paying much attention to metroflog, twitter, blogs, etc ...
I've noticed that things are not like before. It's been an incredible year in which I have met many people and I'm great but ... I think it's time to say goodbye .
probably not a final goodbye, perhaps in a few months decided to return to the metroflog. But nothing is certain.
not know what happened for several months but readers have disappeared and nothing is as before.
I guess, after a good time with all of you sharing novels, it's time to say goodbye and know well, anything you can contact me by MP, twitter, etc ...

follow with:

-Polyvore, and you can use the designs you want.
-Twitter. @ OhLikeMonsters will cut off and start again with @ OceansParty.
-Metroflog remain open but will not go up photos. Probably someday return, but do not promise anything.
-Fotolog, will eliminate HoldTheMoon and start again with OceansParty.
-Tumblr, will also continue on this page but has just begun.
-Blog, I will continue with this blog if any news and obviously I will continue with Photoshop. You can order anything.
-blot Formspring account and start anew.

I know this has been very fast but I had been thinking a long time.
I'm sorry I said this before and, really, thank you to everyone who helped me this past year has been incredible. You know where to contact me, I will start editing right now all I have to''fix.''

With all my love:)