Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bio Sculpture Toronto

Julio Bocca believes that new dancers are more concerned about Facebook that Nureyev Ballet SODRE

Madrid, 30 sep (EFE) .- The dancer Julio Bocca decided in 2007, after 27-year career, she would only step on the stage to "salute at the end" but that does not mean your life not dance and does not understand why people start being "more concerned" to see who raises more photos to Facebook that "Nureyev know.
Bocca (Buenos Aires, 1967) arrived yesterday in Madrid where he now gives, in the Canal Companies, a master class and gives a lecture to return tomorrow to Uruguay, where he runs this year from its National Ballet, a "challenge" to whom he dedicated all his "passion and energy," says in an interview with Efe.

"The truth is that it has been a strong coincidence that I was from Montevideo, where he lives since 2007 - amid controversy over statements by my right not to make the strike there and landed here in the middle of another general strike, "acknowledges that by December will also responsible for the Ballet Argentino.

"Just say my personal opinion," says the headline that summed up the situation with a "Julio Bocca challenges the guild."

The truth is that he refused to cancel again a function by a strike, he had done on August 26, and warned that if the company could not act and perform "Giselle" was the day of arrest suitcase and turned, "so quiet" home.

But everything is back to their beds, the call has changed from day 6 to day 7 and the company has decided maintain all its functions, "and charging normally."

is poured into the "rebirth" of the Ballet of the PSB and Shows (SODRE), which celebrates its 75 years, and admits that "there are still plenty of things to do" but that the company is " very excited and dedicated. "

Since he took office effective June 1, Bocca has been able to mount eleven functions of "Giselle", which saw 22,000 people Montivedo, "an unprecedented success, and set up a tour of the interior of country for the first time in 50 years, "devastated."

Two hundred
functions in 100 cities a year on average and thousands of hours of testing and bar in his career have made it very clear to Bocca which means "the culture of effort."

"We have had to explain to the dancers on tour are not always given the same conditions because someone complained that he had been cold in the room and I would say, 'OK, you're SODRE dancer but for a your cold day nothing happens, think of the people who live like this all year. "

regrets that those who start in a profession that he loves "above all" not aware that "you have spend all day rehearsing, making classes, improving, because this is a short race where if you delay you're finished. "

is beginning to take her taste for teaching, and even accuse him of" hysterical " and "demanding" no eyebrow in ensuring that their students are "concentrated", attentive to your instructions every second.

"You have to pamper them to focus and it seems normal to discuss. It's all so individualistic ... Have much information but at the same time fully dispersed and are more concerned to see who raises more photos to Facebook that Nureyev know the story of 'Giselle' or 'Romeo and Juliet ".

However, precisely, his company walks to where he wants to go, and can boast that is beginning to mount next week" The Swan Lake, "which premieres in December.

The next year, after traveling to Cuba Festival will begin with "A Streetcar Named Desire," a "Corsair" complete and a tour in July in Italy and Spain on which is laughs, not to letting go.

Concha bellies.


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