Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pokemon Shiny Gold Vba For Mac

Leo Zelada: Reportaje en el Periódico Somos Malasaña. Madrid.

is the fourth time, I leave the cover in a newspaper of Spain. The latter, released in the newspaper we Malasaña:


Step to reproduce the text of the story, which I did for this newspaper in my neighborhood, Malasaña: Leo Zelada

"In Malasaña break rock and poetry." By Jose Naveiras


Malasaña Leo wanders always accompanied by a bunch of people (many of the female gender.) Serious gesture and in winter almost always embedded in a classic trench coat. He is a remover of consciousness, a lover of rock'n'roll, a philosopher, a poet.

Great talker, sometimes irascible genius and always figure. Leo Zelaya has become its own right, a character in the night de Malasaña y mucho más de los círculos literarios de Madrid. Es uno de los grandes organizadores de eventos poéticos de la noche madrileña y con especial incidencia en Malasaña. Punto de referencia, punto poético y punto personal.

Leo Zelada y Malasaña:

Malasaña es mi barrio. Desde que pise estas sus calles, sentí instantáneamente que estaba en casa. Dicen, que cuando uno tiene su bar conocido, es que esa ciudad, te empieza a pertenecer. En mi caso, mis bares favoritos están en esta zona.En Malasaña respiro rock y poesía. No hay una semana donde no este leyendo poemas, ya sea en el Bukowski Club, como ahora en Los Diablos Azules.Siempre recordaré Bookseller The double-armed bandit, where you could take a tea in the afternoon, while one was reading poets admira.Mis Malasaña memories are cherished, a performance by The White Night in the Plaza San Ildefonso. Bohemian marches by Angie and Mercury. My excursion into the Remember ... I am a stateless person and yet the passion of the night, I found under these accomplices faroles.Haciendo a variant of a famous American poet, I can say: America is my country, my city and Madrid Malasaña my neighborhood.

PS .- And on this link, you can read my poems, they select to complete the story:



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