Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mixed Drinks With Gin And Kahlua

Vídeos de la Jam Sesions Internacional de Poesía por La Noche en Blanco.

With Villo Argumanez, we have a video recording of the poetry reading of La Noche en Blanco. This first International Poetry Jam Sesions confirms to Madrid, as one of the literary capital of the world. We

a virtual book, with texts of the poets who participated in that magical night. And a blog. Is well written and graphic record of the birth of a new generation of poetry, with poets from five continents, the vast majority reside in Madrid.

In these first videos can listen to the following poets: Enrique Gracia Trinidad (Spain), James Womack (England), Izara Batres (Spain), Lawrence Schimel (USA), Sofia Rhei (Spain) Rodrigo Galarza (Argentina), Nuria Villaspre Ruiz (Spain), Giovanni Collazos (Peru), Barbara Ouka Leele (Spain), among others. As you will see all the videos I'm the moderator.


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