Monday, September 6, 2010

Rogers & Sons Silverware

Final Goodbye? Contest

several months ago that I have not been paying much attention to metroflog, twitter, blogs, etc ...
I've noticed that things are not like before. It's been an incredible year in which I have met many people and I'm great but ... I think it's time to say goodbye .
probably not a final goodbye, perhaps in a few months decided to return to the metroflog. But nothing is certain.
not know what happened for several months but readers have disappeared and nothing is as before.
I guess, after a good time with all of you sharing novels, it's time to say goodbye and know well, anything you can contact me by MP, twitter, etc ...

follow with:

-Polyvore, and you can use the designs you want.
-Twitter. @ OhLikeMonsters will cut off and start again with @ OceansParty.
-Metroflog remain open but will not go up photos. Probably someday return, but do not promise anything.
-Fotolog, will eliminate HoldTheMoon and start again with OceansParty.
-Tumblr, will also continue on this page but has just begun.
-Blog, I will continue with this blog if any news and obviously I will continue with Photoshop. You can order anything.
-blot Formspring account and start anew.

I know this has been very fast but I had been thinking a long time.
I'm sorry I said this before and, really, thank you to everyone who helped me this past year has been incredible. You know where to contact me, I will start editing right now all I have to''fix.''

With all my love:)


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