Thursday, September 16, 2010

How To Cite A Television Clip

Entrevista de Antonia Bocero a Leo Zelada.

Federico Romero Galán
invite you to read the interview I made the poet and journalist Antonia Bocero on his blog called "Opinion"

spent playing the same:

Leo Zelada, in twelve questions

Question - Having been born in Peru, what human adventure led him to leave their land?
Answer - I do not feel part of the country called Peru. My country is the world. I do not believe in borders. However, I love the earth I was born, I'm steeped in it, I Cantolao salt on my skin. But I'm a nomad. The journey is my passport identity.

Q. - As someone who has traveled, what you learn from this experience to his poetry?
A. - I have an intuition confirmed. Life is an unpredictable adventure, a highway, whose stage varies every second.

Q. - When did you take the decision to settle in Madrid, and what encourages him to it?
R. - I was encouraged by the fact of seeking a cosmopolitan city to live. New York and Paris liked me, but I fell in love with Madrid just saw. It is a metropolis and a neighborhood at a time. It is a multicultural city is not, but intercultural mostly people here likes to integrate. Madrid is a city of immigrants from different parts of Spain and the world. Hence the spirit of camaraderie that permeates the streets. I had the vision to see that Madrid would be the new literary capital of the world.

Q. - What led him to consider in what poets mean by damned?
R. - When I was young, my dream was to be as Rimbaud, Baudelaire and Bukowski. So I took a life of excess. This, together with the radical poetry of my positions, caused the Latin American press I renamed it that way. I do not disown what I was. I am now closer to the mystical. More serene. I follow the path Dragon.

Q. - What you meant to translate a poet like Arthur Rimbaud?
R. - I rushed the audacity to translate some poems of Rimbaud, with the help of a friend of French poet. I did it because I did not like the versions of the poems that I liked him. Translate was contemplating an epiphany.

Q. - Do you think you left some influence?
R. - Maybe it was not to cease the search for my style. My voice of fire. So I had to destroy the tradition.

Q. - How is poetry today?
A. - There are very few poets who can be considered geniuses. I see many people or academic snob, which actually destroy the spirit vital poetry. However, I have the certainty that some colleagues poets, programs or manifestos, we will renew the XXI century poetry.

Q. - Do you think the poet writes for himself?
R. - This is one of the biggest lies. Anyone who writes, dreams at least someone, one reader, I can get to read.

Q. - What the poet away from mainstream audiences?
R. - The language stiff and boring. His language away from the ordinary citizen. Your failure to connect to the other. Most poets today are autistic.

Q. - What do you have in mind to consider how to achieve one of his poems?
R. - I do not think the poems round or achieved. I think that a poem will touch the guts and soul. Poetry is shivering.

Q. - Do you think that poetry, besides having a communicative purpose, must have some aesthetic intention?
A. - I think I always have to be renewed, which is the best tribute that can be made to the tradition. Write to be a pastiche of the classic does not make sense.

Q. - Are you preparing a forthcoming book?
R. - I'm writing a novel about Madrid now. I am ordering a book of short stories. Ibn researching Zaydun, Santok and Inka Garcilaso de la Vega. Translating Keats. And writing poetry, as always. I am dedicated to literature 24 hours day. I write until my dreams.


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