Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Where Can I Buy A Nimrod Tent Canvas?


Have you seen those curtains Channel Four in which people have the minideseos?. I do, and as it so happens that wishes walked on, and also of all sizes, from maxi to mini, I take this forillo with all the nose to give vent to one that eats me by these dates.

Here it goes: Gentlemen

toy makers, administrators Marvel gentlemen, please, for charity, a bit of dignity when it comes to making money. Stop playing with the dreams of adults and beyond, when designing their tools to realize the illusions cruelly children, have account of their parents: You can not imagine, develop and put on the shelves of supermarkets cabezones plush dolls that simulate bad virile, stalwart, brave and always Agerre Spidermans, hair singing children's songs from "On the farm of Pepito , ia, ia, or ". It is degrading and insufferable, and personally I'm still reeling from the shock of the DISCOVERY, I am not yet able to look into the eyes of my Spider on my bedside table left without feeling embarrassed some itching. For pulling, you're told.

And the thing is not short, you already know my phobia of white space, here I add some mythical phrases from the movie a Good Woomer, (I enjoyed the other day while napping on my couch):

- "If ever we are guided by the opinions of others, what we own?". Helen Hunt perfidious stray bullet to the yeast and naive Scarlett Johanson.

- ".. And here's an example of the triumph of hope over experience" (luckily, I'd say). Cynical Lord and Pass-Year 1 to Year Lined Lord Cynic and 2, when the latter tells the first his intention to marry and wanted the splenic Helent Hunt, owner of just only two assets: a total shame and a reputation unforgivable. And I

Here's another question left has intrigued me to see if someone can enlighten the darkness of this question in which I am immersed:

- If everyone agrees to say that having sex leads to beneficial effects on the skin, you relax, soften and smooth, why do the women practitioners of religious orders (nuns), celibate they all have very thin skin and fine kaolin?. That

Merry Christmas to all, and pulls, to drink in moderation, that it is only responsible for yourself and victim of his own ridiculous, but a little consideration to the good people willing to drag these titled owners to their homes and do everything possible to get them out of deep coma, those who do not drink, even by prescription, by now we walk tad perplexed, not to mention exhausted to drive to the many thousands through the deserted streets of Madrid ( cachis me with the "today for you ...", the day to tomorrow is going to find out you all!).

PS: Have you seen? FINALLY I WAS SHORT!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Is Pokemon Platinum On Vba The Same


We're in chapel, now is the night No, we've lost the lottery like every year, all meals eaten group all drinking drunk (I do without alcohol, which happens to be much more harmful than the con, because I will say that other liquids can be consumed without popping for twelve hours continuously, I'm still burping up the soiree two days ago), and we are already prepared everything we can, with all the prescriptive approaches done well prepared for the celebration of yore .

This year I celebrated the holidays in meditation and family (because New Year's Eve is something else) with my girl by my side as a new (last year it held my little girl to see father and me at the Irish) and I have been caught the eyes of their children's enthusiasm convinced the children to live differently. So naive, my preconceived ideas about peace and the illusion that fill the hearts of children, I have become one to enjoy from the new perspective these celebrations that my mid-thirties and caught me a tad trite and unbelieving. So I bought a Bus to dive into the city (which is impractical with a car at this time) and never miss a blip, not a cortilandia nor anything. And I must tell you that today I write from the bed, exhausted, trying to mend the date specified for my preparations and hormonal treatment have been about ready to kill me and leave me out of the game for the shrimp cocktail, the couch and marisquiño . First

say that, I think, I suspect, I sense that the world's children are much smarter than we think, and it is no longer to know all the Kings are the parents (would it be more accurate to say the mothers?) is that they care less than zero persons carrying out the distribution of gifts on the shoes, which want is the Noah's Ark Play Mobile on the agreed date, the time agreed upon in the place of delivery established. Point. Because, of course, how many times a year you fall and hit a child because it is, an average that ranges from four to tropocientos gifts all together and top each amount to sixty eurazos?. For one or none. How to get exquisite with the name of the dealer!. If you say that, in case, and this is all a sign of intelligence, my girl walks lately paying exquisite attention to all members of that venerable old men prolific generation of elderly, especially those who wear long beards, (reducing the population almost exclusively to the socially excluded, which abound in both frames malls mandatory these days, and the Inti not that time has become very old and also has recently stopped shaving, I do not know, you look and ultimately gives me a dead air Fernan Gomez, how capricious the subconscious!). And she looks, and looks at me and looks, and I wondered whether we would give them something, like a thousand euros, for it must go bereaved thinking that they can be good and wise men, and detached, because otherwise, like they do not leave the accounts. Also check out quisqui questioning all that is down the street, and this is not new, because she has always been the most sociable, what is new is that he has changed his standard greeting of "hello" to another "Happy Holidays "is making me wonder if Gallardón should not ask me the subsidy, because it seems a proper element of the Christmas season set by the council.

In order that these new eyes and will have made me see things from another perspective, and also introducing me to a world that until now had not paid the enough attention. For example I am able to establish a ranking of the worst jobs in the world at this time.

For example last Friday, and delivered twenty-first day parole to all offshoots of the world to enjoy his twenty days of vacation, my sister and I, we got up early to finalize the arrangements such that a child of six, nearly seven years, can not receive live. After leaving the school made a skewer to attend the soiree (something like the business lunch or colleagues, as an infant, concerted and cock), go borrow the English Court, perfumery section shall validate the efforts aimed at feminine elements oldest of our family troupe. There, after enduring hours of queuing, we began to sympathize with the girls smiling impeccably made up and sprayed us again and again with all the aromas of love and luxury with flashy firms left to air the entire world. Those who did not carry jars of essences, listening and showed patients and showed different versions with different shapes and little variations of the same liquid. And then watched him and then wrapped so delicately and deliberately, that a hundred times I came to remind the clerk Mr. Beam of the film Love Actually. When I finally put the sticker "Happy Holidays El Corte Inglés" what is that a (There was no one in this plant, what things) would have acquired had been transformed into a work of art, worthy of any thin film props. This is liquidated. And we went to Carrefour, I naively thought that it works so sacrificed the kind of English Court clerk. Carrefour

But if it was gruesome. We went there to settle the matter paternal only male member of my family (because my cat does not count, that is not blood.) I discovered this year shocked the good hams bring a kind of cover that seems racket, with its handles and all that you allowed to carry comfortably. Maybe this accessory is not new, but already I want my be much more informed about the exciting world of five jacks, lo and behold it is unfortunately not the case. Finally, in the Carrefour and suffer no more than necessary, we headed to nail it: a computer plant for agencies a backpack laptop. Remaining three, two and a discrete phosphorites blacks. Containing my impulses, we did this, more appropriate for a business meeting a respectable business manager, I do not know why the others. The object in question had no case, bag or labels, but we did not care, because the thing is chunga this year's theme, and even laptop bags were gone in the IC, were not to put too many snags. We went to the box, almost fell asleep while we waited to be touched. We touched. And they could not collect it because it had no bar code. The nicest cashier called the manager line of boxes, on their skates her very willingness to attempt to locate the "computer." She spoke over the intercom, and nothing, responded from all over but the department requested. Forty-five minutes after I had gone to ground, had located a phosphate, the same model with different color, the skater had deduced that the prices were different, the computer still does not appear, the tail the case of our friendly cashier organized to mount virtually walked the picket line and were about to locate a construction fence to throw on the conveyor belt. When the blood was within an ace of reaching the river, only then is when the computer appeared to confirm that yes, the color was more expensive discrete and disappeared with the excuse of looking for the product reference. Another fifteen minutes later, when I myself, now if that if I became the person most zen of the world, was on the verge of collapse with bloodshot eyes, reappeared computer, with genitals that I judged the size of the mythical horse Espartero because I did not escort or anything, pulled the old paper on the box and the same is pyrogen. The cashier went by the code reader, appeared the same price of phosphate backpack, and pulls, taps went my sister and me to the car because we were late to the supply of sprouts in my daughter's school. But this job if I felt crappy, crappy and not the English Court that suddenly looked like a spa. Ignorant

to notices of radar and speed limitations are placed back to village, mostly on roads surrounding the schools, which are smaller than in other streets, as if they knew that cars with children arrive always later than those which carry adults, riding the same menda like a Raikonen driving a road from an airport taxi, we not only on time if not a little before, when the doors were still closed and parents and grandparents (which proliferate much more at this time) looked like a vicious bull splintering the pole against the bullpen gate. The poor janitor watched from swallowing the glass door, by donning his cap, biting the beak of the crutch and collecting the full value of the world to come to the gate and open it. Finally, leaving it to the Virgin and All Saints, proceeded, completed the task and pulls, all picked up our heirs out cuajaditos of crafts, gifts and invisible friend morgueras plump for chocolate frosting. We

, original and all decided it was the first day of vacation, and since my daughter was in town for the holidays, and especially too, as it was the time it was, we were crippled and did not have iota of desire to work a little more, we went to Burger King (at McDonalds take to return, so unfortunate is my memory) and Case liquidábamos lunch box. ERROR, from here I say it, THE WORST MISTAKE IN THE WORLD.

turns out that the twenty-first day of vacation not only gives the infant children, no, to adolescents, and how to shut this playful Gallardón recreational Temple Square is the trafficking of adolescents, and put the entire city police control the non-exercise of the bottle, "For where was everyone? Huh? Where?. In the Burger King in Goya street from here and I demand that I return the bottle and the destruction of street furniture as a double favor to the citizens of a certain age of these Madriles. Indeed. I live in a neighborhood of that popular saying here all girls dress like Bratz, I think about and imagine all like that. But there is another model in the posh neighborhood, which is Charlotte Casiraghi (excuses, now I place no While hache and I have no desire to document for a little ditties like that). The Burger King was revosar of Charlotte and Andreas, all in a single file and calling one reason that I say, if they are in a group, do not you can order everything all at once?. No, because the issue of the weekly pay is not unified, and they must be ordered Big menu with everything, even a clock, and others who do not pass the Tenders and the glass of tap water but, after Tommy Hilfiger invest in is not or for extra potato. The picture was bleak, but to see who is the cute girl who brings six years of a hotbed of junk food when it has crossed the gates. I do not, I'm not that strong.
that now I'm able to say that the list of worst jobs in the world on Christmas eve are: 1 .- Assistant
counter of Burger King
2 .- Assistant Carrefour box
3 .- Assistant perfumery of English court.

Which leads me to think that one must always be wary of any work as set forth beginning in Assistant. That said, I will say that while I sympathize with them, even worse punishment seems to me to be a customer of each and every one of them, in strict reverse order and all on the same day.

Anyway, Happy Holidays to all and for the whole year, and from here, my best wishes to the world global. We we see around the corner.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Brazilian Waxing In Santa Barbara


is a fact that what one (or one) broken, another (or other) takes advantage. How many times have we eyes widened with relief after a shake Rollet and / or partner that we felt the most firecracker and discover the many volunteers (and / or voluntary) that are provided to stick the small pieces of wreckage happy and to be the nail that kick back?. I myself have collected a few basurillas outside (metaphorically and literally, but with love and respect, yes, the dejante relieved and the new caught, or otherwise) and I myself have made available a few more of the same.

Anyway. The fact is that without me lately and trying, I have been in the position of having to rummage through various wastes from the own-family size, to the industrial size of McDonalds and all the cases I have caught a world of what we pulling. What are the discarded remains underrated! If everything you say, one not known as much for its acts and for its intimate trash! . The first time

review remains as happened to me in my own house, which certainly goes elastic lately, and to my delight, is that it fits everyone. For whatever it says la Caixa, is that if it is true that they normally eat one and a half at this time we fit up to twelve adults for dinner, and where he usually slept one large and one small, can sleep up to three large, one large and one small. My room has become an independent republic which house my sister and my other sister almost Olgui, with its grid via inflatable mattress, with its huge wicker basket brimming with sweets of all kinds, like shopping, that neither the very Little Red Riding Hood (a put) could drag into the house of his grandmother without the help of a trailer and a sign that the vehicle Longo signposted but having my daughter and my cat flying in their environment by living in constant ecstasy. They, with their hours indecent sleep and insomnia-fighting glued to the channel of Big Brother and a stun galore that take them away to extend the Charleta until all hours of the morning. Them with their tiny baby clothes in size 36, which make me look at my other scale. As cielotas them coverage pa 'to.

The fact is that my house has changed its rate elastic, and now we turn to shower, divisions of tasks and fulfillment of the type that when I get home, one finds a rich cooked couscous (and not as cold Tuper standing glued to the counter) and conversation and laughter on the sofa. We also have thousands of boats colorful gel and shampoo, a thousand creams, toothbrushes of all colors and steadily filling bags of trash that goes to a minimum and often overflowing daily.

But in life there are other things that are not so easy to solve and coordinate or provide much satisfaction. One of them is the sharpening eye pencils. These pencils seem to have a single use, because the purchases, use them, you eat the point, and the herds to almost get you eyes. Arriving at this point, you can throw them away. The other option would be to try them out tip is much more desperate, because you put in the razor, you proceed to turn, and before reaching the acceptable length of mine is broken, has been in the sharpener and there is no way remove there, because it seems stuck with loctite. O yes, get out of the cacharrillo after three quarters of an hour and fifteen different tools, and still circling the pinturilla dogged her in the top left inside and eat you in chips. At the end you have to pull the pencil but now the size of an inch and a half, and a sharpener.

However this occurs less expensive pens and brand (because apparently the expensive price included in a previous workshop which teaches them to behave), such as Christian Dior, which come with a highly sophisticated system of sharpener full of little pieces and gadgets that crowd the rebel against the blade and pull out bold tip of cacharrín in the unlikely event that dared to let her inside, and just hold it all burrs. I have only a sharpener of these and I keep it under lock and key and all my love and gratitude, that my child can not commit the terrible and understandable error to use with their wax Manley.

Anyway Puenteros on Thursday last week was almost pulling me the eye with a pencil of the flights, when I decided to take a chance to sharpen. I pulled out of the sharpener sacred box and headed to the trash can proceed, and arregladita and cute, very well aviada to go carousing in case of liquidation of the eye. I opened the lid of the bucket, and running very cleanly I unveiled a fantastic tip. Satisfied, I checked my gem grinder and oh, Lenin! I saw mine and chip remains stuck in the sacred blade. I dropped the pen on the counter and gently proceeded to disarm the utensil cleaner obstinately insisted on not leaving. And with far less delicacy I forced the issue to blow up the gadget in question and all eight achiperris tiny embroidery needle sizes that make up the complex mechanism of the pencil sharpener () which fell without compassion shared between the two stock overflowing garbage, the plastics and metals and organic material (because the matter a little fine penguins at the poles, who neither eat nor are feathers, but nevertheless, recycle). I stood there stunned me until my own tears me out of my own introspection (is that I'm hormonal and I'm being the most sensitive).

I set the bags used and two new ones on my kitchen floor and proceeded to transfer little shit for little shit to give to each of the filthy pieces so you can wash them and overcome them in his house sharpener. In this experience I discovered that my family, drink a huge community house (not me that my medication will not let me), who smoked a huge community (not me that my medication will not let me), we eat muchíííííísimo (of course) and we opened a lot because the bag was full of labels and purchase tickets (I confess that my medication is fully compatible with this deplorable and harmful habit.) I also noticed that nobody is entirely clear if cigarette butts are organic or plastic material and / or metals.

Finally, an hour later, after smelling soap to wash my elbows and my mash well painted, I barreled towards retirement with my girl, my syster with my Olgui and two other girls from the age of Olgui same mine that had been scrounged. The plan was to spend a childhood imbued with the spirit Christmas this time, or what I call a full, puppets and small boats in the Retiro, Mc Donalds and films for children.

But alas! How different plans are when designing to when consumed!. Retirement input was packed, and the tail to mount in small boats came very nearly to Móstoles. So we skip the eating plan and we are carrying pipes a little the next, that of McDonalds. There, after twenty-five tails, the first one to ask basic, another twenty-four to change the Danonino by gelatin, water for Coke with nothing (no calories, no caffeine), to ask for another straw that previous has fallen, ask for more ketchup than what he has given us not come to ask for mustard ... hour and a half later, we put order piling wreckage and debris and more debris on the six trays, ready to travel to many other container. For this you also need experience, technique and have a good strategy. Ours was Olgui with girls, with coats, bags, with bags and covering the rear. I travel with a rate of one per tray and left everything on the table, including my daily newspapers and my cell phone Bisbal. Between the second and third trip girls porphyry crumbled to get permission to go to the pool balls. Between the third and the fourth Olgui leafing sometimes sharp eye to the newspaper, other balls (the pool, to my knowledge), between the fourth and fifth hole was Olgui a lady kindly asked to pose your inbox site and sat eating his hamburger chair. Between the fifth and last Bisbal my phone was gone.

And when it was obvious that I was neither in purse or pocket, either in surroundings that you may hear when my Olgui called me, took what was the most obvious truism: that he had thrown away along the remaining contents of some of the trays.

After queuing across from Mc Donalds at a time twenty-six, I noticed a kind lady who worked there, that by mistake with the remains thousands of our meats, servant, which is tad inattentive, had poured into the container size bag neighboring community, its own mobile phone model Bisbal, and that if did not involve too much trouble , a servant same again, I would very much any effort that would be made in order to recover. The nice young lady smiled at me, I accompanied the size trash bag neighboring community, and smiling even more (if not containing the laughter) I said the bag, and said, "you can look yourself."

There I was, a Thursday bridge, in the Atocha McDonalds to overflowing during rush hour, stirring the most common garbage Madrid in order to find my phone. I took out half-eaten burgers, chips, drink, Happy Meal dolls Bee Bee Movie stars of the film (one of which served to replace the one my daughter had lost), to diapers ... Albal paper sandwich, a bottle of ketchup on the great Anything from home ... unimaginable, except my phone. (Snif, snif, "who was going to say" to me that would end up longing for a Bisbal). Total

, and a long story that McDonalds Gentlemen, anytime you see fit, it is questionable gave me to offer a complete statistical products more and less successful ones among its varied, all depending on what customers discarded after being swallowed whole, or rather half. My friends of the soul, you can go when you feel like calling me and you may have a while for me to be recovering all your phone numbers now rests in the hands of some unscrupulous thief.

And everyone else, I beg you to be vigilant and careful what you cast garbage, because with the run that led, eventually, to me to review.

PD1: Thanks to the friendly passerby on the street (which no scaffolding, no star apparently) yesterday, while I was passing by the square of Lavapies after returning from a funeral, was kind enough to broach a compliment rude, including such well-executed and painful head turned against chirimbolo frontolateral stamp paper. I'm so grateful that this leading event I've noted in my diary with love, just in case it were your last, you hear, you never know, and Mendes will no longer thirty.

PD2: Thanks to others that you have followed my blog interesting for this period despite my absence.

PD3: Kisses to Olgui, Ada, Monica, Maite ('bread basket!) To Cosita (ra, ra, ra) and Therese darling, we love you and I more.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Remigiusz Banaszczak Gliwice

BASURILLAS And I'm back (safely)

Centuries has not wrote or at least it seemed to me. This was due to a number of arrechuchos on drums I've been catching and have left me momentarily out of the game, the most serious has been a trancazo not wiggle that you had me so: no one bit menearme sofa with blanket or bed quilts. Come on a holiday recovering, which was far less than dying, but fucking heavy. So I've been away.

That and because I have super-duper hooked on the book "The Frozen Heart" by Almudena Grandes, which is a soap opera than nine hundred all pages cigarillo exercise of Historical Memory (now that is so hot), that here and I recommend. Until last night I finished I was not able to devote my leisure intellectual else to devour its pages and I must confess that I even cried and everything in a couple of tickets, but I would not rule out the influence of the hormone in this revolt my new stage of hyper sensitivity ... Now I just started another book, this time Punset, entitled "Journey to Love" and fear their influence me in my already cynical and rickety romance, if you're already slightly florida me with this matter, I do not visualize with arguments of a philosophical and scientific. In case I recommend you carefully aproximéis my next post in this my present I am unable to foresee ...

Anyway, as I am as I am lately, I do not let go even one, my doctor has me straight about blood to run a thorough ITV and map completito of my shortcomings and I are expiring parts inside. So this morning I woke up fifteen minutes later than usual (which does not seem much, but in horizontal and given a bed for a lot, as you all well know) and I have spared the usual active time I spend with lead my offspring to school, because today was concerned that its My grandfather and father.

So I enjoyed one of those unusual relajaditos awakenings and Lisita and smooth complexion (is that lately I wake up with the same face as Cassius Clay after his fight with George Foreman and I have to stress on the natural to take off eyelids and a glimpse of the world). I've had time to make my bed with care and dedication, to give my manicure repasillo another pelin despendolados repasillo to the eyebrows to clearly draw this important weapons of facial expression, to shower and shave in peace very well with super-duper meticulous care and other major weapons such body language (no longer Friday, hear, and I always placed great hopes these days). Dry myself after I applied the nutrient crema, I dressed a little quiet choosing the clothes I wore, I have a hair makeup kit complete with shade, kohl, mascara, brush and lipstick, and I could leave my house with more than enough time.

Because in my daily routine I get up, stretch the quilt nordika (well, with K), I make breakfast for my child, prepare your lunch, stretch your nordika (also with K), prepared his clothes, I shower, get dressed, I paint the hills and a bit of blush, I grab the bag and my girl, and pulls, making rally to school, that we always by the hair, and sometimes even later. But today was all like an advertisement for "today I feel Flex" or "Actimel" in the colored part in the already taken the "Actimel". I have uploaded in the Luisi, and I've come to the health center at zero point and relaxed.

At the reception desk for extractions, I have given my twenty-five pages to list all my doctor what I had to analyze, to take note and place on record my presence, and immediately gave me back my twenty-five pages accompanied by eight glass jars and lots of stickers. And to stand in line until my turn to touch me. That touched me, of course. Arriving at my table, my ATS specializes in removals has risen your entitled ass of his official seat and instead sat another ass like yours, yet untitled. My ATS specializes in removals has encouraged the ass without a title with a "pull, now you." And pulls itself between the two have caught my arm clear that even smelled like Dove firming cream, the two have put the rubber band on the arm and had to hold it slipped through my hydration and firmness, and between the two me have handled the search for the little vein (or artery, which I'm not sure what they use). That if the puncture has been a thing of the untitled solo ass. I've played but bone. Has repinchado, but pa'lla. And then has repinchado, but more over here, not yet in place. He has thrown a fight ("is that you move!"), Which I already have answered that I have not reached that zen degree need not even breathe, but I'm at it and I have the impression you'll get it soon, possibly for the next visit. And it has become a prick, and this time if the invaluable assistance that has been released titled ass rubber and has sought to find little vein or artery, without even needing to re-draw the needle.

At that point I was no longer half dizzy, but completely gaga and markedly skewed to one side. I have dried by filling out the eight boats, I have put a milkweed that was just stuck without heat and grace of the goo from my Dove firming cream device, and as a farewell, I have shouted in his ear a "NEXT!" which is what made me react and move my own ass (titled or untitled depends on what, because it is the case) out of the parlor.

after a scan I get out of the pint at full speed as the soul that takes the devil, and I even seen by the way, I come to get the jacket finished around the time I park my Luisi at the end of my journey back, and to date I have never seen the need to invest the few resting Minutillo recommended holding a thrush arm. But today, today I needed five minutes catatonic sprawled in a chair (which was almost two) and now that I write to a single hand because the other, right, I have unused at the end of my sore arm.

When I rode my lela Luisi was still (in fact I'm a bit so-so), and I started lining up the street being still unaware, so little that when I turned in a yield have not observed the presence a garbage truck that emptied containers, and I almost slammed into a wall while maneuvering in reverse, something I have not seen. If not for the diligent cleaning service workers who have put the word in the sky, I would have died hit by a garbage truck, which is so magnificently as any other death, but the absence of any glamorous, do not tell me no. At the height

office I only dreamed about with a coffee latte (decaf, if you do not go crazy) with four churros (instead of the usual three), my mind was developing both a beautiful ode to the churro in Madrid and the fate of live in a city that puts the churros in the bars before the streets themselves in the same street. At the height

first churro I met a friend who would also re-provisioning with cafetillo. This friend, whose name I can not mention for privacy of their offspring, mother of the girl child artist and artist is a speck of carrying out the premiere of a children's film sponsored among others by Disney. A legendary release that for more than a year her mother and her mother's friends, we predisfrutando mentally with party dresses dye removed and hung in our closets and / or dressing rooms (I was going to recycle mine that I used in the bodorrio) with sharp heels ready with his last and booked an appointment with elbows to the pelu of Dante to be the first beneficiaries before Dante inspiration to drop the hole, leaving only his bad temper.

Well, half a second churro, had the nerve to communicate, that this social event I, the final will run tomorrow in a multiplex on the outskirts of Madrid, with almost all children and adults and that the outfit recommended by the producers Disney and Buena Vista is a Halloween costume. That is, for once I am invited to a film premiere, not only do not go hand in hand with George Clooney, I'm going for my child, not only is at eleven o'clock at night, but it is at eleven o'clock, and not only not going to Zac Posen, but I'm Pumpkin. Well, if that. What I said to myself and what I said Dina, darling with what you want ... by Lenin, that commitment is making Disney muss my day!.

Anyway that aimed at the office, reassured by my snack, and especially aware of what I have left lela absorption of blood, have stoked a huge fat sparrow (was it a vulture?) trying to get airborne and has barely managed to rise above the turf that bordered on belly, and do not know why I thought of my cat Machin, perhaps as big, or what would have enjoyed the appetizer of such animal. And then when you turn on ordenón I stoned a bit more with the campaign of "SOE" Do not listen to your first ". It's amazing, as this game can have a team as mediocre for almost everything and as effective for the creative advertising does not end his final stamping Rajoy bullshit (and look how easily this man has resuperarse himself) and already have the 'SOE allegorical video advertising, I'm to believe that steal the scripts to the candidate the night before that even committed. Now I do not give them time to other things, if all energies are going to devise clever campaigns. Which by the way, has anyone seen them somewhere other than YouTube ...? I on TV not only on YouTube, in Being and in the Country (now itself, with accents and blue) which leads me to think that maybe You Tube PRYSA within the group.

Anyway, I'm back. Let's see if I have time soon to tell my experience with the Grison, their commitment to not start, push it to the bustle of a parking space with the invaluable help of my friend Vicky and Jesus Quintero (Fool on the Hill), and the face of movie the poor man from the crane when it prints that came a man to replace us because we had to return home to deal with the joy of our households tasks before returning to our work on Monday, then asked the Inti to us exactly what we did ... But this will be another post ...

Monday, October 8, 2007

White Flecks On Dog Nose


If there is a common place and vulgar behavior that promotes picturesque, this is the elevator. I live on the fourth floor without technology, so I do not have no choice but to transport myself and my purchases, removals, and baggage on foot or cats (depending on time of arrival and fuel that I run my inside ...).

This enormous effort of my life now brings me to recall with great affection and nostalgia recent times in my life before I ever moved from the portal on the ground floor to my abode on the first floor within the metal box five feet by five feet, with seating for six people or 400 kilos of cargo. There

lack of space shared with my neighbors above (below me lived only cars) the second be: two adults and four children to hobbies Marian adorned block us out with Vatican flags at each visit of Pope Wojtyla to Spain. The neighbor's attic with his Labrador, old, fat beagle, and his endless chatter (her, not the dog that always seemed very tired) ... The third neighbor be, with his name and profession Galician accountant, who smoked like me but he Ducados outside her balcony two floors above mine and had a single aim always accurate planting their butts smoking between the thoughts of my planters (plants, not speculations). When I was a year in this block, accounting and Galician man married a Colombian woman who was twenty years in Spain and did not look happy, and knowing we were all on time every day, and later corroborated other day in which he left his luggage and planted for never to return ...

As you observed after this brief sketch, life in the neighboring blocks happens to inside doors and partitions. But the process to the door when P and H Company C, occurs always exposed to the eyes neighborhood. And the intimate privacy of your own life I still defended by only a tiny partitions quite permeable to noise pollution. Come I intimate privacy that there is almost nothing. That

my former home as well brought a kind of intercom series by Danone very interesting technology (which is not technology, but it is effective that you shit) that kept us well informed throughout the block. It turns out that the gas pipe, which was up (or down, depending how you look) along the left wall of my kitchen Pegaditas the sink should not be so isolated and / or closed, and while never suffered any casualties or gassed us half stayed telos for any escape, if we save it does not require batteries many radios. Because you standing up to the pile, wool and fairy hands, and pulling with you to stay a little coy, you knew of all culinary conversations came sliding block by Tubillo copper (a large metal driver is, for sure) to serve on a plate on the counter and time all the news real block. A much more effective lujazo radio patio.

So you get to your home when H, with Company C, possibly in state E (intoxicated or drunk) and the best there would have been discreetly and quietly, without Having A cross with no neighbors the body present (though possibly some indiscreet eyes had seen you through the gardens from windows of their houses oriented community recreation area). And

into your privacy were little i in the field of privacy. But you could not lower our guard, because the next day everyone knew exactly what it was they had been cooked inside (through the intercom that of yogurt) and how indecent hours of the morning had been moving pots between your four walls of four few centimeters thick, including gypsum and plaster gotelé. In the faces of the residents of elevator could read with absolute clarity the extent of their knowledge about your privacy.

good old days and what nostalgia! I'm sure my neighbors must know now the same as did the earlier (judging from my own knowledge), but I do not have those three Minutillo shared discomfort in the elevator, leaving no one knows anything while fluid struck up conversations in which brag about our knowledge of meteorology, climate change and the difficulty of drying clothes on the line to which it is falling on this wet season.

But if there are elevators that if I keep working and reporting to me the most stimulating experiences (and if not they should ask to Inti, who sees one and will make your hair like hooks) are lifts hotels.

As you know I enjoy a skinny post-war economy, so when it's up to my pocket to afford a trip and stays away from home, I always appealing to the generosity of my family and my friends or stores shop campaign. But the economies of the companies involved and bring the Inti currante if they are very decent and always take you to hotels that have everything (sometimes up to five stars). And I'm adding the pleasure, try not to miss one. Inti

So will any part of English territory, and on arriving at the weekend that my daughter about her father and the final hour of work, I get in the Vernon or Grison (the not on the floor) and hit my shoe basket without lifting the pedal almost to the bullring, sports or other place of soiree to third, where I pick up the key hotel and there I'll wait for my host while I scrounge lujillos.

One of these small hotels, back in May and Leo, I went to coincide with the closing of the ZP election campaign in his homeland. The event also came to agree as well with a semi-final for promotion to the ACB League playing the local team, the Climalia de León, against the visitor CAI Zaragoza. And where were staying bigard more than two meters from the CAI? Yes sir, I pegadillo hotel, which is that there are hotels that seem plugged.

I have already learned to detract as little as possible copetin hotels, but no liar I'll make spending on the unpaid portion, the price is! So I travel with a backpack necessary to meet any need that may arise during my stay, from sandwiches and Cokes peck to a half-liter bottle with a little Fontvella for cubatilla predescanso spirits and some fancy cervecilla case of pre-rocanroll, that besides my pocket floripondio travel. This means that I get charged these hotels as a mule, and with a big sign and fluorescent signals as Vehicle I Longo. As with all

baggage that I was very relaxed in my elevator Leon for myself, with a backpack leaning against one wall to lighten the weight and my body itself displaced by the volume of the same to the center of the arena elevator when the doors practically closed the carrier to take me to my plant alone until I snapped open the grace of a running shoe that got huge wedge slip into doing. In front of my four pivots appeared even higher than the Empire State Building (cm up or down) and they all went inside.

I educated and to make room, I went up a lift esquinillas beginning to look so toy like myself, and this operation was sliced \u200b\u200bwith my backpack all cartelillos hanging on the walls inside, indicating the weight and maximum number of people, another phone number to call in case of failure and another that prohibited smoking on the premises. In a single movement got throw all. While at the same time trying to bring my pocket of datura to my feet. To bend to hook a esquinillas almost overcomes me the weight of the backpack he lunged forward on my head, making me lose balance fortunately recovered one of the pivot to hold me and bring me back to vertical position. While the other three were entertained to collect the posters of the carpeted floor and try repegarlos. All without any space just to move, it seemed that we were playing "Mess."

I went back to meet them the next morning, when I went down to breakfast, and only dared to share with me down when it was but found it as dressing and no luggage, not even bag. I wish you luck and very sincerely for your party, I do not know if they came to win or not, really.

Well this weekend I was in Zaragoza, in the fantastic five-star Boston hotel, which is all electronic, so little sign of Do Not Disturb and when you go through before the doors of the rooms can fairly accurately interpret the inner life happens in the same thanks to information provided by the LEDs on or off, and you can guess where he is holding a stage riots, who has not yet appeared to sleep and are so many ...

This time our room was on the eighth floor, and that meant that no matter how fast travel outside the elevator going to give enough. It was very promising.

In one of the occasions when I returned to the hotel after giving me a spin around town at parties, I slipped into the elevator and held three ropes of the kind family well, which is distinguished by bob to Ansar moistened, as if they were always freshly combed right out of the shower (rather than domain, the art they have with the hair gel), and polo shirts by Tommy Hilfiger and the height of over six feet well fed worn by all (as evidenced already by the seventies had access to imported foods and eat something other than the national poplar sandwich).

Three or I do not see or choose to ignore me and I do what I always do in these trances, which is imbued in my various thoughts as I watch the movement of the hands of my watch, the icons on my mobile or ceiling directly lift, in this case very interesting because it pretended cielito crashed with a glimmering of these tiny Christmas tree. And then the three men started a conversation:

(Pijo 1): - "Jo, do not imagine the situation"
(Pijos 2 and 3): (nod expectantly)
(Pijo 1): - "I called his wife and asks: is you Louis?. And I say, look Patricia are seven in the morning and not hours. No, not with me Luis, I do not see from the two o'clock it was when I left him ... "

And then you open the door on the fourth floor and go all three taking their conversation without an iota of consideration me. Because for then I did not hide anything and had his ear and atentísimo gesture as if I were the posh four. I put my hand in the cell fotoléctrica the door so it closed, leaned half his body hoping that they remembered me and I almost jump off the elevator and yelling that they could not go now, they had to tell me where I was Louis and who, if he had caught Patricia, if one of them was Luis of yore ...

So two days after the conversation and from this public forum I call these friends and Patricia were in Zaragoza on Saturday 6 October, housed on the fourth floor of the Boston Hotel to communicate with me through this blog and tell me the end of the story, I am come to imagine everything and will give me something.

PD: Heeding my literary critics, in this case the Inti, I tried that interlining thoroughly to peek at my post do not be a stroke of my remaining condensate.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Were Is Outside Temp Unit Mondeo


the beginning of my inexperience as a driver I thought it was important that the car was clean, because that was what I had explained to me in driving school and I've always been a hard-working student. But then I stopped your car Inti Vernon guarrete was right, (he's one of those human specimens firmly believed that it shrinks a car wash), and I set out to packed inside and out, and special attention to him, and a way to protect my health: cleaning out to avoid the inevitable driving causes accidents Braille and cleaning inside to avoid the inevitable infection because of either virus fauna in there have felt as comfortable as in my fridge when I return from vacation. The car wash momentazo that I told you in another post and I still gives me nightmares. The collection time internal achiperris me up to date details of the private life of Inti the part of the peninsula on which he had not accompanied me. And instead of feeling good that you shit for executing the detail and good action, I felt rather gossipy and indiscreet course assuming tasks that were not my thing. Come on, almost as if he had read the newspaper.

But I thought that I was going to clean the car outside and learned the lesson knowing that they should re-do it again and point the car is his master and must be he who deals with cuddling.

Then came my own car, my Luisi, also filthy you die after having received for months Esteban ecosystem and its variety, and as my Luisi was not alien, it was mine, I turned to leave quietly shining with the pad, the pad and battery-powered mini vacuum cleaner. Without realizing I left the radio turned on and no volume whole weekend, therefore I exhausted TOO battery and the following Monday I had to take my daughter to school by taxi. So this second experience I learned that the inside will never, ever, never at all, clean a car inside, or own or others, and if you're not careful, even prop.

And I have not do it anymore.

Yesterday I made a professional visitilla (me in my profession) at a time very early on which gave me no time or stop by the office, so I let my offspring in school and Luisi pulled toward my client's home. It was raining profusely and radio warned of traffic jams and pools of water everywhere even mine, but nothing, I like driving, and I thought it was a challenge as any. In the second two did not see or cake because everything was blurred. I activated the stream of hot air for window, which in other cars (Vernon, Grison) I have no idea where he is, but mine and at this point, yes. But I still did not see or cake. I ran my hand through the windshield on the inside (obviously) to get a little window and hand rapier I was black then did not know where to put it. Gray sponge and sponge these fog continued even darker gray and the glass was the same in pig. Finally I had to drive with the windows down (the two) because neither the mud inside or outside the let me see the posters and do not know how, because I can not specify or what sign or did not see how, without knowing has ended up stuck in the middle of M30 (never far from my objective) of a mile per hour during a time clock that is what it took to walk a path that was to see was the room. Finally I decided I better get to my goal shed that Baracaldo for example (hey, it has to be a beautiful place, but it was not the day to go because I had other plans ...).
This morning was not motorized, and after leaving my child at school (the regular cast), I continued the special delivery to your home. And again did not see or cake, sometimes because of the sun, and others by the cold mist and the smear that my Luisi taken inside. But as I did this because I used more or less, unless it rains like it I do not care. But the Inti, the theory that the shrinking washing vehicles are not used to so much stress just lifted, and after deformation of the door handle of the uncontrolled pressure of his fingers, very seriously advised me that Lenin to wash it. But I tell you that neither of those going to. Because

a few days ago, the Inti also left Vernon (still sleeping here on my street with their eyes rather sad) as a replacement vehicle to a companion star that had its own car unwell and admitted to a workshop. The companion star and used it the very thing I thought when Inti gave me my first, that the prudent thing for his health was clean. But this fellow is seen to be much more expert than I, and decided to leave it far more aseptic professionals not knowing details of the life of the owner (God, what you've seen these people in so many cars, I do not imagine ...). So when a couple of days then put it back where it was parked in my neighborhood, the car shone so much that myself before passing it took me three days to see him.

Anyway, last Sunday, went down to the shop Rosi (a colmao in my neighborhood that is open daily and has everything, like a Chinese store, but managed by a woman in the country, mostly Vicálvaro) to find bread crumbs and pan without scratching for a family Cocidito to be held in a couple of hours in my house (the breadcrumbs is to fill, which leaves me very rich). And Rosie always has everything that this time is missing. Crisis did not: I looked in my pockets, I found the key to Vernon, and thought, "Well, look, I give it a vueltilla and I approached the gas station that always has everything." Distracted

minding my own business and I approached the car. Put the key in the lock. He chas, chas. I opened the door, put the first foot (and it was the right) inside the car and as Vernon is very broad, no mat on the floor of the driver because it is always moving and it rolled to the pedals, then hit a bestial patina Spaghetti me improvise a brutal and amazing that I almost pulled over the other passenger door. Fortunately it was closed and held me. But the coup that Lenin gave me.

And it turns out that professionals have an oily spray that serves to make the plastic surfaces shiny and new and smelling clean, and we see that these professionals were of the thorough and applied by all the plastic parts of Vernon without letting either one, that is like saying all unless the car upholstery. Total

I visitilla today I have a routine to the gynecologist and I am not able to separate the legs to put on the rack: Holy Virgin! the strain I have in the part where the legs meet the grace of my sudden watermark to enter the car. And I explain I see my gynecologist that my injury is not the result of idle boasting, but my guilt and hiperlimpio requeteculpa a car, because although I well know more than enough and I have it tattooed on my subconscious and to the remains, that cars should not ever clean the inside, there are plenty of ignorant people who have not yet discovered.

(ps!, Joseph B, this text is less than two pages).

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Skirted Bikini Bottoms At Old Navy

Post Irmangston extra edition. I'm a little confused because I do not know if I missing something or is that I am particularly awkward.

these days I'm eating breakfast (which is the time that I heard the news via radio) with the news of Muslim girls expelled from school for wearing the Islamic headscarf and with successive gatherings of those who say about his recent reinstatement.

is assumed that the reason is that this is a secular country with a secular education (for Lenin to stalk me) and that therefore children must attend school without them the non-denominational religious signs outside them tick. Something like a day of reflection perennial election in which no party can boast of a vote by staff.

I do not understand very well that the child can not attend school with an Islamic veil that covers her head, but hundreds and hundreds of schools all over Spain are managed by women (where nuns) cuebierta head by Christian touch, habits or gentlemen Catholics if they are monks or Roman collars or robes directly if they are priests.

Vaaaale, accepting boat, I think this country is that we have free choice of cole attended by our children, and if this girl wants to flaunt her religion cole go to a Muslim and not a public . But see, in this country there is little sprouts Muslims and there are Ceuta, Melilla or the big cities. In this country the cabbage is crafted from licensed, and I still remember the posh modern macrobarrio where I lived before I change my marital status and economic, that he had not a single ambulance, not a single school, and when ten years later of construction, planted a school for the entire district, it was one run by the Warriors of Christ the King through the mediation of our former mayor Ursuline Alvarez de Manzano.

I do not know how will the education of other areas, but in Madrid the public is the rotting cole attended by all those who can not afford an education a little better, and is colored immigrants cuajadito each nationality and some with little or no command of Castilian. In one of these sprouts located in Lavapies, last year had one sick child from starvation because the parents could not afford the cost of room nor time to collect them from 0:30 to three is the time that school children eat in the capital, and feed them at home. In conclusion these children did not eat MONDAY TO FRIDAY. The food at school could be superfluous and thrown away, but kids would not eat, because you could not make an invidious and feed some children already taking other free. Claaaaro, it would be that, a Despiporre, no sir, equality for all, which is important in a democracy. Well, not everywhere, including Spain, the differences and inequalities of economic power brand forever.

This country is secular, so the child can not attend class with veil. But until year public colleges have been offering Catholic religion class. That kind of ethics were an option because it was a battle with religious spheres in this country (Spain / Catholic religion). This year offered citizenship education is still another media battle that why.

Meanwhile, this country celebrates Mass State confessional broadcast by English TV, is a royal wedding (the next head of state if nothing remedied, the representative of the secular people ...) to a state funeral soldiers killed in action ....

I heard that it is required immigrants integrate with the host country, but how much I think you live the diversity and variety of colors and flavors, I think that is what is above all a double standard. If you ask a Muslim girl of such wall crucifix around his neck, not even no one would watch it again. No, I think paranoid is just asking to return to turn Spain into an Al-Andalus, that those who ask another conquest, and we, I do not touch their noses with the veil that is demeaning to women and discriminated because holy virgin (and never brought better) than the same even and well treated, with God above all, Christian nuns, and I have not heard anyone complain about it, not surprisingly, or indignant, or ask them to remove the touch even when they go to secular public school to study teaching. And is that other positions to address inequalities and grievances, better to focus on funding issues in tissue or remove or to claim if you are sticking to the strawberry tree is a bear or a bear ... I resent more the lack of freedom that some women without a scarf to decide their own future professional, personal, emotional, sexual ... Anyway, hallucinate a little.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Increased Road Noise On 2007 Hyundai Santa Fe


is not the first time I comment how arduous is the task of educating a child (imagine that will be just as complex in the case of men, but as my family is a harem, I know that experience and I will not venture an opinion. I've always said that if instead of a child, my offspring would have been a child, the macho would pee sitting until your boyfriend or girlfriend, will advise you on other possible options.)

My girl lying at least try to illustrate it possible, by way of how difficult, not very useful to draw on the resources of the type that comes Coco. " I explain the reality of the most raw and believable, and for example, say that if you do not eat dinner on time, Mom will transform the character and the Incredible Hulk, and compared to me, Coco looks like a Heidi sheep. On the other hand, my Crown has developed an interest and curiosity about the world as envisaged in the case of children, only if too steep, like Titanic on its stern, toward the dream without stepping more than inevitable part of the reality. Therefore, and ignoring the recommendations of their school, when I raise make some investment in digital television by choice leaned Documentary dismissing other options such as Disney Channel, because if anything brings realities of good education are the National Geographic and beyond. Thanks to that, my daughter is perfectly internalized that we like all other living beings, we are born, grow, We paired parimos, dwindled and eventually die and we eat like any other chicken nature. And since this process does not seem nothing tragic or abnormal, as I breathe and I was so quiet. Until this past weekend.

It turns out that my child, like all children do not suffer when they eat their vegetables but mosque that you shit if someone bump the goodies.

My grandmother, the matriarch of my family is visiting Madrid, my mother's height. She is a woman of character more than eighty years with an energy and health are formidable, and both two are so obvious that if tomorrow was coming to a savings bank to request a mortgage, I am sure that it is granted for a minimum period of thirty-five years (more years than I have wanted to give me, by the way). For good and prudence, regularly visit the family doctor to rule out social security and elimination possible future ailments even before they start to manifest. To date, the doctor always has been confirmed (thankfully), she is like a rose, but if for some reason the physician's response does not seem convincing enough, she gets the question, and comes to the capital for a second opinion from another specialist, this and other charges. And is that health comes first, and my grandmother a woman very well organized and proactive. She lives at home, a hundred-odd miles from ours and only since the visa grandfather left us and returned to the cycle of nature as you know ... Even though she is found very healthy and plump, and she is very capable, is starting to think that perhaps will not always be the case (something that others not imagine, really), so it has begun to reshuffle some possibilities for the future much more comfortable and relaxed but to live away from their families under any uncertainty on the age and the future.

The first choice that everyone suggested, placed in this position, was to hire service specialized domestic household, we seemed to us very appropriate because it has the immense advantage of not having to leave home. But she quite rightly and common sense, was dismissed even before anyone had finished stating the idea, warning that while she liked very much to live with his grandfather in him missing and just want to live alone and without who share an apartment with anyone like a student, what it is like sending in your home, and nobody comes and you send. Without much effort, we all get to view the difficulty of survival of the ecosystem may forzábamos and rule out the option at a time that we begin to exclude other options such as live reception at the home of any family descendants we are, because in addition to lying and what we have gone a little bit banners and stopped right in our homes. And because all these genes we have inherited independent of the grandmother, "every man for himself, and God where you want, but do not even think in mine." It is true that would burn Troy.

So she alone decided to explore the possibility for the future of staying in a residential area, also called the "Residence of the New and Modern." And more specifically, one that includes individual apartments, hairdresser, cinema and of course, medical care private (and thus would have the second opinion is good directly, without having to go through the cumbersome process of first ...). The residence in question is as requetebuena offering up re-releases of movies with flashy stars assistance (no exaggeration: the screening of the film "A Place in the World" went to none other than Federico Lupi offering to participate in a gathering post where he answers to all curiosities that arose between the concurrent, especially among females. And the great comic patriotic Jesus Caldera, also chose this unique framework for the national media present to his film star "Law Dependency "). The truth is we all thought it was a great solution because, what the heck, and that humans are determined to stay alive at all costs until age unthinkable, at least as well, comfortably, with dignity and all the better if in addition lujillo may be with some body and queen. And to make matters worse this residence is Justito Justito sticking with my daughter's school and therefore also a stone's throw in my own home Luisi. More egg is impossible.

So after making efforts to arrange a tour, this weekend, my parents, grandmother and samophlange went into the world of unparalleled luxury residence (about my samophlange was to take advantage of the rule of thumb that says that if the Pisuerga passing through Valladolid, then take advantage and pick up my child home from school that falls just pasting). My adult family

obviously took a pleasing impression and my grandmother he was very excited and animated with the idea. My family child was under the impression that everyone who lived there were old and that what he was painting the grandmother visa with them. The visa grandmother, tenderly, came to explain it is that she is also elderly, and that was a very good place to live the people of his age. And my daughter was accepted without further agree that issues like the eagle raptor eats the breeding striped tailed lemur it also has the right to food.

With this I come to show the superb and exquisite work of education for life that I'm doing with my girl. Now, what I realized this weekend is that I have to my daughter also started the area of \u200b\u200bvalues \u200b\u200band preferences. To develop developed sensitivity to the emotional area and not just as possessive. Let me explain.
My Soul, a resident of blog that has your stay here in an apartment right next called Lucera Stories "is a household gladiator with pluperfect Gladia Morning Star: a saint to whom all adore and who travels a lot as good star is, while staying alone in front of their children, consisting of a steady and well educated girl and a steady child, adolescent and nevertheless also well educated and, yes, as my daughter marcianillo tad in the passion for wildlife. All this makes it effective and coordinated manner to maintain a marriage and a happy family and very close. Total no.

Well, a couple of weeks ago my daughter and I went to visit his home to make time for girls, taking advantage of the stars were shining on the outskirts of Madrid, Murcia height (Hi Elly ...). The boy, who even as a teenager is a cielazo, gave my daughter a bunch of plastic animals have crowded the room and are reproducing out of control in places as unexpected as the inside of my slippers at home. And here comes the danger: he gave also a CD Rom with a computer game called ZOOTYCOM which is something like the Sims but as an animal.

Since then my life has never been the same, little things, and I tell you. To begin installation on the computer got the first by myself, without help or expert or inexperienced, and this gave me a real rush. But it is also true that since my screen has been set to 16 bits in the primary colors in the palette and size of icons for a whopping three squares resolution (because I do not tell me that they are pixel), and I have not changed in any way. Well, now I'm writing on a white laptop and steel fashion with the same resolution as Commodore of the eighties. And that if I produced my a downturn.

But even that important. What really is starting to play me nose, you do not get to play or three seconds even without the authorities of the game I close the zoo so very badly that I have care visitors and bugs. And that's something I do not understand. Let's see: I open the game, select a field, if tiny, smooth and cuajadito grass. Some facilities contract core (hamburger, drink machines, toilets, benches ...), hired a few guides, drivers and maintenance personnel paying very good salaries, reserve items for investment and development succulent, and I mess up facilities, with sorts of herbs of the savanna, its thorny acacias and baobabs. When I have all that done, bought a pair of giraffes and zebras, and pulls, to live there. There are not two seconds in his plot, and the bugs are already pissed, with smileys scarlet red-faced mosqueo grow them just above their heads, and start to grow little messages at the top of the screen saying "the Zebra 1 is not at all happy, Giraffe 1 is not at all happy, the Zebra 2 is not at all happy .... " However, the Inti, for example, come, put a close to a piece of artificial turf, a zebra plant and give a prize of not a few million to buy more animals. Well, no sir, I do not think that's good or not fair.

So last Friday I changed my strategy and I ventured to other animals, since the savanna herbivores I have a hobby. Heeding the pleas of my girl, planted a rocky valley, with its conifers and evergreens to live in wolves, which are some bugs God knows why my daughter loves. The problem came when trying to do it without wearing glasses on, because without that I orthopedics banding me with very little light. When the piece of land was done, I went to the animals and selected a male wolf. So far so good. Then I clicked on the icon of a female, and I went with the mouse to click on the wolf micro micro drawn in the window, and what happened?, Because I was wrong and that instead of buying the happy wolf, I went and I bought a mouflon. Well, I do not know if you have seen chapters of "Man and Earth" by Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, height wolf and sheep, but for which you missed that chapter, I will say that the sheep it becomes something like the exquisite Iranian caviar wolf. According to the mouflon got into the enclosure, the wolf grew a green and smiling emoticon super happy and ecstatic that I certainly had not seen in my computer so far and yet, the mouflon red came out a computer that occupied the whole, while a message appeared in large type in red and very big and flashing saying "mouflon 1 NO CONTENT IS NOTHING, mouflon 1 NO CONTENT IS NOTHING !...". Before he could move the cursor, the wolf pounced on the goat emitting fierce roars and ate a single boca'o. All before my little eyes hallucinating girl could only say "but mom!, which has eaten ...!" and then began to mourn. Because obviously, one thing is that the wolf and the animal it is, eat the sheep or animal that is of National Geographic, which after all are not yours, they are on TV and another wolf eat YOUR YOUR sheep. Piece of disgust!. Obvious and again, I closed the zoo ipso facto and it's game over.

Well, despite this, so far everything seemed normal, even the middle Faint of my child. But yesterday, up dinner, she ate soup and I did hook (yes, the famous quilt I started at the gala of the misses) while watching a Spiderman capitulillo the free channel Jetix. She chewing on noodles and sipping soup, she asked if I could teach to do that I was doing, and I, in the Sunday finished the day with galbana still hanging, I shook my job badly and I said, not that much better to show him the visa grandmother who first taught me when I was the same age as my child. My bud, coolly, while chewing noodles, and sipping broth, or remove loops of Spiderman, he said he did not seem a good idea, that the visa is old grandmother and is going to die soon, and he does not believe get time. There was silence in my house, and even the Spiderman almost fell off a ledge by printing. Just heard the click click of the mouse Inti, accepting donations and prizes for its zoo, because the truth is that he was the only one who was unfazed.

I swallowed, and a trickle of voice explained that this was not that good is the grandmother visa, and that I will see it as in the future we will bury them all. But my child was with his fixed idea and I said yes, it's worth, but almost better teach me.

in case, and a little heartbroken when my child was already in bed and as he gave his kiss goodnight, I mentioned how rich he had found the sheep to the wolf, to see if any of the such coldness and cruelty to children was awarded in general and day thing, not something applicable only to respect his family, but my joy is definitely fell into the well as soon as my child, I let out another "jo But Mom ...! "and held a pot. Having seen what I did not dare to comment that I can also die at any time, in case I say yes it's worth, but for Kings want another sheep again.

Anyway, I do not know that I believe that I have gone back hand.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Reset Panasonic Remote Sa Ht740


That in my neighborhood there are many animals is a fact. When more are are Friday afternoon in the square of our header bar, as well. Now that the fauna that joined us a couple of Friday, here in the square to the door of the bar, is at least to quit writing.

The thing started with the end of weekly cole our children, and they shared no desire to get home. So just getting them all, one by one, to our brand bedside table Mahou to make our gathering, leaving two meters above ground shoots beyond feral. The first to arrive on Friday it was me because my daughter's father is very timely in replacing my sprout, then came the cruel and final Carrefú Esteban, with his Pastor German, nice that you shit, but monórquido quite as you know everyone.

After two seconds, my daughter and did not look anywhere. I half sat up in my chair staring at the horizon for otearla better and is on the horizon was not. I have already started sweating. When I looked down I found relief because to me the same, at a nearby table Mahou bill identical to ours, was my sprout, giving bebensales talk about that until then had conducted an animatedly about their own affairs accompanied by a bunny angora of shop Carrefú animals, and lay on the floor at the foot of one of them. My agachadita child-height bug cage, dragging his expensive school uniform pinafore of putting perdidito, inquired everything and the good of Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente will ever know about these animals. I calm myself, seeing that he was calm down and, without any risk or discomfort to anyone in the conversation enzarcé me my own. And so began more lively: Esteban by asking the developments of his own bitch.

(I): - "Stephen, how goes the bitch your mother? Already a sociable? Or have you decided to return for a bag? "
(La Esteban): -" what will Auntie is made a bitch, has returned to bite me. "
(I): - "Well, leave it a few days with Rusty and you'll soon make them see reason."

(Item mandatory):

When the first Tai, Taigu, the dog's name monórquido of Esteban, inherited in turn (the same name) from another dog also monórquido Tai, took off never to return, espeluznado by Melendi2 bronze fuss, the Melendi2, a newcomer to the life of Stephen did not know where to go, and opened again a little hole in the heart and bed house and Stephen spent a pasture in a Schnauzer Mediano beautiful but hopelessly stupid (I I do not know where the dogs out Melendi2) that was unbearable in every way, and ultimately the same Melendi2 Esteban and, finally park in the estate of Brunete where those saints living saints who are the parents of one or suegrísimos or the other. Because in addition to unbearable, the animal did not come to fill the wish fulfillment of Stephen, which, as we know anyone who know a little bit, does not like dogs, if not German Shepherds, which among other things, they go and are dogs. As the Medium Schnauzer, named Rusty, came to the farm, grabbed a kind of ringworm, which caused him to lose almost all their hair and walk bleary-eyed to see nothing and go against all sticking morrazo low walls, so far from improving the healthy life of the field, the bug each day goes echadito more groggy and losing.

(continued after the bullet):

(La Esteban): - "The Rusty! In this no mention me! "

And here begins the adventure of Brunete Bullnauzers tuned. I do not know if you know it, but everything comes to height Brunete Melendi2 parental home, the tune and ends with at least a very, very different. So the expensive Schnauzer named Rusty over converted into a pooch pretty disgusting and unrecognizable. Which until then had been kept out was the Bull Dog's cuñadísimo carisísima of Stephen, that child's eyes on the above, with alternative hobbies that never came to give him the Luisi had for her, because Melendi2, which is not going to win the sky Esteban own, sold it to me me. Well, this dog survived with its special plant Bull Dog breed outside the tuning (and a miracle I think) through the close supervision of the brother. But in a moment of forgetfulness in which nobody knows where the owner walked evaporated, dispersed the bitch in heat and watch the always silly Rusty, was this piece of dog and bang! brushed it. With very bad luck for the family, the wonderful dog that was pregnant intact. From there the imagination of the audience was shot trying to imagine how we could be born a few bugs cross between a Bull Dog and a Schnauzer Mediano ringworm and hopelessly ill fool. In future this new race will be called Bullnauzer. Afectadísimo brother lacked the time to scream "No way, I'm going to charge me with the freaks!" And was seen and unseen to his beloved dog to the vet for the practice to a therapeutic abortillo. The treatment consisted of an injection, and pull the shit for home. As of this Friday, four days after the appointment, yet he was beside himself thrown to the picturesque descent frustrated. Thus further mixture of genes, was added an abortion cuajao not, what made this litter, as well as in worthy of Rusti, in murder. When Stephen started to discuss how difficult it was to know whether the abortion had taken place effective or not because mothers eat the expulsion ... the cruel and I were on the way to keep the nausea and do not take to be our own livers as mismito cuña'o bitch.

These, fortunately, it was our sexsymbol the neighborhood: the official tattoo artist and painter of the art on the walls of my house by the name Curro. Appeared safe passage further into the fauna of the district, with a carrier in the right hand and a cigarette in left and into the carrier, which George Clooney himself, rested a little piggy Vietnamese. The animal, pretending to sleep, and my daughter saw as almost went into trance and ecstasy all at once, he could not believe his luck, all together on the same day and in the same place: the Tai (which is not excited because even she knows she is fucking stupid), an angora bunny and Babe: Pig!. To be called Babe, I do not argue, but was not brave, and I tell you. Because with all the aplomb of her abundance, Curro prepared to take the animal to the carrier We would appreciate all your plant (and when I say her, still do not know who I mean.) The suckling pig, bothered His rest, began to scream as if the very day of St. Martin. In face of fuss and very little presence mood, Curro was reduced and put back into the cage never to make a gesture hardly look at him.

to all this the Stephen started talking about the food that was the zoo on Friday: A rabbit for rice, a pig for the oven, and shots: his dead iguana. I put my poker face, that's true, sometimes I do not hear anything, and I illustrated Cruela explaining that Stephen, fond of reptiles, hurt by the drama of having to part with it, had decided to keep to his side metidita alcohol. Specifically white residue Galician. I am amazed that almost for nothing, I asked if he had taken the precaution of drawn, otherwise the bug and the residue will be destroyed, and she faced "with whom you think you speak" I said :

(La Esteban): - "Of course, the gutted the Indian" - (his father).

And in that moment I wished fervently that Bull Dog puppy soon aborted his own and without the help of head of household.

Anyway, I still have a ratillo more, just to hear Cruella Luisito greet a sweet kid in our neighborhood that we have not seen since before the holidays, the way as follows:

(The Cruel): - "Luisito, if you're not dead!"

And see the boy pale, probably remembering his own sister, as sweet, and yes she died years earlier.

After that, I knew that I had lost nothing, and went home with my girl to dinner.

What To Eat Lactic Acid Upset Stomach

Beloved all (as I do not add the bar because it is implicit and evil that although the SAR is still male):

Back to School passed me, and although based children survive Cola-Cao and Actimel, mothers like me, who had breakfast with Coca-Cola cigarettes in the car, succumb line as finished books. In my first grabbed me tired and you So that, then a Bajadilla defenses, and then taking advantage that I had taken a Friday off for a san want, go and attack me an infection and gastritis, I have had all my love and weekend flea market san prostrate between the bed, the couch and the color of my home toilet. So I'm here, recently remade and very close to get my old size, which must be very careful with the prayers that you check pa 'out because then they go and always serve with the crooked lines and looking down, as so came much more poetic and long-Truman Capote. I, on my last birthday, and wishes have not thought about, I thought and watched (and I have intention to continue to do so) to George Clooney, who look at it is difficult to misinterpret, and give me as I say give me you'll know a hack.

But I've come back to attack postero unavailable to discouragement and shouting like the wind Monica Naranjo SOBREVIVIRÉÉÉÉ, EE, É!.

As I prepare another post of vivid experiences, here are a form of entertainment Meme (this time it go and I agree):

- I have eyes, as in the photo, but open. Green I want you green, and wrinkles of expression.
- I wish, as I said before, nothing at all, which then goes god, and fuck you giving what you asked.
- I hate: too little, almost nothing.
- I listen to: Everything that makes noise. Leisure in the media, and also huge biased views and double-vee metaphors G Bush (eg, "Mandela is dead"). In my environment, lots of laughs and judicious advice, and pampering of my child. And many do not those who say between the lines. And many Charleta for anything that makes me feel good. And my head that spoke in low or high but not shut up ever.
- I fear I have: do not know How to be afraid?
- I'm not: often, my body and my mind are like a shadow Peter Pan, not necessarily go together.
- I cry, in private if I put this, but I usually stop soon be convincing. With real grief and frustration, can not remember.
- I lose my nerve, oh, I do not remember when was the last time or why. There must be important ...
- I need: from tó.
- I owe: a pasture to the bank, many genes of my mother, my fifty fifty basis with my mother and my father and the whole world.
- It makes me happy: almost everything, is that my anxiety ... I feel a lazy
- hurts: the head frequently. Moreover, it is like to mourn. There are attitudes that piss me off more than they hurt, but inside, much tranquility.
- I have a diary?: No, but this blog and leave a record of my days.
- Do I like cooking?: I love to eat, then cook. Sometimes I enjoy it sometimes not. I really enjoy sex more, for example, or travel concept.
- Do I put my watch a few minutes ahead?, Yes and even an hour if the clock is hung too high, do not follow the time zone now high and now other, by that which is ultimately a matter of re-mesecillos go on time.
- Any secret that will not tell anyone: Yes It seems unbelievable, but yes. And if I think a bit, certainly more than one, but is that not using them, I forgotten.
- I swim every day?: I shower and I wash my hair once a day minimum. My bathroom always include candles, music and nice wine and if it can be an intimate (like in the movies), and of course, I'm a sloth ...
- Do I want to marry?: With whom?
- Do I like storms?: Unless you're in the field in the middle of a desert with no trees or a golf course forever.
- Is the person more rare?: Do not know.
- Is the most annoying person?: I do not know, I have my doubts among G. Bush and a double vee many quanta. I guess the first because I thought the others later.
- Does the person best know me?: I do not know. It depends on what side.
- Is the most boring teacher?: Well, I do not remember ... I survived at all without hating.
- Does the phrase used in msn? Hello.
- My favorite band?: Music? many, but of course, then you are not favorites. I like the Clash, a song by B-Movie to mourn every time I hear it, the Who, Frank Sinatra (I grow a Big Band in the back and asks me to dance ... Fred Astaire).
- My greatest wish?: If I dare to small ... maybe could be happy forever, but then, sure I'll hit me a blow and I'm super super happy for lela and remains ...

- Sign: Pisces very Pisces.
- natural hair color: the photo
- hair color I have: the photo
- Favorite Number: (I've always wondered that serves this response), two, twenty and all who are the same number twice, 11, 22, 33, 44 ... and on a digital clock, four numbers, or two and two, but at 22:55 I love even more because it is symmetrical.
- Day favorite, which I'm happier and better me what happened.
- Favorite Month: the same, depends on spells and years.
- Favorite Season: I said. And Autumn, I always visualize very promising.
- Favorite sport: the only thing I can tolerate and play without getting tired: skate.
- Coffee or tea: Coca-Cola. And if any infusion acidilla ...
- Mountain or beach: both, and the city, and dirt trails, and the flat field and the garden (including Murcia) ...
- Barcelona or Madrid: same as me gives me the same, neither one nor the other, but we will not remove ...
- Sun or Snow: Oh, both.


- Cried: No
- Helped someone: I guess so
- Bought something: no
- Sick?: More? No, Lenin!
- Ido the movies?: No, but I saw three movies and a half
- out to dinner?: no, but I would not mind ...
- That I love you: No. The masters will not work, I am more than you want , and I feel more than that to say, except my family, we like us with a facility ...
- Written a letter?: Emails, and short.
- Lost a boyfriend: no, nor a Masseratti
- Talked to someone that I have not talked?: Define time
- Written in a journal?: A blog. If newspaper, jovencilla, sooooo many years ago.
- Had a serious talk: Yes, with bromillas and giggles, that courtesy does not remove so hot.
- Lost Someone: no, I hope.
- Hugging someone: yes, the kids we have this huge advantage
- Wrestled with a relative?: No. The threshold of anger in my family is very high, not easily reached.
- Fought with a friend: yes, no words, only inside.
- Dream Awake?: I can not make out too well sometimes waking reality.

COULD EVER ... ...

- Eat a worm?: If you are rich, of course. With mushrooms mushrooms and knowing a lot
- Kill someone: no idea, I have not felt the need
- Kissing a alguien del mismo sexo?: pues no sé, si es persona… ¡pues claro!
- ¿Sexo con alguien del mismo sexo?: idem. No tengo ese prejuicio en mente.
- ¿Lanzarte en paracaídas?: metafóricamente hablando, fijo, oníricamente hablando, seguro, ahora, de pie en la puerta del avión, con la mochila a la espalda, no sé yo que haría…
- ¿Cantar en un karaoke?: seguro
- ¿Ser vegetariano?: si me lo propongo… pero no entiendo la utilidad
- ¿Robar en una tienda?: no sé, yo soy más de “ es muy duro de pedir, pero más duro es de robar…”
- ¿Usar maquillaje en público?: Si, y también lavadita face out.

Well that's it. I do not think there are more questions as possible. Besitos.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pokemon Silver Soul Macrom


Hi all, here is a charity event at the same time fun. A great way to spend a fun ratillo coleguillas with the couple or the kids, while reassuring our consciences knowing that what goes on in the world does not slip at all.

Then you have all the data, to encourage hala!. I certainly intend to go.


Come for a few beers and find what you're looking for. We all books, discs, accessories, clothing, furniture, luggage ,....
If you want to collaborate with some of your stuff (those who are well but tired of seeing us at home), let us know that we are on them.
21 and September 22 (yes, this month), from 12pm. 21h. we organize this market to raise funds for the Association Meeting of People Affected by Marfan Syndrome (SIMA), will take place in October in Madrid.

This syndrome is considered a rare disease which affects 1 per 5,000-10,000 inhabitants. It is an inherited disease that affects principalment the cardiovascular system, eyes and musculoskeletal system esqulético. The meeting discussed aspects newest doctors, as well as the resources available to improve the quality of life of patients and their families.

Benefit: this can be that good work we all want to participate: close, direct, efficient ... but if you already have yours, this is as good an excuse as any to meet and have a few beers, we leave a tap!
also be non-stop music, courtesy of Dance & Party. Rake

Place (by the way, no problem for parking)

C / Villaescusa 30. Avenue intersects with GCIA. Noblejas 180. approx. Cinelux
has given us local!


contributions, collaborations and information groups, here we

Marfan Syndrome Affected Association (SIMA)
Tel: 692157606


Manuel Becerra (Subway Line 2): Bus 106, second stop on Calle Nicolás Salmerón.

From O'Donnell: Take M40 direction O'Donnell extension - through the tunnel - Ignore the first exit and take the second: Source Carrantona - After passing the traffic light, take left onto roundabout direction where find the Centro Comercial Las Rosas (Carrefour), passing under the bridge of the M40 - Before you reach the roundabout, take the turning left is controlled by a traffic light (Avenue Daroca) - After passing a petrol station left to right, take the first street on the right - After passing the traffic light, turn right (Calle Nicolás Salmerón) and take the third street turn left (Calle Rodrigo de Triana): You can park, reaching at the end of this street and turning left is the place where he holds the rake.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Reduce Redness Eczema

I'm so progressive and modern

September is so beautiful!. This time of year that smell away end of something, always smells of principle. The age of the good intentions of "this year fails, the field becoming ocher color of the sunsets at eight o'clock on a sunny day, alternating with another fresquillo unexpected blow in the face, re- wear the jersey turtleneck and eight, mushrooms with and without worms in the field and not in cans, vintage and chops because there is no risk of scorch the field, the deer season in the caps of Pardo ... And above all, of my return to my civilian life with a child, which is something I love.

Well September has come and again my girl marcianilla has become the estarlette of my life without detracting from other hobbies. This season also premiered in primary education stage (gen holy, do not even want to imagine the adventures in store for me this year with the team early attention, even the new brand guardian and psychologists already released several years earlier). And maturity is six Añaza be felt in this, in the disbursement in respect of equipment (I have about 465.83 Euros) and the long conversations in which her children will demonstrate their infinite interest in the world, and I my little practical sense it will end up causing trauma to exorbitant proportions.

Because I, like all modern mothers, attempt designed to educate from a script, designed and planned at the time for not caught me in panties. And my time was all the Predictor was stained pink in my bathroom, just like just like in the song of Sergio Dalma. I saw the "yes" on the swab and I started to spin the issue of how I marvel me to display an unlimited world where I could be who she wanted, which got no limits and think that creativity and tolerance ... a free world without prejudice where I felt no fear of being or behaving differently at all in exchange for a little more happiness.

But now looking back, I realize that have been and am a mother of the most ambiguous. To me, my daughter asks me if you can eat the shells of mussels and I answer yes, which of course you can, but it is very hard, which is pretty indigestible and sometimes keeps bugs on a small limestone formations . And of course, until my child has not bitten the shell and left half a tooth, do not know if the mussels are eaten alone as well as orange or black.

And this damage the tooth is quite venial compared with the mental cocoa I have the poor in this age group with sentisexuales issues of free love free love, with the theme of war and the military and religious concepts ( my ex in-laws, as pious they tried to teach the beautiful prayer of the Four Angels on a bed, and my daughter repeated it so freely adapted than just saying a few profanities that would have chirped in the soul to the Exorcist cure himself.) In short, be a red open-minded mother, a pacifist and an atheist is a complicated thing application.

My girl knows that her parents divorced and that very little of this event, Dad and Mom had a girlfriend and a million friends that well be able to sing louder. And in my case, I tell you that the data is quite accurate and I will put in some situations, let's leave it at tad compromised.

As I have said on other occasions, my house is not very big but it is very spacious. This is because I bought it and reform postdivorcio imbued with the spirit characteristic that caught me with a hammer in his hand while knocking down walls to put God to witness that never in my life or anyone realojaría another joke. The result of this stage is our lovely home on a nearly flat with the walls Justito to close the bathroom, my daughter's room, and my own (fortunately mostly the latter). What up my arrival was a convenient guest room remained turned into the office of the kitchen adjacent to the lounge. I cared so little that my sofa bed and yes it was not uncomfortable. The fact is that now when one of my very good friends including my sister, comes to my house and he sleeps, he does the only place where there is a place that, in principle, does not require further medical attention: my bed.

My daughter also own education that I give, you receive another very large and extended to other inspirational sites such as her school preppy or TV, questioned me on a trip, if two women could marry. And my face lit up I was thinking it would have so few opportunities to collaborate egg to the formation of his mind liberal and tolerant. So no lie or a hair, answered the truth: that course and that of course they do (because of time until return to Pepe government alcohol theory of apples and pears, be possible, you can).

And she resolved his doubt proceeded to the next question, asking if I thought my friend Olga to marry or not (and he said full of enthusiasm). Olga is a very good friend of mine to my little girl loves. She lives near my house and no responsibilities owed to anyone that the wait never fixed time at home, and like me, sleeping little. So it's not entirely uncommon for some evenings, after his release from work, pass by my house and we surrender to the divine art of talking without cervecilla good control over the clock marks the hours, and giving many and a tad, and decide it's almost better not to take the car and left to sleep in our house.

A little less excited about the possibility of the answer to the first question threw me to the explanation sheet honest: I was not going to marry Olga for two reasons, I do not want to get married and because I want it to Olga much, much, but not as a girlfriend, just like a friend. By the way, knowing that it was unnecessary and had no naaadaaaa to do with your question, I added that at home we have more beds than his little girl where she sleeps and mine where I sleep great, because when he sleeps Olgui home because it makes me more comfortable for everyone. And my girl understood perfectly.

so well understood that when my child began to coincide with the Inti in the morning in the bathroom, I no longer had to explain anything because she assumed from the outset that it was another friend of mine with whom I also had no intention of marrying, and I took refuge in the great good coy relieved not having to solve any other question. Confirmation of the clarity of his ideas had a day when I woke up unwell as to not even have me up and who was the Inti responsible for making the delivery of my offspring in school. My child, delighted with the news, climbed the stairs to the classrooms in pairs telling everyone who would like to hear children (and their parents a few exceptions, are not usually deaf) that "Today my mother is Malita and I've brought a friend from those left to sleep in his bed because it is the greatest " (same as the late Jura'o). As I imagine all on my own bed to sleep have been several friends when my child at home, but I tell you, men and only one and almost always acojonadillo and praying that my offspring would not wake up at night. It is a fact known by all men in their own bed outside are absolutely incompatible with the child but not the man himself outside. And if anything does get one, this is usually a very rare bird more than worthy of exposure. Talk about multiple men not because they are common place in reality and tend to only exist in some American films.

However, thanks to this education a little libertarian (and I see very libertine), my daughter has learned well not to make gender distinctions ... and until his tutor said I flushed the previous episode, I could not understand why the mothers of other children and I looked askance at parents with eyes curious.

I thought, finally, that these are things for children, how cute my daughter and I did not give more importance. But my child is a girl, and like all humanillos of age, loves anything that is out of business as usual because it smacks of birthdays and Christmas, and that someone is sleeping in our house for it is the coolest things that can happen in the world. Open-minded as she is, for a given time by asking everyone who passed by house if I wanted to stay overnight with us. And when I say everyone I mean everyone, including:

The president of the neighboring community when I was accompanied by a plumber cousin of a cousin, to change a radiator key pair. At that time my daughter was having dinner and delighted by the visit enseguidita hit him stranded. The president meanwhile trying to liquidate his conversation with my child and start it with me. The plumber Fontana, the president oversaw and my daughter chattered with his mouth full of dinner. The thing was going to pause and pointed to the eternal and I tried to get my child finished eating, the plumber of Fontana and the President no longer preside over and all took off to his house, except my daughter, I just had to go to bed . When I suggested politely that the president could return to the love of his home and his wife own, which I managed I alone with his cousin's cousin without the need of their services, my girl with a mouthful of Petit Suisse asked surprised if this guy was not going to be sleeping at home. I do not give the president the opportunity to open his mouth even said that this was not that this man had his home and really close and in fact was already going.

Then I saw itself as obliged to explain that while the entertainment is a great virtue, not all people who come home at late night do to sleep with me, some do it just to work, others only for dinner, others to chat for a while ... and it is normal that these chores finished everyone go home. But I sense they do not believe at all and in the end she did not need to square both accounts. My girl who I both adore and who adores me so much to me, it's getting old enough and picked up the habit of preparing a cafetillo with their cups of coffee every morning when I wake up toy. Lately when you open the door of my room in the morning today makes me question whether one or two cups, and if I always answer every day that is because I know that at Inti likes to take his coffee at the bar. MILITARY CONCEPT

And is that my child understands what the world says, but lacks the nuances that I do not usually explain why they are never as important, and because it will age and time IRLA polluting. Since this summer, for example. The first day of vacation he had to go to Faunia (which is something he likes even more than have guests sleeping at home), when I went to wake her with the magic words of " Cariiiiñoooo, today you will Fauuuuuniaaaaa " she rose from the bed like a spring ejected and we both found very funny its reaction spigot. Breakfast and remembering the grace she laughed and told me, " jo, I got up super fast, like a woman company." I put in my eyes widened and I almost spit out his coffee that I tasted in imagination that moment and turn their porcelain cup toy. As guessed by my reaction that I had not understood his message, she insisted: " yes, as a woman ahead of those of my company! . " I sighed and sipping my delicious coffee, I explained that although in this case could use the terms "company woman" was more poetic express using the word " soldier" or even "recruited " although the latter in ordinary times had been losing much of its force ...

and religious concepts

But my girl is back to school, where he is reunited with efficient teachers and their colleagues well informed that I will lend a hand in it to educate them to modern life. In fact one of the most collaborate is his best friend and also six years Moli Mola. A Moli Mola, like her, grow and reproduce her imaginary friends of animal species and therefore always, always play Pokemon. It turns out that we, as parents of children attending a tremendously imaginative extremely competitive schools, we tend to put a face of disgust every time we let go down the aisle any type marcianaza " mom care that you are stepping on Queen puppies "(Mostly because at home we only have the cat Machin always lying down and not move ever). As adult humans are much dumber than human children, these two specimens of ours have found that playing Pokemon is not only less controversial, but has many advantages because they can imagine that many of the rarest animals, with names unlikely to invent, and to us it brings us face up relief in the form of normality. In order to return home from school yesterday, I wondered how was your Pokémon of the day, and she recently returned even Holidays paternal grandparents' house, (very pious and believers in the law of God and in the Franco), I answered from a divine melange theological: " is a very strong and very bad to be called" The body of sin ".

But it's nothing compared to the time when we found that among many cohabiting living dead. To her this wisdom came when I asked about the location of the husband of my grandmother (the grandmother Visa). I told the truth, very ceremoniously, and well prepared for the moment: "Visa Grandpa is dead" . She said yes, it's worth, but WHERE was. I remembered the small hassle I had with that of those who die are go to heaven, and every time my parents went to a funeral I would imagine somewhere like a circus (hello Monica!) with a huge trampoline and the dead trying to jump higher and higher until it disappeared into the clouds . As I turned to the truth more certain to cigarillo National Geographic style, just as he had seen Annie Leivowitch explaining the absence of Susan Sontag their offspring:

(I) - "visa Grandpa died and we buried him on land within a special place to do this is called graveyard. "
(She): - " Why?" .
(I): (very patiently) - "Because on earth there are bugs and worms that little by little they decompose the dead bodies, which are very large and very hard, so that in very small, can serve as food for plants. In this way the plants can grow and become large and feed the rabbits and sheep, then we will feed us, and so when we die of old men and bury us, we return to land to grow grass and feed the bunnies ... and everyone is in equilibrium "- and hey, I was wider than long.

My daughter looked at me and nodded, she understood everything. And both understood that was days and days drawing cemeteries buried under grass and bunnies ate them. When he summed up his new knowledge to my father, was so brief that he just said she knew that we had buried Grandfather Visa to eat it. And then I also thought that whoever invented the milonga of the sky and knew what he was doing already, and that certainly was a mother of large family.

Now I got to understand that this is a secret not worth mentioning in any way in the presence of Grandma Visa, but I'm beginning to believe that you should consider very seriously converted into standard motherboard before doing more damage in its infancy, because otherwise as to grow a little, will have to squander all his pay in psychoanalysis.
And, when you least expect will be presented in our house god knows secret list of charges against me and the price have been the lawyers ...