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Zelaya from Honduras

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World Revolution (VIDEO) Chávez proposed cessation of oil shipments to Honduras between measures to overthrow the coup
By: World YVKE (Luigino Bracci Roa) servings ABN Release Date: 29/06/2009

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President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías, still determined to make the President Manuel Zelaya return to power
Credit: Presidential Press Caracas, 29 Jun. president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías, still determined to achieve that President Manuel Zelaya return to power, and reiterated that "do everything possible , all you can do to overthrow the government of Honduras gorilla "in clear reference to government coup led by Roberto Micheletti, imposed in power for civilian-backed military forces. "We must overthrow! We must support the rebellion in Honduras, a constitutional rebellion," said Chávez.Tras read unconfirmed reports about a battalion Rafael Alegría (fourth Infantry in the Department of Atlantis) that supposedly would have raised, President Chavez said Latin American governments are obliged to support the people and the military to be declared in "constitutional rebellion," referring to Articles 2 and 3 of the Honduran Constitution, which guarantees the Honduran people the right to rebel and not recognize any Shipping ilegítimo.Cese government crudoIgualmente indicated that measures will be proposed as the withdrawal of Honduras Petrocaribe mechanism and the cessation of oil shipments until Zelaya is returned as the legitimate president. "Venezuela will propose this evening a meeting of Petrocaribe for not sending more oil to Honduras. How are we going to send oil to facilities? The same goes for the Bank of Alba." Supported efforts to close the border and pressing every possible way. Supported the idea that a group of residents or go to the OAS or the Secretary General of the OAS to go with a group of ambassadors or foreign ministers. "But that's not for tomorrow, is for now." But not only demands the return of Zelaya. "We should bring to trial before international bodies" to the de facto president of Honduras, Roberto Micheletti, who supports "Goriletti" as well as "the military that supported this outrage, to set precedents and not going to happen what happened in Venezuela "she said, recalling the impunity with living former Pedro Carmona coup in Bogota, and recalling the attempts to overthrow him and other presidents, like Evo Morales or Rafael Correa, remain." Zelaya must return unconditionally the Palace of Tegucigalpa, and these coup plotters have no choice but to surrender and surrender, "said President venezolano.También asked the OAS, in the future fixed position on the use of the media from the oligarchs to destabilize. "The oligarchs manage the media at will. I want to blame the media! (...) Freedom of expression? What free speech? The oligarchs took over the most powerful television, delas radios, newspapers demayor circulation, and do what they want. The OAS should act against this outrage against the truth of the people. "He recalled that Venezuela's ambassador if anything happens, or if Venezuela is raided emabajada "That's because of war. We are not polled and we will stay quiet. "You want to take the guns? Recalling that Ernesto" Che "Guevara, Daniel Ortega and Raul Castro took the rifle and fought, in their times and under different circumstances, to create a" Vietnam, two Vietnam, many Vietnam " in Latin America, President Chavez said: "On the memory of Che Guevara, what do the oligarchies of Latin America? Do you want us to take the guns? We could do it! But the revolutionaries of this continent soldiers prefer the path of democracy. "But just raises some changes, (the oligarchs) released back to the gorillas!" Dijo.No can win also warned tiempoChávez on the "game coup" de facto government in Honduras that would call to lecture in November to form a new government. "Whether these coup plotters want to save time to win the November elections, such elections mounted on this framework could not be recognized. We can not recognize any government that emerges from an electoral process mounted a coup, "he said the Venezuelan leader from Nicaragua at a meeting of Heads of State of Latin America and the Caribe.Indicó the game of the coup is not to recognize the coup as pointed out by those who seized power by force in the Central American nation, led by Roberto Micheletti. "Zelaya has to return to the presidential palace in Tegucigalpa without any constraints and these coup plotters have no more way to give in and surrender," the president stressed the need Chávez.Agregó perform all necessary pressure so that Manuel Zelaya return to the presidential palace Honduras. Said Monday that the progressive governments of Latin America want the road to peace.

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The original source of this document is: Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias (ABN) (
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