Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cael Sanderson Wrestling Shoes White Blue


dignity. Impossible incomparable objective and incorruptible, you either have or not have and is easily lost. Him just what the style.

And there are situations and circumstances which have neither dignity nor has elegance, and so many times, are the same.

For example, the disease is neither dignified nor elegant. Maybe an ankle cast and resting up on a chair designed by Charles Earl Aluminium, in a large loft apartment with huge windows overlooking the Mount Rushmore in a film of the fifties where the injured player is the exquisite Audrey Hepburn, you can. Why? Because it is fiction.

If the exquisite Audrey had really broken ankle would have showered that way, one leg outside the tub (with very serious risk of breaking the other leg and both arms), would have been sitting in a high bun IKEA MAMMOTH stool pistachio and would not have been stylized rear its head and tap the frame (a few meters from the mirror yet). She may have personal assistance payment and would be very clean (and even then I doubt it because if the cast does not get wet, smells, and if it gets wet it smells even more), with the eyebrow shaved to perfection, nails mani-pedi-cured you die and impeccable bun, okay. But it would be with his pajamas, knitting needle essential to soothe itchy hand and despair in the face by not being able to switch the ass stance. It would have fallen a little bit of chocolate milk and enforced by the position would staining the front of his silk pajamas ignoring wild china lamp that would be placed there, knowing that anything is better than having to go back through the trance re-dressing. Or perhaps, not be obliged to make and build washes (as it is up to others), would be uneven, with a pajama pants and camisilla but otherwise clean. All this, just for example.

Needless to say, today I, postconvaleciente still in the process of rehabilitation, and I have no dignity or elegance or not it visible.

A place: the very painful renal colic is not nothing but a kidney stone that comes to interfere with the excretory function of liquid of the same to the outside. Once the disease is located and knows it's not that birth is psychological, but it is a cobbled from the inside, begins to hitch up the whiff of pee on the nose and did not get off until sacudírtelo months discharge.

With the diagnosis really start to consider the fluid element, as if you were the Last Survivor in the Uyuni Bolivian desert itself (which is all salt), and you will be saved and stored in small boats with blue lid, is given for the analysis early morning and crops in the red cap, if it is for studies of sediments, and the white cap and ten liters capacity for production of an entire week, dominating with loose precision technique the first dash, I keep second and the rest I leave to run without learning to relieve any pace and rhythm of the pitch, starting a sardana lentito as well as to dominate any including trashcore, type or Napalm Death Pantera.

also will begin to move you stuck to a orinalillo (or tupper depending on what you want to invest in the issue) and move it and analyze it as if you were looking for gold in the rivers of California. And poderte not get off the canvas fine strainer (or if you want to invest even in this, one day your panties Inti with horrendous gift or your child in its early pear never would have wanted to be, just because the caul seems having the texture just for casting your pee, and there shall walk the two cutting and recosiendo your screen type strainer and diameter step thirty that you had so many fine wines, the telita of unstructured lingerie.) And you begin to look real desperation and desire the dregs left in the following synthetic Sedilla relieve until you discover that the same nose is almost touching the handle. Observe each and every one of your suspicion in the red lid bins should be stacked in the fridge next to the lath of anchovies, because after all, can not suck and have already peed before the rats ...

And when you think you've hit bottom in the antiglamú and that smell of ammonia was worth, the day that you doctor decides what to do now is turn urography.

urography as such, it is very terrible and filthy, summarizing a little (and not a precedent), go to the hospital, you inject a sedative and an allergy if you are allergic to everything and put you in vein contrast and serum. They make an x-ray of face and profile as in the police station, before and do after the contrast effect and they send you home-witted and drugged. The objective of the matter is to see the movement of your urinary system in action. As

which nevertheless gets it urography not see. Because medical staple driving is a complete dossier begins with a two-page editorial signed in duplicate on the nod, and you agree that the conviction because of you die alone and never by the medical team, for example the Gregorio Maranon.

And spent the next level, another more than three pages booklet of four stapled pills and instructions for paraphilias autoperpetrarte that if they border on crime, quartered, good taste. And here again my advice to who has already spent twice two for this, do me case, sign the homework in the agenda of the mobile and I beep loudly every step to take and at the time, do not saltéis not one but not seem relevant because in this case if the remedy is worse than the disease.

The French, although it may seem, are like the rest of us mundane, what happens is that they sound much better and are corny as anyone. For example, they use the phrase "die for France" to denote the absolute and brutal slaughter that must conduct oneself as, for example, when something so incredibly self-inflicted bad as what my family is known as "escurripatea" (my maternal grandmother was born in Bilbao) and the SAR as colitis or diarrhea. (Do not tell me that the French are thin in their highs chauvinism).

Well, basically, the preparation is about taking the resulting four pills that are laxative, in separate previous shots to get you started to kill the body in the country, culminating with a two litrazos irrigation and warm boiled water (And the latter is advisable but not essential), which will take head and desperately in Normandy on D-Day

suicide In my first action, frightened to death by the instructions and the natural fear of the inexperienced first time is going as the very Jeanne d'Arc at the stake, safe (and rightly) that that was not going to save or god, I did everything literally without missing a letter.

But in the second of which even attempt to mend, I have been logical oblivion which had buried the torture and the sufficiency of good, this is also survived. And I like the very Marianne de France to combat without blinders on and bare chest.

At first footage memorized wrong pills, so when I returned to work yesterday I reread the paragraph little eyes like daggers instructor of the shots, and saw that I had accidentally skipped three of the four. As a resource is a woman you do not see, I turned to the web, who knows everything, and looked at the virtual vademecum the name of my pills, and especially the part where you put the risk of overdose and appeared such a little thing, you hear, I take I took all at once. To escape the ordinary, I'm not going to give details, only I will say that the agony began at four in the afternoon and no longer stood.

The following paragraph, which was instructed on what to eat: just meat or fish or eggs. Nothing more, no vegetables, no dairy, and carbohydrates. Pure protein. As I try not to give me a lot of work myself, I thaw a bit of ground beef, and ate salé so: raw (not stain, or cook). Do not do, is indigestible and deadly combination with the four tablets, someone should record it on the internet and in the instructions page. This also hastens my death, only made more and longer. Avancé

paragraph and got to the part of irrigation, which indicates that water must be well boiled and warm and applied twelve hours before the medical evidence. The test was today at noon, so the way to the wall at the time foresaw Justito Justito end of the chapter of House on TV (FOX).

Inti who cares about me than myself, and above all, he knows me very well, had to leave yesterday's trip, because it's star, and the stars shared profession, ladies and gentlemen of dissipation, working where others enjoy (some even share with them the salary and as charged, I delivered). For that reason and because the show must go die who die, even myself, would go to work putting on a show outside Madrid (actually only the technical side, although he is a professional and I know that the rest also do what you can). Knowing that he was going to be and trying to temper my laziness, had to boil the water first thing in the morning (while I was walking against the wall stamping) to give him time to go escaldes internal cooling and avoid unnecessary third grade .

At the appropriate time of midnight, I filled the bathtub with water and stuck the suckers templadita my waterproof headrest pad to be as comfortable as possible, filled out the contraption designed to facilitate death, right up to the hairline that marked the two liter water and prepared to come begging for Lenin to pass such a cup as soon as possible. What are the things, is that in summer and in Madrid, the only thing that cools the water temperature is tucked into a pan and as I had not even thought about it for even less so to test the temperature before you start administrármela . The pint I had to stop dead cold inside and pains, to burning water in the bathtub to try to raise the temperature of which was staying in, and clear in the time I had this operation, I had to die a little more France and refilled the widget to two liters hairline to begin again. Four pads, order five pints of cold water then continued with my sacrifice that I was done with France and Luxembourg topping walked.

Tonight I added to my insomnia, inability to take other than the sitting position, not a hair facilitate intestinal transit. At about eleven o'clock he was already dead by the full Benelux, for the twenty-seven member countries of the EC and by the Commonwealth because I felt I offer diplomatic, and walking (so to speak) with natural and compelling concern that having to go to relax with a soothing muscle estiradita on a cold metal plate agonizing effort to aggravate my condition. Come the debacle. Fortunately nothing

get the ATS has struggled to catch me route and accidentally (so he said) has dragged me a little vein to hide in a tendon (do not know if I feel it has done more harm or listen as I had and I explained that this happens even in the best families) and I have stretched so much, that she has not even been possible or at least escape (a very clever strategy, if lady) to be back at home, where naturally and I could not help me relaxed again and I could finish die for Australia, which I had left halfway because it's really great.

trudging very lela the stairs of my building with no elevator, I opened the door the old lady who lives just below my apartment, and asked me kindly but serious, please fix my toilet cistern for tonight could not sleep a wink. I've apologized, I assured him that I did not and I promised that I would as I could.

Certainly today I saw my first lateral radiograph of the bladder of a male impressive. Not everything will be sadness. (And pulls, and you can imagine why I'm so sure it was a male and impressive).


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