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Brazil and Spain expressed strong condemnation of the coup in Honduras
June 28, 2009
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Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Sunday called for the immediate reinstatement of deposed President Manuel Zelaya as President of Honduras.
"The Brazilian Government vehemently condemns military action that resulted in the resignation of the president of Honduras, said in a statement the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil.
Meanwhile, English Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, expressed its "strongest condemnation of the illegal detention and removal" of President Zelaya.
also claimed to find a solution to replace the constitutional order "through dialogue and respect for democratic norms," \u200b\u200bthe news agency EuropaPress.
In a statement, Zapatero unacceptable that "by way of facts consummate alter the constitutional order and democratic stability in Honduras ", after it found that" there can be no solution to the crisis in Honduras out of that country's constitutional framework. "
(With information from news agencies)
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