Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What Cause Your Leg And Arm Ache

Lula and Zapatero demanding the immediate restitution of M.

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release of the Office of the Government of Honduras in the resistance Posted by

the victor manuel July 1, 2009 at 5:29 am
Posted by victor manuel
on July 1, 2009 at 5:14 a.m.
URGENT. PROCESSING FOR THE COUP THAT HAVE VIOLATED THE LAW IN HONDURAS.Micheletti, congressmen and military leaders have committed crimes at least 8.
Posted by Patricio Ramon
on July 1, 2009 at 12:34 am

on June 30, 2009 at 11:12 pm

Spain proposes EU to withdraw its ambassadors
Posted by EDUARDO on June 30, 2009 at 10:00 pm

Posted by javier lopez botero the June 30, 2009 at 9:43 pm

Diario La Prensa justifies and defends coup
Posted by javier lopez botero the June 30, 2009 at 8:31 pm - 1 Comment

Announce fiscal resources against
Posted by Coup javier lopez botero
the June 30, 2009 at 8:30 pm
Posted by jaime arevalo
the June 30, 2009 at 8:24 pm
Posted by Rafael Dieguez Carlos Batista on June
30, 2009 at 7:17 pm
Chilean Chamber of Deputies strongly rejects coup in Honduras
Posted by EDUARDO
on June 30, 2009 at 6:20 pm
Speaker of the House of chile travel to Ecuador parliamentary session which will discuss the military coup in Honduras
Posted by EDUARDO
on June 30, 2009 at 6:00 pm
Chronicle of a coup announced
Posted by Patricio Fuentes Gomez
on June 30, 2009 at 3:32 pm
Progress / Honduras: Coup repress the people Progreso

Posted by victor manuel
the June 30, 2009 at 3:20 pm

Posted by Rafael Dieguez Carlos Batista on June 30, 2009 at 2:34 pm

ALL WITH HONDURAS: support web
Posted by Cristina Baez Rosa Valdes on June 30, 2009 at 1:32 pm

The insurgents NOW OPEN TO KILL
Posted by EDUARDO on June 30, 2009 at 1:30 pm

Honduras Mail
Posted by Cristina Baez Rosa Valdes the June 30, 2009 at 1:08 pm - 2 comments

Posted by EDUARDO on June 30, 2009 at 1: 08pm

Posted by EDUARDO on June 30, 2009 at 12:53 pm
Add a publication in your blog
See all Find more videos like this on Village Correspondents may not think the same things, but we dream the same dreams. First and most of all, let me welcome you to this space under construction, if so, are an alternative space for communication that requires the voice, the idea and action of each of vosotros.Desde we launched this proposal to the comrades have not stopped to be amazed by the receptivity of the idea, which shows a latent need of spaces like these, who seek the meeting, and progress, beyond the sterile dissent, to transform Correspondents consciente.En moving the People seek the democratization of communication tools, in order to break the media blockade of the commercial media, we create new needs instead of satisfying the existing addition to getting off a globalizing discourse and standardizing that seeks to standardize thinking behind a project of the universe in which we are not looking representados.CDP as open space for alternative information, discussion and the proposal, but not only through its different sections, but through of them can articulate the specific actions in our various comunidades.Hoy CDP has a presence in more than twenty countries, we must think and act accordingly to use this diversity of views and experiences in favor of strengthening each and every one of our communities, overwhelmed by the media attack steamroller abject international chains to different economic and political empires, not to mention religiosos.Nuestra economic independence and the voluntary aspect of our project allows us to not have to answer to no power structure, although that limits our action plans, leaves your hands free to go straight to our communities, a proposed action plan, designed and executed in open discussion among the group, there's strength lies this propuesta.Somos aware of the difficulties of being present in 100% of the proposals that emerge and active society activities that arise in their daily struggle for the conquest of their rights, but we must be active enough for making strategic alliances with groups organized to ask mutual support in spreading their concerns, successes and setbacks, as the only way to generate the confidence needed to create a joint development project alternativo.Debemos daily communication with our young contributions to strengthening our communities, to reflect their realities through a photo, or scheduled informal conversation with local actors, social, political, medical, finally, to know that community that beats beneath the apparent inaction daily rate does not allow us detalle.Concebimos see communication as a human right, and therefore do not communicate with the media champions Traditional considered inappropriate at least popular action against the popular media, considering the second, and in many cases to be illegal ilegales.Cuando communicate feelings of a people, we are communing with the kidnapping of our ability to say and ser.Apostamos self-financing of alternative and community media, which work together with communities, with their spokesmen organized social groups scattered around the planet's geography, creating and proposing an unfettered communication that survive and reproduce in the media with which we have learned to live and where we have "consumed" their information products and propaganda, the which tell us to do and to think and what to buy without taking questions or reproches.Sabemos another communication is possible, as well as necessary for the construction of that new society we seek political, but it will not be such, but the support from the communication, like a building foundation were greater and more duradera.Cualquier collective project that is based on initiatives individualistic and under utilization of existing capitalist canons, the project inevitably distort construir.Es why we must be alert and ready to give our best efforts to generate debate within communities, to retrace the communication path of the fallacies that have become flesh in our communities, where they have imbued with professionalism and empty bourgeois journalist away from his people, the interests of their peers to become spokespersons for the interests that finance their supervivencia.La popular communication, training, practice and constant coordination, dissemination and analysis of the realization of small dreams and the great projects of our neighbors, must nurture those new alternative content to give life to the CDP alternativa.Cada communication should make that commitment, to the extent possible and equal to their abilities, to grow up with a community, to cover the struggles of their class brothers and seek the necessary complementarity and come to counter the fierce competition that have driven us to be the best no matter the fate of our learning semejantes.El I achieved, not should be an obstacle to my personal pride, but an instrument for the liberation of my group, and yours, and each of nosotros.Todos we are able to contribute from our experience, from our perspective, from our perception of that dream that colectivo.Salgamos bet on the street because of our cities, perhaps with a small cell with a camera to record which shows that community as a living being, ask to borrow a small recorder to record the sounds of our community, the fair on Saturday, the stories of our class fighters, the ideas of our thinkers anonymous, take a pencil, a PC, a blank sheet and shaped our thinking but getting there is not once a week, saying compartámosla to see our colleagues in dissent, in which consistent with our vision, and from there define how we can build a collective vision on the issues we preocupan.Una collective vision, alternative, popular, free and liberating, to liberate and free the conscience from the clutches of commercialism media, speech and even one of the fallacies in information Contrary to the dreams I always explotados.Víctor Manuel Rodríguez Village Correspondents Coordinator
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victor manuel
added 5 cancionesHace 3 hours
play radio interview Marcala pia Honduras - Production: Radio Ground Chile play
A coup miserable ... and dignified resistance Honduran Village - Production play
Honduran Deputy fears that "military wave" to expand in Latin America - Production: Radio Mundo Real / Uruguay play more vocals
Information June 30 - Production: More Voices Collective
victor manuel
added 3 publications in 3 hours blogHace release of the Office of the Government of Honduras in the resistance army kidnapped
Progress / Honduras: Coup suppress the Progreso people

Ray Erick Ramirez
Braga is now a member of correspondents puebloHace 3 hours Dales welcome!

Patricio Ramon said a posting on the blogHace 8 hours URGENT. PROCESSING FOR THE COUP THAT HAVE VIOLATED THE LAW IN HONDURAS.Micheletti, congressmen and military leaders have committed crimes at least 8.
This is a news department and Press Release of the Committee of Relatives of Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH). Tegucigalpa .- (Tuesday June 30, 2009) .- For the commission of crimes against the form of gove ...

EDUARDO added 5 publications in 9 hours
Spain proposes EU to withdraw its ambassadors
Chairman of the House travels to chile parliamentary meeting in Ecuador to discuss the military coup Honduras
2 more ...

arevalo jaime said
on the blog post ' Diario La Prensa justifies and defends coup' by javier lopez
botero 10 hours ago Thanks to Know your contribution today to those who betrayed the people of Honduras and good page. Invite everyone to visit it and if you know of other networks in support of the Honduran government legitimate, please place them. Viva Honduras, Vi ...

javier lopez botero added 3 publications in 10 hours
Announce fiscal resources against the Coup
Diario La Prensa justifies and defends coup
jaime arevalo
left a comment for
Correa Luz María Martínez 11 hours ago

jaime arevalo added a publication in the 12 hours
blogHace NOW THERE IS pretext GLOBOTERROR EXIT. The private media in Venezuela have maintained a steady attack against our Bolivarian Revolutionary process, especially the 24-hour channel of lies called by our people as a globe-terror. Not j. ..

Dieguez Carlos Rafael Batista
commented on the blog post ' Mail
Honduras' of
Rosa Valdes Cristina Baez 13 hours ago as Zelaya said, "... has been a hit from state to humanity. " And this humanity has said ENOUGH ... People of Honduras should be informed by the ways it will happen on the aconteciemiento Thursday ... again peoples and their leaders ...

Dieguez Carlos Rafael Batista added 2 publications in 13 hours

Roberto Díaz Fernández
commented on the blog post ' IMPORTANT INFORMATION
' of moral instability 15 hours ago
Roberto Díaz Fernández
commented on the blog post '
THE MEDIA AND THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE ' of moral instability
16 hours ago emotive words are wise and valued friend. Here in the English state media of "Grupo Prisa" frivolous talked with warmth about this blow to the Honduran oligarchy. And the media related to derechona not tell you all ...

Roberto Díaz Fernández
commented on the blog post ' HONDURAS IF' of moral instability

16 hours ago I sincerely believe my estimate that this condemnation to the terrorist strike in Honduras unthinkable not too distant past, is the result of modern times led, no doubt, the Bolivarian Venezuela. So I tell you all ...

Patricio Fuentes Gomez added a publication in the 17 hours
blogHace Chronicle of a coup announced Chronicle of a coup announced Patricio Fuentes G. The powerful storm that dropped at dawn did not let me sleep tonight, thinking about the poor dog left front My building was getting wet without being able to shelter or the people ...

Baez Rosa Cristina Valdes added a publication in the 19 hours
blogHace ALL TO HONDURAS: web support
Dear Friends, Colleagues of the Chapters of the Network of Networks in Defense of Humanity, the Ministry Culture of Cuba and Cuban personnel and organizations and international, are seeking accession to give a NO continental, world ... Roberto Díaz Fernández commented on the blog post '
Honduras' of Rosa Valdes Cristina Baez ago 19 hours
The events are very sad. All these news about violence and death in Honduras show it openly to all social actors without masks of any kind who is who, what interests they defend and represent. But the act ... RSS
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ISSUE No. 13 MAY 09.pdf
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09.pdf Download PDF version here NRO EDITING EDITION RESIST 12 No. 12 MAY 09.pdf RSS MAT drives cocoa production through project financing 439 credits were delivered and machinery amounting to 16 million Bolivars to finance about two thousand hectares of cocoa. Similarly, 236 papers were delivered regularization land. Venezuelan Oligarchy
group supports Honduran facto coup republish
The Venezuelan leader, Hugo Chavez, also lamented that the Honduran military were not placed openly on their side. PM fixed point set up in the Charneca
The head of the police force, Commissioner Carlos Alberto Meza, explained that the Charneca for being one of the sectors with the greatest incidence of crime, immediately decided to place a fixed point and patrol strength of the PM. Women INN repudiated coup in Honduras
In a red dot near the National Institute of Nutrition, workers given information leaflets on the current situation in Honduras. President Chavez: Venezuela's military revolution has no regrets
The head of State considered that the Venezuelan military face every day "to an enemy that is firing constantly, trying to affect the steps taken by the military revolution in Venezuela." Honduras de facto government extended the curfew until Friday
Despite such measures and crackdown that has left an unknown number wounded, the Honduran people have taken to the streets to demand the return to power of legítmo president, Manuel Zelaya. Iturrizaga qualified for the World Chess Cup
Iturrizaga this world to mean the second run and already start preparing for the World Chess Cup, which played in the city of Kamsthy Mantsik in Siberia at the end of this year. Socialist Market distributed over 46 tons of food were distributed more than 11 tons per point of control, marketing products such as rice, flour, soy beverage, white and brown sugar, coffee, cocoa, beans, beans, cheese and vegetables . CVA Leander made the First National Congress of Councils of workers during the conference discussed issues such as the political, economic and budgetary allocation of CVA Leander, global crisis of capitalism and its impact in Venezuela. Libraries Southern Hotel opened its doors
Alba President of the Southern Book Foundation, Pedro Pérez, said that this new library, in addition to providing access to books for readers Creole meant to serve "many travelers arriving the Hotel Alba. "
Anzoátegui: total 31 cases of H1N1 in the state Governor Tarek William Saab said that all citizens have been diagnosed quickly and treated effectively by local health authorities, which remain active epidemiological fence regional.
Zelaya popularity increased after the coup The Honduran president said that to get to Honduras to retake the presidency, will try to maintain a dialogue with opposition groups to avoid further violence in the country. Ombudsman installed first wave of human rights defenders students The Ombudsman's Office set up the first wave of students in special education, School Defenders Human Rights in Education Special Education Unit Bolivarian Maquiritare Appointed as Saul Ameliach charge of the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum In the same Gazette appears the resolution by which they terminate the functions of the city Stefano Pontesilli, as Consul General of Italy in Caracas.

part musical child reaches the Cantv Ali Jungle Heart tells the story of Ali, an Indian boy who lives deep in the Amazon rainforest. He will have the mission to go in search of his father who has gone to the capital.
Guarico: Municipalities assume domestic gas distribution in communities Gov. William Lara said this does not mean the disappearance of the private sector which corresponds to the distribution service, but on the contrary, would establish an agreement to improve supply. Unit American government is working against Micheletti The International believes that the Honduran oligarchy will yield to such pressure. "Doors in the unit of the Honduran people and their heroic capacity are key to the economic blockade by the workers strike they called." Barinas: More than 150 schools participated in "First harvest of knowledge" During the event, the group appreciated costumes, candy and dishes, maracas, four, mandolin, clay sculptures, paintings of landscapes and American heroes, among other samples craft.
Censorship Media in Honduras and Guatemala prevents
disseminate information "in Tegucigalpa is a climate of tension, marked by uncertainty, because today for the first time some media have dared to report the real situation of Honduras, very shy," she said ABN director. Vargas: Some 112 workers took to the streets to beautify
The director of the Committee on Beautification and facade of the state, Freddy Romero, inspected each and every one of the jobs in the company of Governor Jorge Luis García Carneiro. More ..
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