Saturday, July 18, 2009

Buying Matcha Green Tea In Toronto

The Media Guerrilla Radio Telesur

שלום אני מעביר לכם מכתב I got my MK Yachimovich Sshmshiachah fight the privatization of land
we can see emails also affect members of the Knesset So please - send and spread
thanks, sparrow

Hi Dear friends,

I need you very last stretch of the struggle against privatization of land!
Land Privatization forging full steam ahead to the finish line. She has already been approved for reading Second and third meeting of the Economic Committee which lasted into the night on Sunday. I was able to minimize some damage (imposing a limit on the size of the lot sold to one person, applying a duty on the minister to install a law Capital to prevent a takeover of large areas of the state lands, etc.) but this drop in the bucket overall picture has not changed - it is an irreversible tragedy, privatization of state

We left one more chance (to come before the Supreme Court petition later): The proposal should go for second - third plenum, probably on Monday. We had a few more days, trying to change The result is crucial historical moment. Our biggest problem is that the public including the media did not understand what it is and what fateful consequences of the reform.
let's change it together now Left, and come will make that Knesset members who intend to vote automatically "for" think again if it's worth their while.

How can you help?
1. Read the first page that we formulated simple messages Explains the main points of interest.
important to stick it to succeed to deliver a message consistent and clear and not disperse. Write talkbacks, raise the issue in the forums.

2. I interviewed every possible platform (Go to interview a new night - starting from the minute 20:24), and you are welcome to bomb faxes, short and clear the radio and television programs draw your attention to the importance of it.

3. You can also distribute a viral network to all your friends, ask them to spread on ... The clip specified by Itamar Cohen, and a link established to cover the events in real time,
course our site

4. Sent emails to all members of the Knesset. Try to pressure targeted members of the Knesset that you have direct access to them.

5. Press focused on the Party Work, leading to the reform, together with Netanyahu. After a canceled meeting of the faction that was supposed to take place yesterday on the reform, sent a letter Haucpter Passover Party Chairman Ehud Barak: "Regime change in the regime of sale lease cost is embezzlement in which have been brought up on it.
's basic charter is written as part of Labor Party aims" of ownership principles Nation on the ground - the state. "They also wrote to you, talk with them, tell them what you think.

If you need help telephone numbers 050-6228145 container is at your disposal
or down the privatization of land struggle land.israel @

We expected a tough battle, and be open with you: the odds are against us, but they did not reset. There are battles that must be managed in the poor prospects - simply because they are so important. Joint effort של כולנו - אולי נצליח למנוע את רוע הגזרה. אז יאללה - לעבודה!


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