Monday, July 27, 2009

Difference Between Cervical Polyps And Cancer

is alleged RECENTLY:

"The Colombian Defense Ministry also said the work of military delegates are already in Afghanistan.

They analyzed according to the Colombian experience, the best way to work in Afghanistan and the areas in which Colombia could offer knowledge engineering activities related to military, humanitarian demining, special operations and combating drug trafficking. "

Lighter impossible. Within a short time begin al Qaeda attacks in Colombia, the CIA was responsible for that, and the CIA say that Margarita is the hub of al Qaeda, the perfect match for the U.S. to increase its military presence in the region ...
organize a guerrilla media
By: Alfredo Oliva Publication Date: 10/08/2008
He said Che: "The spread of the revolutionary idea through the vehicles needed for it should be done with the greatest depth possible. This is accompanied by a team and an organization that supports it " Recently in one of the" Alo Presidente "Chavez asked the media to fight a guerrilla war's media empire and its lackeys in Venezuela. first thing that comes to mind is to invite readers to reflect on some questions and facts that are coming and which arise daily in the land of the concrete at meetings, reviews working on the street, finally, in the field of defense of the ideas and process.

There is no meeting of the Revolutionary everyday politics, where before the abuse, manipulation and Globovisión attacks against the people, the integrity of the President, against institutions, etc., Do not go to the fore the question: Who has power in Venezuela? If the radio spectrum is a finite natural resource belongs to all Venezuelans, why does Globovisión that gives the "bitch" wins against democratic institutions and promoting the assassination, with a resource that belongs to the nation? How the Government after experience before, during and after the coup of 2002, allows a television channel and promotes conspire to overthrow the Government? That is the case of television, but there is a factor that goes unnoticed and is as dangerous as the audio-visual medium: radio, there are dozens, hundreds and over radios that promote the assassination, racism, discrimination and overthrow the government and nobody does anything about it.

The Venezuelan population is subjected daily to a constant media bombardment, 24 hours, 365 days a year, psychological warfare laboratories in the U.S. and other countries, advertising agencies, contribute to the task work, to manipulate the perceptions and stimulate the conditioned reflex of 50 years of cold war, a hundred years of capitalism and 500 years of domination.

The task is clear: to highlight the bad, associate that is negative to the government, the tragedies, deaths, disasters anywhere in the world to bring them to the Venezuelan news (these are all the country's private media) and associate somehow the government and humiliate the population, work the fear and uncertainty among the population, assassinations, murders, suicides, robberies, etc. Confederates to insecurity, create a sense of chaos, lawlessness, exaggerate any weakness of the government, discredit their representatives, ministers, directors etc. Therefore it is necessary to overthrow the government, this is the logic of the oligarchy.

Another task is to obscure the work of government, opaque, extinguish medially. There is absolutely nothing positive talk from the government, monitor the work of government to discredit, to track the word of the President, in his speeches and reports to trivialize, to ridicule.

media oligarchy and empire, using the airwaves of the nation, of Venezuelans work in the disqualification of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, joining terrorism and drug trafficking.

The emphasis is on uniting the President Chavez to drug trafficking and terrorism is directly linked to what more than a year has been studied in Colombia and has just recently released: The Colombian government sent troops to Afghanistan:

"The Colombian Defense Ministry also said the work of military delegates are already in Afghanistan.

They analyzed according to the Colombian experience, the best way to work in Afghanistan and the areas Colombia could offer knowledge in activities related to military engineers, humanitarian demining, special operations and combating drug trafficking. "

Lighter impossible. Within a short time begin al Qaeda attacks in Colombia, the CIA was responsible for that, and the CIA will say that Daisy is the hub of al Qaeda, the perfect combination for the U.S. to increase its military presence in the region, maintaining the Fourth Fleet. Let this reflection of a Especialito says the Daily Clarin Argentina:

"No world power makes an important decision if there is a big reason behind. In April, the U.S. announced that tomorrow, July 1, after 58 years of inactivity, the Fourth Fleet of the powerful Southern Command, will begin to patrol Latin American waters again, this time under the command of Rear Admiral Joseph Kernan. Kernan's resume so far head up Tactics Command Naval Special Warfare is no less worrisome. The ocean belongs to the group SEAL, an elite commando with men selected for the toughest special operations, trained to act in the most adverse conditions and demanding, involving almost always isolated from their command or other units. They operated in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. The choice of Kernan to the Fourth Fleet, according to Pentagon's own admission, is absolutely unusual. This is the first time a SEAL occupies such a charge. Moreover, with this decision, the Southern Command has reached the same level of importance that the Central Command that operates with the V Fleet in the Persian Gulf. "

What reason would have to send a force U.S. so powerful naval region in peace, without nuclear power, no real military conflicts or threats?:

"They'll never admit that it is in natural resources but is not a coincidence that this decision comes when you start changing structure of the global economy in which reserves of fresh water, food and energy resources (which our region has in abundance) are positioned as an important strategic value, "he told Der Ghougassian Khatchik Clarín, a specialist on security issues at the University of San Andrés.

a shock is needed in Latin America to hide the true because of the presence of the Fourth Fleet, as expressed in the previous text and ensures that only Colombia, (A battleship Maine, the Tonkin Gulf incident or weapons of mass destruction Saddam Hussein, this time will be an al Qaeda in Colombia embassy flying X).

in this context that all media attacks with greater virulence made against President Chavez.


media oligarchy, using the spectrum of all Venezuelans, the nation, harass, attack, give no quarter, uniform information, standardize, make it continuous, as one friend motorized "these oligarchic when they have nothing they are invented. "

about a year ago, a student of history, the comrade and friend Julio Guerrero, I spoke on the subject of the Heroic Guerrilla, the Roman and Greek origins of the guerrillas, referred me to velites an infantry unit (who were recruited from the poorest sectors of society and under 25 years, which were used as "cutting edge" of the Roman legions.

the velites went ahead, its purpose was to harass, demoralize the enemy, breaking their ranks, tired, distracted, so that the true professional and experienced soldiers, acting on superiority not only tactical but strategic. To conclude his mission was to engage in battle front, and conquer or defend positions positions or territories.

Origins of the concept of the guerrillas, this took variants (according to the joints), was resistance against larger armies, became the form of struggle of peoples against invasion and against the occupying armies, it was assumed in many cases as forms of struggle of the weak against the powerful armies.

The guerrillas as a concept and content (word) was born in Spain, the Guerrilla is of Iberian origin and assumed as such in the war of independence from Spain against Napoleon's invading army, who fled Spain harassed. Then

know the content and significance of the Vietnamese and Cuban guerrilla armies as real people and linked to its importance to contemporary history. <> The oligarchic media tactic has been harassment, personal attack and discredit, the manipulation of the masses, the oligarchy seeks to permanently constructed connection between perceptions and the mobilization of the middle class and its main ally conditioned.
Media oligarchic are agitators, are the spearheads in the struggle for power, trying to stop the revolution at any cost, we still had not determined the causes of the student killings of Zulia and the media and created emotional connection matrix of uncertainty with symbols depressive black flags in Suburbia East of the city of Caracas, or in the exclusive places of the middle class in different regions of the country as anti-Chavistas emotional triggers.

The revolutionary task is to decipher the contents, find the enemy's tactics is not to fall into the trap of skirmishes media is out of action-reaction dynamics. The oligarchy has us trapped in his game, it's time to take the lead.

In this scenario permanently inscribed tactical posturing and provocation of Globovisión and its journalists, called for the assassination of the "Good Night" and the letter from the clerk of the sociologist National where with all the cynicism trivialized and calls the assassination.

They direct their messages to the entire population, but obviously focused on his political base of 4 million voters (so far hard) against Chavez.


tell us Che Guevara, Che Guevara:

"... However, the guerrilla is not that quite the opposite is the freedom fighter par excellence, is chosen the people, the fighting vanguard of the same in their struggle for liberation. Because guerrilla warfare is not like you think, a tiny war, a war of a minority group against a powerful army, no, the guerrilla war is the war of the whole people against oppression dominant. The guerrilla army is its vanguard, the army are all inhabitants of a region or country. That is the reason for its strength, its victory in the long or short, for any power that seeks to oppress, ie the base and the substratum of the guerrillas are in town.

... The guerrillas have internal discipline, born of deep conviction of the individual, the need to obey their superiors, not only to maintain the effectiveness of an armed body is composed, but also to defend itself life. Any small oversight in one of a regular army soldier is controlled by the closest companion. In guerrilla warfare, where every soldier is a group unit and is a fatal error. No one can be neglected. No one can make the slightest slip, for his life and his coworker's going at it. "

We have taken this paragraph written by Che in 1959, today met his 41 years of planting depth and orientation which suggests to support the proposal of a Guerrilla Media (taken from his writings and speeches Volume 1, Issue Social Sciences, Havana 1977). Extrapolating obviously realities and contexts, Che intends to direct all efforts Revolutionary government media to the formation of the people, their preparation, to remove the media matrices, to give tools for understanding and content analysis (prepare, organize the people politically and ideologically)

The revolutionary government must have "media Guerrillas "(in all means at our disposal) preparation, study, discipline, applied, responsible, engaged with their respective teams to attack and the media blitz.

must devote many hours of television and radio programming to training and preparation of town and Guerrilla War media, political and ideological formation, but (there's always a but ...) without forgetting, without losing sight of the audience characteristics, socio-demographic profiles, economic and cultural.

The Revolutionary Guerrilla Media will be able to identify the source and origin of the media matrix of the enemy to decipher its contents, to whom it is addressed and what are their objectives and make them understandable to the population to fight.

The Revolutionary Media Guerrilla must know very well the media (television, radio, print, Internet, etc..) Learn what they need and more.

The Revolutionary Media Guerrilla is: intelligent humor, simple, profound and destructive imperial intentions and their lackeys, it is also quality production, good leadership and excellent management of cameras, working on scripts, not improvise, take care of details study and train, to be updated.

The Guerrilla Media must be given by other actors and tools between the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), working 24 hours a day when the message arrives in the village, the party's ideological political action within the people in all social sectors, MUST CONQUER SPACE GENERATION OF MESSAGES, Content, media or communication channels, tools deprive the enemy (meaning enemy to those who have the communication domain is used for foreign and imperialist powers, and for destruction of the country, the nation, handling and foment division and hatred as if Globovisión)

The PSUV and the allied parties MUST GIVE THE BATTLE within the village, building next to this revolutionary consciousness, compression of the post-ideological political enemy and revolutionary message. The PSUV and parties allied to the revolutionary process must use all possible means at its disposal in this task, and the Revolutionary Government resourcing, funding and training opportunities and technical training for a national platform alternative communication.

And always insist that to be effective, be relevant, effective, we must never lose sight of the audience characteristics, socio-demographic profiles, economic and cultural, that is where the real battle is won communication and media in town.

The Media Guerrilla revolutionary must be creative, bold and relevant, for example is not the same to a piece of advertising, propaganda for television to film, are two means and two different emotional terms and conditions completely different audiences.


1 .-) Take pictures and audio of the televised debate of presidential candidates U.S. Barack Obama and John McCain on 07 October 2008, specifically anything related to social security and medical assistance (in the U.S. Private and discriminatory) and contrast it with the audio and video of Comandante Chávez addressing the people exposing the revolutionary program of social security and health, free to all people, opening hospitals and so on., Barrio Adentro (Barrio Adentro I: Attention primary health care. Barrio Adentro II: Hospital and rehabilitation. Barrio Adentro III: Consolidation of hospital network. Barrio Adentro IV: Specialized Hospital), in popular and middle class do different advertising pieces and spread them not only in Venezuela but in the world, send them all organized groups in solidarity with the Venezuelan revolutionary process, and of course send a lot of information our allies in the U.S. and hire CITGO in U.S. television, including CNN, in primetime, spaces to display these pieces in bilingual English-English. And why not ...? send to Michael Moore.

Objective: To raise awareness of the health revolution of the Bolivarian Government, remove the campaign against Chavez and the U.S. people have the opportunity to compare health systems and know the meaning of the Bolivarian Revolution, led by Commander Chávez.

2 .-) The President Chávez on national television is directed especially to the middle class, preceded this with a promotional campaign on national television or using the advertising space law (in content and objectives are obviously the order summary .)

3 .-) The PSUV and allied organizations must build mechanisms and process of discussion of content tools in all segments of public hearings on a daily basis, this is an ongoing and vital. A militant Revolutionary must give face to face that battle, house by house, urbanization and development, neighborhood by neighborhood, at work, meetings, any space where the reaction, the ideas exposed pitiyanquis we must respond and guide removal of its intentions. Silence or hesitation is cowardice.

4 .-) All alternative communication network of the people (community media, etc..) Should have spaces dedicated to learning and analysis of media content they are exposed and strengthen people's consciousness.

5 .-) The Media Guerrilla Revolutionary must deepen in the Dialectical Method, dialectical thinking is vital.

We get so today (urgent and immediate work) building the Revolutionary Guerrilla Media, serve this role then work as a stimulus.

The most powerful Media Guerrilla is a town with revolutionary consciousness.



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