Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How Does Joico Violet Work?

sensitive stomach REFRAIN FROM THE DEAD MOBILE FISH (especially the sea bream)

Hello fellow

of blogipecias. Back to being me. This makes it much that I went because I've been out of the game through no fault of my address. Let's see, is not giving me the drugs (at least not voluntarily, that if you've done has been by prescription) is that after nearly forty years (but still closer to thirty-five), being always sound like a golden Australian, I have a bad streak in which I have caught everything, and when I say everything just left me more rugged venereal disease.

If I have not written before because I was caught in good posture, and because we have to see what the body: taking time as I had, I have not an iota of desire. However, look at me now currando as an African-American, again without splicing insomniac centuries four hours of sleep, and back to the key that took me four lines and the metaphorical role is small and slow fingers on the keys.

If you are certain the theories of Darwin and species evolve only be based on strong, then in my family are destined to endure, because we are what we call a well organized clan with members who specialize in each discipline for which wasted more talent (like Charlie's Angels but blood relatives version). I explain: my sister is the specialist in men terribly handsome and much younger than she (Demi Moore is of the family especially with regard to its collection of Aston Kutchers), I know absurdities of dubious application (for example, did you know that most prized Peruvian guano, which would be the Channel of Peruvian guano, does not come from Peru if not Indonesia? So the next time that you have to aprovisionaros of guano, do please look at the label). And my mother is the expert of the latest saga in high technology with enough knowledge to use them (her, Inti and C of the crus are the only people I know in the whole world that it can be read, we study instruction manuals, sometimes in two or more languages). My father would Charlie to be the family, because as you know my loyal readers who still abide to the letter despite my silence, he collects only virtues.

Anyway, as my mother has no mortgage and have the means, always at the very latest technology in everything and thanks to your generosity to invest in this their habit, others enjoy ultra modern devices and MP3 unexpired, computers laptops, digital cameras and mobile phones that she constantly replenished without a pulse shake in signing Cortinglés card.

I previously had a discreet and very light with black Nokia fuchsia band, which in total measuring half a centimeter thick. My Nokia sounded powerful and it was right next to the Black Berry of gigs in the back pocket of any skinny jeans and although even if they were two. But then I inherited a nokia mobile phone and white rose about four feet wide, which opens like a sandwich with cheese stuck on the one hand, I only had first seen in Vogue and then in the hands of my mother. And I gave mine to Inti who had lost theirs to start with excess reprise his bike. The fact is that inheritance is rosísima and beautiful but it sounds so low that despite ever hear him round the neck, hitting the BB like a bell of Science Fiction because they need a fanny generous of Uralita Caminero hand to carry it around the waist. Yes, in what is effective and neither is in the alarm clock, my mother programmed with a beautiful Brazilian tune, evocative, tasty and sweet, that she woke up with very good vibes in Israel summer morning last year , and yet to me made me hate from Carlinhos Brown to the Caipirinha.

So night after night recently I went to bed without making me Longui set the alarm and willing to pass on sailing. And morning after morning, as sleepless good book, I fell asleep at the time the alarm sounded all for everyone but mine. Thanks to my convalescence, I've been doing crazy staying in bed without moving the lungs even seem not to wake up while the house was evacuated. (I notice that lately my house is evacuated very quickly, because my daughter is on vacation outside the home mother and my cat loves Machin died after having spent three hundred and twelve lives of the seven that corresponded).

But I'm not recovering and today has touched me early to go to work. Cautious and willing to give everything for me and tired of the sleepless night and its consequent circles pitching me over the years that I have, I had dinner last night shared copy the tête à tête Inti (that for which you do not know French for head to head and not what it seems) two bottles (not brick!) heladísimo Lambrusco a three euros in Carrefour (Cruella, who still runs get to the offer.) At one fell on the bed yay half and was submerged in a deep coma. But we see that need to eat at least three times as much alcohol to give my body the peace that calls me, because at about four o'clock he was already warning me again, turning first to the sixty-seven centimeters (point five) of mattress under me when I sleep together, and after a while like a lost soul in the house.

At six o'clock I gave up and went to bed. At seven I gave up and closed my eyes. A seven-room looks he gave up insomnia and fell asleep. A seven-thirty the alarm clock rang Inti (and I say that I do not even program my mine.) Ipso facto, I began to mourn and begged like a pussy bed more than half an hour. Inti deceived me, and added five minutes. A thirty-five rang again, I cried and begged Inti again and added another five minutes. A and forty rang again and already there or cried or anything, I made directly to death, so requetemetida in my paper, that while he showered, combed and dressed and I realized I did not. At eight shouted at my ear "I'm going!" And I panicked because as I'm still a little weak, I depend on your driving to save thirty-five miles that separate us from M50 both work. So knowing that in terms of timeliness man he is sharp, serious and inflexible and aware that I've spent three weeks without stepping on the office together with another six months before him and that you have not justify my salary, because most has given me a heart attack simultaneously the reflection of my feet the whole milk, shot out of bed to crash all at one with the nearest him straight: the wall.

So today I returned to the office with some circles that reached to the floor by the lack of rest, and even the table of my colleague the effect of whack. And between them, two were my eyes heriditas holding open with love of caffeine.

But anyway, and since we're talking about phones, I wish to record here some of advice that are of vital utility with respect to the use and abuse them.

goes without saying that I think is very very ugly lie and deceive the people you love besides being ugly is the best way to lie and deceive oneself. Go seguidito that lying does not mean telling all to run out pinch intimate: I assume that we are all smart necessarily at the same wise as to survive in the human jungle with discretion and consideration to others (one can announce coming from the bathroom without being obliged to make a detailed report of quantity and consistency, it depends on the taste of each.) And go a little bit after that with respect to the banner, I've long since out of the closet and I have nothing to hide from anyone, and thanks to that I can overlook my mobile phone with complete peace of mind and carefree, not as others. Some love me as I am and others not. Like everyone and live happily with it.

Remember that what you say with love observer (Sometimes in the flesh) of the stupidity of others.

unfaithful men and women who are going to ignore my advice before and you are going to give to adultery in fear of being discovered and without any intention to admit it, know that while you are mobile you may have sold. How much can you fight with some dignity the inevitable disaster.

GO ONE: The messages are deleted. It read, enjoy and erased. Do not try to memorize the words (used more in the periodic table and at this point we know not). No releáis and sole conservéis releáis and SMS Treasure flagrant. Sooner or later you will forget the phone in the wrong place and WHAM! will be lost.

GO TWO: And this is very useful for those who A) do not be able to delete the words of your beloved. B) ye bill. My friends, the Fulanito, object of your love, never be called Fulanito on your mobile: NEVER!. Must be Veronica, Carolina or Patricia. Any friend name common enough to be one or more of all female cast, but yet not on your agenda. So the message type "Honey, I burn with desire to see you and me eternal waiting until you return to enjoy you" lack of interest if you stop or come from Rebecca, rather than because of ipsodivorcio if the sender was a certain Paco or David for instance. (Digression: this is essential if you have one of those suckers bordering with adolescence, from which the mobile freak but have not yet own. No doubt that before the end of the message beep, the creature will be open and will be reading aloud in court and omitting a pepper without considering carrying ears of witnesses). Do not forget: the sender you do them. No man knows the name of whoooole our friends and acquaintances (and sometimes ourselves) and usually (except few exceptions) among us tend to be affectionate (word even when we are not thinking) .. GO

THREE: moving dirt cheap to buy a prepaid card. I will spare yourselves the bill that reflects those calls at times very strange insistently repeating always the same number while sufríais supposed horrors on a trip and / or workshop and / or family. Use them only to call the number in question and never to any other number appearing on the agenda or not in the memory of your official life. And do not cojáis affection. Prepare to took off from him saying, "Go but cool, because that is not mine" as falling into unwanted hands.

GO FOUR: If you question a number not display extreme identificáis precautions. Example: XYZ

6XX XXX: Nananino, nananino, nananinoní (It's a Nokia)
Friend A: "Yes?" - Clueless
6XX XXX XYZ: "Hi Amiga A?" - Very politely.

Friend A: "If I am" - With the guard
6XX XXX XYZ: "What have you in my Paco? And what's that you say you're going to do on the bridge in May? (1 and 2 May to coincide with weekend to the natives of Madrid, not to be confused with what looks like). As ever call me or send a message planted in your home and you out the eyes "- and self-censorship because I can imagine the rest.

In these cases it is appropriate to:
Friend A: "Excuse me?" - Leisurely
6XX XXX XYZ: "Are you the friend?" - A little pushy
Friend A: "No, why the questioner?" or "No," who called? "- wisely
6XX XXX XYZ:" I am a friend "- if you have few resources or" I am a co-worker "- if you have any more or I call the Carrefour" - whether a bug.
Friend A: "No excuse, I think that was wrong" And here

peace and then glory. The only risk is to lose an offer from Carrefour.

Finally, I insist that this is my personal observation of the circumstances of others, or themselves as Corn that has been accidentally a wrong message in wrong but reliable phone or with a common bill absolutely Mars, because when one reaches this age COLLECTION OF. But I'm sure that I need advice and experiences that you can complete yourself of your own observances.

not forget the saying that love can not last forever, but your former self.


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