Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Did The Jelly Bracletes Use To Mean?

Poetry Review in the magazine to read. Edition, January 2011.

Magazine Cover to read, number 161

thank Enrique Villagrasa, the lucid review has done, in my book Minimal Poetics in the latest issue of the magazine to read, page seventeen.
Today I bought the January 2011, at the kiosk Gran Via, and made me dream, see me in a magazine I was reading with fervor, thousands of miles away in the archive of Lima, the Cultural Center of Spain.
live in Madrid for 5 years and is the first time that I outlined in this important publication.
Step to reproduce the review:
Holy Spirit

Minimal Poetics
Declaration of Principles of a hermit
(Broken Glass). Leo Zelada
(Lima, Peru, 1970).

are poems that will touch the deepest guts and soul of the reader shivers.
The poet is clear that poetry is knowledge and his work
demiurge is a long journey in search of beauty, like a mystical act that exorcised the demons and desires
to sublimate through the word, crows night. Poetry
based on a process of self through images that make up
the sacred spirit of the poem.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Should You Wax Your Lip Before Of After Showering

2010: my literary year. Video

In short, it has been a good year. The most important was the publication of my poems Minimal Poetics in an excellent editorial, with an excellent catalog. Broken glass editions, published this year, classic poetry of the twentieth century, as Marinid Alda, WAS Merwin, Charles Simic, Ossip Mandelstam, William Wadsworth, Antonio Gamoneda, etc. Having had the honor of being the first Latin American author, English-speaking, to come out in this prestigious label.

With Broken Glass, signed Minimal copies of Poetics at the Madrid Book Fair, the stand of the library's Central, and we presented at the Museo Reina Sofía. In this collection have come out favorable reviews for English television 2 in the weekly Babelia, the daily El Pais, Madridpress, and various means of radio communication and writing. Between January and February 2011, are scheduled reviews in the newspapers ABC and El Mundo.

was also important to start with a varied selection of poetry, in the latest issue of Atlantic Magazine, perhaps the leading journal of poetry in Spain.

part in poetry recitals and presentations at the Association Writers and Artists of Spain, Fnac de Callao and Café Libertad 8. Just as I gave a lecture at the Faculty of Philology at the Complutense University on the anniversary of the poet Miguel Hernández. But in reality, there was a week that did not participate in poetry readings by different cultural institutions and literary pub Madrid.

In the now classic presentations of Hispanic New Poetry anthologies, consolidate two literary events, which had huge success in Madrid, such as, The Night of the Books and the White Night. Which took them out in the fashionable literary pub: the Blue Devils.

called also started the cycle, Madrid, New Literary Paris, with poets from five continents living in this city. Cycle that has left a beautiful virtual book, due out on 2011, the documentary film of the same name.

I interviewed in my section Aloud, the renowned English writer Carmen Posadas, Rosa Montero, Angela Vallvey, Eugenia Rico, Fernando Sanchez Drago, José Ángel Mañas, among others. News that has rebounded in major media, including English TV, newspaper El Mundo, The Bulletin of Latin American Writers in New York, The Journal Culturama, etc.

But out on the front page of daily Malasaña, I loved it. Why I feel part of this neighborhood, my neighborhood. And that was special to me. I see it as a more Madrid.

If all goes well, next year, I hope my novel edited out, we moved the film's actual poetry, put the lyrics for the CD of a rock band, among other projects.

We are in times of crisis and feel the punch. Yet, despite all the problems that are presented to one, I know I live my dream, to devote to writing. And most importantly, I have close friends who make me feel wrapped in this beautiful city called Madrid.

A hug and have fun at these parties.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Grey Walls In Kitchen

As I say one thing do the other

Topolanski Network to Lucia Frente front of the FA and other politicians to Remove the rags in the sun (which they do in parliament) the event was 2000 people, what has happened and people where this? This along with the Uruguay Artiguista Networks, proposing solutions and work in solidarity with the FA and the Socialist country that we promised, no this government does many things well, but if it supports the right thing 'running bad! Because it must be denounced foulbrood, enough political accommodations and corruption!!


"\u0026lt;p> \u0026lt;/ p>"
- Facebook

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Alan Harper Paid Per Episode

read my poem Jim Morrison, the Bukowski Club. Recording by Maxi King. He left the virtual anthology

thank Maxi King, videotape, my Bukowski poetry reading in a few weeks ago. Maxi is a writer, but also the artist who has recorded on video and photography, the best of English literature, in the second half of the twentieth century.

Maxi, has recorded major poets as Carlos Edmundo de Ory, Gonzalez, Victoriano Cremer, etc. And Maxi has been kind enough to upload my recording on You Tube. Something that according to other friends, is rare in him. Since many institutions will request their files. He rarely raises his work video, publicly. Therefore I am doubly grateful.

I hope you like my reading.

PS .- In You Tube, you can see this link for more correct:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Does Cocoa Butter Help Dark Spots

: "Madrid,La Nueva París Literaria". Pueden leer gratuitamente nuestro E-Book.

Presentation On 11 September, as part of the White Night, was held, the International Poetry Recital, entitled "Madrid, New Literary Paris. The event was coordinated by me, with the help of all These poets in this anthology. Poems were read in the original language of poets, in English, Bulgarian, Arabic, Italian, Quechua and English.

In the XXI century, migration is the great social phenomenon that crosses borders, creating new hybrid aesthetic accents and the most fascinating. Perhaps the era of avant-garde experimentation has come to an end, but was born the era of cultural civilization.

is also a fact that the rise of media culture has created ever unlimited channels of information, but paradoxically less communication than before. In this context the announcement of the end of the era of books and culture written, is that the poet rebels against the order of words and is replicated in his creative universe.

In a time now, poets from the five continents of the world have come to reside in Madrid. Thereby helping to turn this city into a new international literary capital. If before the rite of a young writer, was to go to Paris as a form of initiation into the letters, Madrid today is a new city where it stands, the new epicenter of global poetry.

On the other hand, this phenomenon coincides with that young English poets away from the peninsular poetic entertainment, both official and circuit noise of the blogosphere avant-garde poetry and lyrical performances soda, to take refuge in a voluntary self-exile and hear the language of true poetry.

Poetry therefore should not be considered a luxury item or superficiality, but an authentic manner and sense of dialogue. Poetry is a journey of self-knowledge and authentic communication.

These years have been undergoing intense poetic activity in Madrid. Especially in different cultural centers, bookstores and pubs in the suburbs of Madrid, and Lavapiés Malasaña. This proves that people have not renounced the pleasure of hearing the voice of the poet, her words, tears and sensations. So the doom of poetry to have been completely wrong. The poetry is more alive than ever.

This is only the first note on this move generations, born in exile and self-exile. Is not obvious, or associations in order to converge all its styles. Are independently poets have been learning and developing their individual texts, but are randomly interconnected. Poetry

ranging from micropoesía to neobaroc through multilingualism, pluriperspectiva of poetic, intense scream or migrant in the great metropolis. Poetics seeking a renewal of tradition. Poetry written with rigor, shivering, humor, but in turn, made with an air of freshness. A good selection of these new looks poetic, is the virtual provide in this book.

thank Charles Olsen, who has kindly offered to lay out this anthology, creating a true work of art. Viva

poetry without borders! Leo


PS. You can read the book for free by pressing this link:

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ever Got A Waiver For Eczema

How to buy the biography of Julio Bocca?

The most recent, comprehensive and objective biography of Julio Bocca appeared in Argentina in March 2007 . Was published by Aguilar under the title: Julio Bocca, life in dance.

The author, Angeline Montoya , ie I'm an independent French journalist. I lived in Argentina for 17 years.

How can buy the book today?

There are several possibilities:

In Argentina:
  • In bookstores: some are out of stock and must be ordered from the publisher, with which can take several days to get it. Still others will have on its shelves. It's a matter of asking. The more people request, more requests made to the publisher. Long as there are individuals in the editorial, no problem.
    now seems to be running the first edition. Hence two things can happen: either there is no demand and no longer publish a second edition. Those who did not buy before they can not get more. Either there is high demand, prompting the publisher to bring out a new edition.
  • Within weeks, the book will go on sale in supermarkets Carrefour and Jumbo an affordable price in bookstores. But again, when it runs out, no more.
From outside:
  • In Internet. It's the same in the libraries: if they take stock, be quick. But they have to ask the publisher and may take a while. Shipping works out well.
    can consult the list of online bookstores that sell in the right column of this blog , under the heading: "Where to Buy Online" or by looking here.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Is Imax The Same Thing As Omnimax?

Have you made rich with the book on Julio Bocca?

often ask me if I won a lot of money writing the biography of Julio Bocca. Moreover: I have alleged to have done for profit.


Nobody has asked me this book . It was from the beginning of a separate project because he wanted I maintain my neutrality and objectivity. Thus, is not the official biography of Julio Bocca , neither he nor his representative gave me a penny, not asked it either.

On the other hand, being my first book, having no advancement of any publisher. And while the editorial that I posted, Aguilar, supported me emotionally from the beginning, I did find I had to arrange for financing. But as I started the book in 2000, you can imagine that at that time in Argentina, and more so in subsequent years, it was impossible to find loans, grants or aid from any type.

Therefore, everything has been lung. I traveled to New York five times (one of whom took the opportunity to go to Florida to interview a person), once in Europe (Spain, Italy, Denmark, France), once in Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil and Russia. Of course I did not pay for all these journeys: collecting miles, I did not spend sooo silver. In most places, I was lucky to find friends I stayed with friends for free or charging a very modest pension.

Knowing that I gave up a steady job in order to have time to devote himself wholeheartedly to work and got paid just five years enough to survive with what is right, I leave the calculation of how much I spent for the completion of the book.

Now tell me, I published, and I did not pay anything for editing, distribution and advertising. From all this editorial was commissioned. Well, thank goodness ... The issue is: How much does a writer? Well
easy: wins 10% of each copy sold . The rest is divided between libraries and publishers. Does the author? Well, thank you, to have to buy copies of his own book if you want to give away: the book no longer belongs to all rights are of the publisher.

I will not give figures, only one: the books sold, regained 5% of what I invested . Net loss: a lot of money.

Eye, I'm not complaining. Make this extensive research, traveling to such countries, interviewing the likes of Vladimir Vassiliev, Alessandra Ferri, Marie-Claude Pietragalla and Flemming Flindt, go to Julio Bocca on tour for a month in Italy and France (another thing I refinanced alone), sharing breakfast, dinner, attending classes and rehearsals have been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life . And nobody takes it danced.

But I'm a little thing when I say that my intention was profit. Actually, I'd love to have won silver with it. But I knew that would not be the case, given the initial investment.

myself remember having distributed flyers to promote my book in front of the theaters in which Julio Bocca was presented. And remember a man throwing a flyer on the sidewalk muttering: "I do not know what to do to make money" ... I can not explain the frustration I felt when I heard that comment ...

Of course, when I see page of my book on Facebook (which Not the Julio Bocca page) has more than 6,600 fans , I think, hopefully the 6600 would have bought a copy!

Unfortunately, I think many of those who are fans of this page believe it is the Bocca, when it comes only modestly, to promote my book .

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Coverting A Usb Dongle To A Usb Flash Drive

¡Ha muerto el más grande poeta de España: Carlos Edmundo de Ory!

He died this morning, Carlos Edmundo of Ory, the greatest poet of Spain. A few years ago I discovered his poetry and I shivered. Since that time, all my fellow poets, I said the same, the only English poet, which could give him the title of "genius" was to Ory.

self-exiled in France, a monumental development, to try to renew the boring, stuffy and academic, English poetry of the postwar . And he did, to create original poetry, fresh and cutting edge .

not belonged to any literary shrine, was a rebel and iconoclast, until the end of his days. Perhaps because of this deep love of poetry and his reluctance to fall in the publishing market entertainment is that it has awarded the Cervantes , much-deserved, and recently the Reina Sofía , which lost the vote by one vote. So do not come now to tear their clothes, and literary widows appear for his sudden death. I appreciate you, but half, with envy, with suspicion, as if he were ashamed to say aloud, which was the greatest English poet Federico from García Lorca .

Still and all, the poetry of Carlos Edmundo of Ory, has and will always have a special place in the Parnassus of poetry.

But reality is that again, expect to die a great poet, to give full value to his work. With him gone, the last romantic poet of the peninsula. The last vanguard, the last great poet of the twentieth century in our language.

But I want to finish this small tribute, Carlos Edmundo of Ory, citing a response to an interview, which it is starkly ominous:

"Poetry is a voice from another world, a glow ... But the word is that the word of poetry is ... authentic. Those who are called poets are professionals. But the real poet is not professional ... lives only to be an instrument. I live light, although those things should not say them. Even dead I'm alive, and when in the cemetery will continue writing. " Keep writing

Carlos. Hope you are with the poets he so admired. Your loyal readers will never forget you.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Do I Need To Tape Cement Board Joints Shower

¡Gracias,Néstor Kirchner, por devolver la dignidad a América Latina!

My compliments to Néstor Kirchner, not to allow impunity for the violation of human rights in Argentina. Example, to serve as a precedent for what is not required, these crimes in Peru and the rest of Latin America. Farewell President

Monday, October 25, 2010

Is Benzocaine Cream Safe

En Voz Alta. Entrevista de Leo Zelada a Carmen Posadas: “Escribir es intentar ser un Dios”.

Carmen Posadas is one of the foremost writers in English. But in turn is an intelligent woman, stylish, intriguing. Some might compare with Gertrude Stein, and Victoria Ocampo, but the difference is that Carmen is better writer than either. Or the dazzling beauty of Eunice Odio, with I believe, has much in common.

Premio Planeta de Novela, Culture Prize awarded by the Community of Madrid. It is in the novel of intrigue and mystery where you can understand the real dimension the contribution made by Posadas, a English literature as crossed by the plane realism.

After my interview with Angela Vallvey, Eugenia Rico, Rosa Montero, Fernando Sanchez Drago, Luis Antonio de Villena and Jose Angel Mañas. Retake the section Aloud, whose interviews are published simultaneously by the newspaper Madridpress, The Bulletin of Latin American writers in New York, and my blog, where we already crossed the 180,000 visits. I share it with you this interesting interview with Carmen Posadas, at the launch of his new novel entitled "Invitation to a Murder":

1 .- When Borges, recovered at the time, which was considered a sub-genre, like fantasy literature, began an alternative claim to the dominant realism in English literature, that has not stopped yet. However, the narrative of mystery and intrigue was like the ugly duckling of our tradition, until you came, Carmen. Tell me how it was born and developed in you the passion for this genre?

A: Thanks for the super compliment! My interest in the genre is old and born of course, as a reader. Since my father was reading Sherlock Holmes when we were kids, I have not ever hand the detective genre. It is also the ideal vehicle for a proposal that I find literary ideal: it allows two levels of reading, get someone who just wants to have a good time and find out who the murderer. But also of interest to the reader more complicated, more informed you are interested to social satire, the psychological portrait and a portrait of society in which we live.

2 .- I liked when you said at a conference in Madrid, you wrote to face your ghosts, one death "Tell me about it?

A: Traditionally is said to be two themes in literature and that all others are derived from them. One is love, the other death. Love is a big issue but had enough abuse, even hackneyed. That's why I was more attracted to the death. Not by a morbid or anything like that but it is the only certainty we have.

may one succeed in life or not, fall in love or not, whether happy or not, have children or not. But what is certain is that we are all going to die, so for me is the "big" issue. Most people try to hide, to forget about death. I think that's a mistake

3 .- To a writer, even in the XXI century, difficult to get out of the molds, which are supposed to be literature written by women. The example of Sylvia Plath is the most eloquent. But there is also the case of Eunice Odio, whose beauty and talent, led at the time, that Latin American poets, they felt threatened, and therefore provoke their incomprehension Do you think that at some moments in your life, do not you did not same thing happened?

A. At the beginning of my career I had to fight many prejudices. Oddly enough people believe that prejudice was suffered only if one has a disadvantage, but it is not. In my case, my looks, my social status, etc, to no one took me seriously. They thought it was a dilettante, a bored housewife. I must say that this fact I never cared too much. Rather, it was a spur. I felt very strongly that if I kept working hard and if I had the talent, sooner or later they would recognize me. It's been a long road (and not exactly a bed of roses) but I'm pretty stubborn so I think that at last! I've got

4 .- The canon speaks, that right is to create a deep and serious literature. However, there is a rich narrative tradition of lightness, in countries like England, of which drink your best literary influences. How does this tradition adapt to your work?

A: I think, to quote Evelyn Waugh, the best way of talking more serious things is to do it in jest. In "Invitation to a Murder" talking about terrible subjects: death, children stolen, failing adoptions, immigration, etc., Etc., But all this is wrapped in a light air, humorous, like a souffle, because as I said, this time Oscar Wilde, life is too serious to be taken seriously ...

5 .- Could there bizarre influence of certain novel structure of policing in your text? I say this in the sense of vertigo, with which the skeleton arms of some of your novels.

A: I love the vertigo. Life is a permanent vertigo and literature seeks to portray, so it is. I try to structure my novels is a dizzy but never chaotic. 'm Not interested in chaos. What's more, I think that writing is precisely in order to that chaos that is life. It things are incomprehensible, arbitrary, unpredictable. The mission of literature is trying to explain all this. Of course this is not done with literature moralizing or lecturing. This is a situation to limit the reader to see portrayed in it and say, "If this is so, it happened to me"

6 .- One thing I love about your female characters, is how take the pain and tragedy, it is with a strange mixture of absurdity, doom and gloom. Trapped in a labyrinth of passions which can not escape How is your relationship with your characters?

A: It's a strange relationship. The topic is that the characters are as children of one but not true. Between my daughters I do not differences, I like, I try to help the same. With my characters on the other hand I am very whimsical, something of a God very arbitrary. A few want more than the others, except one the others and condemn them. I have no qualms with them. It is ugly to say, but writing is trying to be a god. Some writers are good gods trying to create a better world than there. I'm not always good. Sometimes I think the world is merciless, but because life is merciless, the rest are novels pink. Now yes, many times but my characters at the last moment, I like to copy the guffaws of laughter destination but also those sometimes do to win the good at the end of the story.

7 .- I see you are fan of beauty, and I see poetry in your prose. What is beauty Carmen Posadas?

A: Phew! That difficult question. For starters, the beauty is an arbitrariness is an injustice. Why a person is beautiful and others not? Why a book is full of talent and a lack of it? We can say that there are two types of beauty. What one enjoy (nature, the sea, poetry, etc..) and another one suffering (physical beauty of someone who misuses it, one tries to catch writing and fails.) One gives you much happiness and luck is also everywhere. Enjoy it and forget the other ...

8 .- Can we say that beyond the clichés of the script and the description of high society you do in your books, your writing is a subtle critique of impunity?

A: Yes, I love that you've realized that. We all like to be unpunished, is an aspiration among children and inevitable. I really resent the people who think he thinks unpunished is not accountable to anyone for their actions ... Are great selfish. But that is also used literature to "punish" unpunished. If life does not, I do at least the literature (and sometimes that punishment may be greater than it seems)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

How To Delete Saved Files On Spsphone

Madrid, La Nueva París Literaria

Leo Zelada (Peru), Zhivko Baltadzhieva (Bulgaria), Lawrence Schimel (NY-USA). Romero Federico
Galán photos

the 12th of October, was carried out, the International Poetry Recital, entitled "Madrid, New Literary Paris.

In a time now, poets of five continents world have come to reside in Madrid. Thereby helping to turn this city into a new international literary capital. A good selection of these bards, is the toast in this recital.

poems were read in the original language of poets, in English, Bulgarian, Arabic, Italian, Latin American and Castilian Quechua.

Participon: Leo Zelada (Peru), Lawrence Schimel (USA), Valerio Cruciani (Italy), Rodrigo Galarza (Argentina), Zhivko Baltadzhieva (Bulgaria), Mouhsen Najim (Iraq), Charles Olsen (New Zealand), Lilian Pallares ( Colombia) and me.

The event was coordinated by myself, and had the backing of Bolo, to be held in Caps and Images.

This is the first recital, of a cycle that will do for various cultural centers and pubs in Madrid.

Florida Morticians Licensing

SODRE Julio Bocca brings the festival of Havana "Our Waltzes"

HAVANA (AFP) - Famed former Argentine dancer Julio Bocca is one of the special guests of the XXII International Ballet Festival of Havana, which presented the piece "Our Waltz" with the company Uruguay ballet handling, reported Wednesday a local official.

"We'll have to Julio Bocca, who no longer dances, but just assumed the leadership of the Sodre Ballet Nacional (Uruguay), and come with a beautiful work his dancers, which is' Our waltzes," said historian Ballet Nacional de Cuba (BNC), Miguel Cabrera, in the TV program "Mesa Redonda", dedicated to the Festival.

"is a classic work of Vicente Nebrada (1930-202), with music by Teresa Carreño. That is, an American imprint, "Cabrera said, noting that the festival will be held from October 28 to November 7, will be devoted to the director of the BNC and Cuban legend dance, Alicia Alonso, who turns 90 in December.

Bocca, who was dismissed from the scenes of Cuba in 2006, performing "Bocca Tango" was withdrawn a year later, after a public spectacle with more than 300,000 people facing the Obelisk of Buenos Aires, and debuted in August as director Uruguayan art company, with the classical piece "Giselle."

The historian said the participation in the event for the first time in 50 years of American Ballet Theatre in New York and figures of the New York City Ballet, in which Alonso began his career as a classical dancer in the U.S.. "They will also be figures from the Royal Ballet of London, Inglés National Ballet, the Compania Nacional de Danza of Spain, the Munich Ballet, the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires, Teatro Teresa Carreño de Venezuela and the Berlin Opera" said.
And if you want to know more about the story of Julio Bocca with the International Ballet Festival of Havana and its special relationship with Venezuela, do not hesitate to buy and read his biography, Julio Bocca, Life in Dance .

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Famous Modernceramic Artists

"Bocca, inappropriate" means a notice published in the weekly Julio Bocca

Posted by Gustavo Escanlar - Weekly Search - 14.10.2010

The most successful of this government, the wisest, the most important, most valuable, was to be put before the Sodre Ballet Julio Bocca.'s what should be done in all areas: to the best, wherever it comes from, whoever they are, no matter what. On TV, in football, in theater, music. Although it cost a lot of money, which is not the case, at the bottom of this type of contract end up being an investment. As taught, so that you learn from them, the way they turn their heads. You learn just by looking at them working, move, talk. You need one, ten, thousand Julio Bocca in front of public and private cultural divisions. And, Bocca announces sponsors, and spectators.

How many people went to see the Sodre Ballet in the last ten years? Probably fewer than those who went to see him in the eleven historic features that gave Giselle, who is touring the interior. Ballet is the most-watched national history.

Of course, nothing is perfect. Much less in Uruguay. On August 26, a union as the audience left without Giselle. Is suspended for failure. Bocca wanted to make the function even against the provision of trade unionists. But at the request of the board of Sodre who refused to rock the boat, the function was suspended. Later, Bocca said: "That was the first and last time. If I cancel again is because the theater collapsed. If not, do function as. and if not, I leave home very quietly. "

That is, the type is not for nonsense. And he thought what most people think: you can take industrial action and union without affecting the audience. As easy as that. Or so difficult in the case of Uruguay.

Sodre For unionists, the Bocca said were virtually a declaration of war. Joselo vivillos Lopez did in "The Observer". With the impunity that characterizes him, he asked, with that half smile reserved for winners when they get sloppy, "Who? "Julio Bocca? Did not Julio Bocca danced? "

If COFE deliver a moron of the month award, I would Joselo Lopez for these statements.

Furthermore, the delegate of the board of Afusodre, Atilio Pick a name that comes to mind when talking about uruguayez, told El Pais that "if Bocca continues to believe the same may not be the right person for this country. "

See? See? Have to admit, there is reason Spike: seeing the body and consistency of this association is quite clear that Bocca is not the right person for this country.

anyone who cares about excellence, not the perks? Is clearly not the right person for this country.

Someone who does not ask where someone was born, but what good is it? Is clearly not the right person for this country.

anyone who wants to work? It is quite clear: it is the right person for this country.

anyone to do work to others? As you said Spike: It's not the right person for this country.

Someone who respects the opinions of others but that also calls itself respected? Obviously not the right person for this country.

Someone who is number one, you are in prime locations worldwide art? But clearly not the right person for this country. Someone who

convene spectators and sponsors, leading people to do first-class entertainment? But no, gentlemen ... this is not the right person for this country!!

anyone disciplined and to impose discipline?. It is not the right person for this country.

A creative?. It is not the right person for this country.

From this humble column appreciate the brutal honesty and Spike Lee. They themselves are the right people for this country.

They who attach more importance to their privileges as all other thing, yes these are the right people to that country. They always want to work less while earning more, they themselves are the right people for this country. They

that shit on the consequences of their actions and their arrest, they themselves are the right people for this country.

They cataloging of sheep who do not think like them, they themselves are the right people for this country. Them, taking hostage the rest of their compatriots, they suck the blood, which no longer a single one of their privileges, they themselves are the right people for this country. Inadequate
Bocca and Forlan, who play to win. Tan

appropriate as it would take to put Julio Bocca and Abigail, who is militant and companion and days will not stop hanging out with nonsense.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mobile Dongle Unlimited Hack

Search unleashes controversy by not participating in a general strike in Uruguay

Montevideo, Oct 7 (Reuters) (Image: Álvaro Twin) .- The Uruguayan president José Mujica faced today its first 24-hour general strike called by the country's main labor union to demand better wages and a bigger budget for education, health and housing, a protest was broad in some sectors and in which there were no incidents. EFE TV
\u0026lt;a href = " vid = 16f52a75-deb6-4fd3-bfc7-1448ffe1d693 & from = en-us & fg = dest " target = "_new" title = "Julio Bocca unleashes controversy by not participating in a general strike in Uruguay"> Video: Julio Bocca unleashes controversy by not participating in a general strike in Uruguay \u0026lt;/ a>

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Am 17 What Will Arginin Do

The day she shouted " ram Julio Bocca to break the general strike in Uruguay

Julio Bocca challenged Uruguayan workers who met a general strike against government Mujica and amid the protest made a ballet. Street response was blunt: "behaved like a ram (scab).

written by Latin American Abstract
The famed former ballet dancer led a protest among the general strike in Uruguay
MONTEVIDEO - The famed former dancer Julio Bocca, director of the National Ballet of Uruguay Sodre, conducted in Montevideo on Thursday night at a dance performance, marked by demonstrations and protests in the first 24-hour general strike against the leftist government of President José Mujica.
Two thousand spectators, including many senior officials and former government of José Mujica tupamaro packed the auditorium Adela Reta to witness the staging of the ballet gala consisting of the parts "Raymonda" "Our Waltz" and "Double eighth, under the direction of the Argentine master.
Around the room, behind a security fence guarded by 80 policemen, about 300 workers from different unions marched in protest to the show be realized in a day of closure, and alleged threats against officials PSB and Shows (Sodre).

"For the Sodre Ballet no 'bale' close Julio Bocca," read one banner displayed on the site, referring to the director who has threatened to resign if a measure of association again affect one of its functions.
Minister of Education and Culture, Ricardo Ehrlich, one of the spectators at the gala, described the situation as "particular and unusual" to raise "concerns and tensions in a time of general unemployment, we respect a lot in Uruguay, and also coincide with a ballet performance that generated a popular response very important."

However, Ehrlich said to AFP that the situation "does not threaten" the continuity of Bocca in office, because it is "fully committed" to the cause and that the existing differences "will be resolved a context of dialogue where they can be different views. "

On the other hand, members Confederation of Civil Servants of the State, the Association of Sodre and the only trade union PIT-CNT, listed the development of the function as a "provocative demonstration of the union movement."

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Diazepam Gives Me A Headache

Mario Vargas Llosa no se merecía el Nobel...

now, but long before, when he wrote well. My relationship with Vargas Llosa is contradictory. Like the first part of his work. Novels as The City and the Dogs, Conversation in the Cathedral or The End of the World War, are reason enough, what he is given the Nobel, a couple of decades.

But the Nobel, it comes when you are creative slump. His later novels say, had been poor and disappointing. I could mention in this decay his narrative, the following books: The Notebook of Don Rigoberto, Who Killed Palomino Molero?, Paradise in the other corner.

Well, beyond my differences with Mario Vargas Llosa, who obtained the Nobel Prize for literature, is a tribute to a man passionately devoted to literature, and literature in English.

I have the pleasure, through his son Alvaro, having talked with Mario alone, three hours at his home in Barranco. He was cordial and friendly. I remember we talked about San Marcos, on the History of Mayta on my novel, among other things. I asked him to rectify his opinion on the University of San Marcos, in his ill-fated Book The Fish in the water, which stated that in the early 90s, was dominated by terrorist subversion. I pointed out otherwise rather Sendero Luminoso, had been defeated in student elections, he promised ground, but never did. From there, we've seen a couple of times in Madrid. But I do not like its reactionary ideology, I do not like his new works, I do not like their racist attitudes, I do not like what it has become. Today could be opportunistic and get on the bandwagon of those who applaud him. But not me.

Some bloggers and writers now, I polish the shoes with their praise, with the hope that they can help their poor literary careers. But beyond those that have bootlicking vocation.

Hopefully, this award makes him regain the verve that has lost to the novel.

The characters in the novels of Vargas Llosa fascinated me, in that mythical first time, are on the left, than it is now.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

10000845638 Juliusz Mroz

Prevent union mobilization for ballet performance directed by Bocca

Montevideo, Uruguay (UD) - The Confederation of State Officials (COFE) held a demonstration on Thursday during a presentation in the auditorium Adela Reta Sodre, entertainment Gala ballet by artistic director Julio Bocca.

The possible hiring Sodre address of a private company to attend the show instead of division officials, angered the union, according to newspaper El Pais.

Meanwhile, the guild said Afusodre Ballet Gala day of the strike would be made to recruit private pay National Corporation for Development and using contract staff, in many cases, irregular conditions.

even claimed that there would be pressure against artists and technicians to collaborate with the function.


Leaders of the Confederation of Workers and Employees of the State (Cofe) forecast on Thursday a union mobilization during the presentation of "Ballet Gala", directed by famous former Argentine dancer Julio Bocca.

The measure of association will be held in the framework of a general strike for 24 hours activities provided for the leftist labor union.

mobilization to the Electrical Official Broadcasting Service (Sodre), in which audience will be the role, she was admitted on Wednesday Cofe Secretary General, Jose Lopez, on the radio.

The issue involves a delicate situation, because the August 26 Sodre had to suspend a ballet performance by another strike union officials and Bocca said it was the "one last time" that it was suspending one function industrial action because he had the right to work and could not harm the public.

union leaders Sodre Cofe and told him that if he did not like to leave, to which Bocca said in anticipation that another suspension if he resigned upon completion of his contract in December.

Bocca, who settled in Uruguay, was hired in May by the government to lead the official ballet and had outstanding performances with a recent tour inside the country.

not known the extent of the measures Sodre unionists plan to conduct on Thursday during performances of "Ballet Gala", which began late Wednesday and spread to 10 of this month with five scheduled shows .
AP - The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bio Sculpture Toronto

Julio Bocca believes that new dancers are more concerned about Facebook that Nureyev Ballet SODRE

Madrid, 30 sep (EFE) .- The dancer Julio Bocca decided in 2007, after 27-year career, she would only step on the stage to "salute at the end" but that does not mean your life not dance and does not understand why people start being "more concerned" to see who raises more photos to Facebook that "Nureyev know.
Bocca (Buenos Aires, 1967) arrived yesterday in Madrid where he now gives, in the Canal Companies, a master class and gives a lecture to return tomorrow to Uruguay, where he runs this year from its National Ballet, a "challenge" to whom he dedicated all his "passion and energy," says in an interview with Efe.

"The truth is that it has been a strong coincidence that I was from Montevideo, where he lives since 2007 - amid controversy over statements by my right not to make the strike there and landed here in the middle of another general strike, "acknowledges that by December will also responsible for the Ballet Argentino.

"Just say my personal opinion," says the headline that summed up the situation with a "Julio Bocca challenges the guild."

The truth is that he refused to cancel again a function by a strike, he had done on August 26, and warned that if the company could not act and perform "Giselle" was the day of arrest suitcase and turned, "so quiet" home.

But everything is back to their beds, the call has changed from day 6 to day 7 and the company has decided maintain all its functions, "and charging normally."

is poured into the "rebirth" of the Ballet of the PSB and Shows (SODRE), which celebrates its 75 years, and admits that "there are still plenty of things to do" but that the company is " very excited and dedicated. "

Since he took office effective June 1, Bocca has been able to mount eleven functions of "Giselle", which saw 22,000 people Montivedo, "an unprecedented success, and set up a tour of the interior of country for the first time in 50 years, "devastated."

Two hundred
functions in 100 cities a year on average and thousands of hours of testing and bar in his career have made it very clear to Bocca which means "the culture of effort."

"We have had to explain to the dancers on tour are not always given the same conditions because someone complained that he had been cold in the room and I would say, 'OK, you're SODRE dancer but for a your cold day nothing happens, think of the people who live like this all year. "

regrets that those who start in a profession that he loves "above all" not aware that "you have spend all day rehearsing, making classes, improving, because this is a short race where if you delay you're finished. "

is beginning to take her taste for teaching, and even accuse him of" hysterical " and "demanding" no eyebrow in ensuring that their students are "concentrated", attentive to your instructions every second.

"You have to pamper them to focus and it seems normal to discuss. It's all so individualistic ... Have much information but at the same time fully dispersed and are more concerned to see who raises more photos to Facebook that Nureyev know the story of 'Giselle' or 'Romeo and Juliet ".

However, precisely, his company walks to where he wants to go, and can boast that is beginning to mount next week" The Swan Lake, "which premieres in December.

The next year, after traveling to Cuba Festival will begin with "A Streetcar Named Desire," a "Corsair" complete and a tour in July in Italy and Spain on which is laughs, not to letting go.

Concha bellies.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mixed Drinks With Gin And Kahlua

Vídeos de la Jam Sesions Internacional de Poesía por La Noche en Blanco.

With Villo Argumanez, we have a video recording of the poetry reading of La Noche en Blanco. This first International Poetry Jam Sesions confirms to Madrid, as one of the literary capital of the world. We

a virtual book, with texts of the poets who participated in that magical night. And a blog. Is well written and graphic record of the birth of a new generation of poetry, with poets from five continents, the vast majority reside in Madrid.

In these first videos can listen to the following poets: Enrique Gracia Trinidad (Spain), James Womack (England), Izara Batres (Spain), Lawrence Schimel (USA), Sofia Rhei (Spain) Rodrigo Galarza (Argentina), Nuria Villaspre Ruiz (Spain), Giovanni Collazos (Peru), Barbara Ouka Leele (Spain), among others. As you will see all the videos I'm the moderator.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Does A Wireless Scanner Need A Port

free act Oct. 6

Uruguay National Ballet, directed by Argentinian Julio Bocca, will perform for free on Wednesday October 6 in Montevideo, at a time when you perform a 24-hour general strike of labor union PIT-CNT.

This will bridge the differences that existed between the parties and led to former Argentine dancer threatened to resign from coupe since March.

Bocca was upset on August 26 had to cancel a performance due to a measure of association and is now approaching another protest that disrupted his plans to meet the year's programming.

However, there were efforts in speaking to the president, José Mujica, who backed Bocca and said, if necessary, speak directly with the union, which also filiated dancers in the company.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pokemon Shiny Gold Vba For Mac

Leo Zelada: Reportaje en el Periódico Somos Malasaña. Madrid.

is the fourth time, I leave the cover in a newspaper of Spain. The latter, released in the newspaper we Malasaña:

Step to reproduce the text of the story, which I did for this newspaper in my neighborhood, Malasaña: Leo Zelada

"In Malasaña break rock and poetry." By Jose Naveiras


Malasaña Leo wanders always accompanied by a bunch of people (many of the female gender.) Serious gesture and in winter almost always embedded in a classic trench coat. He is a remover of consciousness, a lover of rock'n'roll, a philosopher, a poet.

Great talker, sometimes irascible genius and always figure. Leo Zelaya has become its own right, a character in the night de Malasaña y mucho más de los círculos literarios de Madrid. Es uno de los grandes organizadores de eventos poéticos de la noche madrileña y con especial incidencia en Malasaña. Punto de referencia, punto poético y punto personal.

Leo Zelada y Malasaña:

Malasaña es mi barrio. Desde que pise estas sus calles, sentí instantáneamente que estaba en casa. Dicen, que cuando uno tiene su bar conocido, es que esa ciudad, te empieza a pertenecer. En mi caso, mis bares favoritos están en esta zona.En Malasaña respiro rock y poesía. No hay una semana donde no este leyendo poemas, ya sea en el Bukowski Club, como ahora en Los Diablos Azules.Siempre recordaré Bookseller The double-armed bandit, where you could take a tea in the afternoon, while one was reading poets admira.Mis Malasaña memories are cherished, a performance by The White Night in the Plaza San Ildefonso. Bohemian marches by Angie and Mercury. My excursion into the Remember ... I am a stateless person and yet the passion of the night, I found under these accomplices faroles.Haciendo a variant of a famous American poet, I can say: America is my country, my city and Madrid Malasaña my neighborhood.

PS .- And on this link, you can read my poems, they select to complete the story:

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wireless Adapter Pokemon Mac

Julio Bocca, Uruguayan unions angry

Julio Bocca, the new director of Ballet Official Service Broadcasting, Broadcasting and Entertainment (SODRE) in Uruguay, Uruguayan railed against the union COFE it intends to strike in October that could affect the functions of ballet. Bocca even threatened to leave the direction of the company, whose members joined the strike, if the functions are affected.

tells DPA: First
a series of strikes planned by the union government officials, which also affect dancing bodies, Bocca has just warned that respects the guild and it is their right to strike, but noted that he also has the right to work if you want do so. Bocca

faced on 26 August, the first strike forced the cancellation of a performance by the ballet "Giselle." Then he said: "This is the first and last time. Another do not cancel. If I cancel again, is because the theater collapsed. If not, do function as ".

Today SODRE Vice President, Jorge Bruni, came out against these expressions of Argentina and recalled that the address of the decision maker and the Argentine artist can not speak on behalf of managers.
"The SODRE serves, not the service SODRE Julio Bocca" , said Bruni, who nevertheless expressed complimentary concepts into the work of professionals. Speaking to news portal "" said his arrival at the National Ballet was a "fundamental change" to the body.

Bocca relations, the union and SODRE will be tested again on 6 and 7 October, when the union of state employees make a new 24-hour strike which adhered Bocca's company.
is not the first time that Julio Bocca, who said several times to admire Mauricio Macri, show their opposition to the union movement. His relations with the Teatro Colón were always tense precisely inside the coliseum seizures Argentina.

can hear about a very interesting debate in the Uruguayan radio here.

Friday, September 17, 2010

My Friend Dick Is Out Of His Boxers

My book, available at the Library of Congress Bocca

My book on Julio Bocca, Life in Dance, is available in the catalog of the Library of Congress of Argentina .

I can ask there, filling out the form that can be loaded here.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

How To Cite A Television Clip

Entrevista de Antonia Bocero a Leo Zelada.

Federico Romero Galán
invite you to read the interview I made the poet and journalist Antonia Bocero on his blog called "Opinion"

spent playing the same:

Leo Zelada, in twelve questions

Question - Having been born in Peru, what human adventure led him to leave their land?
Answer - I do not feel part of the country called Peru. My country is the world. I do not believe in borders. However, I love the earth I was born, I'm steeped in it, I Cantolao salt on my skin. But I'm a nomad. The journey is my passport identity.

Q. - As someone who has traveled, what you learn from this experience to his poetry?
A. - I have an intuition confirmed. Life is an unpredictable adventure, a highway, whose stage varies every second.

Q. - When did you take the decision to settle in Madrid, and what encourages him to it?
R. - I was encouraged by the fact of seeking a cosmopolitan city to live. New York and Paris liked me, but I fell in love with Madrid just saw. It is a metropolis and a neighborhood at a time. It is a multicultural city is not, but intercultural mostly people here likes to integrate. Madrid is a city of immigrants from different parts of Spain and the world. Hence the spirit of camaraderie that permeates the streets. I had the vision to see that Madrid would be the new literary capital of the world.

Q. - What led him to consider in what poets mean by damned?
R. - When I was young, my dream was to be as Rimbaud, Baudelaire and Bukowski. So I took a life of excess. This, together with the radical poetry of my positions, caused the Latin American press I renamed it that way. I do not disown what I was. I am now closer to the mystical. More serene. I follow the path Dragon.

Q. - What you meant to translate a poet like Arthur Rimbaud?
R. - I rushed the audacity to translate some poems of Rimbaud, with the help of a friend of French poet. I did it because I did not like the versions of the poems that I liked him. Translate was contemplating an epiphany.

Q. - Do you think you left some influence?
R. - Maybe it was not to cease the search for my style. My voice of fire. So I had to destroy the tradition.

Q. - How is poetry today?
A. - There are very few poets who can be considered geniuses. I see many people or academic snob, which actually destroy the spirit vital poetry. However, I have the certainty that some colleagues poets, programs or manifestos, we will renew the XXI century poetry.

Q. - Do you think the poet writes for himself?
R. - This is one of the biggest lies. Anyone who writes, dreams at least someone, one reader, I can get to read.

Q. - What the poet away from mainstream audiences?
R. - The language stiff and boring. His language away from the ordinary citizen. Your failure to connect to the other. Most poets today are autistic.

Q. - What do you have in mind to consider how to achieve one of his poems?
R. - I do not think the poems round or achieved. I think that a poem will touch the guts and soul. Poetry is shivering.

Q. - Do you think that poetry, besides having a communicative purpose, must have some aesthetic intention?
A. - I think I always have to be renewed, which is the best tribute that can be made to the tradition. Write to be a pastiche of the classic does not make sense.

Q. - Are you preparing a forthcoming book?
R. - I'm writing a novel about Madrid now. I am ordering a book of short stories. Ibn researching Zaydun, Santok and Inka Garcilaso de la Vega. Translating Keats. And writing poetry, as always. I am dedicated to literature 24 hours day. I write until my dreams.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What's Not Good For The Unborn Baby?

Gran Jam Sesions Internacional de Poesía por La Noche en White. Minimal

As part of the White Night, was held last night Sesions The Great International Poetry Jam, is a large show with the best English poets, Latin Americans and Europeans living in Madrid, showing that Poetry has no borders. Poets of the 5 continents and 17 countries.

thank all the poets and word lovers who packed last night the Blue Devils, the literary pub Madrid fashion. 3 hours non-stop poetry. We start at 11 pm, and ended at 2 and 30 in the morning. They read their poems

: Sophia Rhei (Spain), Leo Zelada (Peru-Spain), Barbara Ouka Leele (Spain), Angel Petisme (Spain), Enrique Gracia Trinidad (Spain), Raquel Lanseros (Spain), Estelle Talavera (Spain-France), Laura Cancho (Spain), Veronica Aranda (Spain), Lawrence Schimel (USA) James Womack (England), Peter Wessel (Denmark), Charles Olsen (New Zealand), Valerio Cruciani (Italy), Najin Mouhsin (Iraq), Zhvika Baltadzhieva (Bulgaria), Valentina Trio (Italy), Rodrigo Galarza (Argentina) Lilian Pallares (Colombia), among others. The event was broadcast live for all the world, via the channel of poetry.

has been exhausting, but I'm happy for organizing this event. I am told that there was much people who stayed in the street and could not get why I fill the local.Me was delighted that many of the readings were found in their original language.

Madrid is the new literary capital of the world. Viva

poetry without borders!